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HomeHealthWhat Is Normal Cholesterol For A Woman

What Is Normal Cholesterol For A Woman

How Cholesterol Moves Around The Body

Cholesterol Levels for Women According to Their Age

Cholesterol is a white, insoluble and waxy substance. It is carried around the body by two key transport systems in the blood, which include:

  • Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol carries most of the cholesterol that is delivered to cells. It is called the bad cholesterol because when its level in the bloodstream is high, it can clog up your arteries.
  • High-density lipoprotein cholesterol is called the good cholesterol, because it helps remove excess cholesterol out of the cells, including cells in the arteries.

Few Tips To Combat With Ldl Issues

  • Eating a healthy diet along with regular exercise is must for everyone let it be children or adults. This helps to keep cholesterol levels in better form.
  • Avoiding sedentary lifestyle from childhood and even through adolescence helps in keeping cholesterol levels in control even during adulthood. Since the person gets into the habit of remaining active.
  • Overweight people must keep an eye on what they eat and when they eat. Avoiding processed and sugar infused foods help in keeping weight in control along with LDL levels in limits.
  • People who are aware of their family disease history of high cholesterol or any heart diseases can be at risk. So, in such cases, even children must be vigilant about maintaining a good lifestyle with a balance of food and exercise.
  • Women approaching their menopause and even adults with extremely high levels of LDL must consider a physician consultation for a medication therapy to monitor and treatment.
  • High cholesterol at any age and of any gender can make a person fall under risk for developing heart disease, heart attack, and even strokes. If precautions are taken and levels are monitored at regular intervals in people with cholesterol issues then these risks can be prevented.

Regulation Of Cholesterol Synthesis

Biosynthesis of cholesterol is directly regulated by the cholesterol levels present, though the homeostatic mechanisms involved are only partly understood. A higher intake from food leads to a net decrease in endogenous production, whereas lower intake from food has the opposite effect. The main regulatory mechanism is the sensing of intracellular cholesterol in the endoplasmic reticulum by the proteinSREBP . In the presence of cholesterol, SREBP is bound to two other proteins: SCAP and INSIG-1. When cholesterol levels fall, INSIG-1 dissociates from the SREBP-SCAP complex, which allows the complex to migrate to the Golgi apparatus. Here SREBP is cleaved by S1P and S2P , two enzymes that are activated by SCAP when cholesterol levels are low.

Cholesterol synthesis can also be turned off when cholesterol levels are high. HMG-CoA reductase contains both a cytosolic domain and a membrane domain. The membrane domain senses signals for its degradation. Increasing concentrations of cholesterol cause a change in this domain’s oligomerization state, which makes it more susceptible to destruction by the proteasome. This enzyme’s activity can also be reduced by phosphorylation by an AMP-activated protein kinase. Because this kinase is activated by AMP, which is produced when ATP is hydrolyzed, it follows that cholesterol synthesis is halted when ATP levels are low.

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How Is Cholesterol Measured

A cholesterol test measures the following levels:

  • Low-density lipoproteins are called the “bad” type of cholesterol. When LDL levels are too high, it increases your risk of developing CVD.
  • High-density lipoproteins are called the “good” type of cholesterol. They help remove excess LDL cholesterol from the body and you actually want higher HDL levels.
  • Triglycerides are fats in your blood that have been converted from calories your body doesn’t need right away. You’ll want lower triglycerides, as high levels can increase your CVD risk.
  • Total cholesterol is calculated using your HDL score + LDL score + 20% of your triglycerides score. You also want this to be lower, but it can’t be interpreted without your other scores.

How Can You Prevent High Cholesterol Levels And Coronary Heart Disease

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Prevention methods are very much the same as treatment methods. First, dont smoke. If you do smoke, make plans to quit now. Find ways to add physical activity to each of your days. Take steps to keep your weight in a healthy range. Eat well. Consider following the Mediterranean diet. It is the only diet proven to reduce the risk of heart disease. Take care of any other medical conditions you might have by following your healthcare providers advice and instructions. Learn to really relax and calm down.

