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HomeNewsWhat Is The Best Margarine For High Cholesterol

What Is The Best Margarine For High Cholesterol

How Much Is Too Much Margarine With Plant Sterol

Top 15 High Cholesterol Foods To Avoid | Cholesterol Lowering Foods

The Heart Foundation recommends all polyunsaturated or monounsaturated margarine spreads, including those enriched with plant sterols, be consumed in moderate amounts.

Adams advises using around two tablespoons of plant sterol-enriched margarine a day, in the right dietary circumstances.

Thats quite a significant amount of energy, she says. So again, if you are adding margarine into your diet, it is more likely to have a weight gaining effect or a weight neutral effect. Thats obviously something that we dont want to aim for when someone is looking at their cholesterol.

About The Author Of This Page

This report was written by Canstar Blues home & lifestyle journalist, Tahnee-Jae Lopez-Vito. Shes an expert on household appliances, grooming products and all things grocery and shopping. In addition to translating our expert research into consumer-friendly ratings reports, Tahnee spends her time helping consumers make better-informed purchase decisions on all manner of consumer goods and services, while highlighting the best deals and anything you need to be aware of.

Putting Together A Low Cholesterol Diet

When it comes to investing money, experts recommend creating a portfolio of diverse investments instead of putting all your eggs in one basket. The same holds true for eating your way to lower cholesterol. Adding several foods to lower cholesterol in different ways should work better than focusing on one or two.

A largely vegetarian “dietary portfolio of cholesterol-lowering foods” substantially lowers LDL, triglycerides, and blood pressure. The key dietary components are plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains instead of highly refined ones, and protein mostly from plants. Add margarine enriched with plant sterols oats, barley, psyllium, okra, and eggplant, all rich in soluble fiber soy protein and whole almonds.

Of course, shifting to a cholesterol-lowering diet takes more attention than popping a daily statin. It means expanding the variety of foods you usually put in your shopping cart and getting used to new textures and flavors. But it’s a “natural” way to lower cholesterol, and it avoids the risk of muscle problems and other side effects that plague some people who take statins.

Just as important, a diet that is heavy on fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts is good for the body in ways beyond lowering cholesterol. It keeps blood pressure in check. It helps arteries stay flexible and responsive. It’s good for bones and digestive health, for vision and mental health.

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How To Choose The Best Margarine

When should you use lowest-fat varieties? While lower oil and fat levels mean fewer calories, you can’t use them for everything. They’re great for topping vegetables, but because of their high water content, they can ruin your baking.

What about trans fat? The government allows products with less than 1/2 gram trans fat to list zero grams on the label. But a few tablespoons a day of this artery clogger could be bad for your heart.

Check the Nutrition Facts label and add up the saturated fats and trans fats the total should be 1.5 grams or less.

Can the right spread really lower your cholesterol? Products such as Benecol and Take Control contain plant substances that have been shown in studies to reduce absorption of cholesterol if you eat 2 to 3 tablespoons per day.

Here, more recommended products, found in supermarkets nationwide:

For spreading, topping, sautéing and most baking Calories

Spread With Health Extras

Top 10 Cholesterol Lowering Foods

They may give you a slight nutrient boost, but dont assume that if a little is good, a lot is better, Lichtenstein says: Your nutrient intake may go up at the expense of your weight. Smart Balance Buttery Spread with Calcium, which has 100 milligrams of calcium and 200 international units of vitamin D, had a hint of dairy flavor and melted nicely, but it was salty. The omega-3 spreads we tasted didnt fare as well. Smart Balance Buttery Spread with Omega 3 was saltier and artificial tasting compared with original Smart Balance. Earth Balance Omega-3 tasted like salty fish-oil pills.

Cholesterol-lowering sterols/stanols are another spread extra. Two grams a daythe amount in 4 tablespoons of a fortified stanol spreadmight lower LDL cholesterol by about 10 percent. At 50 to 70 calories per tablespoon, that can put a big dent in your calorie intake. Our tasters gave Benecol 55% Vegetable Oil Spread a good rating but said it had an oily residue.

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I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter Original

This brand is probably most synonymous with substitute butters, and Gorin says it’s a perfect plant-based spread for many reasons. For one, it’s American Heart Association Heart-Check certified. It also has 70 percent less saturated fat and 40 percent fewer calories than dairy butter.

It may even be better for the environment than dairy butter: “All of the palm oil it contains is sustainable,” says Gorin, “and its production creates 70 percent less carbon emissions than dairy butter.”

Which Margarine Is Healthiest


How to Choose the Best Margarine

For spreading or topping
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter Light 50
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter Sweet Cream & Calcium 50
50 1

which butter is the healthiest? Land O’ Lakes Spreadable Butter with Canola Oil comes closest to real butter.

  • Spreadable butter. These blends of butter and vegetable oil have about half the saturated fat of butter but a similar calorie and total fat count.
  • Buttery spread.
  • Alternatives to butter alternatives.

