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Is Chia Good For Cholesterol

Chia Seeds Have Many Benefits

Do Chia Seeds Lower Cholesterol? Does Chia Seeds Help Lower Cholesterol? Chia Seeds for Cholesterol

One major reason people eat chia seeds is because theyre highly nutritious. They provide a good amount of fiber, protein, healthy fats and micronutrients.

In fact, just 1 ounce of chia seeds provides up to 42% of your daily recommended fiber, in addition to hearty doses of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids .

Chia seeds are also rich in antioxidants, which are compounds that provide protection from oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic disease .

Thanks to their excellent nutrient profile, chia seeds have been associated with many health benefits.

In one study, a diet including nopal cactus, soy protein, oats and chia seeds was found to decrease body weight, blood triglycerides and inflammation .

Additionally, chia seeds are one of the best plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to help increase good HDL cholesterol, decrease bad LDL cholesterol, reduce blood triglycerides and alleviate inflammation (

11 ).

Studies indicate that a high fiber intake may help protect against inflammatory bowel diseases in the long term. That said, those who are experiencing flare-ups should limit their fiber intake for short periods to reduce symptoms .

However, for most people, negative symptoms from high fiber intake can be prevented by increasing fiber intake slowly and drinking plenty of water to help it pass through the body.

Health Benefits Of Chia Seeds

Are high in polyunsaturated fatty acids such as alpha-linolenic acid. ALA can reduce inflammation, support brain function, reduce high cholesterol, and prevent heart disease.

Are high in fiber. Because of their high fiber content, chia seeds can assist with improving digestion, regulating blood sugar, and providing valuable pre-biotics for overall gut health.

Are rich in antioxidants that help protect the body from free radicals, aging, and cancer. This high antioxidant level also helps them have a stable shelf life.

Can give you the feeling of being full. Because they absorb water, they can keep you hydrated longer. Plus they are an excellent source of zinc, which helps the body produce leptin, a hormone that regulates appetite.

According to a study of type 2 diabetics at the University of Toronto, people who consumed chia seeds for 12 weeks experienced decreases in blood pressure, inflammation, and blood sugar that were significant enough to lower their risk for heart disease. Of course, avoid chia seeds if you have a sensitivity to mint or oregano, and consult your doctor if you are taking any medications that come with dietary restrictions.

Other Allies To A Healthy Cholesterol

And if you want to boost your smoothie with even more beneficial ingredients, then have a look at these suggestions:

  • Berries – They’re a concentrate of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds which promote overall heart health.

  • Dark Chocolate – It may sound too good to be true, but dark chocolate and cacao have specific plant compounds that reduce the oxidation of LDL, a precursor event in the development of cardiovascular diseases.

  • Kale and Spinach – These leafy greens pack antioxidants that fight free radicals, prevent cholesterol oxidation, and help the body to get rid of it.

  • Green Tea – Beneficial compounds in green tea help regulating blood pressure and inhibit cholesterol production.

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Focus On Lemon Water With Chia Seeds:

Ingredients :

1 tablespoon of chia seeds

200 ml of water is a large glass

1 lemon

1 teaspoon of honey

Preparation of the recipe :

  • Soak the chia seeds in 100 ml of water, or half a glass, for 20 minutes.
  • Squeeze the juice from the lemon

  • Pour the lemon, the remaining half a glass of water, the teaspoon of honey and the chia gel obtained, allowing the seeds to macerate, in a blender and mix together.


  • Drink this lemon and chia juice every morning, on an empty stomach, for 20 consecutive days.

    You can renew after having left 1 week of break-in each treatment. Lemon is a great food to help fight cholesterol and triglycerides, so lemon chia mix is a very good remedy.

    Por Qu Las Semillas De Chia Pueden Bajar La Grasa En La Sangre

    Chia seeds impart many health benefits some of which ...

    Si bien las semillas de Chia, asi como también las semillas de Lino, tienen una reconocida efectividad para bajar colesterol y trigliceridos, se debe ser consciente de que ningún remedio natural o de laboratorio podrá reducir los niveles de grasa en la sangre si no se lleva una dieta adecuada y se realiza actividad fisica en forma diaria.

