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HomeExclusiveWhat Is Known As Good Cholesterol

What Is Known As Good Cholesterol

When Should I Get An At

What is Cholesterol? | LDL and HDL | Good and Bad Cholesterol

You can consider getting an at-home test if you are curious about your blood cholesterol. This can provide information about your current cholesterol levels and may help initiate a more in-depth conversation with your doctor about heart health and wellness.

At the same time, you should not have an at-home cholesterol test if you have concerns or symptoms related to your health. In that case, you should talk with your doctor for specific guidance. Your doctor can also review the pros and cons of at-home cholesterol testing in your situation.

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Hdl Is A Primary Participant In Rct

The importance of RCT for the removal of cholesterol from peripheral tissue for excretion through the liver is well known . A critical step in RCT, a multistep process, is maturation of the pre-1-HDL formed through the acquisition of free cholesterol and phospholipids by apolipoprotein AI into -migrating HDL. The FC is converted into cholesteryl ester by lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase and migrates into the interior of the HDL particle, thus enabling the transfer of more FC to the cell surface. Plasma pre-1-HDL levels have been reported to be increased in patients with coronary artery disease and dyslipidemia. Elevation of the plasma pre-1-HDL level is associated with the atherosclerotic phase of coronary artery disease and may be useful for the identification of patients with unstable angina pectoris. High pre-1-HDL concentrations and low LCAT activities are strong positive risk markers for ischemic heart disease and are independent of HDL-C.

How Much Dietary Cholesterol Is Too Much

For decades, most health organizations recommended consuming no more than 300 milligrams of dietary cholesterol per day. However, due to a lack of scientific data supporting a specific limit on cholesterol, many organizations no longer recommend an upper limit. Many experts still encourage people to moderate their cholesterol consumption, but more research is needed to determine precisely how much cholesterol is too much.

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List Of Foods That Raise Good Cholesterol

Recently researchers have studied food effects on HDL level. They have found that there are certain foods that increase good cholesterol. Following are few examples-

  • Berries: Million times you may have heard berries are good for our health. Recent studies have found that consuming berries in moderate quantity can improves HDL cholesterol. To be more specific it is the anthocyanin in the berries that do the trick. Most popular berries are bilberry, black currant, raspberry and strawberry.
  • Another study was conducted on Kale juice. People having high cholesterol were selected. They were given 150 ml of kale juice daily. Three months later, their HDL cholesterol had increased by 27%. Almost 200 gm of kale is required for extracting 150 ml of kale juice.
  • Cocoa is also known to increase good cholesterol.

‘good Cholesterol’ May Not Always Be Good

Cholesterol types comparison with HDL and LDL lipoprotein ...
University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences
Postmenopausal factors may have an impact on the heart-protective qualities of high-density lipoproteins — also known as ‘good cholesterol.’ The findings bring into question the current use of total HDL cholesterol to predict heart disease risk.

Postmenopausal factors may have an impact on the heart-protective qualities of high-density lipoproteins — also known as ‘good cholesterol’ — according to a study led by researchers in the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health.

The findings, published today in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, a journal of the American Heart Association , indicate that this specific type of blood cholesterol may not translate into a lowered risk of cardiovascular disease in older women — bringing into question the current use of HDL cholesterol in a common equation designed to predict heart disease risk, particularly for women.

El Khoudary’s team looked at 1,138 women aged 45 through 84 enrolled across the U.S. in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis , a medical research study sponsored by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health . MESA began in 1999 and is still following participants today.

The study points out that the traditional measure of the good cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, fails to portray an accurate depiction of heart disease risk for postmenopausal women.

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Examples Of Good Cholesterol In A Sentence

good cholesterol The New Yorkergood cholesterol The New Yorkergood cholesterol The New Yorkergood cholesterol The New Yorkergood cholesterol The New Yorkergood cholesterol The New Yorkergood cholesterol The New Yorkergood cholesterol The New Yorker

These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘good cholesterol.’ Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.

