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HomeMust ReadWill Coconut Oil Raise Cholesterol Levels

Will Coconut Oil Raise Cholesterol Levels

So Can You Have It In The Kitchen

Is Coconut Oil Going to Raise Your Cholesterol?

Yes, you can have a bottle of coconut oil in the kitchen armoire and use it from time to time if you are in perfect health. It is an oil that has a practical pastry side compared to other vegetable oils because it remains solid at room temperature. It has a sweet nut flavor that appeals to taste and its texture lends itself well to certain preparations without cooking or stir-fries with a tropical touch. In a context where there are plenty of good vegetable oils available on the market, you can vary them. And coconut oil is part of that variety.

Sweetened Fortified Coconut Milk

Many coconut milk products you’ll find in the refrigerated section are fortified with nutrients like calcium and vitamins A, B12 and D. They also contain less fat. However, these products typically contain a lot of added sugar and tend to have very small amounts of coconut.

One hundred grams of a sweetened, fortified coconut milk beverage typically supply 2.1 grams of fat, 0.2 gram of protein, 2.9 grams of carbohydrates and 2.5 grams of sugar. Such coconut milk beverages have few of the same nutrients compared to natural coconut milk. Instead, they contain vitamins and minerals like:

  • 14 percent of the DV for calcium
  • 7 percent of the DV for vitamin A
  • 52 percent of the DV for vitamin B12
  • 5 percent of the DV for vitamin D

Given how different coconut milk products can be, you should be careful about the product you select. You’re likely to get more of coconut milk’s benefits if you opt for a natural, unsweetened product.

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Coconut Oil Consumption Linked To Increased Ldl

Damian McNamara

New evidence is cracking open some of the positive health claims made about coconut oil. Combining the findings from 16 published studies, investigators found that use of coconut oil was associated with increases in low-density lipoprotein and total cholesterol levels, potentially placing people at higher risk for cardiovascular disease .

Compared to nontropical olive, soybean, or canola oil, high consumption of coconut oil substantially increased LDL cholesterol. Consuming 3 to 4 tablespoons of coconut oil daily was associated with an estimated 10-mg/dL increase about a 9% jump in LDL levels.

“The main message is that scientific studies in humans do not support a beneficial effect of coconut oil consumption on body fatness, inflammation, blood sugar, or heart health,” senior author Rob M. van Dam, PhD, told Medscape Medical News.

“There is thus no good reason to consume coconut oil to improve health,” he said.

The systematic review and meta-analysis was January 13 in Circulation.

The type of fat common in coconut oil could be the culprit, said van Dam, professor of epidemiology and vice dean of academic affairs at the National University of Singapore. “Coconut oil consists of about 90% saturated fat, which is higher than the proportion of saturated fat in butter or lard.”

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Are The Saturated Fats In Coconut Oil Different

Roughly 80 percent of the fat in coconut oil is saturated. Yet some people claim that coconut oil doesnt raise LDL. Not true, says Sacks.

The evidence is straightforward. Some of the short-chain saturated fatty acids in coconut oil dont raise LDL cholesterol. But they dont counteract the effects of the oils longer-chain fatty acids, which do increase LDL cholesterol. So coconut oil raises LDL cholesterol in the same way that, say, butter does.

In a 2016 paper, researchers reviewed the evidence from seven small trials that compared coconut oil to monounsaturated or polyunsaturated oils, like olive or soybean. They found that LDL cholesterol levels were higher when people ate coconut oil. The increase was statistically significant in six of the seven studies.

Granted, no large trials have tested coconut oils impact on heart disease. In the absence of any 10,000-person study, we have to go on the best available evidence, which shows that coconut oil raises LDL cholesterol, says Sacks. And coconut oil has no demonstrated benefits to offset the rise in LDL.

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Patient And Public Involvement

Normalcholesterol Is Coconut Oil Bad For Cholesterol ...

The BBC originally proposed the idea of a study to examine claims about the health benefits of coconut oil in response to public interest the study would be part of their Trust me, Im a doctor series. The study was designed as a randomised trial with participants from the general community in discussion with the BBC.

