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HomeDoes Turmeric Help With Cholesterol

Does Turmeric Help With Cholesterol

Turmeric Shows Benefits In Lowering Ldl Cholesterol

Lower High Cholesterol with Turmeric

Natural Health News A number of miraculous claims are made for the spice turmeric a staple for many interested in traditional and natural approaches to health.

One of these claims is its ability to help lower cholesterol and therefore aid in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Whether this claim is legitimate was the subject of recent meta-analysis, which pooled the results of several high quality studies together to understand more about turmerics effect on dyslipidemia an abnormal amount of cholesterol, triglycerides and/or fat phospholipids in the blood.

Dyslipidemia is one of a number of a risk factors along with obesity, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome for heart disease.

The normal treatment for this condition is statins, which can lower blood fats, but which also has some serious adverse effects, including being toxic to the liver. For this reason there is a great interest in safe and effective alternatives.

What you need to know

» Turmeric is a traditional food and remedy that claims many health benefits.

» Some question, however, hangs over claims that it might help lower cholesterol

» In this meta-analysis from China supplementing with turmeric, or its active constituent curcumin, did significantly lower LDL and total cholesterol, but had no effect on HDL cholesterol and uncertain benefits for triglycerides.

Significant benefits

All but one compared the turmeric to a placebo.

Add fat to aid absorption

Is Turmeric Good For Gut Bacteria

Because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric can contribute to healthy digestion. Ayurvedic medicine uses turmeric as a digestive healing agent. Western medicine is now studying how turmeric can improve gut inflammation and intestinal permeability. These are two indicators of your digestive efficiency.

Curcumin For High Cholesterol And High Triglycerides

Sooner or later, just about everyone is told by the doctor to take a statin drug for high cholesterol. Curcumin for high cholesterol, however, can help you lower your risk for the cardiovascular disease associated with high cholesterol without the potential side-effects of Lipitor, Crestor, Zocor, Pravachol, Les-Col, and other statin medications.

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Inclusion And Exclusion Criteria

Inclusion criteria for research articles included: drug or placebo-controlled parallel randomized trials subjects with risk factors for CVD, for example, dyslipidemia, T2DM, MetS, hypertension, prediabetes, prehypertension, or obesity studies that used purified curcumin or a curcuminoid mixture, extracts with determined content of curcumin or curcuminoids, or turmeric powder, regardless of dosage and frequency study duration 4 weeks and studies that reported mean ± standard deviation , mean ± standard error or median of between-group differences between the experimental and control groups at baseline as well as at the end of the trial. Studies were excluded if they featured: a crossover randomized trial design noncomparative data lack of outcome measures and duration of treatment < 4 weeks.

Curcumin Counteracts The Progression Of Atherosclerosis

8 Proven Benefits Of Turmeric For High Cholesterol [UPDATED]

Curcumin counteracts the process that causes clogged arteries in a very simple way. It keeps macrophages from stuffing themselves with cholesterol and getting stuck in the lining of a blood vessel. It doesn’t cause these white blood cells to starve, but it keeps them from becoming the foam cells that line arteries and form plaques. When white blood cells don’t feed excessively on cholesterol, then the cholesterol can be slowly used by other cells without ever contributing to cardiovascular disease.

It’s important to understand that cholesterol isn’t a poison. It actually is essential for every cell in the body. Curcumin doesn’t deprive cells of the cholesterol they need. Curcumin only counteracts the process of cardiovascular disease that leads to increased risk of heart attack, aneurysm, and stroke.

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It Protects Liver Health

Hepatic stress is a condition which arises due to excessive lipid peroxidation in the liver causing oxidative stress and damage to cells.

The ability of turmeric to relieve oxidative stress conditions in the liver has been studied using animal models.

This was due to the ability of the turmeric extracts to effectively decrease oxidative damage and regulate the activity of the antioxidant enzymes, alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase .

What does this mean?The results of this study indicate that turmeric is a useful preventive agent for oxidative stress induced forms of liver damage. It provides the essential antioxidants required to maintain hepatic cell health and ensures cholesterol level stability.

