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What Helps To Bring Down Cholesterol And Elevated Liver Enzymes

Is The Ast Test Part Of The Metabolic Panel

I Have High Liver Enzyme Levels. What Does It Mean?

The AST test is also part of a comprehensive metabolic panel a blood test your doctor does as part of a routine exam. How Do I Prepare? You dont need any special preparation for the ALT test. Tell your doctor what drugs or supplements you take. Some medicines can affect the results of this test. What Happens During the Test?

What Does Mold Have To Do With It

Mold-related illness and mycotoxin-induced inflammation may both aggravate an existing liver condition such as NAFDL but also may make the mold illness much harder to treat. If the liver is already impaired, it cannot perform vital Phase I and Phase II detoxification activities to deactivate and covert fat-soluble mold toxins into water-soluble waste and ready them for excretion from the body. As a result, the mold toxins continue to build causing increased inflammation, sickness, and disease. In other words, you wouldnt try to clean a dirty countertop with a dirty sponge, would you? Well, the same is true for your liver! If your liver is already damaged and overworked, living in a moldy environment may not only contribute to NAFLD by increasing your toxic load, but it will also make healing from the mold exposure a longer and more difficult process because your liver is going to need added support, cleaning, and attention BEFORE the mold toxins can be properly cleared. This is often why healing from mold illness is quite a lengthy process for some sufferers even after they are no longer living in a moldy environment or being exposed.

Who Should Be Tested

Your GP may recommend that you have your blood cholesterol levels tested if you:

  • have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease, stroke or mini-stroke , or peripheral arterial disease
  • are over the age of 40 people over 40 should have their estimate of CVD risk reviewed regularly
  • have a family history of early cardiovascular disease for example, if your father or brother developed heart disease or had a heart attack or stroke before the age of 55, or if your mother or sister had these conditions before the age of 65
  • have a close family member who has a cholesterol-related condition, such as familial hypercholesterolaemia
  • are overweight or obese
  • have high blood pressure or diabetes
  • have another medical condition, such as kidney disease, an underactive thyroid, or an inflamed pancreas these conditions can cause increased levels of cholesterol or triglycerides

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What Liver Enzymes May Be Elevated

Elevated liver enzymes indicating potential cellular damage include the following aminotransferases:

  • Alanine transaminase
  • Alkaline phosphatase
  • Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase

AST and ALT are the most frequently measured enzymes, although GGT is measured occasionally, especially in alcoholic liver disease.

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Elevated liver enzymes can cause a great deal of discomfort. Apart from the medicines and measures the doctor has advised, it is imperative to make some necessary changes in your diet. Addition of some nutritious foods can help in lowering the enzymes and ease the symptoms. Make sure to consult a doctor before you add or remove anything from your diet to know if it is recommended.

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What Is The Function Of The Liver

The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body. It is also the largest gland in the body, situated below the right rib cage just above the abdomen. The liver uses thousands of enzymes to perform essential chemical processes as follows:

  • It removes toxins from the body and cleans the blood.
  • It helps with food digestion.
  • It produces enzymes including digestive liquid .
  • It controls the flow of urine.
  • It stores important vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
  • It helps with blood clotting.

Here’s a detailed look at liver enzymes, the causes and symptoms of increased enzymes, ways to lower these levels and ways to keep enzyme levels healthy and stable.

The liver is seated below the right ribcage just above the abdomen.

How Is High Cholesterol Treated

If your child has an LDL cholesterol level of 130 mg/dL or higher, your doctor will talk to you about lifestyle changes or refer you to a dietitian. The goals are to:

  • reduce fat and cholesterol in the diet
  • increase exercise
  • lose weight, if needed

Your doctor will probably do a cholesterol check again after 36 months of lifestyle changes.

Medicine might be considered for kids 10 and older whose LDL cholesterol is 190 mg/dL or higher if changes in diet and exercise haven’t worked. Kids with risk factors, such as diabetes or high blood pressure or a family history of high cholesterol or heart disease, may need treatment at lower LDL levels.

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When Should My Cholesterol Levels Be Tested

Your GP may recommend that you have your blood cholesterol levels tested if you:

  • have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease, stroke or mini stroke , or peripheral arterial disease
  • have a family history of early cardiovascular disease
  • have a close family member who has a cholesterol-related condition
  • are overweight

Liver Enzymes Are The Clues

What Foods To Avoid If You Have High Liver Enzymes

Blood tests for liver function measure two key liver enzymes, AST and ALT . According to Michigan Medicine, AST blood levels rise when the heart, liver, muscle, kidneys or pancreas is damaged. ALT occurs in the same tissues as AST, but mostly in the liver, notes Michigan Medicine. High levels may indicate liver disease or injury.

Liver enzyme levels can also be affected by other medical conditions and even medication. These conditions include thyroid disorders, liver cancer, autoimmune disorders, mononucleosis, sepsis and hemochromatosis , according to the Mayo Clinic. Drugs that can skew results and cause liver damage include acetaminophen and some antibiotics, antifungals, antidepressants and statins, which are used to lower cholesterol.

