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HomeFactsHow Can I Reduce My Triglyceride Level

How Can I Reduce My Triglyceride Level

How Do Triglycerides Get Into The Blood

How To Lower Your Triglycerides Fast And Naturally

When we eat foods containing triglycerides, such as meat, dairy products, cooking oils and fats, they are absorbed by our intestines and packaged into parcels of fats and protein called chylomicrons . These carry the triglycerides in the blood stream to our tissues to be used for energy straight away, or stored for later.

The body also makes its own supply of triglycerides in the liver. This form is carried in a different type of lipoprotein known as VLDL cholesterol.

Consider The Bigger Picture

Certain health issues can affect your triglyceride level. Type 2 diabetes, for instance, is a risk factor for high triglycerides. So are thyroid issues and kidney diseases like uremia.

If youre concerned about your triglycerides, it makes sense to see your doctor for a head-to-toe checkup to see if any underlying causes could potentially be at play.

Do High Triglyceride Levels Cause Dizziness

Asked by: Miss Ernestine Hintz II

Very high triglycerides may cause blocking of the blood supply to your heart or your brain. Symptoms of decreased blood supply to your heart could include chest pain. Decreased blood supply to your brain could cause numbness, dizziness, confusion, blurred vision, or severe headache.

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Add More Fiber To Your Diet

Fiber is the part of your food that isnt digested, and its important because it helps you feel full. According to a study published in February 2019 in the journal Current Developments in Nutrition, dietary fiber can reduce the risk of high triglycerides in young to middle-aged adults who are overweight or obese. In general, fiber-rich foods also have carbohydrate content that is more complex and can lead to more gradual absorption by the body, which can also help temper the triglyceride increase that occurs after meals, says Michael Wesley Milks, MD, a cardiologist and assistant professor of clinical medicine at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus. Fiber is found in whole grains and nutrient-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables.

Get At Least 150 Minutes Of Exercise Each Week

Pin on Lower triglycerides

With exercise, after you burn glucose, you burn triglycerides as fuel, Dr. McNeal said. Thats how exercise lowers your triglycerides.

For people with severely elevated triglycerides or with type 2 diabetes and high triglycerides, especially women, a class of drugs called fibrates may be recommended.

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Health Screenings For You & Your Family

Did you know that the state of Kentucky has the 9th highest rate of heart disease in the country? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , heart disease was the leading cause of death among Kentucky citizens. The Foundation of the NLA works with local health centers to provide complimentary LDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, and glucose/A1c screenings to communities in need. Since the beginning of our screening program in September 2018, 253 people in rural Kentucky communities have received a blood test report and risk counseling. Subscribe today to be alerted if we will be hosting a screening near you!

What Are Normal And High Triglyceride Levels

The National Cholesterol Education Program sets guidelines for triglyceride levels:

  • Normal levels: Less than 150 milligrams per deciliter
  • Borderline high:150 to 199
  • High: 200 to 499
  • Very high: 500 or more

Elevated levels may lead to heart disease, especially in people with low levels of “good” cholesterol and high levels of “bad” cholesterol. The same is true if you have type 2 diabetes.

Experts once debated how important triglycerides are, but it now seems clear that higher levels are linked to problems such as heart disease.

One thing is clear, though: A good diet and exercise plan can lower triglyceride levels, improve cholesterol, and decrease the chance of heart disease.

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Top Foods To Help Lower Triglyceride Levels

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Diet plays a major role in the production of triglycerides in your body. Certain foods may even help lower your blood levels.

Here are 8 top foods that may help lower triglyceride levels.

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Daily intakes of at least 25 grams of soy protein were most effective at lowering these fats in the blood .

Soybeans, edamame, tofu, and tempeh are excellent sources of isoflavones, a health-promoting compound linked to reduced triglycerides, weight management, and improved menopause symptoms .

Fermented soy products like natto and tempeh have a higher nutritional value than unfermented soy. When used to replace sources of animal protein, they have a potent triglyceride-lowering effect .