Cardiovascular Benefits Of Turmeric Supplementation

A 1999 study published in the journal, Atherosclerosis, investigated the effect of turmeric extract on lipid oxidation and atherosclerosis in a small group of rabbits.

After feeding 18 rabbits with a cholesterol-rich diet for 7 weeks, the researchers divided them into 3 groups. One group received 1.66 mg/kg of turmeric extract while another group received double the dose. The rabbits in the third group were not given turmeric extract and they served as control.

The study results showed that only the low dose of turmeric extract reduced the peroxidation of LDL cholesterol even though both doses of herb reduced the level of total plasma cholesterol.

Also, the lower dose of turmeric extract produced a bigger reduction in cholesterol, triglyceride, and phospholipid levels than the high dose.

The researchers concluded that the appropriate dose of turmeric can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and improve cardiovascular health. Therefore, turmeric supplementation should be considered for this purpose in humans.

A study similar to the above was published in the Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis in 2002.

In that study, the researchers obtained serum LDL samples from human volunteers and exposed them to 4 antioxidants .

The results showed that probucol was the most effective of these antioxidants for inhibiting the oxidative modification of LDL cholesterol. Tetrahydrocurcumin was second to probucol and curcumin was the least effective antioxidant of the set.

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What Are Triglycerides Anyway

Triglycerides are the storage form of excess calories from sugar and fat. There are triglycerides in food, and our bodies make triglycerides when we eat too much.

Triglycerides circulate through the bloodstream in the form of chylomicrons. These blobs of excess sugar and fat give up both glycerol and cholesterol as they travel past the tissues that need them. In people who exercise, these chylomicrons give up equal amounts of sugar in the form of glycerol and fat in the form of cholesterol.

In people who don’t exercise, however, the chylomicrons give up more sugar than fat. This leaves tiny bits of cholesterol that can be consumed by the macrophages that form the foam cells that form the plaques in the lining of arteries. But if you can keep your triglyceride levels down, you can circumvent this risk factor for atherosclerosis.

Cutting back on your calorie consumption can reduce your triglycerides. Keeping your blood sugars in check, if you have diabetes, will also reduce triglycerides. It is possible to control your triglyceride levels with exercise alone, if you exercise a lot. But if you have trouble counting calories, if your blood sugars are not in good control, and you don’t get exercise every day, curcumin is a useful remedy for high triglyceride levels.

Why Turmeric Helps Lower Blood Pressure And How To Use It

Turmeric Powder Lowered my Cholesterol Really? YES Really!

The force exerted by the flowing blood on the blood vessel walls is referred to as blood pressure. High blood pressure increases the risk of developing heart failure, coronary artery disease, kidney failure and stroke. Approximately 1 in every 3 adults in the USA suffers from HBP. Your physician may prescribe medicines to control your blood pressure in association with performing regular exercise and eating a healthy diet. Certain supplements and herbs such as turmeric may also help in managing blood pressure.

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Is Turmeric Actually Good For You

Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, has many health benefits that have been scientifically proven. It can improve heart health, prevent Alzheimerâs disease, and even fight cancer. Itâs a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It may be able to reduce symptoms of depression or arthritis.

How To Lower Ldl Levels Naturally With Curcumin

Curcumin is able to control LDL cholesterol and its dangerous effects on arteries through a number of mechanisms. It prevents the liver from producing cholesterol, increases the amount of LDL cholesterol that the liver clears from the body, and prevents the intestines from absorbing it.

Studies have also found that curcumin lowers inflammation and reduces oxidative damage. Since these two processes, damage blood vessels and cause plaque build-up that can lead to heart attack or stroke, preventing them helps to reduce the progression of atherosclerosis .

This is exactly what was demonstrated recently in a study published in Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. In mice with high LDL cholesterol, curcumin was not only shown to lower LDL cholesterol, it also lowered triglycerides and C-reactive protein , a marker of systemic inflammation.

Furthermore, curcumin prevented the beginning stages of atherosclerosis in mice aortas and inhibited processes involved in cholesterol synthesis in their livers. Obviously turmeric benefits in cardiovascular health are wide ranging.

