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HomeCauseCan High Cholesterol Cause Muscle Pain

Can High Cholesterol Cause Muscle Pain

Cholesterol Levels In Dialysis Patients

Bempedoic Acid for Cholesterol-Lowering in Statin Intolerant Patients

In a study of dialysis patients, those with higher cholesterol levels had lower mortality than those with low cholesterol.51 Yet the authors claimed that the inverse association of total cholesterol level with mortality in dialysis patients is likely due to the cholesterol-lowering effect of systemic inflammation and malnutrition, not to a protective effect of high cholesterol concentrations. Keeping an eye on further funding opportunities, the authors concluded: These findings support treatment of hypercholesterolemia in this population.

How Long Will Statin

Most people who experience muscle pain from statins notice the side effect shortly after they start the medication.

In most cases, the pain is short-term and resolves within a few weeks, as the body adjusts to the medication.

If the pain lasts longer or becomes more severe, let your medical provider know right away. It could be a sign of a serious reaction to statins or could be caused by a different condition.

What You Can Do About Muscle Pain From Statins

Keep track of any new symptoms that develop when you begin taking a statin, and report them to your doctor. Some symptoms may go away as you continue to take the medication. If you’re taking the statin preventively, your doctor may try to determine if your muscle pain symptoms are actually due to the statin by suggesting a brief holiday from the drug to see if they disappear when you’re not taking it. However, don’t stop taking a statin without telling your doctor. Although there are no proven remedies for statin-related muscle pain, the following may help.

Exercise. There is some evidence that people who have exercised regularly before taking statins are less likely to experience muscle pain and cramping. Although gentle stretching may relieve muscle cramps, beginning a new vigorous exercise regimen while taking a statin may increase the risk of muscle pain.

Ramp up your lifestyle changes. Commit to an exercise routine, lose weight if you need to, and adopt a heart- healthy eating plan such as the Mediterranean diet. Doing so may enable you to reduce your statin dosage, or possibly even lower your cholesterol enough to enable you to stop the statin. Even if a healthier lifestyle does not lower your lipid levels, it may still lower your long-term risk of heart disease and stroke.

Have a thyroid blood test. If you have a low thyroid hormone level, taking replacement thyroid hormone pills may alleviate muscle pain and can also improve your lipid profile.

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The Evidence That Cholesterol Medication Is Sending You To Knee Replacement

High cholesterol, and its treatment with statins, have been a hallmark of cardiovascular disease management for decades. Many people worry about their cholesterol because they feel they have to, based on drug companies and the media bombarding us with the impression there is a one to one linkage between elevated blood fats and arteriosclerosis. The benefits, side effects, and even the worthiness of taking statins have been under constant attack in recent years. One of the side-effects reports, statins negative influence on soft tissue, namely tendons and ligaments, will be the focus of this article.

Researchers writing in the medical journal Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, discussed the accumulating clinical evidence indicating the risk of tendinopathy and spontaneous and/or simultaneous tendon ruptures associated with statin use.

In their experimental study, the researchers designed a plan to evaluate and compare the biomechanical and histopathological effects of the three most commonly prescribed statins on the Achilles tendon in rats.

Statins were given to the rats at daily doses of 20 and 40 mg/kg for 3 weeks. One week later, the Achilles tendons were dissected and their biomechanical properties, including ultimate tensile force, yield force, and elastic modulus, were determined.

Symptoms Of High Cholesterol On Eyes

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There are many potential symptoms of high cholesterol that can affect the eyes. Some of the more common symptoms include:

  • Eye pain or discomfort
  • Redness or discharge in the eye
  • Puffy or enlarged eyes
  • Eye fatigue or pressure
  • Vision changes, such as blurred vision or decreased contrast sensitivity
  • If you notice any of these symptoms, it is essential to see a doctor as soon as possible and get checked for high cholesterol. If you are already suffering from high cholesterol, treating it early is vital in preventing any long-term damage to your eyesight.

