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HomeHealthIs Ghee Bad For Cholesterol

Is Ghee Bad For Cholesterol

Does Ghee Raise Cholesterol

Ghee Is Good Or Bad For Health | Does Ghee Contain Cholesterol | Health Facts

Hyperlipidemia is the elevation of lipids in the bloodstream. These lipids include cholesterol, cholesterol esters , phospholipids, and triglycerides. Does Ghee raise cholesterol? Read on to find out!

Hyperlipidemia or elevated lipids lead to atherosclerosis of the hearts vessels leading to vascular diseases.

Hyperlipidemias may be associated with disorders such as diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, kidney failure or Cushings syndrome.

They may also be a result of the use of corticosteroid drugs. Hyperlipidemias are associated with the development of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease.

Does Ghee Actually Raise Cholesterol

In the classical text Charaka Samhita, the qualities of ghrita are described. Ghrita balances Pitta and Vata. It is conducive to rasa dhatu, shukra dhatu and ojas. Grhita relieves burning sensation and brings softness. It gives clarity of voice and complexion.

Caraka clearly states the benefits of ghee consumption. Ghee promotes memory, intelligence, agni, semen, ojas, Kapha and medas. It alleviates Vata, Pitta, poison, insanity, phthisis, inauspiciousness and fever.

It is the best of all fats. It is cold, has a madhura rasa, madhura vipaka and 1000 potentialities. If used properly according to prescribed methods, it exerts 1000 types of actions.3

The Ayurvedic scholar Sushruta clearly mentions in his text Sushruta Samhita that ghrita is sweet, mild in action, soft, cold in potency and anabhishyandadi.This means it does not increase moisture in the tissues and does not cause blockages in the body channels.

Ghee promotes memory, intelligence, agni, semen, ojas, Kapha and medas.

Thus, it can be inferred that ghee does not cause any blockage or deposits in the blood vessels or other body channels.

He further mentions that ghee is lubricating. It relieves constipation and upward movement of apan vayu. It is helpful in the management of epilepsy, insanity, colic, fever and abdominal distension.

Ghee is an aphrodisiac. It is good for vision and nourishes Kapha. It destroys germs and poisons.4

Excess Of Everything Is Bad

Too much of anything is not good. Elevated levels of Triglycerides and Lipoprotein which are a part of our total cholesterol count are the main bad guys Otherwise cholesterol is good, it combines with other fats and proteins to be carried through the bloodstream. Thats where HDL and LDL come in to play. Cholesterol also helps in the formation of memories and is important for neurological health. Cholesterol is good for you as much needed to produce and maintain all hormones. Cholesterol supports all the membrane structures and maintains their fluidity in the body which makes it very important.

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Excess of everything is bad. Excess can lead to deposits in arteries which can be fatal. Adding to the complexity, the way people process cholesterol differs. Scientists say some people about 25 percent appear to be more vulnerable to cholesterol-rich diets. And of course theres always good and bad so always use good source in lesser quantity and people who usually say you need this amount of carbs or proteins or fats are wrong because theres no set standard as everybody is different and its always depends on gender in age on weight etc.

One day they will say sugar is also not bad. They did the same with tea. Coffee, chocolate, eggs and lot more. Allah tells us excess of every thing is bad , rest you should eat whatever Allah allowed.

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Clarified Butter And Cholesterol Quantity

Hereby mentioning ghee, we are indicating at pure cow ghee, procured from 100% grass-fed cow milk. Cow ghee contains cholesterol as a proven ingredient, but if consumed in restriction, it is helpful in maintaining good HDL cholesterol level in the body. It is also known as brown butter, clarified butter, and anhydrous milk fat.

According to a recent study, on the people of India, it has been observed that healthy fat and cholesterol level in blood is healthier in people who consume more cow clarified butter and less mustard oil.

Consumers with food habits of using more mustard oil than ghee butter are detected with higher levels of LDL cholesterol and lower levels of HDL high cholesterol count, which is more vulnerable to develop cardiac disease.

Some qualities of mustard oil are restricted for consumption in the United States, Canada, and some parts of Europe because they are detected with an unhealthy quantity of uric acid.