Also know, is there any healthy margarine?

is a processed food that is designed to taste and look similar to butter. It is often recommended as a heart-healthy replacement. Modern types of are made from vegetable oils, which contain polyunsaturated fats that can lower the “bad” LDL cholesterol when used instead of saturated fat.

Which is healthy butter or margarine?

Margarine usually tops butter when it comes to heart health. Margarine is made from vegetable oils, so it contains unsaturated “good” fats polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. These types of fats help reduce low-density lipoprotein , or “bad,” cholesterol when substituted for saturated fat.

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Choosing A Healthy Butter Or Margarine Spread

As far as your heart’s concerned, the overriding consideration in choosing a spread is to avoid saturated and trans fats by looking at the per 100g amounts.

  • Canola spreads:Canola oil is rich in monounsaturates and also has heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Don’t be put off by the rumours circulating on the internet that canola oil is toxic there’s no truth to them.
  • Olive oil spreads:Olive oil has acquired a certain mystique as a key ingredient of the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet, but in fact it’s only one of a number of healthy oils. It’s rich in monounsaturates, but so is canola. And although you pay a premium for most of these spreads, you don’t get as much olive oil in them as you might think.
  • Polyunsaturated spreads: These contain sunflower, flaxseed or soybean oils that are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fats.
  • Dairy blends/spreadable butter: If you really like the flavour of butter, dairy blends might seem like a good compromise. They’re made from butter blended with vegetable oils, or from butterfat processed to remove some of the saturated fat. They have less saturated fat than traditional butter, with the added bonus that they come out of the fridge easier to spread. Unfortunately, they still have more saturated fat than most spreads based on vegetable oil.

Butter Vs Margarine: Which Is Better For My Heart

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Butter, on the other hand, is made from animal fat, so it contains cholesterol and high levels of saturated fat.

But not all margarines are created equal. Some margarines contain trans fat. In general, the more solid the margarine, the more trans fat it contains. So stick margarines usually have more trans fat than tub margarines do. Trans fat, like saturated fat, increases blood cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease. In addition, trans fat lowers high-density lipoprotein , or “good,” cholesterol levels. So skip the stick and opt for soft or liquid margarine instead.

Look for a spread with the lowest calories that tastes good to you, doesn’t have trans fats and has the least amount of saturated fat. When comparing spreads, be sure to read the Nutrition Facts panel and check the grams of saturated fat and trans fat. Also, look for products with a low percent Daily Value for cholesterol.

If you have high cholesterol, check with your doctor about using spreads that are fortified with plant stanols and sterols, such as Benecol and Promise Activ, which may help reduce cholesterol levels.

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What Should My Cholesterol Be

Ideal blood fat levels are:

  • total cholesterol less than 4mmol/L
  • LDL cholesterol less than 2.0mmol/L
  • HDL cholesterol greater than 1mmol/L
  • total cholesterol/HDL ratio less than 4mmol/L
  • triglycerides less than 1.7 mmol/L

If you have a family history of cardiovascular disease, are overweight, have high blood pressure, diabetes or are a smoker, its even more important to get your level down. See your doctor to have your cholesterol levels checked.

What If I Take A Statin Or Other Cholesterol

Plant sterol enriched foods cannot replace the medicines prescribed by your doctor, but they can be taken at the same time as statins or other cholesterol-lowering medicines and they will have an additive effect on lowering cholesterol. If you have any doubts or questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist and they will be able to advise you.

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‘i Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter’

As a result, plant and veggie-based spreads contain, on average, just 0.2g of trans fat per 100g, compared with 4g of trans fat in 100g of butter. Plant spreads and margarine also have about 70% less saturated fat than butter.

There’s nothing weird about the ingredients in table spreads, either . They’re typically made mostly of vegetable oils such as canola, plus water, salt, emulsifier, milk solids, a preservative such as potassium sorbate, food acid, natural colours and flavours, and vitamins A and D.

Food Standards Australia New Zealand checks that all additives and preservatives are both safe and necessary before they are used.

What Are The Properties Of Best Tasting Margarine

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The best-tasting margarine is the one that has a smooth butter-like consistency and creaminess. It is quite difficult to point out the best-tasting brand in the current long list of brands that are producing high-quality margarine with great taste. But you can find a slight variation in that some brands are producing margarine for baking purposes while others are for cooking.

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What Actually Is Margarine

A true margarine, according to food standard regulators, contains a minimum of 80% fat . This being the case, there are very few true kinds of margarine available in Australia today most will fall under the category of oil-based, reduced-fat, or another type of spread. Therefore, our customer ratings refer to margarines and table spreads. Ultimately, were talking about that stuff you put on your toast and sandwiches, which isnt butter.

Butter Vs Margarine: Which Is Healthier

A massive amount of nutrition misinformation exists on the internet.

Some of it is based on poor research or incomplete evidence, while other information may simply be outdated.