Consider Cutting Back On Carbs

How to Raise Your HDL & Lower Your Triglycerides (NOT what you Think)

You dont have to go full keto. But some research suggests that lower carb diets are tied to healthier triglyceride levels.

How low should you go? In a 2006 study, people who consumed about a quarter of their calories from carbs lowered their triglycerides more than those who got more than half their calories from carbs.

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How To Quickly Lower Your Triglycerides

You might be wondering what are triglycerides and how do I know if mine are too high?Triglycerides are a type of fat found in our blood that our bodies use for energy. Having a healthy number of triglycerides can be very beneficial in maintaining good health however, when your triglyceride levels get too high, your health may be at risk.

What kind of risk are we talking about?Your triglycerides are measured through simple blood testing. A count of 150 and lower has been commonly referred to as a normal level amount. If you fall in between 200 and 500, your levels are commonly referred to as high or very high. Its at this level that your body becomes more vulnerable to increased risk of metabolic syndrome and heart disease. Regularly consuming more calories than you burn, consuming a lot of alcohol, and poorly-managed diabetes are a few of the causes of high triglyceride levels.

If you are over the age of 18, have high triglyceride levels and feel like youre out of options, a new 12-week research study at FMC Science may be an option for you. If you qualify for this study, all participants will be seen by a board certified physician get paid for time & travel all study medication, exams & tests will be paid at no cost to you-NO OUT OF POCKET COSTS! No insurance is required to participate! To learn more call FMC Science at 512-556-4130 or click below.

How Are High Triglycerides Diagnosed

High blood triglycerides are diagnosed with a routine blood test called a lipid panel. A lipid panel measures total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in the blood.

Triglyceride level ranges are:

  • Normal: Less than 150 mg/dL
  • A little bit high: 150 to 499 mg/dL
  • Very high: 500 mg/dL or greater
  • Moderately high: 500 to 886 mg/dL
  • Very high: Greater than 886 mg/dL

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Causes Of High Triglycerides

In many cases, habitual overeating causes high triglycerides. Occasionally, the trigger is an underlying condition such as:

  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Some types of liver disease
  • Some types of kidney disease
  • Some genetic disorders, including the inherited disease familial hypertriglyceridemia and familial combined hyperlipidemia .

Food Items You Can Easily Consume To Lower Triglyceride

How could the triglycerides level in blood be reduced?
  • Legumes : Legumes like beans, peas and lentils can help lower LDL levels and are a good source of plant-based protein.
  • Nuts, Especially Almonds and Walnuts : Nuts also contain protein. They’re particularly rich in L-arginine, an amino acid that helps make nitric oxide. This, in turn, helps regulate blood pressure
  • Fatty Fish : Fatty fish contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and have been linked to a decreased risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Whole Grains, Especially Oats and Barley : Oats: They contain beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol. Barley: Is also rich in beta-glucans and can help lower LDL cholesterol.
  • Fruits and Berries : Fruit also contains bioactive compounds that help prevent heart disease and other chronic diseases due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Eating berries and grapes, which are particularly rich sources of these plant compounds, can help increase HDL cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol.
  • Dark Chocolate and Cocoa : Flavonoids in dark chocolate and cocoa can help lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol while raising HDL cholesterol.
  • Garlic : Garlic contains allicin and other plant compounds, which may help lower LDL cholesterol and reduce other heart disease risk factors.
  • Soy Foods : There is some evidence that soy foods can reduce heart disease risk factors, especially in people with high cholesterol.
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    Changing Your Diet To Lower Triglycerides


    Limiting sugars, refined carbs, and alcohol is crucial to get the best results.

    Diets higher in fiber and fish may also help to lower triglycerides. Those with severely elevated levels may respond better to low-fat diets, but this is not a universal finding.

    When attempting to lower triglyceride levels, many find success through altering their eating habits. Here are the dietary approaches worth trying, according to science.