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Living With High Cholesterol

If you have high cholesterol, you are twice as likely to develop heart disease. That is why it is important to have your cholesterol levels checked, especially if you have a family history of heart disease. Reducing your LDL bad cholesterol through good diet, exercise, and medicine can make a positive impact on your overall health.

When To Speak With A Doctor

There are few noticeable symptoms of high cholesterol. Emergency symptoms such as a stroke or heart attack may be the only indicator of damage from high cholesterol. This means that regular monitoring by a doctor is essential.

Most people should get their cholesterol checked with a blood test every 4 to 6 years. Your doctor may recommend more frequent screening if you live with any of the following:

  • a history of heart conditions
  • family history of high cholesterol
  • high blood pressure

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When Should You Contact Your Healthcare Provider About Your Cholesterol Levels

In truth, your healthcare provider will probably talk to you about your numbers first. As always, contact your provider if you have any new or worsening pain or other uncomfortable feelings. Make sure you know what medications you take and what they are expected to do. Call the provider if you have a reaction to the medicine.

Before you go to the office, and after you have had a cholesterol test, it helps to have a list of questions prepared about your test results and any proposed treatment.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

When considering cholesterol numbers, its important to remember that you really have the ability to make those numbers go in your favor. What you choose to eat, how much you are able to move and how you deal with lifes ups and downs are things that you can influence.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 07/31/2020.


Causes Of Changing Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol: Know Your Levels Video – Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Your cholesterol levels will change as you age, most likely increasing. There are a number of causes for changing cholesterol levels. They include:


If you eat foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol, it will make your total cholesterol level rise. The saturated fat is the main cause. This type of fat comes mainly from animal food products. You can find it in meat, dairy products, chocolate, baked goods, deep-fried foods, and processed foods. These foods make up a typical American diet, and consuming a lot of these foods is cautioned against.

Weight and physical activity

If you are overweight, your risk for heart disease increases and so do your cholesterol levels. Not being physically active also contributes to a risk for heart disease and high cholesterol levels. Exercising daily and losing weight can help lower your bad cholesterol, LDL, and increase your good cholesterol, HDL.


Smoking can lower your good cholesterol, HDL, making it harder for your body to remove cholesterol from your arteries.

Age and gender

As you age, your total cholesterol levels increase. Women have lower total cholesterol levels than men of the same age. But when a woman goes through menopause, her bad cholesterol, LDL, tends to rise.


Its important to know your family history of heart disease and cancers if applicable. How much cholesterol your body makes is partly determined by your genes. High cholesterol can run in your family.

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The Biting Fighting Garlic

A 2016 review of studies on garlic determined that garlic has the potential to reduce total cholesterol up to 30 milligrams per deciliter .

Try simmering whole cloves of garlic in olive oil until theyre soft, and use them as a spread on foods you find bland. Garlic tastes better than butter, and its a whole lot healthier particularly for lowering cholesterol.

Journal of Nutrition found that regular intake of shiitake mushrooms in rodents appears to have cholesterol-lowering affects. This confirms earlier studies with similar results.

Although shiitake mushrooms have been the subject of much of the research, many other varieties available in the supermarket or at your local farmers market are also thought to be helpful for lowering cholesterol.

Myth #1 All Cholesterol Is Bad Cholesterol

False: Your body actually needs cholesterol to form cell membranes and even make certain hormones. Your own liver naturally produces cholesterol for these specific purposes. Extra cholesterol enters the body when we eat foods that come from animals, like meats, eggs, and dairy products.

Furthermore, there are two main types of cholesterol in the body: low-density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein .

  • LDL cholesterol is often called bad cholesterol because LDL particles deliver cholesterol to your cells. High levels of LDL cause fatty buildup in the blood vessels, which can lead to heart disease. You want LDL levels to be Low.
  • HDL, or good cholesterol, carries cholesterol from your cells back to your liver and can be removed from your body. People with high levels of HDL are at lower risk for heart disease. You want your HDL levels to be High.