The professionals themselves may even tell you things that seem to directly contradict something you read the other day.

A good example of a subject no one seems to agree upon are the health effects of butter and margarine.

This article compares the two, looking at both sides of the debate.

Butter is a traditional dietary staple made by churning cream.

Its mainly used as a frying fat, spread or component of sauces, cakes and pastries.

As a concentrated source of milk fat, its mostly composed of saturated fat.

Because of studies associating a high intake of saturated fat with an increased risk of heart disease, public health authorities started recommending that people limit their consumption of butter in the 1970s.

Modern types of margarine are made from vegetable oils, which contain polyunsaturated fats that can lower the bad LDL cholesterol when used instead of saturated fat.

Since vegetable oils are liquid at room temperature, food scientists change their chemical structure to make them solid like butter.

For the past few decades, a process known as hydrogenation has been used to harden the vegetable oils in margarine.

Hydrogenation increases the oils saturated fat content, but unhealthy trans fats are formed as a side product (

2 ).

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Is Butter Really Better

Like stonewashed jeans and the royal family, butter is back in fashion. Many people love that it’s ‘all natural’, containing just cream, milk and sometimes salt. But all natural doesn’t always mean healthy, especially if a food is consumed with abandon.

Here are the facts about butter, table spreads and other, natural alternatives so you can decide what’s best for you.

Trans Fat In Margarine Vs Saturated Fat In Butter

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The unsaturated fats in most margarine undergo a process called hydrogenation, which creates harmful trans fats. Trans fat raises LDL or “bad” cholesterol even more than saturated fat does. The trans-fatty acids are what gives margarine its solid consistency at room temperature. Stick margarines, the hardest kind, contain the most trans fatsand they are still widely sold today despite what we know about their harm.

Results from clinical studies show consuming these man-made trans fats is associated with a 28 percent increased risk of death from heart disease and a 34 percent increased risk of death overall.

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Carrington Farms Organic Ghee

What exactly is ghee, anyway? Basically, it’s butter run through a clarification process to eliminate all the water . The process also eliminates many of the proteins found in dairy, like casein. Palinski-Wade says this makes ghee an alternative butter spread that’s easier for people with a lactose sensitivity to tolerate. It’s also especially good for your GI tract.

“Ghee contains a fatty acid known as butyrate acid, which may help to reduce inflammation and support digestive health,” she says.

Not All Margarine Is Created Equal

Softer and liquid margarine products generally contain less trans fat than stick options, are low in saturated fat, and high in unsaturated fat. You can generally determine how much trans-fats each form of margarine has by its softness. Those that are more solid at room temperature contain more trans-fats than those that come in a tub, which are generally softer. Regardless, softer options still contain some trans fats. Check the labelif partially hydrogenated oil is listed, it’s best to avoid.

Some newer options such as Benecol and Smart Balance HeartRight, however, are enriched with plant sterols, which block the absorption of cholesterol and can help lower LDL levels. These are good choices if you’re trying to lower your LDL.

Check your food labels to make an informed decision.

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Why Is Butter Solid At Room Temperature

Saturated fats are solid at room temperature due to their molecular shape. Butter is mostly saturated fat, thats why its solid at room temperature. Olive Oil is liquid at room temperature, thus its an unsaturated fat. An unsaturated fat can be made in to a saturated fat via hydrogenation reactions.

Cholesterol In Butter Vs Margarine Which One Is Healthier

Is Margarine Better For a Low Cholesterol Diet? # ...

Ah, Butter. Whether real or fake, it just does not seem like toast or rolls can live without it. It is used in baking, used in cooking and used on, well, just about everything! The amount of fat and cholesterol in butter combined with its complete lack of solid nutrition make it little more than a health hazard to most. However, butter has become much more confusing as of late, with some manufactured margarines going so far as to claim that they are good for you! Is there any truth to that? Well, lets explore butter and margarine and find out if either is a suitable part of a cholesterol diet.

Looking first at real butter, as in, the kind that is made from animal products like cows milk, it is easy to see why it is one food that is worth avoiding for people with high cholesterol. The U.S.D.A. explains that thirty one milligrams of cholesterol can be found in each tablespoon of unsalted butter, which in itself makes the cholesterol in milk look positively presentable in comparison. However, unlike whole milk which is of course also thought to be a no-no on a low fat low cholesterol diet, the cholesterol in butter is not the only problem that the cooking fat has going for it. Milk contains nutrients like calcium that the body needs to stay healthy. While in very minimal amounts some nutrients can be found in butter, it is essentially devoid of anything that can benefit the body.

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Good Vs Bad Cholesterol

The main two types are the bad LDL cholesterol and the good HDL cholesterol. LDL carries cholesterol from the liver to the blood vessels where it can build up, narrow and eventually block a blood vessel, potentially causing a heart attack or stroke. HDL cholesterol carries cholesterol away from the blood vessels and back to the liver.


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