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HomeLowHow To Lower High Cholesterol And Triglycerides Naturally

How To Lower High Cholesterol And Triglycerides Naturally

Limit Your Added Sugar

High Triglycerides? How to Lower Triglycerides (NATURALLY!)

You know that too much of the sweet stuff is bad news, and thats definitely the case here. When youre eating sugary foods, its easy to end up chowing down on more calories than your body needs.

The excess will be turned into triglycerides, which can lead to serious trouble:One 15-year study found that people who got 25 percent of their calories from sugar were twice as likely to die from heart disease as those who ate significantly less.

The American Heart Association recommends that women consume no more than 6 teaspoons and men consume no more than 9 teaspoons of added sugar per day.

Busy Lifestyles Are The Most Common Reasons For High Cholesterol And Triglyceride Levels

If you are like me and like to pack your day full of activities or if you are simply trying to balance a work and home life, watching your diet is often the last thing on your mind.

Therefore, making a healthy meal for yourself and even the family is often impossible. Processed and other fast foods are often high in the fats associated with increasing cholesterol and triglycerides.

To try and tackle this problem, I have started doing a simple menu plan. That is deciding for the week what foods will best suit my cholesterol and triglyceride lowering diet and ensuring I have the ingredients ready to go.

The idea of creating a menu plan is, the days you know you are going to be pressed for time you and organise a simple meal that is still healthy. The meals that require more preparation or cooking time, I save for the days I know I can commit the time.

  • Day one Poached salmon, new potatoes and carrots
  • Day two Pasta with tomato and basil sauce
  • Day three Vegetable curry with rice
  • Day four Chicken salad
  • Day five Mackerel, rice and poached eggs

The weekend I would leave to chance, although I do treat myself to a small Chinese takeaway and a half-a-glass of red wine on a Saturday evening.

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Eat More Plant Sources Of Protein

Excellent plant proteins include beans all beans, like lentils, red beans, pinto beans, and soybeans. Rather than raising blood cholesterol levels, as animal sources of protein do, beans actually help lower cholesterol.

Beans also help reduce blood sugar and insulin levels, and may even lower cancer risk.

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Are You Serious About Reducing Cholesterol

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Plant Sterols And Stanols

Lower Cholesterol &  Triglycerides!

Plant sterols and stanols are cholesterol derived from plants. It is similar to cholesterol which gets absorbed through the diet. Plant sterols and stanols reduce the risk of heart diseases by lowering the LDL cholesterol in the body. When plant sterols and stanols are absorbed through diet, it inhibits cholesterol absorption in the body.

Some available supplements can provide you with plant sterols and stanols. Still, a certain amount of plant sterol and stanol is present in vegetable oils and added in several other oils and substitutes of butter.

Some clinical studies show that consuming 1.5-3 grams of plant sterols and stanols has proven helpful in reducing LDL concentration by 7.5-12%. In addition, their consumption along with your meals can generously lower cholesterol.

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What Other Lifestyle Changes Help Lower Triglycerides

Lifestyle strategies are a way to lower triglycerides naturally.

Weight loss has a positive effect on triglycerides. For every 5% to 10% weight reduction, triglycerides may be lowered by 20%. Another way to look at this: For every kilogram lost, triglycerides may be reduced by 2%.

Increasing physical activity lowers triglycerides.

  • Aerobic activity of any kind, especially when done after a meal, uses up triglycerides that are in the blood ready to be used as fuel. This not only lowers triglycerides but also helps with abdominal obesity.
  • Exercise is most effective for lowering triglycerides when they are very elevated. If triglycerides are optimal , exercise will not further lower the level.

All together, intensive lifestyle strategies can reduce triglycerides by 50% or more over a year. Lifestyle strategies can enable people to effectively reduce triglycerides without medicine or drugs, plus there are many other positive effects on other aspects of health and well-being. This is the recommended approach of the American Heart Association for anyone with triglycerides greater than optimal .

Increase Your Intake Of Unsaturated Fats

Studies show that monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can reduce blood triglyceride levels, especially when theyre replacing carbs in your diet .

Monounsaturated fats are found in foods like olive oil, nuts, and avocados. Polyunsaturated fats are present in vegetable oils and fatty fish, as well as nuts and seeds such as walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds.

A 2019 review of 27 studies reported that while olive oil consumption does decrease triglycerides levels, it does so significantly less than other types of plant oil .

One older study analyzed the diets of 452 adults in a specific population of Indigenous people in Alaska over the previous 24 hours.

It found that saturated fat intake was associated with increased blood triglycerides, while polyunsaturated fat intake was associated with lower triglyceride levels .

To maximize the triglyceride-lowering benefits of unsaturated fats, pick a heart-healthy fat like olive oil and use it to replace other types of fat in your diet, such as trans fats or highly processed vegetable oils .


Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can decrease blood triglyceride levels, especially when theyre consumed in place of other fats.

