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How Quickly Can Diet And Exercise Lower Cholesterol

/8here Is How To Lower Bad Cholesterol Level

How weight loss, exercise and diet can lower your cholesterol

High level of LDL cholesterol, also referred to as bad cholesterol is a common health concern. It is linked with serious health ailments like heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes, which at times can turn fatal. This makes it vital to keep a track of the cholesterol level to evade life-threatening health issues.

Eat More Plant Sources Of Protein

Excellent plant proteins include beans all beans, like lentils, red beans, pinto beans, and soybeans. Rather than raising blood cholesterol levels, as animal sources of protein do, beans actually help lower cholesterol.

Beans also help reduce blood sugar and insulin levels, and may even lower cancer risk.

How Long Does It Take To Lower Cholesterol


Your cholesterol levels are directly tied to your heart health, which is why its so important to make sure theyre in a healthy range. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , reports that 78 million adults in the United States had high levels of low-density lipoprotein , or bad cholesterol, in 2012. The organization also states that people with high LDL cholesterol are at a much higher risk of heart disease.

Dr. Nieca Goldberg, medical director of the Joan H. Tisch Center for Womens Health at the NYU Langone Medical Center, says it can take between three to six months to see lower LDL numbers through just diet and exercise, noting that it takes longer to see changes in women than men.

Read on for more information on how to lower your LDL levels.

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How Quickly Can Cholesterol Levels Change

The Cholesterol Levels in the blood is not only affected by the daily diet, but also depends on the speed at which the body manufactures and eliminates LDL cholesterol, and heart disease is caused by the amount of LDL cholesterol in the blood. The body can make the cholesterol the body needs without having to get extra from food.

There are reasons

for high and low cholesterol. Many factors determine whether your LDL cholesterol level is high or low, including:

  • Heredity
  • pressure


There are genetic genes in the body that control the rate at which LDL cholesterol is manufactured and eliminated, thus affecting the level of LDL cholesterol. And familial hypercholesterolemia is a special hereditary high cholesterol condition, 1 in 500 people suffer from it, leading to the occurrence of early heart disease.

Eating habits

There are two substances in food, which will increase LDL cholesterol

  • Saturated fat: A type of fat mainly derived from animals.
  • Cholesterol: It also comes from animal food.

Eating too many foods containing saturated fat and cholesterol is the main reason for high cholesterol and high heart disease rate because saturated fat can increase the level of Low cholesterol more than any other food. Therefore, reducing the consumption of saturated fat and cholesterol-rich foods is very important to reduce blood cholesterol levels.



Regular exercise can lower LDL cholesterol levels.

Age and gender



Our Enormous High Cholesterol Problem

Howtoreducecholesterol How Quickly Can Exercise Lower ...

Coronary artery disease is often the consequence of many other diseases, problems, or lifestyles termed risk factors:

  • Smoking

Most of these are preventable.

If you have a genetic tendency towards coronary artery disease, with parents or siblings who developed it early in life, the disease can occur without many risk factors. But even in these cases, it accelerates quickly in the presence of risk factors.

Of all the coronary artery disease risk factors, high cholesterol is a particularly big problem in the United States. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 71 million U.S. adults have high cholesterol. That’s one third of our adult population.

Yet less than half of people with high cholesterol seek treatment for it, the CDC notes. What’s more, when treatment is pursued, only one in three adults have their cholesterol adequately treated.

High Cholesterol Treatment

The most common treatment for high cholesterol, particularly after heart disease has developed, is a statin. This type of drug comes with benefits and risks. Statins inhibit HMG-CoA reductase, an enzyme in our bodies that is used to make cholesterol. Some examples of statin drugs are Zocor , Lipitor , Crestor , and Pravachol . These drugs have side effects that include muscle pain, joint pain, headache, and nausea. You can also have rare severe sides effects such as inflammation and injury of the liver and muscles.

What will happen to my cholesterol if I change my diet?

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Misconception: With Medications No Lifestyle Changes Are Needed

Medications can help control cholesterol levels, but making diet and lifestyle changes are the best way to reduce heart disease and stroke risk. To lower your cholesterol, eat a heart-healthy diet and get at least 150 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise a week.

Its also important to take your medication exactly as your doctor has instructed.

Learn more about cholesterol medications.

Plant Stanols And Sterols

“Sterols and stanols are plant compounds which have a similar size and shape to cholesterol. They work by blocking the absorption of cholesterol in the gut, so reducing the amount of cholesterol getting into the bloodstream,” explains Garton.

Tiny amounts of sterols and stanols can be found in a range of plant-based foods but eating fortified foods like milk, yoghurt drinks and spreads can help you to eat enough.

“Eating 1.5 to 2.4 g of plant sterol or stanols daily can reduce blood cholesterol by between 7 and 10% over the course of two to three weeks,” says Garton. It’s important to note that they need to be eaten on a regular basis and as part of a meal because they only work by mixing with the food you have eaten.

