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HomeHealthDoes Being A Vegetarian Lower Cholesterol

Does Being A Vegetarian Lower Cholesterol

Other Points Of Interest Regarding Renters Insurance

How to Lower Cholesterol Without Meds – My Blood Results As 20 Yr Vegan

When a claim is reported, the insurance company will ask the policyholder for proof of purchase for all items reported on the claim. A comprehensive list of possessions, including purchase prices, model numbers and serial numbers, will suffice. It also is a good idea to take photos or video footage of any personal possessions for documentation, making sure it is stored in a secure, off-site location.

When determining how much, if any, renters insurance you should purchase, estimate the value of your personal possessions. This is the amount of insurance you will need to replace the contents of your home if everything were destroyed.

If a college student is living in an off-campus house or apartment with one or several roommates, they may be able to purchase a renters insurance policy together. Some policies automatically extend coverage to any resident of a policyholder s household who fits the definition of a domestic partner. Otherwise, consider carrying separate coverage for each of the adult tenants.

One of the smartest things you can do as a renter is reduce the chances of needing to file a claim altogether by requesting that the property owner install an anti-theft or safety device inside the rental property.

In all cases, it is recommended to reference your current insurance policy or contact your agent when deciding whether or not to purchase renters insurance for a student away at college.

Which Type Is Right For You

There are two standard renters insurance policies:

  • The Broad Form covers personal belongings against specific events, such as fire or theft. This is the most commonly purchased renter’s policy. Typical coverage under this form includes damage from fire, lightning, explosion, smoke, vandalism, theft and water-related damage from property utilities. This is the most commonly purchased renters policy.
  • The Comprehensive Form provides coverage for a range of events, unless specifically excluded by the policy. Considering the potential amount of coverage, the premiums for this policy may be higher. Location also may be considered when choosing your form. If you live in an area prone to violent storms, such as hurricanes, consider purchasing a comprehensive policy that specifically addresses storm damage.

It Covers Losses To Personal Property

A renters insurance policy protects against losses to your personal property, including clothes, jewelry, luggage, computers, furniture, and electronics. Even if you don’t own much, it can quickly add up to a lot more than you realize and a lot more than you’d want to pay to replace everything.

Renter’s policies protect against a surprisingly long list of perils. A standard HO-4 policy designed for renters, for example, covers losses to personal property from perils including:

  • Damage caused by aircraft
  • Weight of ice, snow, or sleet
  • Windstorm or hail
  • Damage from water or steam from sources including household appliances, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, or fire-protective sprinkler systems

Losses resulting from floods and earthquakes are not covered in standard policies. A separate policy or rider is required for these perils. In addition, a separate rider might be needed to cover wind damage in areas prone to hurricanes. And renters insurance policies don’t cover losses caused by your own negligence or intentional acts. For example, if you fall asleep with a lit cigarette and cause a fire, the policy most likely will not cover the damage.

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What Diet Decreases Risk Of High Cholesterol

Research shows that certain dietary patterns can help lower cholesterol. One diet in particular, the Portfolio diet, was pitted against a low saturated fat diet with cholesterol lowering medication and was found to be almost just as effective 6. The Portfolio diets name comes from the fact that it contains a portfolio of foods, each of which have been shown to decrease cholesterol, and together can have an even more powerful effect 6, 7, 8.

Another diet that may be beneficial in lowering cholesterol is the DASH diet . The DASH diet was designed to lower blood pressure and to improve cardiovascular health. Some evidence suggests DASH is also helpful for lowering cholesterol 9, 10.

A third dietary pattern that can improve cardiovascular health is the Mediterranean diet. Quality evidence shows that the Mediterranean diet can decrease risk of heart disease one of the ways it does this is through improving cholesterol levels 11.

All these dietary patterns have a common focus towards plant-based foods. Plant-based diets are often associated with lower cholesterol levels 12, 13.

The Impact Of The Diet On Cholesterol Levels

Does Being A Vegetarian Lower Cholesterol ...

If you recognize that the average person who participated in these studies had a total cholesterol level over 200mg/dL, then the average response was a decline of 5 to 10 percent in total cholesterol levels. Unfortunately, HDL, the good cholesterol, did not improve but rather declined slightly. Its important to realize that statins only modestly improve HDL levels.

A healthy cholesterol profile is defined as:

  • A total cholesterol level of less than 200 milligrams per deciliter

  • An LDL level of less than 130 mg/dL and less than 100mg/dL if you have a history of or very high risk for heart disease

  • An HDL level of more than 60 mg/dL

  • A triglycerides level of less than 150 mg/dL

To raise your HDL level:

  • Lose weight if you are diagnosed with obesity

  • Embrace dietary habits like eating a portion of nuts daily and eat good fats like avocados and healthy oils on a regular basis.