    Also Check: Are Cholesterol And Diabetes Related

    Lowering Cholesterol Without Muscle Pain

    Q. I have read about side effects of simvastatin and told my doctor about the muscle and joint pain Ive been experiencing on this cholesterol-lowering drug. I even pointed out that this is listed in the info that comes with the prescription and asked if it could be from the pills.

    He sent me for X-rays. The word that came back was my pain is due to old age. Im 65 and I dont think that qualifies.

    Ive been on statins since I was 45 years old. I stopped taking them on my own once, but the next blood test showed my cholesterol was higher.

    I would dearly love to get off this darn medication. I am hoping that would help me feel better. Is there anything natural that I can eat instead to keep my cholesterol where it should be?

    A. Muscle pain and weakness are recognized as common side effects of cholesterol-lowering drugs such as atorvastatin, lovastatin, pravastatin and simvastatin . Although joint pain is listed in the official prescribing information for such drugs, it is less well recognized as a statin side effect .

    There are many non-drug approaches to reducing cholesterol. Several readers report that including avocados or nuts in their weekly diets helps.

    A vegetarian portfolio diet lowers cholesterol about as well as a statin . This diet combines vegetables high in soluble fiber such as okra and eggplant with soy protein, almonds and plant sterols in cholesterol-lowering margarine.

    How Can I Relieve My Leg Pain

    If youre experiencing leg pain caused by high-cholesterol or PAD, the good news is that changes to your diet and lifestyle can relieve the symptoms. Some doctors recommend supervised exercise, which means exercising with a specialist trainer. Exercise such as walking until the pain is too much, before taking a rest, then walking again can also be a good way to improve symptoms and gain fitness.

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    Statins And Related Genetic Factors

    Genetic predisposition testing may become an integral component of personalized medicine and may influence the efficacy and safety in which medications are selected. Muscle toxicity related to statin use may be influenced by genetic factors or the presence or absence of specific genotypes. Genetic risk factors contributing to the development of statin-induced myopathies that are of interest relate either to drug metabolism or to muscle metabolism. According to Vladutiu, the SEARCH collaborative group found that more than 60% of 85 patients with myopathic symptoms had variations of the C allele of the SLCO1B1 gene. Encoded polypeptides within the SLCO1B1 gene are involved in the regulation of the hepatic uptake of statins.

    Genomic variations or reductions of specific coenzymes, such as CoQ10, may be another possible mechanism for statin-induced myopathy. Oh et al compared 133 subjects who were statin intolerant with 158 matched controls who were statin tolerant and found that genomic variation in CoQ10 was associated with an increased risk of statin intolerance, defined through muscle symptomatology. Coenzyme Q2 is the second enzyme in the CoQ10 biosynthetic pathway. These findings reinforce the concept that adverse muscle symptoms or statin intolerance may be associated with a genomic variation in the CoQ10 pathway.

    Leg Pain Can Mean Heart Danger Expert Says

    Muscle Aches, Low Cholesterol & Vitamin D Deficiency Dr.Berg

    David Dow thought he was having back problems, and that his legs were hurting as a result. As it turns out, that pain may have saved his life.

    An otherwise healthy 57-year-old, he figured he just needed to learn some back-strengthening exercises, so he found a personal trainer to help him. But despite the workouts, his leg pain got worse making it hard for him even to walk from the car to the grocery store entrance. He and the trainer suspected something else was wrong and he sought the advice of his doctor.

    Soon his doctors tests revealed the true cause: blockages in the blood vessels of his legs. In fact, the arteries going to his lower extremities were nearly 100 percent blocked. The cause? Years of heavy smoking and high-fat meals, and other factors had caused cholesterol, scar tissue and blood clots to build up inside his blood vessels.

    Most people think this kind of clogged artery disease, or arteriosclerosis, only happens in the heart. But as Dows case shows, it can happen throughout the body. When it does, its called peripheral arterial disease, or PAD.

    And in some people, PAD causes leg pain that acts as an early warning that someone is at high risk for a heart attack or a stroke, says a University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center expert.