“When I see someone with high ALT, liver disease is probably the second or third cause,” Dr. Toor says. “Antibiotics is probably number one.”

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Side Effects Of Statin Drugs For Cholesterol

Statins are the most commonly prescribed cholesterol-lowering medications that affect all aspects of the cholesterol profile.

Benefits of statins include:

  • Lowering LDL and triglyceride levels
  • Raising HDL levels
  • Lowering the risk of heart disease
  • Preventing subsequent heart attacks and strokes in patients who already have heart disease

Even amid the benefits that taking statins may have, some patients shy away from them because they think the side effects may cause more harm than good.

Are patients correct to avoid statins because of side effects?

The Effects Of High Cholesterol

High levels of LDL cholesterol increase the risk of fatty deposits on vessels that bring blood to the heart. Too-low levels of HDL cholesterol suggest the body may not be able to clear plaques and other fatty deposits from the body. Both conditions create a risk for heart disease and heart attack.

Liver damage can progress for months or years with no symptoms. By the time symptoms appear, liver damage often is extensive. Some symptoms warrant a visit to the doctor. These include:

  • jaundice
  • fatigue

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Effects Of High Cholesterol

When a person has high levels of LDL, they are often referred to as having high cholesterol. This condition can increase the risk of developing several health problems.

Cholesterol can build up in the arteries, which are the major blood vessels in the body. They can become narrower, as a result, which restricts the supply of blood and oxygen to the organs.

Narrowing of the arteries can also increase the risk of blood clots.

If blood flow to the heart is restricted, it can increase the risk for coronary heart disease. This includes angina, heart attacks, and heart failure.

If blood flow to the brain is restricted, it can increase the risk of stroke.

Causes And Characterizations Of Fatty Liver Disease

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Fatty liver has a number of causes, with the leading ones being obesity and type 2 diabetes. Additionally, as the number of people who are affected by these diseases grows, this also certainly contributes to the increase in NAFLD diagnoses. In this way, it is a disease both perpetuated and caused by another disease.

Some other causes of NAFLD may be genetic, in part. Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency is a very serious genetic form of NAFLD and is well recognized for causing severe cirrhosis, even in children. The vast numbers of NAFLD, however, are linked to other causes. Researchers believe that the epidemic of NAFLD is driven by skyrocketing rates of obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol/triglycerides. These disorders may, again, be started by specific genetics, but lifestyle, foods, environmental toxins , viruses, such as hepatitis B and C, all play a part as well.

Fatty liver is characterized by the accumulation of fat throughout the liver body and can range from small and relatively benign amounts to more serious and scarring infiltrations of fat, leading to inflammation. When liver inflammation progresses to cirrhosis, extensive scarring prevents the liver from functioning normally. At this stage in the damage, a liver transplant becomes the only treatment option. And, while there are currently several promising trials of treatments at Cedars-Sinais Fatty Liver Disease Program to try to reverse the fibrosis and damage, these are not yet available for other patients.

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Saturated Fat Intake May Increase Heart Disease Risk Factors But Not Heart Disease Itself

Numerous studies have shown that saturated fat intake increases heart disease risk factors, including LDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein B . LDL transports cholesterol in the body. The greater the number of LDL particles, the greater the risk of heart disease.

ApoB is a protein and a main component of LDL. Its considered a strong predictor of heart disease risk .

Saturated fat intake has been shown to increase both of these risk factors, as well as the LDL to HDL ratio, which is another heart disease risk factor (

20 ).

However, there have been conflicting findings, which can be attributed to the highly complex nature of this topic and the design and methodological flaws of currently available research, highlighting the need for future well-designed studies investigating this topic .

Plus, its important to remember that there are many types of saturated fat, each with its own effects on health. Most of the studies investigating the effects of saturated fat on disease risk discuss saturated fats in general, which is also problematic.

Change The Way You Eat

One of the contributing factors in the development of high blood cholesterol is a diet high in saturated fat, which is a form of fat typically found in foods that come from animal sources, including beef, pork, poultry, and dairy products like cheese and milk. Saturated fat can also be found in processed food and snacks like chips, cookies, and doughnuts.

To cut out saturated fat and eat in a way that will help lower your LDL cholesterol levels, switch to a plant-based diet filled with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The Mediterranean diet is one such plant-based diet thats rich in nutrients and phytochemicals. The diet includes healthy fats such as olive oil and fish, but plant-based foods make up the bulk of each meal. Red meat is limited to no more than a few times a month. This diet originated in countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, where theres significantly lower incidence of heart disease.

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What Is The Difference Between Good And Bad Cholesterol

Bad cholesterol, also known as low-density lipoprotein , will build up in the inner walls of your arteries, making them narrow. This slows down blood flow. If this buildup of plaque breaks off, a clot forms that can completely block the flow of blood, causing a heart attack.

Good cholesterol, also known as high-density lipoprotein , helps protect us from heart attacks and strokes. This type carries the bad cholesterol away from the arteries.