Vegetarian diet choices include:

  • Lacto-ovo-vegetarian: allows dairy and eggs

  • Lacto-vegetarian: allows dairy products but no eggs

  • Ovo-vegetarian: allows eggs but no dairy products

  • Vegan: allows no meat, dairy, eggs, or fish

Other non-vegetarian diets to consider:

  • Pescatarian: allows fish, eggs, and dairy

  • Flexitarian: predominantly vegetarian dietary approach with occasional meals that include meat

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Your Landlord Might Require It

Your landlord’s insurance covers the structure itself and the grounds, but not your belongings. A growing number of landlords require tenants to purchase their own renter’s insurance policies and they’ll expect to see proof.

This could be the landlord’s idea, or it could be an “order” from the landlord’s insurance company. The idea is that if the tenants are covered themselves, some responsibility can be shifted away from the landlord. If you need assistance finding or obtaining coverage, your landlord may be able to help.

Dedicated Service Plus Coverage

Nobody expects to experience theft or an accident. But renters may come home to missing valuables or damage from a sewer back-up. Building security might not be enough to prevent a robber from taking your laptop while you’re away at the office. Without renters insurance, you could feel the full brunt of replacement or repair costs. Liberty Mutual Insurance provided by TruStage could protect you against these risks. And, our 24/7 claims service ensures an agent is always around to help.

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Weve partnered with California Casualty because of their ongoing support for educators and their families.

In addition to providing NEA members with special benefits and rates not available to the general public, California Casualty has awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants to educators and schools through Academic Awards, Athletic Grants and Classroom awards.

Why Resident Legal Liability Insurance

Vegans Starting To Get High Cholesterol?! Why?

Resident Legal Liability insurance is an affordable way to protect your valuables from damage caused by fire, water, smoke, or explosions to put you back in the position you were in before experiencing a loss. Resident Legal Liability insurance can help you to replace lost, stolen, or damaged items because of a covered loss.

Tricon Residentials commercial insurance is separate from Resident Legal Liability insurance and only covers Tricon Residential. Resident Legal Liability insurance covers the resident and their belongings in case of a disaster. If you accidentally cause a fire in the home, and are found responsible, you could be accountable for the thousands of dollars of damage. Resident Legal Liability insurance may protect you and your belongings from this risk.

All residents are required to carry renters insurance during their residency with Tricon Residential. We partnered with LeaseTrack to provide a comprehensive, low-cost option to manage this insurance requirement. For added convenience, no applications are necessary, and all Tricon Residential residents qualify for coverage that includes $100,000 of Resident Legal Liability insurance and $10,000 of resident personal property at a low cost of $15.75 per month.

To simplify the enrollment process, residents are auto enrolled at lease signing or may choose to purchase coverage from another insurance provider and submit their policy declarations page/certificate of coverage to LeaseTrack for approval.

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How Atherosclerosis Plaque Build

The plaques that form in artery walls are not stable. They can rupture, and if they do, a blood clot forms to heal the rupture 1. This clot could grow in size and block blood flow at the rupture site, or break off from the rupture site and get caught in an area of plaque build-up further along the artery, causing a blockage there 1.

Either way, artery blockage stops blood flow to whatever organ or tissue the artery flows to. The event of having a blocked artery is called many different things, and depends on the organ that the blood flow was going to. The two most common organs this happens to are the heart and brain we call these events heart attacks and strokes respectively.

The Problem With Too Much Cholesterol

Dietary cholesterol comes primarily from sources of saturated fats, like meat and other animal-based products.

The double-whammy with cholesterol is that by eating a diet high in saturated fat intake, you consume more cholesterol, and these foods make your liver produce more cholesterol, too! This increased production and consumption turns into high cholesterol levels in the body pretty quickly.

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Vegetables And Vegetable Oil

Healthline recommends incorporating soluble fiber-rich vegetables like eggplant, okra, carrots, and potatoes into your diet to help lower cholesterol. This also includes dark, leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and collard greens.

According to Harvard Health, swapping dairy butter for liquid vegetable oils such as canola, sunflower, and safflower can help lower LDL.

Where Does Bad Cholesterol Come From

Why Do Vegetarians Have High Cholesterol

According to Dr. Michael Greger, founder of, LDL cholesterol is found in trans fats, which is found in processed foods and naturally in meat and dairy. The Mayo Clinic notes that this trans fats are double trouble for heart health due to the fact that it raises LDL levels while lowering good HDL levels.

Trans fat is added to processed foods through an industrial process where hydrogen is added to vegetable oil, which allows the oil to be solid at room temperature. On ingredients labels, its called partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, and it is used to give many packaged foods a longer shelf life. It is also used for deep-frying by some restaurants because partially hydrogenated oil does not need to be changed as often.

Foods that typically contain trans fats include commercial baked goods, snacks like chips and crackers, refrigerated dough such as cinnamon rolls and pizza crusts, fried foods, and margarine. Cheese, butter, and processed meat like bacon, breakfast sausages, ham, and hot dogs are also high in bad cholesterol.

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Get To Know Your Renters Coverage Options

Renters insurance protects your personal belongings and also protects you if youre held legally responsible for injuries to another person or guest while theyre visiting your home. Learn more about the unique renters insurance coverages we offer below, then contact a local agent to discuss the right coverage for you.

