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HomeHealthAre Avocados Good For Your Cholesterol

Are Avocados Good For Your Cholesterol

What Type Of Cholesterol Do Avocados Contain

Are Avocados Healthy & Can They Spike Your Cholesterol? Dr.Berg


Avocados are considered a higher fat fruit however they contain mostly healthy fats, are cholesterol free and high in vitamins and minerals as well. One whole California avocado averages 20 grams of fat, but the fat is mostly monounsaturated and the remainder is about 2g of polyunsaturated and saturated fat each. Monounsaturated fats are important for heart health. LDLs and HDLs are made by your body based on the foods you eat they are not in the food themselves. The suggested serving size is only about 1/5 of an avocado. That is only 4 grams of healthy fat per serving! Avocados are very versatile, try them in Avocado and Blueberry Fruit Salad, Tuna Pasta Salad w/Avocado, or visit our recipe page for more ideas.

Good Cholesterol And Bad Cholesterol: Whats The Difference

There are two types of cholesterol: Low-density lipoprotein and High-density lipoprotein . LDL cholesterol is considered to be bad for your body because it carries cholesterol to your tissues such as arteries.

If there is too much cholesterol in your blood, the excess may get trapped in your artery walls. As this builds up it is called plaque and can narrow your blood vessels. This process can happen to blood vessels anywhere in your body. If it happens to the blood vessels bringing blood to the heart, which are called coronary arteries, it may prevent the blood from bringing enough oxygen and nutrients to the heart. Additionally, cholesterol may build up to become plaque, which can burst when unstable and then cause a blood clot to form, leading to a heart attack.

In contrast, HDL cholesterol moves freely through the bloodstream and doesnt gather against the blood vessel walls. Instead, it tries to remove LDL cholesterol, brings structure to your cell walls, and reduces your risk of heart disease. Without HDL cholesterol, each cell in your body will struggle to function.

Effects Of Avocados On Cholesterol

Avocados directly impact the cholesterol levels in human body despite the fact that it does not contain any dietary cholesterol.

Avocados and avocado oil are high in a heart healthy fatty acid named monounsaturated oleic acid thats also a major component in olive oil. Oleic acid in avocados is believed to be responsible for some health benefits.

When you eat avocados regularly, it will not only reduce levels of bad cholesterol, but also elevates the levels of healthy HDL cholesterol in your body. This is why, the daily dose of this healthy fruit is considered highly beneficial for our health.

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Avocado Good For Your Kidneys

Avocados help you maintain the health of your kidneys. It can balance out the minerals and fluids in your body, which is really handy if you suffer from a kidney disorder.

Avocados are also very rich in potassium. This is pertinent because this mineral helps your body maintain its fluids and channel them out of the body when they are not required. When these fluids are balanced, your kidney functions at an optimum level as it is responsible for moving out the fluids and toxins in your body.

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Avocado Cholesterol &  A Healthy Diet

A 2015 study from Penn State University found that obese or overweight people had a 50% drop in LDL levels after following an avocado-rich, low-fat diet for five weeks. An earlier study from Mexico reported that a similar diet in healthy people with mild hypercholesterolemia reduced total cholesterol by 17% and “bad” LDL cholesterol by 22% after only seven days.

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Avocado Good For Your Liver

Your liver is an extremely essential organ and determines the health of your entire body. This is why it is vital to take care of it well. Avocados can help protect your liver from damage. This is mainly because they help tone up the liver, which means that it secretes bile and gastric juices properly and on a regular basis. This goes a long way in preventing it from damage.

Where Do Your Avocados Come From

With the increasing demand for avocados, its important to consider the source as well as other issues surrounding the massive growth of avocado consumption.

The majority of avocados consumed by Americans come from Mexico.

In 2017, the country exported more than 1.7 billion pounds of Hass avocados to the U.S. Given the exponential rise of the industry, particularly in Mexico, many are concerned about its role in deforestation and increased greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition, according to The Smithsonian, the popularity of Hass avocados is creating a monoculture, where native varieties of avocado are being cut down and replaced with Hass trees.

So what can you do?

To vote with your dollars against a future of monocultures of Hass avocados, consider giving another avocado variety a try! Also, buying U.S. grown avocados helps minimize transportation distance and greenhouse gas emissions.

If youre in Florida, California, Hawaii, or a tropical country, youre likely to find some other options at your local farmers market or sustainable grocer.

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Are Avocados Good For You If You Have High Cholesterol

People often picture cholesterol as fatty deposits in their bodies, a harmful substance that can increase the risks of a variety of health troubles, including heart attacks or strokes. True that the elevated cholesterol levels are a bad news.

Millions of individuals, including children, adults and aged have unhealthy levels of cholesterol. Then why should you ask yourself that Are avocados good for you if you have high cholesterol?. Check it out!