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True: It Can Be Used To Treat Yeast Infections

The truth is, coconut oil could be beneficial for the treatment of candida, aka yeast. In fact, research shows coconut oil actively fights species of candida at 100% concentration. Theres even some research showing it can be used to treat vaginal yeast infections, but time will tell if this is really an effective remedy.

Heart Uk Says Bbc Coconut Oil Claim Not To Be Trusted

HEART UK are very concerned regarding the latest coverage of coconut – See article here. The idea that consuming coconut oil lowers cholesterol made by the BBC programme Trust me Im a Doctor, is both misleading, unhelpful and not to be trusted.

The majority of respected scientific evidence shows that the saturated fats in coconut oil raise the bad cholesterol and the very limited experiment in the programme is misleading viewers to believe that coconut oil has beneficial effects on cholesterol.

HEART UK is delighted to see that the media are encouraging the use of olive oil and discouraging the use of butter because of their effects on blood cholesterol.

Coconut oil, unlike most vegetable oils, is solid at room temperature and is 85% saturated fat which when compared to butter at 52% and lard at 40% saturated fat puts it into context.

Some have argued that coconut oil contains a large amount of medium chain fats which are metabolised differently however the predominant fats in coconut oils are Lauric acid, Myristic acid and Palmitic acid all of which are classified as long chain saturated fats and all have been shown to raise the level of damaging LDL cholesterol in the blood.

Small variations in cholesterol resulting from changes in diet can be difficult to demonstrate due to the variability in many factors including:


Fat and Fatty Acid Intake and Metabolic Effects in the Human BodyAnn Nutr Metab 2009 55:162172 DOI: 10.1159/000229001

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What Else Can It Do

Theres a claim that coconut oil can reduce the mental losses from Alzheimers disease by providing an alternate energy source for your brain. But right now the evidence is mostly word-of-mouth and not from research.

Coconut oil does have antioxidants, compounds that may help reduce the risk of disease. But Young says youll likely get a bigger antioxidant bang for your buck from vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

You may also see coconut butter coconut flesh thats been pureed into a creamy spread. It has more fiber than the oil. Coconut flour is another higher-fiber option that you can use when baking.

Dr Roach: Coconut Oil In Coffee Can Have Mixed Results On Cholesterol

Is Coconut Oil Bad for Your Cholesterol?

Dear Dr. Roach: Ive started using coconut oil instead of milk and sweetener in my coffee. I find that a quarter teaspoon of coconut oil blended with 12 ounces coffee is pretty yummy. But I want to make sure Im not doing any harm, since my own LDL has risen and my HDL has fallen since December. I have heard that coconut oil is healthy, but also that its saturated fat.


Dear Q.L.: Compared with a similar amount of a nontropical vegetable oil, coconut oil does raise both total and LDL cholesterol. The effect is not large. In a review of many studies, the increase in cholesterol was about 10 points in people who started using coconut oil, but the amount that people use will of course be critical: A quarter teaspoon a day is unlikely to have much of an effect on your blood cholesterol levels.

The effect on HDL cholesterol in these studies was different from what you saw, as coconut oil tends to raise the healthy HDL levels. Overall, most experts believe that coconut oil is not as healthy for you as other vegetable oils, such as olive or sunflower oil, but is not as bad for you as saturated animal oils, such as butter or lard.

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Coconut Oil Myths: 10 Truths You Should Know About Coconut Oil

byHeather TitcombNovember 4, 2021, 5:54 am

Similar to kales swift rise to the top of the health food scene, coconut oil slid onto store shelves faster than you could say cuckoo for coconuts. Its garnered considerable attention across multiple industries, which has sparked conversation, research, and debate over just how beneficial the stuff really is. Can it help with your heart health? Are there alternative uses for it? In short, coconut oil has many benefits, but there are also some false claims that need addressing. Heres what you should know about coconut oil.