Healthy Eating Tips To Lower Cholesterol

As well as sticking to a varied and healthy diet, try these tips to help you manage your cholesterol:

  • Limit takeaway foods to once a week .
  • Limit salty, fatty and sugary snack foods to once a week .
  • Eat plenty of vegetables aim for 5 serves of vegetables every day. .
  • Choose wholegrain breads, cereal, pasta, rice and noodles.
  • Snack on plain, unsalted nuts and fresh fruit .
  • Include legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, split peas), beans into at least two meals a week. Check food labels and choose the lowest sodium products.
  • Use spreads and margarines made from healthy unsaturated fats instead of those made with saturated fat .
  • Use healthy oils for cooking some include canola, sunflower, soybean, olive , sesame and peanut oils.
  • Use salad dressings and mayonnaise made from oils such as canola, sunflower, soybean, olive , sesame and peanut oils.
  • Include 2 or 3 serves of plant-sterol-enriched foods every day .
  • Have 2 to 3 portions of oily fish every week. Fish may be fresh, frozen or canned.
  • Include up to 7 eggs every week.
  • Select lean meat and limit unprocessed red meat to less than 350g per week.
  • Choose reduced fat, no added sugar milk, yoghurt, or calcium-added non-dairy food and drinks.
  • Limit or avoid processed meats including sausages and deli meats .

If you are having trouble with your cholesterol levels, a dietitian can help you to eat healthily for your specific needs.

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Pcsk9 As A Therapeutic Target For Dyslipidemia

The establishment of a link between PCSK9 and cholesterol metabolism was rapidly followed by the discovery that selected mutations in the PCSK9 gene caused autosomal dominant hypercholesterolemia , suggesting that the mutations confer a gain of function by increasing the normal activity of PCSK9. This was supported by an experiment in which wild-type and mutant PCSK9 were expressed at high levels in the livers of mice hepatic LDLR protein levels fell dramatically in mice receiving either the wild-type or the mutant PCSK9 . No associated reductions in LDLR mRNA levels were observed, indicating that overexpression of PCSK9, whether mutant or wild type, reduces LDLR through a posttranscriptional mechanism.

Plasma Transport And Regulation Of Absorption

What is Good Cholesterol and What is Bad Cholesterol? | Dr. Rajni Sharma

As an isolated molecule, cholesterol is only minimally soluble in water, or hydrophilic. Because of this, it dissolves in blood at exceedingly small concentrations. To be transported effectively, cholesterol is instead packaged within lipoproteins, complex discoidal particles with exterior amphiphilic proteins and lipids, whose outward-facing surfaces are water-soluble and inward-facing surfaces are lipid-soluble. This allows it to travel through the blood via emulsification. Unbound cholesterol, being amphipathic, is transported in the monolayer surface of the lipoprotein particle along with phospholipids and proteins. Cholesterol esters bound to fatty acid, on the other hand, are transported within the fatty hydrophilic core of the lipoprotein, along with triglyceride.

There are several types of lipoproteins in the blood. In order of increasing density, they are chylomicrons, very-low-density lipoprotein , intermediate-density lipoprotein , low-density lipoprotein , and high-density lipoprotein . Lower protein/lipid ratios make for less dense lipoproteins. Cholesterol within different lipoproteins is identical, although some is carried as its native “free” alcohol form , while others as fatty acyl esters, known also as cholesterol esters, within the particles.

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How Can I Lower My Ldl Level

There are two main ways to lower your LDL cholesterol:

  • Therapeutic lifestyle changes . TLC includes three parts:
    • Heart-healthy eating. A heart-healthy eating plan limits the amount of saturated and trans fats that you eat. Examples of eating plans that can lower your cholesterol include the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes diet and the DASH eating plan.
    • Weight Management. If you are overweight, losing weight can help lower your LDL cholesterol.
    • Physical Activity. Everyone should get regular physical activity .
  • Drug Treatment. If lifestyle changes alone do not lower your cholesterol enough, you may also need to take medicines. There are several types of cholesterol-lowering drugs available, including statins. The medicines work in different ways and can have different side effects. Talk to your health care provider about which one is right for you. While you are taking medicines to lower your cholesterol, you still should continue with the lifestyle changes.

