High Hdl Cholesterol And Low Triglycerides Can Be Caused By Many Reasons
If your HDL cholesterol is in between 40 mg/dL and 60 mg/dL and your Triglycerides is in between 0 mg/dL and 150 mg/dL then you need not worry as these are the normal ranges for HDL cholesterol and Triglycerides respectively. But if your levels are lesser or greater than the above values, then there may be some problem in your body.
Normal Range Of Triglycerides : 0
Ideal values of Triglycerides depending on age :
Age | |
> 100 years | 67.029 |
If you want your blood test report to be interpreted by Triglycerides specialist, then you can upload your report. Our Triglycerides expert will provide you with the most accurate interpretation of your blood test results and treatment within 12 hours. Upload blood test report now
The Pros And Cons Of Total Cholesterol Hdl Ldl And Triglyceride Testing
Time to get your cholesterol checked. Okay, but which test should you get? Its not so simple anymore. Here is a rundown of some of the choices and their pros and cons:
Total cholesterol. This is the simplest and least expensive test. The test doesnt require any sophisticated lab work, either. The simple, do-it-yourself home cholesterol tests measure total cholesterol.
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Consult A Doctor For Your Ldl Hdl Ratio Problem
High LDL HDL ratio and low Triglycerides can be caused by a lot of reasons. If you take LDL HDL ratio and Triglycerides blood tests and the results are higher than 3 Ratio for LDL HDL ratio and lower than 0 mg/dL for Triglycerides, your physician may recommend more tests to figure out the problem. You might also get these tests if your physician thinks you have some other disease.
Can Lowering Carbs Actually Improve Tg/hdl Rc And Cv Risk
Yes. There is plenty of evidence showing this. Multiple studies range from clinical trials in animals and humans to meta-analyses. Here are 4 of them:
- The Abbasi study was a human clinical trial using a crossover design. People ate high carbs for 2 weeks, then low carbs for 2 weeks, with a washout period of 2 weeks in between. The high-carb diet doubled TG levels, tripled remnant cholesterol, and lowered HDL by 15% .
- The Wang study is a randomized clinical trial in laboratory mice .
- The Volek study is a meta-analysis. It reviews pre-2005 studies which had already shown that low-carb diets decrease triglycerides and remnant cholesterol while increasing HDL cholesterol level .
- The Ebbeling study was also a human subjects clinical trial. It was done at Harvard. Subjects on a low-carb diet had lower TG and higher HDL cholesterol. Also, researchers showed that low-carb diets were less likely to result in weight rebound due to improved energy expenditure and leptin .
My name is Ford Brewer. My team and I work to prevent heart attack, stroke, cancer, and dementia. Our goal is to help you understand how to prevent major killers and disablers. Most of them are driven by the process of cardiovascular inflammation.
If you want to know more about the science of preventive medicine or you have questions about certain aspects of your health, check out our webinars, membership programs, and online courses.
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Questions To Ask Your Doctor
If testing shows you have high cholesterol, you may want to ask your doctor these questions at your next visit.
1. What are the dangers of having high cholesterol? Can other problems develop?
2. What could have caused my cholesterol to be too high? Is it inherited?
3. Are there things I can do at home or in my life to reduce my cholesterol?
4. Is medicine necessary? Are there alternative treatments?
5. If medicine is needed, how does the medicine work?
6. How long can I take medicine? What are the side effects? Is long-term use harmful?
7. How can exercise help to lower my cholesterol?
8. Where can I learn more about how to live with high cholesterol?
9. What changes should I make to the way I eat?
10. How often do I need to get my cholesterol level checked?
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Data Acquisition And Confidentiality
All collected data were anonymized, preventing reidentification. All procedures were conducted in accordance with the legal provisions of the protection of personal data in Spain and according the European Union Regulations 2016/6799 on the physical protection of the treatment of personal data. The study was compliant with the Declaration of Helsinki. It was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University Research Institute Pere Virgili , including the exemption of the requirement for informed consent.
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What Is Considered Low Triglycerides
There isnt an official cutoff for low triglycerides. Most labs will consider any value below 150 mg/dL normal and values below 90 mg/dL as optimal.
If you are healthy and your values are lower than normal, you probably have nothing to worry about on the contrary.
But based on the studies above, in certain conditions, levels that are 50-70% lower than the average healthy persons might signal a more serious course of disease or higher levels of inflammation .
How The Hdl Cholesterol And Triglycerides Tests Are Done :
If your doctor wants HDL cholesterol and Triglycerides tests on you, you may need to go through these tests. During the HDL cholesterol and Triglycerides blood tests, a pathologist will put a needle into your veins and take out a small quantity of blood. A pathologist is a physician in the medical field who thoroughly studies the causes and effects of disease. Within a few hours you will get your HDL cholesterol and Triglycerides Test reports by your pathologist.