Saturated Fat And Cholesterol Support Health

Lets talk about saturated fat and cholesterol because they are actually vital for good health. Did you know that your brain is mostly made of cholesterol and saturated fat? Cholesterol promotes the growth of new brain cells, facilitates communication between neurons, and is a critical component of the myelin sheath, the protective covering of our nerves. It may also protect against Alzheimers disease. A study conducted in New York City including 1,130 elderly people found that higher HDL cholesterol levels were associated with a significant decrease in the risk of Alzheimers, even when adjusting for other factors including vascular disease, age, sex, education level, and genes that predispose to the disease.11 A more recent Mayo Clinic study found that those participants who consumed the most fat were 42 percent less likely to have cognitive impairment.12 And finally, a study published in the medical journal The Lancet measured lipid and serum cholesterol levels in 3,572 men, ages 71-93 years old, and found that those with the lowest cholesterol levels were more likely to die from any cause.13

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Does Coconut Oil Increase Cholesterol

Coconut oilraise cholesteroloilscoconut oil

. Considering this, is coconut oil good or bad for cholesterol?

Coconut oil is more than 80% saturated fat, which has long been associated with raising cholesterol levels. However, other reports claim that coconut oil is good for your heart, because it reduces levels of the harmful form of cholesterol, LDL.

Also, can using coconut oil on skin raise cholesterol? Coconut oil can raise total cholesterol more than any other fatty acid. Moisturizer: Extra virgin coconut oil is known as the best skin moisturizer available. As we know, anything applied to our skin will not just affect the skin but will quickly be absorbed into the blood stream.

Also asked, does coconut increase cholesterol?

The research isn’t entirely clear on this point, but it seems the fatty acids found in coconut oil do raise LDL bad cholesterol as do other saturated fats, like butter. But coconut may also raise HDL cholesterol good cholesterol to some extent, though not as much as unsaturated fats .

Which oil is best for lowering cholesterol?

Olive oil can help lower “bad” cholesterol and raise the level of your good cholesterol . Also look for other vegetable-based oils: canola, soy, and sunflower.

Setting And Study Population

Can Coconut Oil Raise Cholesterol Levels?,cholesterolchart ...

This study was conducted at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. The study protocol was approved by the Ethical Review Committee, Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, and was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and Good Clinical Practice.

Inclusion criteria for volunteers were healthy male or female, age from 18 to 25, no history of allergy to coconut oil and/or carboxymethylcellulose , not taking any medications, having all related biomedical parameters in the normal range, ability to provide informed consent and willingness to take VCO and 2% carboxymethylcellulose solution as per protocol, and agreement on follow-up for the duration of the study. Exclusion criteria included volunteers unwillingness to have their biomedical parameters assessed and being pregnant. A total of 35 Thai healthy volunteers were recruited. The participants were free to decide whether to volunteer for the study and written informed consent was obtained from all volunteers before starting the study.

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White Bread Rice And Pasta

When you eat simple carbohydrates that are stripped of fiber your body breaks them down just like sugar, and both inflammation and LDL cholesterol rise as a result. Overeating refined carbs such as white rice, white-flour pasta, and white bread can have the same effect on your body as drinking soda, says registered dietitian Amy Shapiro, who is based in New York.

Is Coconut Oil Bad For Your Cholesterol

Ever since I started using coconut oil, my cholesterol has spiked, writes this weeks house call. Im afraid coconut oil with all that saturated fat is creating more harm than good. Should I continue to use it?

Since I expressed my love for medium-chain triglyceride oil or MCT oil, Ive received this question several times.

I call MCTs a super fuel for your cells because your body uses this kind of fat very efficiently. Your cells burn MCTs for energy while storing very little as fat, boosting your metabolism and supporting your immune system.

MCTs also help balance many hormones, including the ones that control your appetite. They keep you feeling full and satisfied. They actually improve your cholesterol profile.

They also help your body burn fat. One study found that consuming MCT oils helped reduce body fat and triglycerides more than omega 6 vegetable oils. After eight weeks, the experiment showed the MCT oil group lost more weight, body fat and subcutaneous fat, all while experiencing a 15 percent drop in triglycerides and LDL.

