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HomeFactsHow Does Coconut Oil Affect Your Cholesterol

How Does Coconut Oil Affect Your Cholesterol

Is Coconut Good For You

Is Coconut Oil Going to Raise Your Cholesterol?

There are a lot of claims being made about coconut oil. In relation to heart health, the claims are not convincing, and there is little evidence to support coconut oil being called a ‘superfood’.

The research suggests coconut oil is better than butter for cholesterol levels, but not as good as other plant oils that are lower in saturated fat.

Is Coconut Oil Bad For High Cholesterol

Coconut oilcholesterolcoconut oilharmfulcholesterol

. Keeping this in consideration, which oil is best for lowering cholesterol?

Olive oil can help lower “bad” cholesterol and raise the level of your good cholesterol . Also look for other vegetable-based oils: canola, soy, and sunflower.

Additionally, does topical coconut oil raise cholesterol? Most saturated fatty acids will raise your LDL badcholesterol. While coconut oil does contain some stearic acid, unfortunately 60 percent of its saturated fatty acid content is the type that will wreak havoc with your blood cholesterol levels.

Also know, how does coconut oil affect cholesterol?

Coconut oil bad for LDL cholesterolBut other long-chain saturated fatty acids, like the ones that make up most of the saturated fat in coconut, palm kernel, and palm oils , do in fact raise LDL cholesterol considerably. These saturated fats are called palmitic, myristic, and lauric acids.

What are the worst foods for high cholesterol?

Foods to avoid

  • dairy products made from whole or reduced-fat milk.
  • saturated vegetable oils, such as coconut oil, palm oil, and palm kernel oil.

Health Benefits For Heart Disease Are Still Unsupported

When a friend told me about “the wonders of coconut oil,” it sounded a bit like a Saturday Night Live sketch.

It’s a health food. It’s a skin conditioner. You can use it in your hair. It’s even great as a natural wood polish for your furniture! But wait, there’s more! You can use coconut oil to improve your IQ and shrink your bunions!

Okay, I made up those last two, but I was easily able to find more than 100 recommended uses for coconut oil. Indeed, it seems as though everywhere you look, someone is singing its praises.

Maybe it’s the way that coconut oil evokes the image of swaying palm trees in a tropical paradise. Or, maybe it’s that the bright white color suggests an all-natural purity that’s appealing in a world full of highly processed consumer goods. Or maybe we’re all just looking for the next big thing in healthy foods, all-natural beauty products, or innovative jet fuel .

Whatever the explanation, coconut oil does sound good. But is it too good to be true? I won’t comment on its usefulness to polish furniture or power a 747, but I am interested in the health claims.

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Whats The Bottom Line

While coconut oil shouldnt be considered off-limits, it doesnt quite live up to the hype, either.

This is another case of it if sounds too good to be true, it probably is, Young says. Its fine to add small amounts to your diet. But keep the focus on healthier fat sources along with vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins.

If you want a product with the most flavor, look for jars labeled virgin. That means its made with a process that will help it keep more of its tropical taste.

Coconut Oil Bad For The Heart

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For the health of your heart, lowering your LDL cholesterol is the single most important thing to do. How low should you go? Federal guidelines from the National Cholesterol Education Program state that a desirable LDL cholesterol is less than 100 mg/dL.

For individuals who already have atherosclerosis , LDL levels below 70 mg/dL are advised.

It would probably be very difficult to get your LDL into these healthy ranges if you were eating a lot of coconut oil, cautions Dr. Jay Kenney.

The coconut oil industry likes to point out that the traditional Polynesian diet high in tropical oils like coconut is linked with relatively low rates of heart disease. However, thats only part of the story.

The coconut oil industry likes to point out that the traditional Polynesian diet high in tropical oils like coconut is linked with relatively low rates of heart disease.

