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HomeNewsWhich Niacin Is Best For Cholesterol

Which Niacin Is Best For Cholesterol

Is 1000 Mg Of Vitamin C Safe

Niacin, What Should People Know About This Medication? – Dr. Lyle

There is a limit for the amount of vitamins C that can be consumed by adults. It is recommended that people with chronic liver disease, gout, or kidney disease take no more than 1,000 IU of vitamins C and E a day. It is possible to increase the excretion of urinary oxalate and uric acid with a high intake of vitamins C and C.

Taking Niacin For Cholesterol And Triglycerides May Be The Answer

Whether or not niacin for cholesterol reduction is a good idea has been the topic of much research over the past few decades.

The link has been clearly established, and studies show that it may help reduce your chances of developing heart disease, as well as help treat an existing heart condition. As such its worth looking into as an option for you.

Which Is The Culprit: The Drug Or The Vitamin

Which component of the tredaptive drug trial should be blamed for causing problems? Apparently the headlines have implicated niacin by default. After all, it can cause flushes! Well, niacin, an essential nutrient, has been used very safely at very high doses for over 60 years. It has been shown to reduce mortalities due to cardiovascular disease, even 10 years after patients stop taking it. The effect of niacin in preventing dyslipidemia is known to occur through PGD1 pathways. In contrast, laropiprant is a relatively new drug that blocks PDG1 pathways. It was included in the compound drug tredaptive to prevent the niacin flush side effect that sometimes occurs in some patients. However, it was not included for any clinically beneficial effect on cardiovascular disease, and it may have have even blocked the desired effects of niacin. The prostaglandin pathways inside cells are complex, and they are a current topic of intense research. In some studies, laropiprant showed a side effect on platelet DP1 receptors, which suggests that it may have adverse side effects on other receptors than on blood vessels within the skin, for example, in lung tissue and in the brain.

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More Research Is Needed

Large studies of niacin have limitations. For example, they studied niacin on top of statins, rather than alone, so its difficult to distinguish which effects may have been caused by which drug.

For now, doctors are using it cautiously and sparingly.

Statins are our first line therapy and now there are other safe and effective agents that also lower LDL, Dr. Cho says.

Its also important that people do not try to treat themselves with niacin supplements. If you have high cholesterol, talk with your doctor about the best way to get your cholesterol under control.

Should I Take Niacin Supplements

Niacin Policosanol Lower Cholesterol

Many people take niacin supplements to lower their cholesterol, and many doctors will prescribe this type of treatment. It is often combined with statin drugs to effectively lower cholesterol in the body. However, if you are looking to lower cholesterol levels, its crucial to consult with a physician before to discuss treatment options for you personally, especially as high doses are usually needed for the optimization of benefits.

Again, most people are able to get sufficient niacin through dietary sources, but needs vary based on gender, age, and health conditions. If you are looking to lower your cholesterol levels, you will need a higher dose and a prescription from your doctor.

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Side Effects Of Niacin

The primary side effect of niacin is known as the niacin flush.

Taking more than your body is prepared to metabolize can result in reddened skin that looks hot and flushed.

It may also cause itching.

Other side effects of niacin, primarily when taken in high doses, can include:

  • High blood sugar levels
  • Alcoholism

How Niacin Improves Cholesterol

Niacin is one of the best nutrients for raising HDL cholesterol. A research roundup completed by an esteemed colleague of mine, Mark Houston, M.D., from the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, revealed that niacin increased HDL levels by 10 percent to 30 percent. Higher HDL levels lead to plaque regression which helps to protect your blood vessels.

Another benefit of niacin is that it does an excellent job of lowering the small, dense LDL cholesterol particles that can clog your arteries. In his research, Dr. Houston also found that vitamin B3 benefits included reducing LDL cholesterol by 10-25%. Plus, niacin was shown to reduce triglycerides by 20-50%.

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Typical Dosing For Niacin

Niacin is available both over-the-counter and by prescription.

  • Niacin immediate-release tablets: The typical starting dose is 250 mg by mouth once a day with dinner. Your provider might raise your dose until you reach your target cholesterol levels. Don’t take more than 6 grams of niacin a day.

  • Niacin extended-release tablets: The typical starting dose is 500 mg by mouth at bedtime, after a low-fat snack. After 4 weeks, your provider will raise your dose depending on how youve tolerated and responded to the medication.