In comparison to mustard oil and other vegetable oils, consumption of this dairy staple helps reduce the average cholesterol level in the blood. Animal studies also have confirmed the fact.

You should not consider Ghee and cholesterol relation completely negative if you can practice moderation. Ghee butter Cholesterol quantity ranges from 252 to 284 mg/100 grams out of which HDL cholesterol is the major component.

Cholesterol Is It Good Or Is It Bad

Can People With High Cholesterol Include Ghee in Daily ...

Cholesterol is a steroid molecule. The cholesterol required by our body is produced in the body as well. Extra ingestion of cholesterol is not needed in general. Cholesterol circulates in blood and as blood cholesterol rises, so does the risk to your health. High total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides levels are bad as they increase the cardiovascular risk. Well its a proven fact that cholesterol affects our body harmfully, but recent studies suggest that cholesterol in some diets doesnt affect the absorption or amount of cholesterol in our body.

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Believe It Or Not Cow Ghee Is Bad Cholesterol Free

Cow ghee, a heavenly Nectar boost immune system, promotes memory, semen, ojas, kapha, fat and cures indigestion, strengthens Increases metabolism and reduces bad cholesterol and protect us from cancer

I am very fond of eating. Every day I need Parathas which consume more Ghee. I remember, my grand mother always says eat Puries instead Parathas. They are better and faster to digest even fired in Desi Ghee.

Now, everyone is very health conscious because our lifestyle has changed a lot. There are a lot of contradictions about Desi Ghee and vegetable and other edible oils.

In my research, I found Cow Ghee is safe and we can consume well without worries and be enjoying good food.

You must read this before consuming Roties, Curries and Dals laced with Ghee.

For Indians, Cow ghee is a religious matter rather than a food item. Cow Ghee has dominated most Indian kitchens for centuries. Use of Cow ghee in sweets is viewed by customers as the symbol of their quality and richness.

But the metabolic epidemic comprising of diabetes, heart disease, obesity and hypertension which have emerged in the recent decades in India has put a question mark on this Indian favourite cooking medium.

Today I am going to talk about all the pros and cons of the Cow ghee and clear all your doubts so you can safely include Cow ghee to your daily diet. Before we go ahead, lets take a look at nutritional information of the ghee.

Nutritional Facts

Which is healthier butter or Cow ghee?

Can People Who Suffer From Ldl Cholesterol Eat Cow Ghee

There is no direct reaction between cow ghee and LDL cholesterol. Cows milk is used for making organic cow ghee. If a consumer practices overeating ghee and a sedentary lifestyle, there is a high chance that his blood will get high blood cholesterol.

According to good cholesterol and bad cholesterol study, if you maintain a moderate ghee diet and an active lifestyle, you have little risk of developing high LDL, but by maintaining the opposite, which means a ghee diet and sedentary lifestyle, you can harm your health pretty well. A cholesterol test will show probably low good cholesterol and LDL cholesterol high.

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Lower Cholesterol With Ghee

It sounds paradoxical. With ghee, of all things, i.e. pure butter fat , should you be able to lower cholesterol?

Read moreHow Coconut Oil Improves Intestinal Inflammation

Unimaginable, given that ghee contains 70% saturated fatty acids, which are still referred to in many places as THE bad guys when it comes to cholesterol. Nevertheless, several studies have shown that medicinal ghee in no way increases cholesterol levels and can even prevent various diseases.

Ldl And Hdl Are Lipoproteins

Benefits of cow ghee with Dr Mitali

Often we get to hear LDL and HDL as Bad and Good Cholesterol. This is because High-density lipoprotein is the good kind of cholesterol and the kind you want. Low-density lipoprotein is the bad kind of cholesterol and the kind you want to keep in check. While LDL is bad and HDL is good there is only one kind of cholesterol. And cholesterol is also good. HDL and LDL help carry cholesterol in blood.

LDL is known as bad cholesterol because having high levels can lead to plaque buildup in your arteries and result inheart disease and stroke. LDL itself is not bad. Actually LDL has only one copy of APO B 100 on its surface. Oxidative stress can knock off that B 100 and makes it oxidized LDL which is dangerous. HDL cholesterol absorbs cholesterol and carries it back to the liver, which flushes it from the body. HDL is known as good cholesterol because having high levels can reduce the risk for heart disease and stroke. Cholesterol is a sign of a healthy liver the only thing is that LDL should not be more than HDL.