The Effects Of High Triglycerides

What Happens to Your Cholesterol if You Eat Avocado

Abnormal triglyceride levels may promote the process of atherosclerosis, which refers to the build up of fatty materials called plaques on the walls of your arteries. Atherosclerosis restricts the flow of blood to your organs and maximizes the risk of heart disease, stroke and heart attack. Common causes of elevated triglycerides include obesity and metabolic syndrome — conditions that can pave the way to heart disease and stroke. Health conditions that affect the way your body uses fat for energy such as kidney or liver disease, low levels of thyroid hormones and poorly controlled Type 2 diabetes can disrupt the balance of triglycerides.

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Other Health Perks Of Avocado

Adding avocados to your diet may help you look better on the outside too. Avocados contain oleic acid that nourishes the skin, making it soft, supple and healthy. The oleic acid in avocadoes also helps preserve skin elasticity and hydration.

Being one of the best natural sources of the antioxidant vitamin E and carotenoids, eating avocados regularly may also lower the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, two common causes of visual loss. Antioxidants help offset oxidative damage from sunlight to the light-sensitive retina in the back of the eyes, acting as a sort of sunscreen for this delicate structure thats so critical for vision.

Avocados Have Many Vitamins And Antioxidants These

Avocados also have many enzymes and vitamins that are good for your health such as vitamin C and E, potassium, and many antioxidants. Also, they are very high in natural fiber with about 7% of their overall content being fiber. Fiber turns to a paste like material in the colon and acts as a sort of sponge to soak up excess cholesterol, and this is another way that avocados can help to lower your cholesterol.

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Avocados And Cholesterol Are They Good Or Are They Bad

Avocados and cholesterola very popular topic these days, yet its one of the most misunderstood fruits out there.

Is it high in cholesterol? Is it low? Can it help reduce LDL? Will it make my high cholesterol even worse? I just dont know if I should be eating avocados every day or throwing them out the window. Please help me figure it all out!

We created this article to tell you everything youll ever need to know about avocados and cholesterol, so you can tell your friends about it and eventually, everyone will be an avocado expert and we can all go on with our lives. So lets get started shall we?

Why The Confusion Over Avocado Cholesterol

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Much of the confusion over cholesterol in avocados stems from the fact that avocados are very high in fat content, and many people mistakenly think that avocados are therefore unhealthy or will somehow make them fat. While its true that avocado is high in calories, because fat contains more than double the amount of calories per gram than both protein and carbohydrates, the fact is the fat found in avocados is very good for you.

A healthy diet includes about 30% of its daily calories from fat sources, preferably from plant-based that which comes from vegetable oils and fresh fruit and vegetables. The unhealthy fat sources which also increase bad cholesterol levels, come from animal fats and those are the type that should be avoided in a healthy diet.

Vegetable fats are liquid at room temperature, whereas animal fats are solid at room temperature and a diet high in animal fats and cholesterol can lead to an increased risk of hardening and blockages of the arteries.

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Any Down Sides To Avocados

Avocados are high in fat and calories. So if excess weight is a concern, you may want to create some limits on how many you eat. A small amount can go a long way.

And if youre prone to migraines or are allergic to latex, avocados might not be the fruit for you.

For those who suffer from migraines, certain foods, circumstances, or environmental factors can trigger episodes.

Avocados sometimes appear on lists of such foods due to the high levels of tyramine they contain when overripe.

In addition, avocado contains some of the same allergens found in latex. So if you have a latex allergy, you may want to watch out to see if avocados trigger any of the same symptoms.

Where Do Ados Come From

Avocado had been a staple dietary food in America for thousands of years. The early Spanish explorers found it in the jungles of Central America and Caribbean. They never saw such large green trees with fruits containing lime-green, creamy flesh, a seed like a chestnut and the leathery, bumpy skin. Local people trade it from Mexico to Colombia, and today, it is widely spread across the globe.

It was introduced to Indonesia in 1750, and reached Florida and Israel in 1833 and 1908 espectively. In the late 1800s, Australians became familiar with this amazing fruit.

Avocado comes in a range of different sizes, types and varietals-each with its own distinct characteristics . Hass is Americas favorite variety, and in 2015 more than 2 billion pounds of this avocado was consumed in the U.S.

From wherever avocados come, the matter of fact is that this nutritious fruit is good for people having high cholesterol.

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Avocado Good For Dental Care

Most types of bad breath are caused due to indigestion or other types of stomach problems. Start eating avocado by improving your digestive health, you can prevent or eliminate halitosis completely.

Since avocados help ensure that your digestive system runs smoothly, they can help you get rid of bad breath. Furthermore, avocados also contain antibacterial properties and flavonoids and these eliminate the bacteria in your mouth. Studies have also shown that this fruit can also help you prevent oral cancer.

An Avocado A Day Is Good For Your Heart Health

Make Your Cholesterol Level Lower With Avocados

Avocado consumption has skyrocketed in the last two decades, from an average annual consumption of 1.5 pounds per person in 1998, to 7.5 pounds in 2017. In 2020, imports of avocados reached a record 2.1 billion pounds in part because with limited dining out, avocados were featured at grocery stores at lower prices.