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Lipid Levels And Heart Health
Cholesterol and triglycerides are necessary for your body to function properly. However, if too many triglycerides or LDL particles are in the bloodstream, they can stick to the walls of arteries and clog them, causing a disease called atherosclerosis, a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke. HDL cholesterol helps “escort” LDL particles out of the bloodstream, so an increased level of HDL lowers your risk of coronary diseases.
Consult A Doctor For Your Triglycerides Problem
High Triglycerides and low LDL HDL ratio can be caused by a lot of reasons. If you take Triglycerides and LDL HDL ratio blood tests and the results are higher than 150 mg/dL for Triglycerides and lower than 0.5 Ratio for LDL HDL ratio, your physician may recommend more tests to figure out the problem. You might also get these tests if your physician thinks you have some other disease.
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What Is Remnant Cholesterol
Weve talked about TG, HDL, and a bit about LDL. Theres another thing we ought to coverremnant cholesterol.
Remnant cholesterol is the most dangerous type of cholesterol particle. Its also called triglyceride-rich lipoproteins , which consists primarily of VLDL and IDL .
Image from the Cholesterol Code by Dave Feldman.
Remnant cholesterol is short-lived in the plasma of a healthy person. RC particles appear only briefly after a meal. They are then metabolized into other lipoproteins by the breakdown of triglycerides inside an RC particle. This breakdown is accomplished by lipoprotein lipase lining the luminal surface of capillaries.
RC is also higher in the serum of those with CV disease risk . It is calculated by subtracting LDL and HDL cholesterol levels from total cholesterol number .
High Total Cholesterol Normal Ldl High Hdl Normal Triglycerides
In this case, the high total cholesterol is less troublesome since its largely due to elevated HDL . The fact that HDL is high and LDL is normal also makes for a favorable HDL:LDL ratio. Although, extremely high levels of HDL cholesterol can be due to genetics. Generally, HDL levels shouldnt exceed 116 mg/dL for men and 135 mg/dL for women.2
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Low Triglycerides But High Ldl
Triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins are both found in your bloodstream. Along with high-density lipoproteins, these particles make up your cholesterol profile. According to the American Heart Association, high levels of triglycerides and LDL cholesterol are associated with an increased risk of coronary diseases. Optimally, triglyceride levels should be below 150 mg/dl, and LDL should be below 100 mg/dl.
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Low Hdl And Low Triglycerides
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High Ldl Hdl Ratio And Low Triglycerides Can Be Caused By Many Reasons
If your LDL HDL ratio is in between 0.5 Ratio and 3 Ratio and your Triglycerides is in between 0 mg/dL and 150 mg/dL then you need not worry as these are the normal ranges for LDL HDL ratio and Triglycerides respectively. But if your levels are lesser or greater than the above values, then there may be some problem in your body.
How Often Should I Get A Cholesterol Test
When and how often you should get a cholesterol test depends on your age, risk factors, and family history. The general recommendations are:
For people who are age 19 or younger::
- The first test should be between ages 9 to 11
- Children should have the test again every 5 years
- Some children may have this test starting at age 2 if there is a family history of high blood cholesterol, heart attack, or stroke
For people who are age 20 or older::
- Younger adults should have the test every 5 years
- Men ages 45 to 65 and women ages 55 to 65 should have it every 1 to 2 years
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Low Hdl High Triglycerides
Low HDL, High triglycerides is a common cholesterol disorder. However, many people stay focused on LDL cholesterol. Often, they have no clue why they have low HDL, high triglycerides and how to raise HDL cholesterol and lower triglycerides level.
There are three types of cholesterol you should know about:
1. HDL cholesterol, also known as the good cholesterol.
2. LDL cholesterol, also known as the bad cholesterol.
3. Triglycerides
Note On Existing Studies
More research is needed to fully understand whether very high HDL levels increase the risk of death.
The authors of a 2019 study suggest that genetic mutations linked to very high HDL levels, impaired HDL function at high levels, and potential bias in research due to flaws in study design may contribute to the potential link found in some studies.
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Atherosclerosis And Cardiovascular Disease
Despite being called good cholesterol, research suggests that very high levels of HDL may increase your risk of mortality.
In a 2017 Danish study , researchers analyzed the rate of mortality in groups of 52,268 European men and 64,240 women over an average of 6.4 years.
The researchers found the lowest mortality rates at HDL levels of 73 mg/dL in men and 93 mg/dL in women. Mortality rates increased significantly with HDL levels above 97 mg/dL in men and 135 mg/dL in women.