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Ways To Reduce Elevated Triglycerides

  • : Simple sugars are the primary ingredient of triglycerides and hence excess intake of sweets or drinks can raise triglycerides. Eliminate intake of food items loaded with sugars like cookies, pastries, sweet desserts, and fruit juices.
  • : Drinking alcohol raises triglyceride levels. For people who are sensitive, a small amount of alcohol can trigger it.
  • Reduce intake of refined carbohydrate-containing foods: Intake of refined cereals like white rice, bread, pasta made from white flour, or cornflakes can significantly raise triglycerides in sensitive individuals. Instead choose whole grains such as multigrain chapatti, and other grains such as quinoa, barley and millet.
  • Choose foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids, the good fats! Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to significantly reduce the elevated triglycerides level. Hence include foods high in omega-3 fatty acids such fatty fish , flax seeds, flaxseed oil, Almonds and legumes. Checkout 25 foods and 7 days diet to lower triglycerides.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: You may be surprised to discover that a modest weight loss of 5-6 kg can reduce your triglycerides, cholesterol level, and decrease your risk of heart disease. Eat a healthy diet to lose weight and prevent lifestyle diseases like diabetes, CVD, etc.
  • Eat more plant foods! Vegetable proteins such as beans, peas, nuts and lentils are excellent ways to improve your health and will have a direct effect on lowering your triglycerides and cholesterol.
  • Eat Fatty Fish Twice Weekly

    What natural ways to lower high cholesterol & triglycerides levels? – Ms. Ranjani Raman

    Fatty fish is well known for its benefits on heart health and ability to lower blood triglycerides.

    This is mostly due to its content of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid that is considered essential, meaning you need to get it through your diet.

    Both the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and American Heart Association recommend eating two servings of fatty fish per week to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke .

    Whats more, one study showed that eating salmon twice a week significantly decreased blood triglyceride concentration .

    Salmon, herring, sardines, tuna, and mackerel are a few types of fish that are especially high in omega-3 fatty acids.


    Fatty fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids. Eating two servings per week may lower triglyceride levels and decrease the risk of heart disease.

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    What High Triglycerides Mean For Your Heart & How To Lower Triglycerides Naturally

    By Christine Ruggeri, CHHC

    With the growing epidemic of childhood and adult obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease remains the leading cause of death and disability in the United States, affecting more than 13 million Americans. Its estimated that 31 percent of the U.S population has high triglycerides, a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

    A 2007 meta-analysis involving a total of 3,582 incident cases of fatal and nonfatal coronary heart disease indicates that there is a significant association between triglyceride values and coronary heart disease risk.

    Thankfully, there are natural ways tolower cholesterol and triglyceride levels naturally with diet and lifestyle changes.

    Know The Dangers Of Trans Fats

    Trans fats are dangerous for your heart, because they raise low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The chief culprit youll see on product labels is partially hydrogenated oil. Trans fats are the result of adding hydrogen to liquid vegetable oils to increase shelf life. This may make some baked and fried foods taste better, but trans fats are very unhealthy, particularly for people with high triglycerides. In fact, trans fats should make up less than 1 percent of your total calories, according to the World Health Organization. Check your food labels: If a food contains trans fats or hydrogenated oils, leave it on the shelf.

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    What Are Triglycerides And Why Do They Matter

    Triglycerides are a type of lipid, or fat, in the your blood. Any calories that arent needed when you eat are converted into triglycerides and stored in your fat cells. Then your hormones release triglycerides for energy in between meals. This cycle only becomes problematic when you eat more calories than you burn, which leads to high triglycerides, also called hypertriglyceridemia.

    The National Cholesterol Education Program labels triglyceride levels in the following way:

    • Normal less than 150 milligrams per deciliter
    • Borderline high 150199 milligrams per deciliter
    • High 200499 milligrams per deciliter
    • Very high 500 milligrams per deciliter or higher

    Triglycerides and cholesterol are different types of lipids that circulate in the blood. While triglycerides store calories that arent used and provide the body with energy, cholesterol is used to build cells and produce certain hormones. High-density lipoprotein helps remove fat from the body by binding with it in the bloodstream and carrying it back to the liver for disposal. Low-density lipoprotein carries mostly fats and only a small amount of protein from the liver to other parts of the body.

    Triglycerides In Your Blood

    Pin by Yolanda Gonzalez on Natural healing Tips

    In addition to cholesterol, your blood also contains a type of fat called triglycerides, which are stored in your bodys fat deposits. Hormones release triglycerides to make energy between meals.

    When you eat, your body converts any extra energy it doesnt need right away into triglycerides.Like cholesterol, your body needs triglycerides to work properly. However, there is evidence to suggest that some people with high triglycerides are at increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

    If you regularly eat more energy than you need, you may have high triglycerides.

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    Limit Your Alcohol Intake

    Alcohol can increase your levels of triglycerides. Along with LDL cholesterol, high levels of triglycerides raise your risk of heart disease.

    Excess alcohol consumption also increases blood pressure and can lead to obesity both additional risk factors for heart disease.

    To reduce the risk of heart disease and other risks from alcohol, limit your intake to no more than 10 standard drinks per week and no more than 4 drinks per day.

    Becoming More Physically Active

    A sedentary lifestyle lowers HDL cholesterol. Less HDL means theres less good cholesterol to remove bad cholesterol from your arteries.