  • Niacin over-the-counter tablets or capsules: There are many forms of OTC niacin available. Be sure to follow the directions on your specific products packaging. If you have any questions about how to take the medication, ask your provider or pharmacist.

What Are Normal Cholesterol Numbers

Niacin For CV Health: What’s the Recommended Dosage?

Everyone aged 20 years and older should have his or her cholesterol levels checked at least once every 5 years. The blood test should be taken after fasting for 9 to 12 hours.

You should aim for a total cholesterol level of < 200 mg/dL. Levels of 240 mg/dL or above are considered high. For LDL, lower levels are better, and the goal should be below 130 mg/dL, with < 100 mg/dL being optimal. For HDL, higher numbers are better. An HDL level < 40 mg/dL is a major risk factor for developing heart disease. You want to aim for levels of 60 mg/dL or better to help lower this risk.

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Who May Benefit From Taking Niacin

Niacin used to be a common addition recommended to patients who were already taking cholesterol medication.

However, more recent research has found that niacin supplementation is not particularly beneficial if someone is already taking statins.

Niacin is not a first-line treatment for cholesterol, but is now reserved as an option for people who are unable to take statins or have had poor reactions to them.

Niacin may also benefit people who generally wish to support cardiovascular health, cognitive health, or who have known niacin deficiency.

Because niacin is vital for cellular energy processes, some doctors use NADH paired with other antioxidants to help address fatigue in chronic conditions.

Solgar Niacin Vitamin B3

Solgar Niacin Vitamin B3 provides 100mg of vitamin B-3 per serving. Serving size is one tablet. The bottle contains 100 tablets.


  • Suitable for vegetarians

Who Makes It?

Solgar has been making dietary supplements since 1947. The company distributes its products through the natural products industry worldwide. All their nutritional supplements are science-based.

Bottom Line

This is a high-quality supplement made with natural ingredients. It contains no additives, fillers, or common allergens. Because of its low dose you can build up your intake gradually and avoid the flushing effect.

Where to Get It

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Health Solutions From Our Sponsors

Hendrix, C. R., Housh, T. J., Mielke, M., Zuniga, J. M., Camic, C. L., Johnson, G. O., Schmidt, R. J., and Housh, D. J. Acute effects of a caffeine-containing supplement on bench press and leg extension strength and time to exhaustion during cycle ergometry. J Strength.Cond.Res 2010 24:859-865. View abstract.

Urberg, M., Benyi, J., and John, R. Hypocholesterolemic effects of nicotinic acid and chromium supplementation. J Fam.Pract. 1988 27:603-606. View abstract.

– Blankenhorn DH, Malinow MR, Mack WJ. Colestipol plus niacin therapy elevates plasma homocysteine levels. Coron Art Dis 1991 2:357-360.

Alhadeff L, Gualtieri CT, Lipton M. Toxic effects of water-soluble vitamins. Nutr Rev. 1984 42:33-40. View abstract.

Ali EH, McJunkin B, Jubelirer S, Hood W. Niacin induced coagulopathy as a manifestation of occult liver injury. W V Med J. 2013 Jan-Feb 109:12-4 View abstract.

American Dietetic Association Website. Available at: .

American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. ASHP Therapeutic Position Statement on the safe use of niacin in the management of dyslipidemias. Am J Health Syst Pharm 1997 54:2815-9. View abstract.

Andersson RG, Aberg G, Brattsand R, Ericsson E, Lundholm L. Studies on the mechanism of flush induced by nicotinic acid. Acta Pharmacol Toxicol . 1977 Jul 41:1-10. View abstract.

Anon. Niacinamide Monograph. Alt Med Rev 2002 7:525-9. View abstract.

Otc Supplements For The Management Of High Cholesterol

Best Niacin Supplement for Cholesterol Lowering 2020

Emily M. Ambizas, PharmD, MPH, CGPAssociate Clinical ProfessorCollege of Pharmacy & Health SciencesQueens, New YorkClinical Specialist, Rite Aid PharmacyWhitestone, New York

US Pharm. 2017 42:8-11.

Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the United States, with coronary artery disease being the number-one cause of death.1 Dyslipidemia is a major contributor to the development of CAD and other forms of atherosclerosis individuals with high total cholesterol levels have about twice the risk for heart disease. Approximately 100 million adults in the U.S. have total cholesterol levels > 200 mg/dL , and almost 74 million have high levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol .2,3 Adults aged > 20 years should have their cholesterol measured at least once every 5 years.2

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Niacin And Hyperlipidemia: Which Form Is Best

Niacin therapy has long been recognized as a treatment option in addressing hyperlipidemia., Niacin is inexpensive and therapeutically comparable with statin drugs in cases of hyperlipidemia., However, not all niacin forms are biological equivalents. Care should be taken when choosing niacin preparations for patients to ensure efficacy, tolerance, and safety, depending on the therapeutic goal. In this article, we will explore four different forms of niacin and the best way to utilize each of them in practice when optimizing cholesterol levels.

Nicotinic Acid

Nicotinic acid is probably the most well-known and most researched form of niacin. Marketed as both a dietary supplement and a prescription drug, NA is one of the few lipid-altering agents that has also been shown to decrease mortality in cases of cardiac arrest. NA is rapidly and almost completely absorbed., NA reaches peak plasma concentrations as quickly as 30 minutes to one hour after oral supplementation.

The research consistently shows NA to be an effective and inexpensive option for patients with hyperlipidemia

Extended-Release Nicotinic Acid


Because of the low plasma NA values with supplementation of IHN, there is no flush reaction. This is generally much better tolerated by patients. This also offers a better safety profile to patients compared to NA or ERNA.

Inositol Hexanicotinate

Elkins C, Friedrich D. Hypertriglyceridemia: A review of the evidence. Nurse Pract. 2018 43:22-9.

What Is Niacin Anyway

Niacin is one of eight B vitamins, also called vitamin B3, that helps convert food into energy. It is found in foods such as yeast, meat, fish, milk, eggs, green vegetables, and cereal grains. Many people dont get enough niacin from their daily diets, so they turn to supplements to reap its full benefits.

This powerful nutrient also promotes heart health by expanding blood vessels, improving blood flow, and increasing the bodys antioxidant defenses. It has also been proven to lower bad cholesterol while raising thegood — both of which reduce the risk of arterial plaque formation.

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So Is Niacin A Good Choice For Lowering Cholesterol

The answer to that question is not cut and dried. There are doctors who have been prescribing a daily niacin dose for cholesterol for years who swear by the treatment as both effective and necessary. Others will take the results from these latest studies at face value and shy away from prescribing it to their patients.

The bottom line is that niacin therapy is likely right for some people and wrong for others, depending on their particular situation. Your best bet is to talk to your doctor/cardiologist and see if it makes sense for you. If you are currently on niacin and experiencing any flushness or other symptoms, consult your doctor and perhaps look into alternatives for lowering cholesterol.

Who Should Buy A Cholesterol Supplement

New Cholesterol Drug Study: Niacin Side Effects Could Outweigh Benefits

Cholesterol supplements are usually taken by those who need to lower the LDL cholesterol levels. Most people realize that their levels are off after a trip to their doctor. Typically, they are given medication and prompted to make dietary changes. However, supplements can also be used besides these strategies to see faster results.

If this describes you, a cholesterol supplement may be just what youre looking for. These supplements contain a wide variety of ingredients. If one doesnt work, another one might. Feel free to try multiple supplements to find which one works best for you.

Cholesterol supplements may also be useful for those who are worried about their heart health. Many of these supplements are also very heart-healthy, which is extremely useful if youre at risk for heart disease or other heart problems. Whether you have a family history of heart disease or just want to protect your heart, these supplements can also be useful in these cases.

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Can Niacin Help Control Your Cholesterol

Not all cholesterol is bad. High-density lipoprotein, or HDL, is considered good cholesterol.

Higher levels of HDL are associated with lower risks of heart disease and stroke.

Certain foods, like those high in fiber, can help boost your HDL numbers.

Niacin, a B vitamin, has been shown to help increase HDL and lower both the bad LDL cholesterol in your blood and triglyceride levels.

In this article, Ill talk more about what niacin is and its impact on cholesterol, as well as other benefits and risks from supplementing niacin.

Ill also outline when you should talk to your doctor about niacin and your cholesterol levels.