    Also Check: How To Find Out Your Cholesterol Level

    What Are The Symptoms Of Cholesterol Problems

    A high level of cholesterol in the blood doesn’t have obvious symptoms, but it can increase your risk for conditions that do have symptoms, including angina , high blood pressure, stroke, and other circulatory ailments. Also:

    Q Can High Cholesterol Cause Hand Numbness

    Ans- Yes, high cholesterol can cause hand numbness. This effect is usually due to the fact that high cholesterol levels can increase plaque formation in the arteries which reduces blood flow to extremities including your hands.

    As a result, you may experience tingling or numbness when you move your fingers or grip objects firmly. If this problem goes untreated, it might even lead to complete loss of sensation in your hands and feet.

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    How Do I Know If My Cholesterol Is Too High

    Many people with high cholesterol dont experience any symptoms at all, so its a good idea to have this tested. You can get this test through your GP, or for a small fee many pharmacists are able to perform the test for you. You may also wish to purchase a home test. If your cholesterol is high, you can then take steps to improve your diet and lifestyle to help reduce the cholesterol in your blood.

    Some people with high cholesterol may experience fatigue, feel short of breath, nauseous or have chest pain. If you experience these symptoms its important to speak to your GP.

    Muscle Pain While Taking Statins For High Cholesterol

    Pin by Ljiljana Ozmec on healthy charts

    More than one hundred million North Americans have taken statin drugs that help to save lives by lowering cholesterol and preventing heart attacks. Ten to 20 percent of people who take statins have been reported to have suffered muscle pain , but a recent study from the UK claims to show that statins are no more likely than a placebo to cause muscle pain . I believe that this study should not be used to contradict the results of a large number of studies that show that statins can cause muscle pain and muscle damage: The researchers did not perform blood tests to measure muscle damage. These tests can be performed routinely in any doctors office. They used a very low dose of atorvastatin that would miss the muscle damage that has been reported repeatedly with higher doses, which would have caused far more muscle pain and damage.

    My RecommendationsStatins do prevent heart attacks and save lives. If you are on statins to treat high cholesterol, realize that they can cause muscle pain and weakness. If you develop muscle pain while on statins, do not stop your medication but call your doctor immediately. Stopping statins can raise cholesterol levels and increase risk for clotting and heart attacks. Your doctor may try reducing the statin dose or prescribing a less potent statin. You should also avoid alcohol and be checked for low vitamin D and low thyroid function.

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    Do Statins Cause Joint Pain


    If you or someone you know is trying to reduce their cholesterol, youve heard about statins. They are a type of prescription medication that lowers blood cholesterol.

    Statins reduce the production of cholesterol by the liver. This can prevent extra cholesterol from building up on the inside of arteries, which could lead to heart attack or stroke. One study that involved three hospitals found that statins seem to work best for people who have a genetic predisposition for heart attacks.

    25 million Americans take statins. Between 5 and 18 percent of these people report sore muscles, a common side effect. Statins are more likely to cause muscle pain when taken at high doses or when taken in combination with certain medications.

    Other reported side effects of statins include liver or digestive problems, high blood sugar, type 2 diabetes, and memory problems. The Mayo Clinic suggests that some people are more likely than others to suffer from these effects. High-risk groups include women, people over 65, people with liver or kidney disease, and those who drink more than two alcoholic beverages a day.

    Joint pain is considered a minor side effect of statin use, though if you suffer from it, it might not seem minor to you.

    There is little recent research on statins and joint pain. One case study suggested that statins that dissolve in fats, called lipophilic statins, have a higher likelihood of causing joint pain, but further research is needed.

    Soon After Taking These New Cholesterol Medications I Felt A Sharp And Sudden Pain In My Knee

    A patient comes in on a recommendation from a friend.