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    Potential Downsides To Chia Seeds

    Chia seeds are a highly nutritious food, but there are some things to keep in mind if you choose to eat them.

    • They might cause an upset stomach. Too much fiber can cause bloating, gas, and abdominal pain, especially if you arent used to eating much of it. If this happens to you, the best answer may be to work your way up slowly.
    • They may interact with certain medications. Chia seeds can significantly reduce blood sugar, a generally healthful outcome that nonetheless could be dangerous for those taking medications designed to do the same thing. Chia seeds can also lower blood pressure, so if youre taking blood pressure medication, it may be wise to monitor your blood pressure while adding chia to your diet.
    • While not common, there are a few people who have a chia seed allergy. Some people have experienced anaphylaxis and dermatitis after eating chia seeds. People who have any sensitivity to thyme, mustard, oregano, or sesame seeds may want to be cautious with chia seeds.

    To Improve Intestinal Transit Cholesterol And Sugar

    If you have problems with constipation and are wondering what is chia good for, then you should know that like other seeds this is a great ally to promote intestinal transit due to its high fiber content, helping to move your bowels more frequently.

    Fibre also helps to lower cholesterol to promote the elimination of body fat, while lowering high blood sugar levels. For this reason it is a nutrient that must be included in the diet of people with high cholesterol or diabetes.

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    Now How Do We Eat Them

    Chia seeds have a mild flavour and a nice texture, so you can add them into many dishes such as salads, creams, yoghurts and desserts, as well as having them in drinks. It is a very versatile food.

    This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.

    If you want to read similar articles to What is Chia Seed Good for, we recommend you visit our Healthy living category.

    As A Source Of Antioxidants Minerals And Omega

    5 Proven Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

    Chia is extremely high in antioxidants, outdoing powerful fruits like blueberries per portion. This makes this food the perfect choice for combating the aging of cells and preventing the formation of free radicals, which also helps prevent diseases such as cancer.

    But it also provides other important nutrients such as minerals and a high calcium content, boron, potassium, magnesium and omega-3, an essentially fatty acid that keeps our heart healthy, acts as anti-inflammatory and promotes proper neuronal functioning.

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    Should You Jump On The Chia Seeds Bandwagon

    Thirty years after Chia Pets became a fad, the chia plant is popular once againfor the nutritional power of its tiny seeds. More than 100 products containing chia seeds have been introduced, from cereals and snacks to juice drinks, and its being touted as the ultimate superfood.

    Most people whove joined the chia craze add the tiny seeds to other foods sprinkling on yogurt or baked into cookies, for example or consume chia products in addition to their regular diet. Alice H Lichtenstein, DSc, director of Tufts HNRCA Cardio-vascular Nutrition Laboratory, cautions, Unless youre substituting chia seeds for other foods, youre adding 60 calories per tablespoon, which could outweigh any of the seeds much-hyped health advantages.

    LIMITED EVIDENCE: Moreover, its unclear how much of the ALA in chia seeds gets converted in the human body to the heart-healthy omega-3s found in fish, EPA and DHA. Research on flaxseed has found the conversion of ALA to EPA/DHA very inefficient, though results have varied.

    Scientific evidence for the health benefits of chia seeds is scanty, according to a new review published in the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology. In animal testing, rats who were fed chia seeds saw significant reductions in LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, while blood levels of HDL cholesterol and omega-3s increased. The mechanism for such effects is unknown, as EPA and DHA do not reduce LDL cholesterol, Lichten-stein points out.

    Dietary Inclusion Of Chia Seeds Benefits In Metabolic Syndrome

    The metabolic syndrome represents a group of conditions like high blood pressure and blood sugar, high levels of fat and abnormal levels of cholesterol.

    These conditions raise the chances of developing heart diseases including diabetes and stroke.

    Many times, obesity and smoking are a major cause of the metabolic syndrome or, better known as pre-diabetes.

    The syndrome occurs due to factors like insulin resistance and glucose intolerance.

    In such conditions, the cells of the body do not respond to insulin and absorption of glucose is reduced leading to the presence of a large amount of sugar in the blood.