At the same time, as MCT-rich coconut oil becomes more popular, it also becomes a concern among some folks because of its high amounts of saturated fat and potential for raising cholesterol.

The reality is, cholesterol is not black and white. Classifying it as good or bad vastly oversimplifies this molecule, which among its duties helps synthesize vitamin D and hormones while maintaining cell structure.

Wishing you health and happiness,

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Homemade Coconut Milk Recipe

By Sarah White

Most of you could already guess that Im obsessed with coconut. Many of my recipes contain coconut oil or coconut milk and Ive even . While coconut oil is a saturated fat the specific medium chain triglycerides found in coconut are actually a healthy addition to your diet. Saturated fats from fried foods and meats are not a great idea for cardiovascular health, but the MCTs found in coconut oil are actually beneficial for your heart by lowering bad cholesterol and raising good cholesterol. A recent study comparing cholesterol levels from various dietary fats found that coconut oil did not significantly raise bad cholesterol levels. Coconut oil actually increased HDL better than heart-healthy olive oil. The study concluded that butter and coconut oil, which are predominantly made up of saturated fats, have very different effects on blood lipids with coconut oil coming out on top when it comes to cholesterol levels.

This brings me to my newest obsession, which is homemade coconut milk. A discovery which is a This Doctors Kitchen game changer you guys. While homemade almond milk will always be on rotation in our household, coconut milk has become our go-to since its so much easier to make. Homemade coconut milk is amazing in smoothies but is particularly well-suited to my morning bullet proof coffee with a touch of additional liquid MCT oils.

  • 1 – 2 dates

Is Coconut Oil A Health Food – Is Cholesterol Affected by Taking Coconut Oil by Dr Bruce Fife

Coconut oil has been marketed as a health food for several years. Low-carb, high-fat weight loss diets, including the keto diet, favor coconut oil, claiming it can help bust belly fat by inducing ketosis. Back in 2016, The New York Times asked people whether coconut oil is healthy and 72% said yes, but medical experts say there’s largely no good scientific data that backs up health claims.

In 2018, a Harvard professor called coconut oil pure poison, saying its one of the worst foods you can eat.” While it’s not poison, most medical experts say it’s not a health food.

I don’t think that we need to fear it or take it out of the diet completely, but there’s no need to be using it in excess or as the only oil in the diet, said Ginger Hultin, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

A tablespoon of coconut oil is about equal to the amount of saturated fat adults should eat in one day, according to AHA recommendations. The World Health Organization also recommends limiting saturated fats.

“Until we get some good evidence, we should be suspect of claims that something is healthy,” Hensrud said.

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Virgin Coconut Oil: Uses Nutrition And Health Benefits

The coconut tree belongs to the palm tree family , which is botanically a drupe, not a nut. Coconut oil is an edible oil produced from the kernel of mature coconuts and it has gained immense popularity in the recent years for its innumerable health benefits.

Almost over thousands of studies have proven, coconut oil to be one of the healthiest foods. The many uses and healing benefits of coconut oil go beyond peoples expectation, coconut is indeed a true superfood.

The coconut tree is claimed as the lifeline of health due to its versatile benefits and uses. However, choosing the right type of oil from the different types available coconut oil brands can be a bit challenging.

Coconut oils are typically available in two varieties -virgin and refined oil. Virgin Coconut Oil is produced by cold-pressing the liquid from the coconut meat, later extracting the oil from milk and water and has a milky appearance. It is 100% natural, unbleached and cold-pressed. Virgin coconut oil is popular for its pleasant aroma, taste, powerful antioxidants, healthy fatty acids and essential vitamins to name a few.

Virgin coconut oil is produced from the coconut without heat exposure. It is gaining more popularity across the world in comparison with ordinary coconut oil for its indispensable nutrition and benefits.

Though refined coconut oil is less expensive, it is not widely recommended as it loses all its nutrition while processing.


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