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Accredited Practising Dietitian Recipe Tips

  • Choose to cook with unsaturated oils such as olive, avocado and canola oils
  • When a recipe calls for coconut cream or milk, use light varieties and thicken with corn flour if a creamier texture is required
  • Another alternative is to blend half the required amount of coconut cream/milk with evaporated milk, reducing the saturated fat content whilst still providing a subtle coconut flavour
  • Experiment with other flavours, try kafir lime leaves, basil, lemongrass or ginger for an exotic flavour boost
  • For people who use lots of coconut oil in their diet, put a cap on the amount you use or try blending it with some monounsaturated oils such as olive, canola or avocado oil.

APDs can decipher the fact from the fiction when it comes to nutrition. For advice tailored to your individual needs, an APD can support you to make the right decisions for your diet based on the latest evidence.

Does Coconut Oil Deserve Its Health Halo

Its been known for a long time that coconut oil raises blood levels of artery-damaging LDL cholesterol, one expert said.

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Coconut oil continues to be widely touted as a miracle food. Proponents, including a slew of celebrities, claim it promotes weight loss, lowers blood pressure and blood glucose, protects against heart disease, increases energy, reduces inflammation, erases wrinkles and even counters Alzheimers disease. Plus it tastes great, so what could be bad? And if you believe all that, Ill offer to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge.

When I see a product with a long list of things its supposed to fix, I know it cant possibly be true, said Marion Nestle, a New York University specialist on nutrition and food policy. Coconut oil has acquired a healthful aura as a superfood and lots of people believe its true. Theyre guilty of magical thinking and need to stop and think, Theyre trying to sell me something. Nonetheless, a survey conducted in 2016 found that 72 percent of Americans viewed coconut oil as a healthy food.

The time is long overdue to relieve coconut oil of a halo that scientific evidence shows it doesnt deserve and instead give consumers a chance to use the $40 they may spend on a 32-ounce jar of coconut oil to invest in foods that can actually enhance their health.

Nor is coconut oil a diet food. Like other vegetable oils, a tablespoon of coconut oil supplies 117 calories, 15 more than a tablespoon of butter.

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Coconut Oil And Cholesterol


Coconut oil has been in the headlines in recent years for various health reasons. In particular, experts go back and forth debating about whether or not its good for cholesterol levels.

Some experts say you should avoid coconut oil because of its high levels of saturated fat .

Others say that the structure of the fat in coconut oil makes it less likely to add to fat buildup in the body and that, for that reason, its healthy.

There are a lot of conflicting reports about whether or not coconut oil can help:

Research hasnt been definitive, but there are many facts known about this oil. These may help you choose whether or not to incorporate coconut oil into your diet. Consulting your physician is also a good idea.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the oil from fresh coconuts contains a high proportion of medium chain fatty acids. These dont seem to be stored in fat tissue as easily as are long chain fatty acids.

Experts say that coconut oils lauric acid, which is a healthy type of saturated fatty acid, is quickly burned up by the body for energy rather than stored. Thats why some people think of coconut oil as a potential weight loss tool.

All types of fat have the same number of calories. Its only the difference in the fatty acid makeup that makes each fat distinct from the others.

In a saturated fat to soybean oils 15 percent.

Don’t Depend On Coconut Oil For Heart Health It Increases Ldl Cholesterol

Is Coconut Oil Bad for Your Cholesterol?

Coconut oil has become an increasingly popular ingredient as consumers look for healthier plant-based foods that are low in unsaturated fats. But maybe that container of coconut oil should remain in your pantry for now, given the results of a study review that looked at how healthy coconut oil really is. The researchers found that consuming coconut oil may actually increase your bad cholesterol, much more than other non-tropical vegetable oils.

Good vs Bad Cholesterol

Not all cholesterol is bad. Our body needs some in order to produce vital hormones, vitamin D, and other substances. The bad cholesterol we hear so much about is called low-density lipoprotein or LDL. The good cholesterol is high-density lipoprotein or HDL. The LDL can cause a plaque build-up in your arteries, making it difficult for blood to flow freely. Plaque can also break off and travel to your heart or brain, causing a heart attack or stroke. HDL, on the other hand, cleans your blood by removing some of the LDL. Many factors can increase LDL, such as diabetes, obesity, unhealthy diets, sedentary lifestyles, drinking alcohol, and smoking.