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Normal Levels Of Cholesterol In Women

The amount of cholesterol is measured in mmol per liter or mg/DL. The average rate of women in mmol per liter and 5.2, and the rate of 6.2 corresponds to the permitted maximum. During the life of a normal cholesterol level in women is increasing. Normal high levels of cholesterol are also observed in pregnant women. Valid if by the end of the period of gestation the levels of cholesterol in the blood of the mother grows by almost 2 times.

What Is The Cause Of Variations In Ldl Levels

Normal Cholesterol Levels

With increasing age total and bad cholesterol levels also increase. It happens because LDL receptor which helps in removing bad cholesterol from the blood becomes less active with age. Also, the connection between bad cholesterol and body fat percentage is even stronger than the connection between age and cholesterol.

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The Norm Of Cholesterol For The Age Of 40 To 50 Years

At a young age, up to age 35, a womans cholesterol level is more likely to be normal, as it is controlled by a hormone: progesterone. Then progesterone declines, fertility fades, and the risk of high cholesterol increases. It is after 40 years that you need to be more careful about nutrition, and at least twice a year you should undergo a preventive examination. The norm in women over 40 years of age is considered to be 3.9 to 6.18 mmol / L of good cholesterol and 0.9 to 2.3 mmol / L of bad cholesterol. It is in this proportion that there is no risk of accumulation of fatty plaques in the vessels. That is, even if they start to form, the good cholesterol removes them. In this way, a healthy balance is maintained.

Lowering Your Total And Ldl Cholesterol Levels

Here are some things you can do:

Lose weight if you are overweight.

  • Exercise regularly. For example, walk or ride a bicycle for 30 minutes at least three times a week.

  • Eat fewer high-fat foods, like butter, cheese, meat, and some vegetable fats . Foods that are high in saturated fat should be less than 7 percent of your total daily calories.

  • Eat more high-fiber foods, like vegetables, fruits, grains, and whole-grain breads, cereals, and pasta.

  • Your doctor can help you plan a heart-healthy diet. If exercising and changing your diet do not help enough, you might need to take a medicine to lower your cholesterol level.

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    Your Total Cholesterol Figure Divided By The Hdl

    Whats healthy? The lower this figure, the better. Ideally 4.5, while above 6 is considered high risk.

    What should I do? This reading will help your GP work out whether your overall cholesterol levels are healthy, which in turn helps them calculate your risk of CVD – another reason why its important to have full cholesterol results, not just TC. It could be high if your TC, LDL-C and non-HDL cholesterol levels are too high, or if your HDL-C is too low, or a combination of both. Maintaining a healthy TC:HDL ratio long-term can help reduce your risk of CVD in future. You can do this by following the advice above.

    Koliko Je Holesterol Vaan Za Kardiovaskularni Sistem

    When are your cholesterol levels too high and when are they normal

    LDL holesterol ililo holesterol i njegovo odreivanje je vano kao faktor rizika za koronarna oboljenja i za aterosklerozu. Normalne vrednosti su 1,55-4,53 mmol/L. Poviene vrednosti obino su povezane sa nepravilnom ishranom i stresom. Tada se poveava rizik nastanka kardiovaskularnih bolesti, pre svih ateroskleroze.

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    Your Test Results: A Preview

    Your test results will show your cholesterol levels in milligrams per deciliter of blood . Your total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol are among numerous factors your doctor can use to predict your lifetime or 10-year risk for a heart attack or stroke. Your doctor will also consider other risk factors, such as age, family history, smoking status, diabetes and high blood pressure.

    Lipid profile or lipid panel is a blood test that will give you results for your HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and total blood cholesterol.

    Watch an animation about cholesterol score.

    What Is The Difference Between Good Cholesterol And Bad Cholesterol

    Good cholesterol is known as high-density lipoprotein . It removes cholesterol from the bloodstream. Low-density lipoprotein is the bad cholesterol.