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The Dosage Of Turmeric For High Cholesterol

For treating high cholesterol related problems it is recommended to consume the herb in the form of Turmeric milk or turmeric tea.

Golden paste combines turmeric with black pepper to aid absorption by the body.

There is no specific optimal dosage.

It varies from person to person based on what suits them. Starting with a low dose is advised to avoid gastric side effects.

Start with small doses such as ¼-1/2 tsp a day for a week and if no gastric side effects are seen increase gradually by ¼-1/2 tsp every week. The recommended dose is 1-2 tsp 2-3 times a day .

Some good brands to purchase are mentioned in our recommendations of organic turmeric brands.

If taking turmeric supplements consult a health practitioner prior.

Can Turmeric Lower Blood Cholesterol

High BP &  Cholesterol: Turmeric Tea &  Powder Natural Home ...

A 1996 study published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology detailed the hypolipidemic effects of turmeric extract in mice fed on a high-cholesterol diet.

The researchers fed the mice on this diet for 60 days and observed that serum and liver cholesterol levels were significantly increased by the 15th day of the study. This increase continued as the mice continued on the high-cholesterol diet.

After giving these mice 5% turmeric extract, the researchers observed a significant reduction in serum and liver cholesterol levels as well as triglyceride levels.

Giving the mice 10% turmeric extract lowered the cholesterol and triglyceride levels to normal values.

This study proves that turmeric can indeed lower blood cholesterol levels at least in mice. Also, it shows that the hypocholesterolemic effect of turmeric is dose-dependent.

A 2008 study published in the Journal of Bangladesh Pharmacological Society also demonstrated the cholesterol-lowering benefits of turmeric.

For the study, the researchers fed 20 male guinea pigs on a free-range diet for 30 days before separating them into 4 groups. The first group received no supplementation while the other 3 groups were given turmeric, garlic, and turmeric plus garlic.

The results of the study showed that both turmeric and garlic lowered blood cholesterol levels.

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Mayo Clinic Q And A: Turmerics Anti

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My friend says that her arthritis pain improved after she started taking turmeric. Can you tell me more about this supplement?

ANSWER: Although turmeric is a common spice in many home pantries, many people are not familiar with its purported health effects. Relieving arthritis pain is one of many such purported health effects.

Turmeric, a plant related to ginger, is grown in many Asian countries, as well as other tropical areas. Its a major ingredient in curry powders common in many Indian and Asian dishes and is used as a coloring for foods, fabrics and cosmetics. The underground portions of the plant can be dried and made into capsules, tablets, extracts, powders or teas. Or they may be made into a paste to apply to the skin.

Turmerics main active component curcumin is what gives the spice its yellow color. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties, making it a potential treatment for a number of health conditions, including reduced pain and increased ease of movement in people with osteoarthritis. One study found that taking turmeric extract three times daily was comparable to taking a 1,200-milligram dose of ibuprofen daily. However, more research is necessary to confirm these effects.


Turmeric Normalizes Lipid Levels

Dyslipidemia or abnormally high lipid levels in the blood is a common characteristic of obese individuals which often leads to cardiovascular issues when not treated effectively.

Mohammadi A along with colleagues analyzed the effects of curcuminoids in a group of 30 obese individuals with excessive lipid levels.

The study had a keen focus on anthropometric parameters such as lipid profiles, weight, and body mass index.

Through biostatistical estimations of the results, it was determined that curcuminoids effectively lowered serum triglyceride levels in the blood of the participants making them useful cardioprotective agent in obese individuals.

What does this mean?Curcuminoids are rich in antioxidant compounds that prevent the accumulation of lipids in the blood. These compounds also regulate cell signals and are believed to be responsible for the compounds hypolipidemic activity.

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Curcumin And Hepatic Metabolism Of Cholesterol

In another study done on rats, the researchers identified another mechanism by which curcumin reduces cholesterol levels. This study was published in the journal, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, in 1997.