This is good news for those eating a heart healthy diet!

In fact, researchers have found that avocados may protect the heart in a similar way as olive oil and nuts do in the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet.

A 2018 analysis of 10 studies found an increase in HDL in people who consumed an average of 1 to 3.7 avocados daily. While this might seem like a lot of avocados, remember that most guacamole recipes utilize about one avocado per person. Avocados are also high in mono-unsaturated fat, fiber , and potassium all of which are associated with cardiovascular health.

In addition to improving heart health by impacting your levels of cholesterol, new research indicates that avocados may further improve your heart health by impacting the gut biome.

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Avocado Helps In Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is a normal part of pregnancy but that doesnt stop it from being highly inconvenient and even uncomfortable. While theres not much that can usually be done about this, eating certain fruits and vegetables can help make it easier, or even make it stop eventually.

Avocados are one such fruit. They are rich in vitamin B-6 and this vitamin is known to help with nausea and vomiting. While you may not be completely free of morning sickness till your body dictates otherwise, this fruit can certainly reduce the amount you throw up or help with the frequency.

Science Says That Avocado Is Good For Your Heart: Heres Why

Science Says That Avocado is Good for Your Heart: Heres Why

Could eating an avocado every day boost the health of your heart? As tasty and creamy as they are, you might eat them for taste alone. But according to researchers at Penn State, eating one avocado per day could improve the health of your heart. How? By lowering LDL cholesterol, the type linked with cardiovascular disease.

In a randomized, controlled feeding study, the researchers found that eating a single avocado each day was linked with lower levels of LDL, the small dense kind that contributes to heart attacks and strokes. An avocado-rich diet was also associated with a decrease in oxidized LDL in adults that were overweight or obese. These changes bode well for heart health and the risk of developing a heart attack or stroke.

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Cutting Back On Carbs Not Fat May Lead To More Weight Loss

In one sample meal plan, lunch was chicken salad with half an avocado, and dinner included turkey tacos with another half an avocado.

The diets were similar in terms of macronutrients and calories. The only difference between the two was the avocado the other diet had the same amount of fat from other sources.

At the end of the study, the researchers found that the avocado diet led to significant reductions in LDL cholesterol, compared with the other two diets.

To put the difference in perspective, the avocado diet decreased LDL cholesterol about 14 milligrams per deciliter of blood. Compare that with a decrease of about 7 mg/dL for the low-fat diet, and about a 8 mg/dl drop from the moderate-fat diet.

“I was surprised to see the added benefit ,” Penny Kris-Etherton, a nutrition scientist at Penn State and the lead author of the study, tells us.” It’s something in the avocado” other than just the fat composition, she says.

She says she’d like to do follow-up research to look at the bioactive compounds in avocados, which may explain the added reduction in LDL cholesterol in the study participants. It’s also possible that the fiber in avocados plays a role in the cholesterol-lowering effect, she says.

But one caveat for anyone who loves guacamole: When it’s served up with chips, the calories can add up. A mere half-cup of guacamole has about 200 calories all on its own.

Can Avocados Lower My Cholesterol

What Happens to Your Cholesterol if You Eat Avocado Every ...

There arent many well-done nutrition studies. Many studies are observational and rely on questionnaires to figure out what people eat. There are very few randomized trials because these are hard to carry out. They take time, cost a lot of money, and the logistical demands are enormous. Even major studies can have problems, as we discovered in the 2013 PREDIMED study, which demonstrated a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease in people who followed a Mediterranean diet. The study was retracted, as it was shown that patients were not properly randomized and a corrected version was later published.

That is why it is always satisfying to find a nutritional study that is well done. One that particularly interested me was a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association that looked at whether incorporating avocados in the diet could lower blood cholesterol. The question is an interesting one since elevated cholesterol is very common and lowering it is undeniably beneficial for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. As I have written previously, in the mainstream medical community there is no cholesterol controversy. So, a relatively easy dietary intervention to lower cholesterol would be very welcome.

The study was also partially funded by the Hass Avocado Board , which makes you wonder not only about the potential for bias, but also about why we live in a world where we apparently need avocado lobbyists.

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Foods That Lower Cholesterol

A persons diet plays a crucial role in how healthy their cholesterol levels are. Eating foods that keep cholesterol within a healthy range can help prevent health issues, including a heart attack or stroke.

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that travels through the bloodstream as a part of two different lipoproteins: low-density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein .

People sometimes refer to LDL cholesterol as bad cholesterol because it causes fatty deposits to build up in the blood vessels. These deposits can block blood flow and cause heart attacks or strokes.

HDL, or good, cholesterol helps remove cholesterol from the body through the liver. High levels of HDL cholesterol can reduce the risk of heart problems and strokes.


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