What the Study Looked At

In the review’s conclusion, the researchers found that coconut oil consumption increased LDL cholesterol levels 10.47 mg/dL more than non-tropical vegetable oils did. Although, the coconut oil did positively impact good cholesterol , the negative effect was far worse.

All Oils Must Be Used With Caution

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Are The Saturated Fats In Coconut Oil Different

Roughly 80 percent of the fat in coconut oil is saturated. Yet some people claim that coconut oil doesnt raise LDL. Not true, says Sacks.

The evidence is straightforward. Some of the short-chain saturated fatty acids in coconut oil dont raise LDL cholesterol. But they dont counteract the effects of the oils longer-chain fatty acids, which do increase LDL cholesterol. So coconut oil raises LDL cholesterol in the same way that, say, butter does.

In a 2016 paper, researchers reviewed the evidence from seven small trials that compared coconut oil to monounsaturated or polyunsaturated oils, like olive or soybean. They found that LDL cholesterol levels were higher when people ate coconut oil. The increase was statistically significant in six of the seven studies.

Granted, no large trials have tested coconut oils impact on heart disease. In the absence of any 10,000-person study, we have to go on the best available evidence, which shows that coconut oil raises LDL cholesterol, says Sacks. And coconut oil has no demonstrated benefits to offset the rise in LDL.

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Coconut Milk And Cholesterol

Because there is so much disagreement on whether the fats in coconut can increase your cholesterol, the best thing to do is consume coconut products in moderation. If you want to drink large amounts of coconut milk, you should make sure that the rest of your diet contains primarily polyunsaturated fats, which are good for your heart.

If you are concerned about coconut milk and cholesterol but still want to drink this beverage, you can always purchase fortified products that have lower amounts of coconut. While these are not nutritionally comparable to the more natural products, they are certainly lower in fat. Just make sure you only select unsweetened options.

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Products Used In The Study

VCO was produced by Siam Paradise Health Products Co. Ltd. The oil contained lauric acid 50.4%, myristic acid 17.5%, caprylic acid 9.0%, palmitic acid 7.9%, capric acid 7.0%, oleic acid 5.9%, stearic acid 1.6%, and linoleic acid 0.9%. The control regimen was 2% CMC solution, produced by the Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University. A 2% CMC solution was chosen as the control regimen instead of other types of oil in order to avoid any effects of other oils on the lipid profiles.

Effects Of Coconut On Cholesterol Level

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Considering the fact that coconut contains saturated fats in large amounts, its effect on cholesterol levels is a subject of concern. The following article provides some information on the nutrition facts, and its effect on the overall body cholesterol level.

Considering the fact that coconut contains saturated fats in large amounts, its effect on cholesterol levels is a subject of concern. The following article provides some information on the nutrition facts, and its effect on the overall body cholesterol level.

Despite the name, coconut is not truly a nut. Rather, it is a fruit of the palm. Its scientific name is Cocos nucifera. It is the endosperm of this fruit that is edible. In a tender coconut, the endosperm is the liquid that is widely consumed as coconut water. As the fruit matures, it hardens to a white, solid meat. The fruit is consumed in a number of ways. However, the health-conscious people remain doubtful whether this tropical fruit has negative effects on the heart and cholesterol levels or not.

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According To A Recent Survey 72% Of Americans Classify Coconut Oil As A Healthy Food Heres What The Science Says

A 2017 American Heart Association panel reviewed the evidence on which fats in foods raiseand which lowerthe risk of cardiovascular disease . The experts findings: We conclude strongly that lowering intake of saturated fat and replacing it with unsaturated fats, especially polyunsaturated fats, will lower the incidence of CVD. Yet many people have heard that saturated fats are harmless.

Setting And Study Population

This study was conducted at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. The study protocol was approved by the Ethical Review Committee, Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, and was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and Good Clinical Practice.