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How Low Should Your Ldl And Non

Numerous studies have found that an LDL level above 100, even in otherwise healthy patients, will lead to the growth of damaging plaques. Research suggests that LDL levels significantly lower than 100 are optimal. For example, one major study involving more than 8,800 European patients found that LDL cholesterol levels of 81 were even better than levels of 104 in preventing death, heart attacks, and other cardiovascular-related problems in people with heart disease. 2

And recently, a six-year study involving 18,000 people with heart disease affirmed that for reducing LDL levels, the lower, the better. The study was reported at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association.3 Half the subjects lowered their LDL, on average, to 69 the other half reduced LDL to 54. Both groups were rewarded with few heart events over the six-year period, but the group with the lower LDL, 54, ended up the winner. It had 6.4% fewer events heart attacks, heart disease deaths, strokes, bypass surgeries, stent procedures, and hospitalizations for severe chest pains than the group with the higher LDL.

For non-HDL, an optimal goal for people with clear evidence of heart disease is less than 80. A good goal for healthy individuals wanting to prevent heart disease is less than 100.

Effects Of Moderate Exercise On Ldl

How To Drop Cholesterol – 6 Best Exercises For Lower Cholesterol

Although researchers are still trying to determine exactly how exercise affects your cholesterol, the bottom line is clear: moderate exercise appears to have favorable effects on your cholesterol levels:

  • Moderate exercise reduced LDL cholesterol by up to 10% in some studies. There are a few studies that suggest that exercise may have a slightly positive or neutral effect on LDL.
  • Exercising regularly can increase your HDL cholesterol by between 3 and 6%.

Although this may not seem like much, combining exercise with other lifestyle changes can help keep your cholesterol levels, as well as the rest of your body, healthy.

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Things To Do To Reduce Cholesterol Before The Blood Test

There are a handful of natural everyday modifications that you can implement into your daily routine to drop your cholesterol levels.


From full-fat dairy and sugary beverages to processed madness, you simply must avoid this range of food-types if you want to take cholesterol-lowering seriously.

  • You can still consume meat. As long as you pair your meals with fresh fruits, whole grains, and veggies.
  • Plants rich in fibre are excellent choices, particularly soluble fibre.
  • Recommendations: berries, barley, beans , oats, yams.

Plant Protein

In close connection to the previous point, consuming plant-based protein is a step in the best direction.

  • Beans, beans, and more beans.
  • Recommendations: Pinto, soy, lentils, red.
  • Unlike animal protein, which raises blood pressure, beans are renowned for bringing it down.
  • They also reduce blood sugar and insulin levels that have led scientists to believe beans play a significant role in cancer prevention and treatment.

Good Fat

If youve heard the name omega-3 fatty acids, then you can be sure the Diet-Universe has spoken to you.

  • This is not just good fat, but great fat, owing in large part to how well it fights heart disease.
  • Food sources: sardines, herring, salmon, trout, mackerel, halibut.

Below are some bad fats you absolutely need to avoid if you have any plans of getting your cholesterol under control.

White Foods


You knew this point was going to land at your door sooner or later.

A Healthy Lifestyle May Help Lower Your Cholesterol

If you are wondering how to lower cholesterol, you should know that many Americans are managing their cholesterol through a combination of diet, exercise, and cholesterol-lowering medications.

Living a healthy lifestyle that includes eating a low-cholesterol diet with minimal amounts of saturated fats and getting at least 150 minutes of exercise each week, may help lower cholesterol naturally.

When diet and exercise alone arent enough, your doctor may add a cholesterol-lowering medication.

Its up to you and your doctor to decide what will work best for you, based on your individual situation, your medical history, and your general health.

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Get To A Healthy Weight

Weight loss from a healthy diet and exercise can potentially help lower high cholesterol. If you have overweight or obesity, losing just 3 to 5 percent of your body weight can help lower LDL and raise HDL cholesterol, according to the NHLBI.

For instance, if you weigh 200 pounds, then a 5 percent weight loss is 10 pounds. Derocha says aiming to lose that amount over six months is a very realistic goal.

Ask About Cholesterol Medication

8 Foods That Can Help You Reduce Cholesterol

Cholesterol medications such as statins may be the fastest way to lower cholesterol for some people usually within 6 to 8 weeks. This allows a person to quickly reduce their heart disease risk while cultivating a healthy lifestyle. During this period, a person can focus on lowering cholesterol over time with lifestyle and dietary changes.

Because high cholesterol is a risk factor for serious heart health issues, the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology recommend statins for many groups of people with high LDL cholesterol.

If LDL cholesterol does not drop enough with diet and lifestyle changes and statins, a person might need additional medications.

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Understanding Good And Bad’ Cholesterol

Cholesterol has a bad reputation, but the truth is it is an essential part of the body that helps build hormones, make vitamin D, and produce bile acids in the liver, which is crucial for digestion.

In fact, according to the American Heart Association, the liver makes all the cholesterol your body needs to function. But cholesterol also enters the body through the animal-based foods you eat, like meat and full-dairy products.