    What Can Raise Your Triglycerides

    Triglycerides can be raised due to what doctors refer to as ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ causes, explained below. Some people have a combination of both.

    It is very important that your doctors investigates all these potential causes so that you can start treatment.

    Primary causes of raised triglycerides

    ‘Primary’ refers to inherited conditions which cause raised triglyceride levels.

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    How To Lower Triglycerides And Cholesterol Naturally

    Your genes, diet, and lifestyle all affect your triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Some people naturally produce more triglycerides and cholesterol than others. This is based on their genetics and family history. Still, these levels are just part of your overall lipid levels, and lifestyle changes are one of the best ways to keep your numbers within a healthy range.

    How Your Healthcare Provider Can Help

    Lowering Triglycerides – Mayo Clinic

    Your healthcare provider can help you get your triglyceride levels under control by ruling out possible causes like medications, thyroid issues, unmanaged diabetes and liver or kidney disease. They can then formulate an effective management plan with you. This might include medication and lifestyle changes like losing weight and eating smaller portions.

    As mentioned before, a healthy, fiber-rich diet can help in the matter. Exercising regularly can also play a huge part in managing triglyceride levels. By cleaning up your existing routine, you could see changes in your triglyceride levels within a few months.

    This article was adapted from Cleveland Clinic Heart Advisor.

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    Why The Test Is Performed

    Triglycerides are usually measured together with other blood fats. Often it is done to help determine your risk of developing heart disease. A high triglyceride level may lead to atherosclerosis, which increases your risk for heart attack and stroke.

    A very high triglyceride level may also cause swelling of your pancreas .

    How Long Does It Take To Reduce Cholesterol

    Cholesterol drops over time, not suddenly, after a few days of healthier living. There is no set period in which cholesterol is guaranteed to drop.

    Cholesterol-lowering drugs usually produce a change in LDL within 6 to 8 weeks. It is possible for lifestyle changes to change cholesterol levels within weeks. However, it may take longer,

    • Total cholesterol: less than 200 milligrams per deciliter
    • LDL bad cholesterol: less than 100 mg/dL
    • HDL good cholesterol: higher than 60 mg/dL
    • Triglycerides: less than 150 mg/dL

    According to an article in the journal Circulation, the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association recommend using statins to lower cholesterol in people with cholesterol higher outside of these levels.

    However, they also recommend doctors consider a persons cholesterol levels and overall risk of cardiovascular disease before prescribing a cholesterol-lowering medication.

    The AHA recommends that people with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease get high-intensity statin therapy maximally tolerated statin therapy to lower LDL by at least 50%.

    The AHA also recommends high-intensity statin therapy for individuals with severe primary hypercholesterolemia .

    There are a number of habit changes a person can incorporate into their daily routines in order to gradually and consistently lower their LDL levels over time. Including:

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    How To Lower Triglycerides With Lifestyle Changes And Medication

    • You can lower triglycerides by exercising, losing weight, and drinking less alcohol.
    • If your triglycerides levels are very high like over 500 milligrams per deciliter your doctor may also recommend medication to lower triglycerides.
    • Triglycerides, like cholesterol, are associated with a higher risk of heart disease if your levels are too high, though many people effectively lower these levels with lifestyle changes and medication.
    • Visit Insiderâs homepage for more stories.

    Like cholesterol, triglycerides are a form of fat, or lipid in fact, theyâre the most common form of fat in a personâs body. After you eat, fat and calories that arenât immediately put to use by your metabolism are stored as triglycerides in your bodyâs fat cells.

    âYou need triglycerides in the body for an energy source,â says Sanjiv Patel, MD, a cardiologist at MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute at Orange Coast Medical Center. âThe issue becomes if you have too much.â

    Hereâs what you need to know about cholesterol and triglycerides, and how to lower your triglyceride levels if they get too high.