Normal Range Of Ldl Hdl Ratio : 05
Ideal values of LDL HDL ratio depending on age :
Age | Ideal LDL HDL ratio value |
< 5 years | |
> 100 years | 0.62696 |
If you want your blood test report to be interpreted by LDL HDL ratio specialist, then you can upload your report. Our LDL HDL ratio expert will provide you with the most accurate interpretation of your blood test results and treatment within 12 hours. Upload blood test report now
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Study Design And Participants
We performed a nested casecontrol study among subjects participating in the PREVEND cohort. This study investigates vascular and renal damage in a predominantly Caucasian population. Details of the study have been described elsewhere. In summary, in 199798, all inhabitants of the city of Groningen, aged 2875 years, were sent a short questionnaire on demographics and cardiovascular morbidity and a vial to collect an early morning urine sample. Altogether, 40 856 subjects responded . Pregnant women and diabetic subjects using insulin were excluded. All participants with urinary albumin concentration > 10 mg/L were invited to our clinic together with randomly selected subjects with a urinary albumin concentration < 10 mg/L. So, the PREVEND Study consists of a population enriched with subjects with microalbuminuria. The study population comprised 8592 subjects who completed the total screening programme. The study was approved by the local medical Ethics Committee. All participants gave written informed consent.
Baseline Clinical Characteristics Of The Study Population
In the overall study population, the mean value of TG/HDL ratio was 2.78±2.37 and the median value was 2.095 . Demographic and clinical characteristics, cardiovascular risk factors and medication use are detailed in Table . In the whole population, mean age was 60±9 years and 59% of patients were men. Family history of CAD was present in 33% of patients and the majority of the population had atypical chest pain , hypercholesterolemia and hypertension . Diabetes was diagnosed in 112 and metabolic syndrome in 118 patients. In the different TG/HDL ratio quartiles, the frequency of male gender, diabetes, smoking habit and of the metabolic syndrome significantly increased from the I quartile to the IV quartile. Male patients and patients with diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome showed significantly higher TG/HDL ratio as compared with female patients or patients without diabetes, obesity and the metabolic syndrome, respectively . A significant increase across quartiles was found for BMI, the use of beta-blockers, diuretics and glucose-lowering agents.
Table 1 Clinical characteristics of the study population and of groups defined by TG/HDL-C quartiles. .Figure 1
TG/HDL-C ratio and cardio-metabolic risk. Relationship between baseline TG/HDL-C ratio, specific cardiovascular risk factors , and relevant bio-humoral variables .
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Low Triglycerides And High Ldl
According to the American Heart Association, triglycerides are fats made in the body from other nutrients such as carbohydrates. If you eat calories that are not used immediately, they are converted into triglycerides and transported to fat cells to be stored.
Because LDL comes from two sources the foods you eat and heredity it is possible to have low triglycerides along with high LDL by eating a healthy diet while your body produces high levels of LDL. The American Heart Association says about 75 percent of your total cholesterol is manufactured in your liver and other cells.
What Can Raise Your Triglycerides
Triglycerides can be raised due to what doctors refer to as ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ causes, explained below. Some people have a combination of both.
It is very important that your doctors investigates all these potential causes so that you can start treatment.
Primary causes of raised triglycerides
‘Primary’ refers to inherited conditions which cause raised triglyceride levels.
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Which Medications Improve Tg/hdl
- Statins. The major impact of statins on TG/HDL is to lower TG. But usually, statins are given to lower LDL. Sometimes they can also increase HDL levels but still not as much as how they lower TG. They can lower TG by as much as 50% .
- Prescription-strength niacin
- Prescription-strength omega-3s. Icosapent ethyl , Epanova, and Lovaza are prescription forms of omega-3s
Why Is There Tg In The Blood
The most common reason for elevated triglycerides is prediabetes. Chronically high insulin stimulates adipokines and hormone-sensitive lipase. This results in the release of too many fatty acids from fat cells. These excess fatty acids take up space in HDL and LDL particles.
TG can also become elevated in several inherited diseases.
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Normal Range Of Hdl Cholesterol : 40
Ideal values of HDL cholesterol depending on age :
Age | |
> 100 years | 53.579 |
If you want your blood test report to be interpreted by HDL cholesterol specialist, then you can upload your report. Our HDL cholesterol expert will provide you with the most accurate interpretation of your blood test results and treatment within 12 hours. Upload blood test report now
How Do Triglycerides Circulate In The Blood
Pure cholesterol cannot mix with or dissolve in the blood. Instead, the liver packages cholesterol with triglycerides and proteins called lipoproteins. The lipoproteins move this fatty mixture to areas throughout the body.
Types of these lipoproteins include very low-density lipoproteins , high-density lipoproteins and low-density lipoproteins .
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Why The Test Is Performed
Triglycerides are usually measured together with other blood fats. Often it is done to help determine your risk of developing heart disease. A high triglyceride level may lead to atherosclerosis, which increases your risk for heart attack and stroke.
A very high triglyceride level may also cause swelling of your pancreas .
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