To get your levels under control, it’s important to understand that cholesterol travels through the blood by substances called lipoproteins, and there are two main types:

  • LDL is known as “bad” cholesterol because when the body has too much LDL cholesterol, it can build up in your arteries and block the flow of blood, which increases your risk for heart disease or stroke.
  • HDL is called “good” cholesterol because it helps transport LDL cholesterol to the liver, where it can be removed before it builds up in the arteries. The higher the level of HDL cholesterol, the lower the risk of heart disease.

In general, what you’re aiming for is the right HDL-to-LDL ratio. But it takes more than just watching the cholesterol content of the foods you eat.

While one may think lowering cholesterol levels is all about prohibiting cholesterol-rich foods from your diet, that’s only a small factor.

Replace Saturated And Trans Fats With Unsaturated Fats

Not all fats are bad. Once you limit your intake of saturated and trans fat, the next step is to eat foods that are considered heart-healthy, which includes foods that contain unsaturated fats.

There are two kinds of unsaturated fats: monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. And when eaten in moderation, they both can help improve your cholesterol levels, especially when used in place of saturated and trans fats.

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Saturated And Unsaturated Fat

There are 2 main types of fat: saturated and unsaturated. Eating too many foods high in saturated fat can raise the level of cholesterol in your blood.

Most people in the UK eat too much saturated fat.

Foods high in saturated fat include:

  • meat pies
  • cakes and biscuits
  • foods containing coconut or palm oil

Eating foods that contain unsaturated fat instead of saturated fat can actually help reduce cholesterol levels.

Try to replace foods containing saturated fats with small amounts of foods high in unsaturated fats, such as:

  • oily fish such as mackerel and salmon
  • nuts such as almonds and cashews
  • seeds such as sunflower and pumpkin seeds
  • avocados
  • vegetable oils and spreads such as rapeseed or vegetable oil, sunflower, olive, corn and walnut oils

Focus On Fruits Vegetables Whole Grains And Beans

How Can I Lower Cholesterol With Diet?

Our typical American diet is now abbreviated as SAD by scientists nationwide because its full of foods that do sad things to both hearts and waistlines. Hyperprocessed foods like potato chips and French fries. Sugar-saturated drinks. And fatty, artery-clogging meats and full-fat dairy foods like cheese.

We dont have to become complete vegetarians to get our cholesterol levels into healthy ranges, studies on the Pritikin Program have found, but clearly, the more vegetables, fruits, potatoes, and other naturally-fiber-rich plant foods we eat, the healthier well be.

Plant foods high in soluble fiber are especially beneficial in lowering total and LDL bad cholesterol levels. Good sources include beans , yams, oats , barley, and berries.

For simple tips on bringing more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans into your life, here is a 5-day sample healthy meal plan from the doctors and dietitians at Pritikin Longevity Center.

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What General Tips Should I Know About Cholesterol

  • Stay well-hydrated during exercise by drinking water when you are thirsty, and remember that in hot or humid conditions you may need to drink even more water to maintain hydration.
  • Wear comfortable clothes with sneakers or flat shoes with laces. Wear shoes with good support so that you can reduce the risk of orthopedic problems.
  • Make exercise a regular part of your healthy lifestyle, and try to exercise at the same time of day so it becomes a habit.
  • Use caution when exercising right after meals, when it is very hot or humid, or if you do not feel up to exercising.
  • Ask family and friends to join you to help keep you motivated. This also can help them to start or continue on a road to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Note your activities on a calendar or in a record book. Record the type of exercise, distance/amount of time, and how you felt during the activity. This will help you keep track of your progress and serve as motivation to keep going!
  • Use a variety of exercise to keep up your interest. Try things such as yoga, tai chi, Pilates or kickboxing. Join an exercise group, health club or the YMCA. Many churches and senior centers also offer exercise programs.
  • Look for chances to be more active during the day. Some examples would be walking the mall before shopping, parking your car farther away from your destination than necessary, choosing a flight of stairs over an escalator, or taking 10 to15 minute walking breaks while watching TV or sitting for some other activity.


Reducing Cholesterol With Intermittent Fasting

Any form of fasting helps you lose weight, and in turn, can help you reduce cholesterol levels. There are three methods of intermittent fasting:

  • Alternate-day fasting
  • Periodic fasting
  • Daily time-restricted feeding

However, the most effective method is one that can be easily maintained based on your daily routine. A common feature is sticking to an 8-hour eating window, for example:

  • Start at 10 a.m.
  • End at 6 p.m.
  • This way you are eating between the 8-hour window of 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and fasting the rest of the time.

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The Best Ways To Lower Cholesterol

According to Steven Reisman, MD, a cardiologist and director of the New York Cardiac Diagnostic Center, the best way to lower cholesterol is with lifestyle modification through diet and exercise.

Reducing saturated and trans fats, while introducing soluble fiber and healthier fats, is key to adopting a heart-healthy diet. As far as exercise, aim for at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity five times each week walking, biking, jogging, or exercise classes should work.

If you’re a smoker, giving up the habit can also get your numbers under control. That’s because smoking lowers HDL, which is considered good cholesterol. You’ll want higher levels of HDL to remove LDL from the arteries, which is considered bad cholesterol.


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