    How Often Should I Have My Triglycerides Checked

    How could the triglycerides level in blood be reduced?

    The American Heart Association recommends a fasting lipid profile for all adults aged 20 or older every five years. Dr. McNeal said you may need to have your triglycerides checked more frequently if:

    • Your triglycerides are 200 mg/dL or higher
    • You are over age 50
    • You have other risk factors for heart disease or type 2 diabetes

    If you are concerned about your triglyceride levels, visit your primary care doctor. If you dont have one, find a doctor near you today.

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    A Promising New Treatment For High Triglycerides

    • By Gregory Curfman, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Former Editor-in-Chief, Harvard Health Publishing

    When you think about fat circulating in the bloodstream, you might immediately think of cholesterol. But theres another type of fat you shouldnt ignore: triglycerides. As with cholesterol, high triglycerides can also increase the risk of having a heart attack. Existing drugs for lowering triglycerides arent that good at reducing heart attack risk. Thats why a report on a new way to lower triglycerides, New England Journal of Medicine, is generating some excitement among cardiologists.

    Eat Fatty Fish Twice Weekly

    Fatty fish is well known for its benefits on heart health and ability to lower blood triglycerides.

    This is mostly due to its content of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid that is considered essential, meaning you need to get it through your diet.

    Both the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and American Heart Association recommend eating two servings of fatty fish per week to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke .

    Whats more, one study showed that eating salmon twice a week significantly decreased blood triglyceride concentration .

    Salmon, herring, sardines, tuna, and mackerel are a few types of fish that are especially high in omega-3 fatty acids.


    Fatty fish is high in omega-3 fatty acids. Eating two servings per week may lower triglyceride levels and decrease the risk of heart disease.

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    When Supplements Make Sense

    Not everyone with an elevated cholesterol level needs to take a statin. There are ways to achieve moderate lowering of cholesterol levels without using such drugs.

    If you are basically healthy, and a formal assessment of your cardiovascular risk places you in a low-risk groupor at least shows that your risk is not high enough to warrant statin therapythen non-prescription cholesterol lowering makes good sense.

    Lets review some of the commonly used non-prescription means of lowering cholesterol.

    Supplements And Medications To Lower Triglycerides

    High Triglycerides? How to Lower Triglycerides (NATURALLY!)
  • âFish oil, in doses of 3.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids per day, can effectively lower triglycerides. Lower doses are ineffective,â explains says Scott Shurmur, MD, cardiologist and professor of medicine at Texas Tech University Health Science Center School of Medicine in Lubbock. When prescription medication is needed, lowering triglycerides usually starts with medication that lowers LDL cholesterol levels many of the same medications used to lower cholesterol will also lower triglycerides.
  • Statins are usually effective and well tolerated, and are the most commonly prescribed drugs to lower cholesterol. Examples include Lipitor , Crestor , Zocor , Lescol , Pravachol , and Mevacor . Severe side effects that last are rare, but side effects may include forgetfulness, abdominal pain, constipation, and muscle aches. You shouldnât take one of these medications if you are pregnant or have active liver disease. Statins may interact with other drugs, including antibiotics and antivirals, so be sure to discuss all your medications with your doctor.
  • Fibrates like Tricor are used specifically to lower triglyceride levels. Side effects include stomach upset, gallstones, and muscle aches. You should not take fibrates if you have kidney disease or severe liver disease.
  • Some diabetes medications, Actos , for example, will also lower triglycerides, says Shurmur. However, this drug may cause or worsen congestive heart failure, warns the FDA.

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    Eat A Mediterranean Diet

    If youre looking for an overall diet plan that will lower triglycerides, the Mediterranean style may be the way to go it is, after all, one of the best diets for heart health. It encompasses all of the TG-lowering foods weve talked about. A diet that promotes eating more fatty fish, healthy plant-based oils, and nuts and seeds like the Mediterranean diet may be beneficial to reducing TG levels and improving heart health, Palinski-Wade says.


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