    I am here because I have very bad knee pain . . . here is my story:

    I went to the doctor for my check-up. My blood work revealed slightly elevated cholesterol and I was advised that I need to take and was given prescriptions for medications that would lower my cholesterol. I also told my doctor that my knee was hurting, could I get something for it? My doctor asked, when and how the knee pain started? I said I aggravated it with a new exercise program, one I would hope that would lower my weight and cholesterol. My doctor said, go easy on my knee.

    Soon after taking these new cholesterol medications, I felt a sharp and sudden pain in my knee as my wife and I were walking to our car. My wife drove us home and she got me to the chair and we elevated my leg and got plenty of ice on it.

    We made an appointment at the doctors. Here I was given the reason why my knee hurt.

    • It must be the exercise program. I should go slower or completely rest.

    After a week of not exercising at all, my knee pain, now the pain was in both knees, became so much worse, I could not sleep. My wife began looking up things on the internet. She showed me some articles that said it was the statins, the cholesterol medication causing the knee pain. In fact, she showed me, it is a well-known side-effect.

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    Guidelines To Prevent High Cholesterol

    Having high cholesterol can be due to several reasons. In general, we associate it with a bad diet, but there are several causes, some of which cannot be modified.

    • Physical inactivity

    In some cases, it can be difficult to avoid and control hypercholesterolemia. However, some guidelines can help keep cholesterol levels at the right levels. Most of them focus on maintaining healthy lifestyle habits.

    These focus on getting daily exercise, avoiding alcohol and tobacco, reducing stress, and maintaining a healthy weight. In addition, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats should predominate in the diet.

    Testing Used To Diagnose Statin

    High Cholesterol – Do I Need To Take Medication?

    Creatine kinase levels, liver function testing, and myoglobin levels.

    Historically, CK levels have been used to assist in the diagnosis of statin-related myopathy. Utilizing CK levels as the sole marker to identify the presence of myopathy may be misleading.,,, Elevated CK levels can occur without myopathic effects and often are seen as a result of exercise., Clarkson et al monitored several indicators of muscle damage, including CK, myoglobin, LDH, and other measures of renal function, following an eccentric exercise protocol. No subjects with moderate to marked increases in CK levels had signs or symptoms of renal failure. The results of this study confirm that large increases in CK and myoglobin as a result of exercise in individuals who are healthy are not sufficient to induce renal damage. In the presence of statin therapy, therefore, clinicians using a strength program for their patients should exercise caution when evaluating the presence of elevated CK levels., Clarkson and colleagues, also showed that simply maintaining adequate hydration in the presence of these elevated serum concentrations is adequate in preventing renal compromise. Because the onset of myopathy can be multifactorial, the need for more judicious monitoring of patients using statins, as well as more nontraditional screening methods, is indicated.


    Skeletal muscle.

    Recommended Reading: How To Read Your Cholesterol Report

    Cholesterol Medicine Affects Energy Production In Muscles

    University of Copenhagen
    Up to 75 percent of patients who take statins to treat elevated cholesterol levels may suffer from muscle pain. Scientists have now identified a possible mechanism underlying this unfortunate side effect.

    Up to 75 per cent of patients who take statins to treat elevated cholesterol levels may suffer from muscle pain. Scientists at the Center for Healthy Aging at the University of Copenhagen have now identified a possible mechanism underlying this unfortunate side effect.

    The results have just been published in the Journal of American College of Cardiology.

    Statin is a class of drugs which are used to treat high levels of blood cholesterol by way of inhibiting the liver’s ability to produce cholesterol. Statins are the most potent drugs on the market for lowering low-density cholesterol . At present 600,000 Danes with elevated cholesterol levels take statins daily. 30-40 per cent of the older Danish population are currently undergoing treatment.

    “A well-known side effect of statin therapy is muscle pain. Up to 75 per cent of the physically active patients undergoing treatment for high cholesterol experience pain. This may keep people away from either taking their medicine or from taking exercise — both of which are bad choices,” says Professor Flemming Dela from the Center for Healthy Aging at the University of Copenhagen. He continues:

    Side effects of statin therapy

    The media influence patients

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