    A study was conducted in which a dietary pattern including chia seed was introduced to patients with the metabolic syndrome.

    The patients were asked to consume their regular diet but cut down 500kcal for 2 weeks.

    They were then assigned the diet including chia seeds for 2 months. After the trial period, it was found that patients with the dietary pattern showed a decrease in weight circumference, body weight, serum triglycerides, and betterment in glucose tolerance.

    It implied that if the dietary changes are introduced (like the one involving chia seeds, the metabolic syndrome caused due to local foods and genetics could be treated.

    What does this mean? Consumption of chia seed helped ease the effects of the metabolic syndrome such as glucose intolerance and high triglyceride levels.

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    May Lower Your Risk Of Heart Disease

    Given that chia seeds are high in fiber and omega-3s, consuming them may reduce your risk of heart disease.

    Soluble fiber, the kind primarily found in chia seeds, can help lower total and LDL cholesterol in your blood. In turn, this can reduce your risk of heart disease .

    Consuming the omega-3 fatty acid in chia seeds known as ALA has also been linked to decreased heart disease risk .

    Still, studies specifically examining the connection between chia seeds and heart health have had inconclusive results.

    Some rat studies have shown that chia seeds can lower certain heart disease risk factors, including high triglyceride and oxidative stress levels .

    A few human studies found that chia seed supplements significantly reduced blood pressure in people with hypertension, or high blood pressure, which is a strong risk factor for heart disease (

    22 ).

    In addition, ALA in chia seeds may play a role in bone health. Observational studies have found that consuming this nutrient could also be associated with increased bone mineral density .

    Therefore, its possible that regularly eating chia seeds could help keep your bones strong.

    One animal study found that rats who received chia seeds daily for about 13 months had increased bone mineral content compared with a control group. The authors concluded that ALA may have contributed to this benefit .

    However, besides animal studies, a limited number of studies have explored this topic, specifically. Ultimately, more human research is needed.

    Blue Spirulina Smoothie Bowl

    Chia Seeds for Healthy Cholesterol Levels

    If you’re new to smoothie bowls, we bet you’ll love them! They are a great way to turn a smoothie into a more filling meal.

    Here, we blended soy yogurt with bananas and spirulina powder. Then, we topped the smoothie with whole blueberries, oats, almonds, and hemp seeds.

    You’ll still get all those amazing cholesterol-lowering ingredients but in a super cute bowl!

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    Can Smoothies Help Lower Cholesterol

    If you’ve been wondering if smoothies are good for lowering cholesterol, the answer is yes. But only if you prepare them with specific, heart-healthy and beneficial ingredients.

    Besides quitting smoking, increasing physical activity, and limiting alcohol, improving your diet is another thing you can do to lower bad cholesterol.

    But if when it comes to diet, you don’t know where to start, here are five things you should try:

    • Limit saturated fats

    • Consume more heart-healthy unsaturated fats

    • Boost your omega-3 intake

    • Eat fibre-rich foods, especially soluble fibres

    • Include more foods rich in plant sterols

    This means focusing on wholesome, plant-based foods like fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, legumes, and soy products.

    Luckily, preparing a breakfast smoothie can help you pack lots of these beneficial ingredients in a tasty and practical format. So you can start the day knowing you fueled your body with foods that are actually good for your cholesterol.

    May Support Weight Loss

    The fiber and protein in chia seeds may benefit those trying to lose weight.

    One ounce of chia seeds has close to 10 grams of dietary fiber. That means theyre a whopping 35% fiber by weight .

    Most of the fiber in chia seeds is soluble fiber. It absorbs water, becomes gel-like, and expands in your stomach to slow your digestion and help you feel full after a meal .

    Therefore, its claimed that soluble fiber may support appetite regulation and weight loss. Although research on this topic is mixed, some studies suggest that eating fiber may play a role in preventing overweight and obesity .

    Additionally, the protein in chia seeds could help reduce appetite and food intake.

    One study in 24 participants found that eating 0.33 ounces or 0.5 ounces of chia seeds mixed with yogurt for breakfast increased feelings of fullness and reduced food intake in the short term compared with eating chia-free yogurt .