    If your total cholesterol level is high because of a high LDL level, you may be at higher risk of heart disease or stroke. But, if your total cholesterol level is high only because of a high HDL level, youre probably not at higher risk.

    Triglycerides are another type of fat in your blood. When you eat more calories than your body can use, it turns the extra calories into triglycerides.

    Changing your lifestyle can improve your cholesterol levels, lower LDL and triglycerides, and raise HDL.

    Your ideal cholesterol level will depend on your risk for heart disease.

    • Total cholesterol level less than 200 is best, but it depends on your HDL and LDL levels.
    • LDL cholesterol levels less than 130 is best, but this depends on your risk for heart disease.
    • HDL cholesterol levels 60 or higher reduces your risk for heart disease.
    • Triglycerides less than 150 milligrams per deciliter is best.

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    Understanding The Highs And Lows Of Cholesterol

    You know that too much is dangerous. But what is cholesterol, anyway? Where does it come from? And is it all bad?

    Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is found in every cell in the body. Its either made by the body or absorbed from food. Your body needs cholesterol to make important steroid hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and vitamin D. Its also used to make bile acids in the liver these absorb fat during digestion.

    So some cholesterol is necessary but bad cholesterol is something you can do without. Excess bad cholesterol in the bloodstream can deposit into the bodys arteries. These deposits are called plaques and result in atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. This is the major cause of heart attacks, strokes and other vascular problems.

    Your total cholesterol level is a measure of the total amount of cholesterol circulating in your bloodstream, which includes several components:

    • LDL cholesterol: LDL stands for low-density lipoprotein. This is known as the bad cholesterol, which directly contributes to plaque buildup in the arteries. Very low density lipoprotein, or VLDL cholesterol, is another type, which is a precursor to LDL.
    • Total cholesterol is VLDL cholesterol plus LDL cholesterol plus HDL cholesterol.
    • HDL cholesterol: HDL stands for high-density lipoprotein. Experts think at optimal levels it might help the body get rid of LDL cholesterol.

    And guess what? This buildup can start as early as your 20s.

    Why Is Hdl Good

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    HDL helps keep your cardiovascular system healthy. It actually aids in the removal of LDL from the arteries.

    It carries the bad cholesterol back to the liver, where its broken down and eliminated from the body.

    High levels of HDL have also been shown to protect against stroke and heart attack, while low HDL has been shown to increase those risks.

    According to the National Institutes of Health , HDL levels of 60 mg/dL and higher are considered protective, while those under 40 mg/dL are a risk factor for heart disease.

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    Better Predictor Than Ldl

    In studies of patients with hypertriglyceridemia , it has been possible to establish a direct association between the values of non-HDL-C and the risk of death due to cardiovascular disease, this correlation being better than that observed when evaluating LDL-C.

    In the case of male patients with high levels of Non-HDL-C, they have twice the risk of death from cardiovascular disease than their counterparts with low levels, while in female patients, the risk of death was approximately two and a half times higher. This is of major importance, since high values of LDL-C, have lower risk predictive power, especially in women.

    The Total Amount Of Cholesterol In Your Blood

    Whats healthy? Government advice has moved away from giving absolute figures, but ideally your cholesterol should be be 5 mmol/L or less, or 4 mmol/L if youre at high risk of CVD, or you have high blood pressure, diabetes or have had a cardiovascular event.

    What should I do? If your TC level is too high, you can help bring it down by making some simple diet and lifestyle changes, such as:

    • Being more active.
    • Cutting down on foods rich in saturated fats, such as butter, lard and full-fat dairy.
    • Swapping fatty meats for lean meats, such as chicken.
    • Eating more foods with healthy fats, such as olive oil, nuts, seeds and oily fish.
    • Having meat-free days – try Quorn® or soya products instead.
    • Eating more fruits, vegetables and wholegrains, especially oats and barley.
    • Including more foods fortified with plant sterols or stanols in your diet.

    Your doctor or nurse will tell you when you need to be tested again.

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