Dietary cholesterol doesnt equal blood cholesterol. However, you cant separate HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol from a debate on Cholesterol. Both LDL and HDL are involved in lipid transport system of our body. LDL takes lipids to the tissues and HDL takes it away from them . Studies have shown how increased HDL is protective of our blood vessels since it can remove lipids from the vessels .

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Chemical Composition Of Cow Ghee

10. Phosphorus11. Minerals, etc.While cholesterol gives strength to our body, maintains balance of hormones in our body, makes Vitamin D in our body. Taking 4-5 tea spoon or a table spoon per day will no way be harmful for us. If someone has heart problem, or has imbalanced cholesterol, he can easily take one small spoon ghee in his food.

Ghee Protects The Cardiovascular System

If ten percent of the daily energy requirement is covered with ghee, cholesterol and fat values can drop. The intensity of the effect depends on how much ghee is consumed.

In one study, for example, the test subjects received 60 ml of medicinal ghee per day and thus experienced a drop in cholesterol levels.

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Is Dalda Good For Health Dalda Saturated Or Unsaturated Fat

Dalda reigned over the Indian markets for about forty years courtesy to lower prices and exact same taste as pure cow ghee, but is Dalda good for health?

Dalda is synonymous with hydrogenated vegetable oils in the South-Asian region. Here, we are gonna focus on everything related to it and more.

Pure cow milk ghee and refined cooking oils have always belonged to the top tier of the price distribution. They are expensive and generally out of reach for the people of lower economic background.

In the 1930s, hydrogenated vegetable oils were imported by the Hindustan Vanaspati Manufacture Co. Later, they started manufacture in the country itself and named it DALDA.

Use Small Quantities Of Ghee

Desi Cow Ghee Lower Cholesterol?

While it is good to include ghee in your diet, it should always be used in small quantities. Large quantities of ghee may not get properly digested leading to ama formation.

  • For nourishing effects, ghee should be taken in an appropriate quantity. The amount of ghee should be such that it does not overpower the flavor of the food you are taking.
  • Ghee obtained from cows milk is the best kind of ghee.
  • Ghee can also be consumed after being infused with herbs like Triphala, Guduchi, curcumin, cyperus rotundus and other herbs. Consuming herb-infused ghee has shown to decrease ones total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides. An increase in HDL was also observed in murchita ghrita group.
  • For ghrita murchana samskara , herbs like Haritaki , Amalaki , Bibhitaki , Haridra , Musta and Matulunga are mentioned as well.

Consider the climatic conditions and environment before deciding to indulge in ghee or any other food.

If you have any pre-existing cardiac conditions or if you are at risk for heart disease, consult your primary healthcare provider and Ayurvedic practitioner before introducing ghee into your diet.


  • Dr. Shashirekha H.K, Dr. Bargale Sushant Sukumar Charaka Samhita, Vol 1, Sutra Sthana, Chaukhambha publication, New Delhi, pg 206,Verse 13
  • Prof. K.R. Krishnamurthy, Sushruta Samhita Vol 1, Sutra Sthana, chap 45, pg 344,345, verse 96
  • Don’t Miss: Why Does Shrimp Have So Much Cholesterol

    Cow Ghee And Cholesterol Control

    Moderate Consumption of pure brown butter and cholesterol control is an interrelated factor. You can keep your LDL cholesterol numbers chart strictly under control by adding moderate ghee to your diet.

    According to dietitians, every day 3 teaspoons of pure cow ghee is harmless and can keep your cholesterol count controlled if coupled with a healthy diet and active lifestyle.