    Even so, studies examining the effectiveness of chia seeds for weight loss have observed mixed results.

    In an older study from 2009 in 90 people with overweight, consuming 50 grams of chia seed supplements per day for 12 weeks did not affect body weight or health markers like blood pressure and inflammation markers .

    In contrast, a 6-month study in 77 people with overweight or obesity and type 2 diabetes eating a reduced-calorie diet found that those who took chia seeds daily experienced significantly greater weight loss than those who received a placebo .

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    Helps Control Blood Sugar

    Having spikes and drops in your blood sugar can increase your risk for chronic diseases, like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. A small study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that ground and whole chia seeds mixed into bread helped stabilize participants’ blood sugar levels for two hours after eating. Another study, in rats, found that chia seed intake was able to reverse insulin resistance, which is a precursor for developing diabetes .

    What To Eat: Foods That Lower Cholesterol


    There is great evidence to support functional foods that help lower cholesterol, Featherstun says. Add these choices to your diet:

    Plant stanols and sterols These are naturally occurring compounds found in plant cell walls, Featherstun says. They interfere with cholesterol absorption in the small intestine and can help lower LDL cholesterol. A study published in October 2012 in Lipids in Health and Disease found that eating 9 to 10 grams of stanols per day can help lower LDL cholesterol by more than 17 and as much as 22 percent. You can get plant stanols and sterols in margarine-like spreads such as Benecol and Smart Balance, available in the dairy section of most grocery stores.

    Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats These fats can help decrease LDL cholesterol, Featherstun says. To get them, eat fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, trout, herring, or king mackerel, at least twice a week. Other good sources of unsaturated fats include chia seeds, avocados, almonds, walnuts, and olive oil.

    Soy foods Soy proteins contain isoflavones and phytoestrogens, which block both cholesterol absorption and new cholesterol production, Featherstun says. Good sources of soy protein include tofu, soy milk, and edamame. Try to replace one daily animal protein item with a soy protein alternative, Featherstun suggests.

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    They May Help Lower Your Risk For Certain Cancers

    The ALA in chia seeds may also have cancer-preventing properties. A 2013 in vitro study published in the Journal of Molecular Biology demonstrated the ability of ALA to slow the growth of breast and cervical cancer cells. It also promoted cell death of cancer cells while not affecting the healthy cells. While more research is needed to apply this to humans, other studies have shown a similar effect of ALA on liver cancer cells.

    Is Chia Good For Cholesterol

    Despite their small size, chia seeds are full of important nutrients. They are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, rich in antioxidants, and they provide fiber, iron, and calcium . Omega-3 fatty acids help raise HDL cholesterol, the good cholesterol that protects against heart attack and stroke.

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    Recipes And Cooking Tips

    People can eat chia seeds raw by adding them to a variety of foods, such as cereal, yogurt, smoothies, and as a topping on salads.

    It is also possible to soak chia seeds in a liquid, which turns the seeds into a gel-like substance. This can make them useful for thickening desserts, such as chia seed pudding.

    To make a strawberry chia seed pudding, mix the following ingredients in a blender:

    • 11.5 cups of frozen strawberries
    • 3 tbsp of chia seeds
    • 1 tbsp of coconut nectar or maple syrup
    • a pinch of salt
    • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
    • 1.5 cups of dairy or non-dairy milk

    Chill the mixture in a refrigerator for an hour or so before eating.

    It is also possible to use chia seeds as a substitute for eggs in baked goods, such as muffins and cookies. This can be helpful for people with egg allergies or intolerances, or for those following a vegan diet.

    To use chia seeds as an egg substitute in baking, try mixing 1 tbsp of whole chia seeds, or 2 tsp of ground chia seeds, with 3 tbsp of water. Let them sit for a few minutes. When the mixture has become a gel, use it to replace 1 egg.

    Chia seeds are generally safe to consume. Some people may have a chia seed allergy, but it is not common.

    A 2019 study notes that chia seeds have structural similarities with other foods that people can be allergic to, such as sesame seeds and hazelnuts. For some, this may lead to cross-sensitization. However, it is unclear how many people are affected by this.


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