    Physical activity is important. At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise a week is enough to lower both cholesterol and high blood pressure. And you have lots of options: brisk walking, swimming, bicycling or even yard work can fit the bill.

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    How To Eat To Lower Your Cholesterol

    One of the biggest trends in diet and nutrition advice is a movement away from talking about specific micronutrients and optimal daily servings of this or that food group. Instead, nutrition experts now talk a lot more about broad patterns of healthy eating. This means limiting certain foods while prioritizing others, rather than trying to hit narrow targets.

    Something I tell a lot of my patients is that the Greek derivation of diet is diaeta, which means a way of life, Sperling says. Dieting shouldnt be torture, or something you maintain for a month. It should be a meaningful and purposeful change you can extend throughout your life.

    In this spirit, he says one of the most important changes you can make is to pack your meals with lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains. Many of the most effective and evidence-backed cholesterol-lowering eating planslike the Mediterranean dietprioritize these foods, he says.

    She adds that protein-rich soy-based productsfrom tofu to soy milks and yogurtsmay also be good substitutes for meat, butter, milk, and other conventional saturated fat sources. People in America are fixated on protein, but Americans dont really like to eat soy products, she says. This is unfortunate because research stretching back several decades has linked soy to improved heart health and lower blood cholesterol levels. If you need to replace saturated fats with other proteins, soy would be a good option, she says.

    Consider Cutting Back On Carbs

    How to Lower Triglycerides Quickly and Naturally , Lower bad cholesterol fast

    You dont have to go full keto. But some research suggests that lower carb diets are tied to healthier triglyceride levels.

    How low should you go? In a 2006 study, people who consumed about a quarter of their calories from carbs lowered their triglycerides more than those who got more than half their calories from carbs.

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    Cut Back On Sugar And Refined Carbs

    Different carbohydrate-loaded foods also contain very different nutritional levels.

    Dr. Nissen recommends scaling back or eliminating:

    Dr. Nissen advises that increasing your fiber intake may lower triglyceride levels. If you have high triglyceride levels, theres a good chance you dont ingest close to the recommended 25 to 30 grams of fiber a day, he says.

    How To Lower Triglycerides And Cholesterol Naturally

    Your genes, diet, and lifestyle all affect your triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Some people naturally produce more triglycerides and cholesterol than others. This is based on their genetics and family history. Still, these levels are just part of your overall lipid levels, and lifestyle changes are one of the best ways to keep your numbers within a healthy range.

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    Control Your Serving Size

    One of the easy ways to remember about the balanced diet is to know the rule of hand. Your palm is the amount of proteins that should be in a portion. Your fist tells about the volume of veggies to be included in the food, your cupped hand tells about the amount of carbs to add in the food, and your thumb tells about the amount of fats to add in food.

    It is equally important to eat daily at a fixed time. Cut down on your portion size, and further learn to estimate the size of your portion. It is also a good idea to have big breakfast, but light dinner, as you have the whole day to burn your calories.

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    Choose Foods That Help Improve Your Ldl And Hdl Levels

    Tips On How to Lower High Cholesterol Naturally

    Following a healthy eating plan can play a big role in your overall health, including your blood sugar and blood lipid control. What you eat and your cholesterol levels go hand in hand.

    Foods that can help lower cholesterol:

    Fiber , healthy fats , and plant stanols or sterols have all been shown to help lower cholesterol.

    Other ways to improve cholesterol:

    — Reduce sugar intake: Cut the amount of added sugars you eat. This is especially important for people with high triglycerides. The grams of sugars on the Nutrition Facts label of a food package, however, doesn’t tell you if sugars have been added . Instead, look at the ingredients list for items such as sugar, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, molasses, maple syrup, or agave to see if there are added sugars in the product. Natural sugars, such as those found in fruit and dairy products, are also counted as sugars on the Nutrition Facts label. Limit how much sugar you use to sweeten drinks or in recipes.

    — Limit high-cholesterol foods: People with diabetes should consume no more than 200 milligrams of cholesterol per day, according to the ADA.

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    Choose Small Capsules For Easy Swallowing Pay Attention To Whether The Capsules Are Vegetable

    If the capsules are too large, it is not easy for the elders and children to swallow, so it is more convenient to choose small capsules for eating convenience. In addition, when choosing algae oil products, if you are a vegetarian, please pay attention to whether the capsules are vegetable capsules.

    Why Are The Risks Of High Triglycerides

    High triglycerides usually go hand in hand with other health issues that make up metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome includes:

    • Unhealthy cholesterol levels. Usually, higher levels of low-density lipoprotein and low levels of high-density lipoprotein .
    • Obesity. People who have high triglycerides can suffer from obesity and excess belly fat.
    • High blood sugar. When triglycerides are higher, blood glucose levels are usually higher, too.
    • High blood pressure. High blood pressure increases your risk of heart disease and can coincide with a diagnosis of high triglyceride levels.

    Metabolic syndrome places you at a higher risk of developing heart disease, which can lead to heart attacks and stroke. In addition, youâre more likely to develop type 2 diabetes when you have high triglycerides.

    If you need to lower your triglyceride levels, there are ways you can do it by making simple but intentional lifestyle changes to support your health goals.

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