Its Also A Nutrient That Decreases Lp

Lipoprotein A, or Lp for short, is a highly inflammatory, dangerous form of cholesterol. Elevated levels can alter the stickiness of your blood, which can lead to clots that up your risk of having a stroke or heart attack.

Niacin is one nutrient that decreases dangerous Lp cholesterol particles. Fish oil, nattokinase, and lumbrokinase can help to neutralize the pro-clotting influence of Lp. Newer research has shown that Coenzyme Q10 can also have a favorable impact on reducing Lp. This is great news because many of us take CoQ10 on a daily basis.

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Warnings For Other Groups

For pregnant women: Niacin is a category C pregnancy drug. This means two things:

  • Research in animals has shown adverse effects to the fetus when the mother takes the drug.
  • There havent been enough studies done in humans to be certain how the drug might affect the fetus.
  • Talk to your doctor if youre pregnant or planning to become pregnant. This drug should only be used if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to your pregnancy.

    For women who are breastfeeding: Niacin passes into breast milk and may cause side effects in a child who is breastfed. Talk to your doctor if you breastfeed your child. You may need to decide whether to stop breastfeeding or stop taking this medication.

    For seniors: Older adults may process drugs more slowly. A normal adult dose may cause levels of the drug to be higher than normal. If youre a senior, you may need a lower dosage or a different dosage schedule.

    For children: Niacin hasnt been studied in children. It shouldnt be used in children younger than 16 years.

    All possible dosages and drug forms may not be included here. Your dosage, drug form, and how often you take the drug will depend on:

    • your age
    • how severe your condition is
    • other medical conditions you have
    • how you react to the first dose

    What Are The Side Effects Of Niacin

    Niacin for lowering cholesterol: A Miraculous Natural Product

    Although consuming niacin in the amounts found in dietary sources, taking a niacin supplement can cause side effects including:

    • Niacin flush: The most common side effect of taking vitamin B-3 supplement is a flushing of the skin caused by dilation of the blood vessels. As well as flushing on the chest, neck, and face, niacin can cause a tingling or burning sensation.
    • Stomach irritation: Taking slow-release niacin can cause nausea and vomiting.
    • Liver damage: Taking high doses of vitamin B-3 over a long period can lead to liver damage.
    • Blood sugar: Taking high doses of vitamin B-3 may result in impaired blood sugar control.
    • Gout: Taking a niacin supplement may lead to increased levels of uric acid, which can cause or worsen gout.

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    Atherosclerosis And Heart Disease

    In one study, men with existing heart disease slowed down the progression of atherosclerosis by taking niacin along with colestipol. They experienced fewer heart attacks and deaths, as well.

    In another study, people with heart disease and high cholesterol who took niacin along with simvastatin had a lower risk of having a first heart attack or stroke. Their risk of death was also lower. In another study, men who took niacin alone seemed to reduce the risk of having a second heart attack, although it did not reduce the risk of death.

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    Dosage For Lowering Cholesterol And Triglyceride Levels And Reducing Risk Of A Heart Attack

    Adult dosage

    • Extended-release tablet: The starting dosage is 500 mg taken by mouth once per day at bedtime. After 4 weeks, your doctor may increase your dosage by up to 500 mg. The standard maintenance dosage is 1,0002,000 mg taken once daily at bedtime.
    • Oral tablet: The initial dosage is 250 mg taken by mouth once per day following your evening meal. Your doctor may gradually increase your dosage to a maximum of 6 grams per day. The standard dosage is 12 grams taken 23 times per day.

    Child dosage

    • Extended-release tablet: The starting dosage is 500 mg taken by mouth once per day at bedtime. After 4 weeks, your doctor may increase your childs dosage by up to 500 mg. The standard maintenance dosage is 1,0002,000 mg taken once daily at bedtime.
    • Oral tablet: The initial dosage is 250 mg taken by mouth once per day following the evening meal. Your doctor may gradually increase your childs dosage to a maximum of 6 grams per day. The standard dosage is 12 grams taken 23 times per day.

    Child dosage

    This medication hasnt been studied in children and shouldnt be used in children younger than 16 years.

    Senior dosage

    The kidneys of older adults may not work as well as they used to. This can cause your body to process drugs more slowly. As a result, more of a drug stays in your body for a longer time. This increases your risk of side effects.

    Dosage warnings

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