After inducing diabetes in the rats with the drug, streptozotocin, the researchers divided them into 2 groups. The first group was placed on a high-cholesterol diet while the second group received a control diet. Both groups were given 0.5% curcumin.

The results showed that the levels of LDL cholesterol and VLDL cholesterol fell significantly with curcumin supplementation.

Additionally, curcumin lowered triglyceride and phospholipid levels.

The cholesterol-lowering effect was higher among the rats fed on the high-cholesterol diet than those fed on the control diet.

To determine how curcumin lowers blood cholesterol, the researchers measured the activities of 2 liver enzymes: HMG-CoA reductase and cholesterol-7-alpha-hydroxylase. They found that the activity of the second enzyme was raised in the livers of the rats fed curcumin.

Therefore, this study shows that one of the mechanisms by which curcumin lowers cholesterol levels is by increasing the breakdown of cholesterol in the liver.

Final Thoughts On Turmeric For High Cholesterol Levels

Get Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat with Turmeric Tea

Does turmeric lower cholesterol and triglycerides? The answer appears to be, yes, in certain circumstances. The evidence suggests that curcumin can improve blood lipid profiles in patients who are obese, diabetic, or have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, metabolic syndrome, or acute coronary syndrome. In other words, curcumin performs best if you have a condition that subjects you to a greater risk of high cholesterol.

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How Turmeric Can Help Lower Cholesterol

The world is presently healing from over a year of one of the most stressful and deadly human disasters. Covid-19 woke the worldwide community up to the potential effects of medical inefficiencies both on a social and global scale. Preexisting health conditions have become the center of many day-to-day conversations, as the world has awoken to the effects of a healthy body and lifestyle. One of these notable conditions that have spiked the number of Covid-19 deaths is heart conditions caused by such things as high cholesterol levels.

With the rise of skepticism over our worlds disorganized health care system, coupled with a distrust for traditional medicine that has been hit-or-miss for ages before any pandemic hit, people of various backgrounds are both accepting and utilizing alternative medicine as a proper route to a healthy life.

How Can You Tell If Turmeric Is Pure

You will have to take some warm water in a glass and pour in a little quantity of turmeric on the surface. The mixture should be left for between 20 and 30 minutes without stirring. If all the turmeric powder settles at the bottom of the glass and the water is crystal clear, then the turmeric is pure.

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Effect Of Cooking On The Cholesterol

A 2008 study published in the African Journal of Food Science investigated the differences between the hypocholesterolemic effects of raw and cooked turmeric and red pepper.

The researchers induced hypercholesterolemia in a group of rats by feeding them a high-cholesterol diet for 8 weeks. During this period, the researchers gave different groups of experimental rats dietary and heat-processed turmeric and red pepper.

This study is important because cooking heat has been shown to reduce the major phytochemicals in spices. Therefore, heat-processed turmeric contained a lower amount of curcumin than raw turmeric. There was also a significant loss of capsaicin from the cooked red pepper.

The results of this study showed that both raw and cooked turmeric and red pepper significantly lowered cholesterol levels.

The differences between the hypocholesterolemic effects of raw and cooked forms of the spices were negligible.

The results showed that turmeric reduced total serum cholesterol as well as LDL cholesterol levels.

Also, the spices increased serum vitamin E concentration. The improved antioxidant protection significantly reduced lipid peroxidation in the liver.

How To Take Turmeric

Does Turmeric Interact with Statins ? (Cholesterol Medication)

One of the best aspects of turmeric is that is extremely easy to take and there are infinite possibilities in which you can have it.

Raw turmeric, turmeric powder, and Tumeric supplements are the 3 ways one can include turmeric in their life.

Raw turmeric is great, but not available everywhere and throughout the year. The most popular way is turmeric powder.

We recommend making the Golden paste using the powder for best results. You can use any good turmeric spice powder for this. If you are confused which powder to buy, here are some recommendations>

Turmeric supplements work great when you are dealing with an aggressive disorder or need quick relief . There are a variety of supplements available in the market . If you are looking for some good ones, here is a list to help you out>

Have you taken turmeric along with statins or otherwise? If yes, do share your experience with all of us by commenting below.

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