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HomeFactsIs Wheatgrass Good For Cholesterol

Is Wheatgrass Good For Cholesterol

May Improve Skin Health

Is Wheatgrass or Juicing good for Detoxification ?

The vitamin A in wheatgrass enhances skin luster and offers a natural glow. In rat studies, wheatgrass could treat atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions .

Drinking wheatgrass juice may help fight skin issues like psoriasis and eczema. However, limited research is available in this regard.

These are the benefits of wheatgrass. In the following section, we have extensively covered its nutritional profile.

Warnings About Taking Wheatgrass

Most supplements have warnings, as does wheatgrass. Those include:

  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
  • With the possible contamination of listeria monocytogenes, pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid wheatgrass.

  • Allergic Reactions
  • According to the American Cancer Society, people with wheat intolerance or allergy should consult a medical professional before consuming wheatgrass in order to be safe. Signs of an allergic reaction from wheatgrass include swollen throats and breaking out in hives.

  • Diabetics Take Note
  • Because of the effect of wheatgrass on blood sugar levels, individuals with health conditions like diabetes should first seek advice from their doctors before consuming it.

  • Wheatgrass Mold Contamination
  • Since wheatgrass mainly grows in moist conditions, it can develop mold if not properly taken care of, and the final product might include mold.

    Wheatgrass: Is It Worth The Hype

    Wheatgrass Plant near a Wheatgrass Drink

    Ryan McVay, Ryan McVay

    Consumers are buying trendy products like acai, mangosteen and coconut water like crazy lately. But many folks forget to do their research to find out if they’re going to end up flushing their money down the toilet. Today were delving into wheatgrass to tell you if this trendy green plant is worth the buzz.

    The History of Wheatgrass

    Wheatgrass was made popular by Bostons Ann Wigmore, who immigrated to the U.S. from Lithuania. She believed that wheatgrass could cure disease from her interpretation of the Bible and from observing dogs and cats feeding off the plant when they became sick. In the early 1980s Wigmore was sued by the Massachusetts Attorney General over claims that her wheatgrass program could decrease or eliminate the need of insulin for diabetics. Although she later retracted the claim, in 1988 she was sued again for claiming that her energy enzyme soup cured AIDS. She was finally ordered to stop claiming that she was licensed to treat disease. In 1993, Wigmore died but her ideas on wheatgrass live on.

    What is Wheatgrass?

    Wheatgrass is the young grass of a wheat plant. Its also called dog grass, quack grass, witch grass and couchgrass. It grows in temperate climates in Europe and the United States and can grow both indoors or outdoors. Folks can easily grow their own wheatgrass by placing wheat seeds in water and giving it time to grow.

    Nutrition InfoThe HypeSafety

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    Wheatgrass Has Been Shown To Improve Cognition

    Wheatgrass boasts a high amount of vitamin K, a nutrient essential for brain and bone health. Studies have shown that vitamin K may improve memory and prevent Alzheimers. While the research isnt exactly clear, one review found that it can enhance mental sharpness and cognition. In theory, wheatgrass components, namely its fiber and vitamin content, can support brain health, Lal says.

    Fights Inflammation And Free Radicals

    Pin by Kimmie on Nutritional Healing Group Board

    Another one of the health benefits of chlorophyll is its ability to reduce cell damage through its abundance of antioxidants. The vitamins in chlorophyll, including Vitamin A, C and E, plus beta-carotene and bioflavonoids, offer protection against free radicals and other damaging elements. Chlorophyll has antiseptic properties which helps destroy bacteria and strengthen tissue.

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    How To Make Wheatgrass Juice

    Wheatgrass juice is very simple to prepare.

    Here are a few tips to help you get started:

    • It is important to choose young grass, to avoid a bitter taste, when preparing wheatgrass juice organic wheatgrass is the best option.
    • Wash the grass thoroughly with water.
    • Add the wheatgrass to the blender and add enough water. Blend the mixture long enough to liquefy.
    • Filter the mixture using a cheesecloth or strainer into a clean glass or a bowl. Squeeze the pulp sufficiently into the glass to get as much juice out of the grass.
    • Discard the pulp and consume the juice immediately.

    You can consume 60 to 120 ml of the juice that has been pressed or juiced with or without other ingredients .

    It Might Help Keep Your Weight In Check

    Wheatgrass is super low in calories, so its a great option if youre trying to lose weight or maintain a moderate weight.

    But thats not all. Wheatgrass could also help support your overall efforts to eat healthfully and exercise, since it contains proteins and antioxidants thought to boost metabolism. In other words, it might help you burn a few extra calories.

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    Helps People With Thalassemia

    In a small study of children with thalassemia , some participants received wheatgrass supplements along with blood transfusions and folic acid to treat the disease. Those who took wheatgrass still needed the same number of transfusions as the children who did not take wheatgrass, but the wheatgrass patients reported better quality of life.