Signs And Symptoms Of Liver Disease

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Acute or chronic inflammation and liver cell damage will cause an abnormally high amount of liver enzymes to leak into the bloodstream. A doctor may order a liver function test or liver chemistries which will reveal protein, enzyme and bilirubin levels in your blood in order to analyze the health of your liver and potential underlying causes of damage. The symptoms of an increase in liver enzymes are not always obvious. They include:

Consider natural alternatives to prescription medications per your doctor’s permission.

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Causes Of Elevated Liver Enzymes

There are various causes of elevated liver enzymes. These causes include

1. Fatty liver disease

In fatty liver disease, the fats get accumulated in the liver.

2. Hepatitis

Hepatitis is a condition characterized by liver inflammation due to various causes such as viral infection.

3. Alcohol abuse

People who drink a high quantity of alcohol may have elevated liver enzymes.

4. Medications

Medications such as statins and analgesics may also lead to elevated liver enzymes.

5. Cirrhosis

In cirrhosis, the liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue, and the liver is not able to function effectively.

6. Metabolic syndrome

Various metabolic syndromes such as diabetes may also lead to elevated liver enzymes.

7. Other diseases

Other conditions that may be responsible for a high level of liver enzymes are celiac disease, herpes infection, Wilsons disease, sepsis, and muscle inflammation.

Foods To Eat And Avoid

Cutting down on fatty foods may reduce the impact of a fatty liver or NAFLD. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and foods such as bread and potatoes that release energy slowly can help.

A diet with plenty of protein is a way of obtaining adequate energy supplies without eating high-cholesterol foods. Eggs, nuts, chicken breast, and pulses are excellent sources of protein.

Eating regularly and snacking between meals can be a healthful way for a person to get enough fuel.

A person can help prevent health problems, such as damage to the liver, by reducing high levels of LDL cholesterol.

They can lower cholesterol by eating a healthful diet, with plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Saturated fats contain a high level of cholesterol.

Many fast foods, cakes, butter, fatty meats such as sausages, full-fat cheese, and cream contain saturated fats.

Taking regular exercise can help to lower a persons cholesterol. Giving up smoking can also be beneficial.

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Who Is Most At Risk For Fh

Familial hypercholesterolemia can affect anyone whose family carries the genetic mutation. However, its found more frequently in those who are of French Canadian, Ashkenazi Jewish, Lebanese or Afrikaner descent. The biggest problem with FH is that more than 90% of people who have it havent been diagnosed, which means you should pay careful attention to your family history,

Seth Martin, M.D., M.H.S., associate professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and director of the Advanced Lipid Disorders Center.

If people in your family have had heart attacks, needed stents or had bypass surgery earlier in life before age 55 in men and before 65 in women those are signals that theres something causing your family to be at higher risk for heart disease, he explains. It could be familial hypercholesterolemia.

Take A Natural Supplement

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REVIVE’s Liver supplement may support a healthy liver naturally. One of the ingredients in this liver management formula is tauroursodeoxycholic acid , which is a natural component in bile acid. Taken daily, it stimulates healthy bile flow and helps heal the livers bile duct. The formula has other ingredients like milk thistle, which has potent anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties, along with proprietary AstraGin and Bioperine to enhance the uptake and absorption of the supplement.

This supplement is designed for overall liver assistance. Daily use of this supplement can help promote healthy insulin levels, enhance cell regeneration, and improve eye health. This formula may also enhance the absorption of other supplements.

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Avoid Drinking Too Much

While a moderate intake of coffee is healthy, drinking too much may reduce its overall benefits.

Excessive caffeine intake may have various adverse side effects, although peoples sensitivity varies .

In general, Health Canada recommends not exceeding 1.1 mg per pound of body weight per day .

Given that an average cup of coffee may contain around 95 mg of caffeine, this corresponds to about two cups of coffee per day for someone weighing 176 pounds .

However, much higher amounts of caffeine per day are not associated with any adverse side effects in most people .

Read this article for detailed information about the amount of caffeine found in different coffee drinks.

Drinking coffee is all about balancing its risks and benefits. Listen to your body and consume no more than you can comfortably tolerate.


Drinking too much coffee may cause adverse side effects. However, this depends on the amount of caffeine consumed and individual tolerance.

Otc Supplements For The Management Of High Cholesterol

Emily M. Ambizas, PharmD, MPH, CGPAssociate Clinical ProfessorCollege of Pharmacy & Health SciencesQueens, New YorkClinical Specialist, Rite Aid PharmacyWhitestone, New York

US Pharm. 2017 42:8-11.

Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the United States, with coronary artery disease being the number-one cause of death.1 Dyslipidemia is a major contributor to the development of CAD and other forms of atherosclerosis individuals with high total cholesterol levels have about twice the risk for heart disease. Approximately 100 million adults in the U.S. have total cholesterol levels > 200 mg/dL , and almost 74 million have high levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol .2,3 Adults aged > 20 years should have their cholesterol measured at least once every 5 years.2

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