Inclusion criteria for volunteers were healthy male or female, age from 18 to 25, no history of allergy to coconut oil and/or carboxymethylcellulose , not taking any medications, having all related biomedical parameters in the normal range, ability to provide informed consent and willingness to take VCO and 2% carboxymethylcellulose solution as per protocol, and agreement on follow-up for the duration of the study. Exclusion criteria included volunteers unwillingness to have their biomedical parameters assessed and being pregnant. A total of 35 Thai healthy volunteers were recruited. The participants were free to decide whether to volunteer for the study and written informed consent was obtained from all volunteers before starting the study.

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How To Use Coconut Oil To Lower Cholesterol

In fact, coconut oil raises cholesterol while coconut water reduces cholesterol level in blood. Coconut oil is consumed with vegetables that help to protect heart.


  • Add lemon juice to it
  • Put off the gas oven
  • Add honey to it
  • The recipe is ready to eat.

How it works: As this food contains both coconut oil and coconut water, it is a healthy dish which will help to lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol.

Repetitions: twice a week.

Best time to eat: during breakfast.

Thus we may conclude that coconut oil is beneficial to our body as well as cholesterol. Whether over consumption of coconut oil is good or bad for our health is yet to be proved. However, keep in mind its effects depend on the type of food we consume with coconut oil. Digestive system varies from person to person, depends on how much meal a person consumes per day. Therefore, listen to your body, understand your bodys needs and consume coconut oil as per your bodys needs. Then, no doubt, coconut oil will be beneficial to your cholesterol.

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The Devil Is In The Details

Does MCT Oil Raise Your Cholesterol?

Proponents of the health benefits of coconut oil point out that medium-chain fatty acids typically are absorbed by the portal vein “rather than used to produce cholesterol in the body,” van Dam said.

However, a medium-chain fatty acid in coconut oil, lauric acid, may metabolize differently from others in the class. “It is absorbed and transported like long-chain fatty acids rather than other medium-chain fatty acids,” he added. In other words, coconut oil may not be as healthy as some people believe.

Furthermore, about a quarter of coconut fat consists of the long-chain saturated fatty acids myristic acid and palmitic acid. “Thus, based on a more detailed understanding of the fatty acid composition of coconut oil and the biology of these fatty acids, our findings are not surprising,” van Dam said.

The current findings contrast with a previous network meta-analysis that reported no significant increases in LDL cholesterol associated with coconut oil vs nontropical oils. “However, the authors of the network meta-analysis included only 6 trials on coconut oil,” the researchers note.

The results of other studies on coconut oil consumption and serum cholesterol levels are mixed, the researchers state. Some suggest that, beyond lipid levels, coconut oil can alleviate inflammation, improve glucose homeostasis, and reduce body fatness.

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Your Childs Brain On Fat Its A Good Thing

Its almost time for the kiddos to head back to school, and as you are out shopping for school supplies, the most important back-to-school item that should be on your list is not a box of no. 2 pencils or a glue stick, but the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid !

The human brain is nearly 60 percent fat and we now know that healthy fats are crucial for determining the brains integrity and ability to perform at its best. EPA and DHA are two such fats. They are concentrated in the synaptic membranes and are essential for neuronal cell growth and communication they are also critical for early brain development and cognitive function in children.23 The most abundant omega-3 in the brain, DHA is crucial for learning, memory, and behavior, while EPA has been shown to influence mood and behavior.24 25

Neurocognitive disorders like ADHD, dyslexia, and autism are often associated with a lack of omega-3 fatty acids, while supplementation with DHA specifically improves symptoms and overall cognitive function.26 27 28

Something to note is that the trans fats commonly found in junk food and fast food interferes with your childs ability to use the omega-3 fats and can negatively affect the brains synapses, the communication pathways in the brain.31 32 33 Fill your childs diet with healthy proteins and fats and an abundance of fruit and veggies and avoid processed junk food as much as possible .


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