Some people with familial hypercholesterolemia may receive a treatment called lipoprotein apheresis. This treatment uses a filtering machine to remove LDL cholesterol from the blood. Then the machine returns the rest of the blood back to the person.

NIH: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

How Can I Prevent High Cholesterol

Here are a few things you can do to keep your cholesterol under control:

  • Eat a healthy diet that includes lots of fruit, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Limit drinks and foods that have a lot of fat or sugar, like sugary drinks, treats, and fried foods.
  • Get plenty of exercise. Experts recommend at least 60 minutes every day!

Here are recommended levels of lipids in your blood measured in milligrams per deciliter .

  • Total cholesterol: Under 200 mg/dL
  • Total triglycerides: Under 150 mg/dL
  • LDL cholesterol: Under 130 mg/dL for healthy individuals, or under 100 mg/dL for heart or blood vessel disease, or for those with high total cholesterol
  • HDL cholesterol: More than 45 mg/dL for men, or more than 55 mg/dL for women

Statistics about cholesterol include:

  • In the United States, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in adults. High cholesterol is a primary risk factor in cardiovascular disease.
  • Of adults age 20 and older, 11.8% have a total cholesterol of 240 mg/dL or more.
  • The average total cholesterol level for adults over age 20 in the United States is 191 mg/dL.
  • Of adults in the U.S., 18% have low HDL cholesterol levels.
  • Low HDL cholesterol is more prevalent in the United States among people of Hispanic descent than those from other ethnic groups.

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What Are The Different Types Of Cholesterol

There are two types: high-density lipoprotein and low-density lipoprotein . As a general rule, HDL is considered good cholesterol, while LDL is considered bad. This is because HDL carries cholesterol to your liver, where it can be removed from your bloodstream before it builds up in your arteries. LDL, on the other hand, takes cholesterol directly to your arteries. This can result in atherosclerosis, a plaque buildup that can even cause heart attack and stroke.

What Is The Difference Between Good Cholesterol And Bad Cholesterol

Everything You Know About Cholesterol Is Wrong

Good cholesterol is known as high-density lipoprotein . It removes cholesterol from the bloodstream. Low-density lipoprotein is the bad cholesterol.

If your total cholesterol level is high because of a high LDL level, you may be at higher risk of heart disease or stroke. But, if your total cholesterol level is high only because of a high HDL level, youre probably not at higher risk.

Triglycerides are another type of fat in your blood. When you eat more calories than your body can use, it turns the extra calories into triglycerides.

Changing your lifestyle can improve your cholesterol levels, lower LDL and triglycerides, and raise HDL.

Your ideal cholesterol level will depend on your risk for heart disease.

  • Total cholesterol level less than 200 is best, but it depends on your HDL and LDL levels.
  • LDL cholesterol levels less than 130 is best, but this depends on your risk for heart disease.
  • HDL cholesterol levels 60 or higher reduces your risk for heart disease.
  • Triglycerides less than 150 milligrams per deciliter is best.

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Confirming Unhealthy Cholesterol Levels

A lipid panel usually measures total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol. Your test may also show the level of non-HDL cholesterol, which includes LDL and all other types of bad cholesterol that raise your risk of atherosclerosisand complications.

Your doctor may diagnose you with high blood cholesterol if your total or non-HDL cholesterol level is higher than what is healthy for you. Your doctor might also find that your level of good HDL cholesterol is too low.

Your doctor may ask that you fast before a lipid panel. This means you do not eat or drink anything except water for 9 to 12 hours before your blood is drawn. Ask you whether you should take your usual medicines before the test and if there are any other special instructions.