    Foods To Avoid If You Have High Cholesterol

    • NDTV Food Desk
    • Shellfish contains huge amounts of cholesterol
    • Red meat is high in saturated animal fats
    • Avoid having processed butter that may contain trans-fat

    1. Shellfish:Shellfish contains huge amounts of cholesterol.2. Red meat:3. Butter and ghee:desi gheeAvoid having processed butter that may contain trans-fat.4. Coconut oil and coconut cream:5. Ice cream:

    Also Check: Is Milk Chocolate Bad For Cholesterol

    The Myths Or Are They Really The Myths

  • Ghee Lubricates the Joints!
  • You must have heard it from several diet gurus and your friends that follow them oh so avidly! What lubricates our joints is Synovial Fluid. And what constitutes synovial fluid is mostly suspended connective tissues and hyaluronic acid. Ghee or as a matter of fact any other fat has got nothing to do with your joints and their lubrication directly or indirectly!

    So, Ghee lubricates Joints, is a MYTH!

    2. Ghee is good for skin!

    To an extent yes. Our skin, the largest organ in our body, is made up of skin cells, which are protected by cell membranes, and cell membranes are made of a lipid bilayer So you can imagine how important fats/lipids are to the integrity of every single cell! So yes Ghee is good for skin integrity, BUT so are any other and many other better and healthier fats!

    Thus, saying that Ghee is good for skin is A HALF-TRUTH!

    Similarly, assimilation of Vitamin D, absorption of Fat Soluble A, D, E, K vitamins is an attribute of all fats and oils and not just Ghee!

    3. Stronger Immune system!

    So, yes Ghee does have a positive effect on immune health 🙂

    4. Ghee is full of antioxidants!

    Never in my years of nutritional studies and practice did I ever come across any evidence that will back up this miraculous finding! So if any of you have related information, please do enlighten rest of us

    MYTH of course!

    So, stop glorifying GHEE and just eat it for the love of the food!

    Any comments or feedbacks are welcomed.

    Ghee: How You Can Have It And Reasons To Eat Ghee Every Day

    Benefits of Ghee

    1. Adding ghee with lunch can kill your evening cravings for junk food and desserts. It can be especially helpful if you feel sleepy after lunch or if your productivity goes down during second half of the day.

    2. You can also add an extra tsp of ghee to your dinner in case you wake up feeling constipated or other digestion issues. It can also help in improving sleep quality.

    3. Ghee is safe for consumption for people with cholesterol and blood pressure issues. Rujuta says that ghee helps in regulating cholesterol by increasing lipids and giving a boost to metabolism.

    4. The amount of ghee that goes into your food also matters. Ideally, you should add as much ghee to food until it enhances the taste of food, and doesn’t kill it. Besides, everyone should get around 3 to 6 tsp of ghee every day, recommends Rujuta.

    5. Try to buy ghee that is from desi cow milk. The better option is always ghee prepared at home.

    Also read: The Glory Of Ghee: Celeb Nutritionist Nmami Tells Us Why We Must Use Ghee Know The Numerous Health Benefits

    6. For people outside India, she recommends organic butter or clarified butter that is sold in health food stores. Grazing, grass-fed cow milk products should be your preferred picks.

    7. With the current change of season and the temperatures dropping slightly, ghee can help you keep warm and give a boost to your immunity.

    10. Apply ghee over your rotis to reduce their glycemic index, to make them moister and more digestible.

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    Murchana: The Processing Of Ghee

    Murchana is the processing of ghee. It is a kind of samskara strongly advocated as aadousamurchayet sneham in the Ayurvedic text Bhaishajya Ratnavali. This means it is used as a procedure before the preparation of ghee or any oushadhi siddha, taila, and ghrita.

    This samskara supposedly changes the organoleptic and physicochemical characters of ghee.

    It is a common belief that the consumption of oil or ghee leads to hyperlipidemias.

    To explore this scientifically, samples of amurchitaghrita and murchitaghrita were subjected to an experimental study.

    In this study, albino rats were administered with amurchita ghrita and murchitaghrita . The results showed that murchana samskara helps in reducing total cholesterol, LDL , triglycerides and increases HDL .

    Therefore, this processing of ghee plays a major role in reducing the harmful effects of fats that are believed to be one of the main causes of atherosclerosis and other cardiac diseases.

    Ghee can also be consumed after being infused with herbs like Triphala, Guduchi, Curcumin, cyperus rotundus and other herbs.

    Murchanasamskara attributes special properties to ghrita by which monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids are seen to be increased and trans fatty acids are decreased.2

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