We offer so many more coverage options at Safeco. View all of our coverages below, then connect with a licensed independent agent near you to determine the best renters coverage options for you.

The Cardiovasular Effects Of Cholesterol

The junk-food vegan is not immune to the cardiovascular effects of cholesterol. Elevated cholesterol levels can lead to cardiovascular disease, which opens the door to many ailments, including heart attacks and strokes.

Heart disease is the number one killer in our country. It is referred to by medical professionals, including the renowned Dr. T. Colin Campbell, author of The China Study, as a disease of affluence because it is a condition that exists predominately in Westernized cultures where the hamburgers are plentiful, and the expanding waist sizes show it.

Thousands of invasive medical procedures are performed every day in hospitals from LA to NYC to repair the cardiac damage caused by the disease. Many will need to be done again, as they are only bandages to the underlying problem for most patients a nutrient-deficient diet.

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What Is Covered With Renters Insurance In Fort Myers Fl

You And Your Family

Additional living expenses coverage:

Helps pay for increased living costs if a covered loss makes your residence uninhabitable.Such expenses typically include food, a temporary place to live and more.

Your Property

Personal Property Protection: Helps protect your valuables, such as furniture, electronics, clothes, and more.When getting a renters insurance quote from Cathy Sink Agency, you are covered for full replacement when a minimum coverage of $15,000 is purchased.

Medical Payments

Other Person: Guest medical coverage can help pay for necessary and reasonable medical expenses if someone is injured in an accident at your residence.Family liability protection helps protect you from financial loss if you are legally obligated to pay for someones injuries or damage to another persons property.

Do I Need To Worry About My Cholesterol Levels As A Vegan

RAW VEGAN: how long it took me to heal my body on a low fat raw vegan diet

Studies across the board show vegans have lower blood cholesterol levels than their vegetarian and omnivorous counterparts.

Editors Note: Have you ever wondered if you need to worry about your cholesterol levels as a vegan? Its a common question. To get the answer, I turned to a registered dietitian specializing in vegan nutrition, Anya Todd MS, RD. Heres her advice. KD Angle-Traegner

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Aim For Higher Coverage

To figure out how much personal property coverage you really need, do a home inventory. You may be surprised. For the average renter, the cost for replacing all your belongingsfrom clothes to cookware to computerscould easily exceed $35,000, according to State Farm.

Aim on the high side for your coverage amount. You wont know what you actually have till you lose it, says Maria Polio, account manager for the personal life department at Rust Insurance Agents in Washington, D.C.

A policy that provides $50,000 in personal property coverage and $500,000 in liability coverage, with a $1,000 deductible, may cost around $300 per year, Polio says.

If you own a large number of high-cost items, such as expensive jewelry or art, their value may exceed the typical policys personal property limit for such categories, which may be just $1,000 or $2,000. But you can add a rider, also known as scheduling an item, which will provide a higher level of coverage. Youll pay a bit more, however.

For renters who are living with roommates who are not family members, your policy will not cover their possessions. Its best if your roommates buy their own policies, says Yael Wissner-Levy, vice president of communications at Lemonade, an online insurance broker.

Be aware, if you are running a business from home, renters insurance might not cover your equipment. You may do best to purchase a separate business insurance policy.

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Are Vegans Affected By Cholesterol Issues

The short answer is yes! Some people think that vegans dont need to worry about their cholesterol levels because they dont consume dietary cholesterol, which is found in animal products. In reality, there are many dietary and non-dietary factors that affect our risk of high cholesterol, including some that we cant influence like our age, family background and genes.

Its becoming increasingly easy for vegans to consume diets high in saturated fat, which can lead to high cholesterol. This is partly due to the popularity of coconut products and heavy use of saturated fats like coconut, palm and shea oils in the manufacturer of some vegan alternatives, such as plant-based butter and cheese and some convenience foods. Eating these products regularly can have a significant effect on the overall quality of our diets because they tend to add saturated fat, sugar and salt and push out healthier choices.

Regarding the wider aspects of heart health, vitamin B12 is a nutrient to consider. This is because low B12 status can result in a high homocysteine level, which has been linked to an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. Make sure that your vegan diet follows our guidelines about B12-fortified foods or supplementation.

What About Water Damage

5 Health Benefits Of Being A Vegetarian

This is a tricky question. And to really answer this, we should break it into three parts.

1. Does renters insurance cover floods?

No. Unfortunately, if the creek rises and floods your apartment, renters insurance will not cover any damages. To be covered for a flood, you need a separate flood policy.

2. What about structural problems, such as leaky pipes and flooded toilets?

If youre not at fault, then your landlords insurance should cover all structural problems. Now, if that leaky pipe got out of control and damaged your iPad and T.V., your renters insuranceand not the landlordswould pay for the damages.

3. What if I accidently flooded my apartment and damaged the electrical outlets?

If you accidentally flooded your apartment, renters insurance would kick in and clean up the mess .

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