Your doctor may order other tests to help decide whether medicines are needed to lower your risk of heart and blood vessel diseases. These may include a coronary calcium scan, and blood tests for levels of C-reactive protein and lipoprotein-a.

What Are Hdl And Ldl Cholesterol

So what are the differences between the two types of cholesterol: HDL ? One is good and one is bad, but what does that mean?

  • Known as good cholesterol1

A lower HDL level will increase your risk of heart disease, so you want to see higher HDL numbers.2

  • It can accumulate in the walls of your arteriesthis is called plaque1,2
  • Gradually, plaque narrows and hardens the arteries and restricts the flow of blood to organs such as the heart or the brainthis can lead to a heart attack or stroke3

A higher LDL level increases your risk of heart disease, so you want to see lower LDL numbers.2

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How Is It Broken Down

Once in the blood stream, some cholesterol will be returned to the liver and broken down. Its used to make bile acids which are released into the intestines to help with digestion bile acids break down the fats in food.

A small amount of bile acids will be removed from the body as a waste product in your poo. But most will be absorbed back into the blood, returned to the liver and used again for digestion.

Some treatments for high cholesterol work by stopping bile from being absorbed back into the blood. The liver has to take more cholesterol out of the blood to make more bile, lowering your cholesterol levels.

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What Does Bad Cholesterol Do

Know About Good & Bad Cholesterol | Signs & Symptoms of High Cholesterol | Cholesterol in Tamil |

Low-density lipoproteins transport cholesterol to cells and blood vessels in the body

The function of bad cholesterol isnt to cause health problems, we need a certain amount of LDL in the blood to live. There are certain factors that may lead to unhealthy levels of bad cholesterol therefore having a negative impact on ones overall health.

In simpler terms, bad cholesterol is referred to as such because it facilitates attachment of cholesterol and other lipids to the arteries, leading to blockages which often presents as a heart attack or a stroke.

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How Much Does The Test Cost

The price for HDL cholesterol testing is variable. Factors that can influence the cost of cholesterol testing include which measurements are included, where the blood sample is taken, and whether you have health insurance.

There may be separate charges for your blood draw, office visits, and laboratory analysis. In many cases, these costs will be at least partially covered by your health insurance if the HDL cholesterol test is recommended by your doctor. You can check with your health care plan for information about costs including a deductible or copayments.

Some health clinics or pharmacies have set prices for point-of-care cholesterol tests. In addition, point-of-care testing may be available for free or at a low cost at community events like health fairs.

At-home test kits differ dramatically in price. Devices that analyze cholesterol from a drop of blood can cost from under $150 to several hundred dollars. If repeat testing is needed, some tests allow you to purchase additional test strips.

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Endothelial Lipase As A Therapeutic Target For Dyslipidemia

Endothelial lipase is a member of the TG lipase gene family . It has both phospholipase and TG lipase activity, but it is more active as a phospholipase than as a TG lipase . The link between EL and HDL-C was established following mouse studies suggesting that changes in EL levels influence HDL-C metabolism. EL cloned into an adenoviral vector and transfected into COS cells demonstrated that in vitro HDL-C particles are the preferred source of EL substrate for all lipoprotein fractions . Furthermore, a significant increase in plasma HDL-C in mice was observed when the EL gene was knocked out . Using genetic mouse models with altered levels of EL expression, Ishida et al. reported a strong inverse correlation between HDL levels and EL expression. Furthermore, recent studies showed that targeted EL deletion increases HDL particles with anti-inflammatory properties both in vitro and in vivo . This was further supported by the finding that inhibition of EL activity in mice using an EL antibody resulted in a significant increase in HDL-C. Conversely, overexpression of EL in transgenic animals resulted in a significant decrease in HDL-C . These data suggested that EL, at least in mice, plays an important role in HDL-C metabolism. Further genetic association studies in humans demonstrated inverse correlations between EL and HDL-C levels .

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