    Tips For Use And Consumption

    How to grow Wheatgrass & why its so good for you!

    You can enhance the taste of wheatgrass by adding other flavoring agents. Wheatgrass is available in different forms like powder, smoothie or juice, and pills. Generally, adding an ingredient that has a strong taste may make it more palatable.

    You can add honey, milk, or any fruit juice to raw wheatgrass for better taste.

    Of all the forms, the capsule form of wheatgrass is less grassy in taste. However, flavored capsules are also available in the market.

    Wheatgrass products are available at health food stores. You can purchase them online too!

    You can also prepare your own wheatgrass juice right in the comfort of your home.

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    Chlorophyll Improves Heart Health

    Chlorophyll is chock full of magnesium, which promotes longevity when given to patients who’ve suffered heart attacks. It reduces the chance of hypertension and atherosclerosis, and 365 mg of magnesium improves an individual’s lipid profile.

    Research by Austrian scientists found that chlorophyll slows the oxidation of bad cholesterol . Bad cholesterol is one of the contributors to cardiovascular disease, so increased protection against strokes and heart attacks are among the health benefits of chlorophyll.

    How To Consume Wheatgrass

    There are many ways to consume wheatgrass. Perhaps the two most common ways are juiced and in dehydrated, powdered form.

    As mentioned previously, many people have become accustomed to taking wheatgrass shots, especially in the morning on an empty stomach. This is done for both the health benefits listed above and an added boost of energy.

    Since the flavor of wheatgrass is an issue for many people, as it can taste like fresh lawn clippings, many companies and juice bars are also incorporating juiced wheatgrass into a variety of drinks for those who may not prefer the taste of wheatgrass but still want all the benefits.

    Perhaps the easiest way to consume wheatgrass is in powdered form within a supplement like Detox Organics.

    In this supplement, the flavor is masked by a sweet chocolate taste, rather than an overpowering grassy taste.

    Dont let the taste of wheatgrass keep you from getting all the benefits that can come along with consuming this plant.


    • Nutrition Facts and Analysis for wheat grass. Nutrition Data. Retrieved 11 December 2013.
    • Kulkarni, S. D., Tilak, J., Acharya, R., Rajurkar, N. S., Devasagayam, T. P. A., & Reddy, A. V. R. . Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of wheatgrass as a function of growth under different conditions. Phytotherapy Research, 20, 218-227.
    • Antioxidants: In Depth. . Retrieved May 08, 2017, from


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    Wheatgrass For Heart Disease Health : 8 Proven Benefits

    One of the most common causes of mortality observed nowadays is heart diseases, for men and women alike.

    The heart is one of the major organs required for the proper functioning of the body as it pumps blood to the kidneys, brain and all other important body parts.

    Our life depends on the proper functioning of this vital organ, as the moment it stops beating, death may occur.

    This makes it very important to keep it functioning properly and far away from any heart disease.

    Heart diseases affect the heart in various ways.

    While some affect the valves and muscles of the heart, others affect coronary arteries and the electrical system.

    It is not impossible to treat such diseases. However, timely action must be taken in order to eliminate the life-threatening effects.

    Due to the unhealthy lifestyles and eating habits of a large number of people across the globe, many are at risk of heart diseases.

    Some are suffering from them, some are taking the required treatments and some want quick riddance.

    For those looking for a herbal alternative to their medicines, wheatgrass can prove to be beneficial. Wheatgrass is the cotyledons of the plant.

    Enriched with many beneficial compounds such as vitamins A, E, K, C, chlorophyll,it also has minerals including magnesium, iron, calcium and phosphorus.

    It is also a great source of fiber. These components altogether help in keeping the heart healthy.

    Wheatgrass Benefits For Weight Loss Health Skin And Hair

    Wheatgrass Benefits

    It may resemble a thin blade of grass, but wheatgrass packs a powerhouse of nutrients. An ounce about 28 gm of this green elixir is packed with nutrition containing 8 gm of protein and dietary fiber each, 240% of the RDA of vitamin A, 93% of the RDA of vitamin C, 356% of the RDA of iron, and 12% of the RDA of calcium, it has the nutritional equivalent of 2.5 pounds of the best raw organic vegetables, and is only 120 calories!

    Its nutritional value doesnt just end there! Comprising of 98 of the 102 earth elements found in soil, including calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus along with essential enzymes and 19 amino acids, wheatgrass is a power packed supplement! Made up of 70% chlorophyll, the life-blood of plants, wheatgrass is natures finest medicine.

    From helping with weight loss to improving overall health, skin and hair, wheatgrass benefits are multifold.

    1. It facilitates digestion

    The American Cancer Society says that wheatgrass powder contains certain alkaline minerals that provide relief from ulcers, constipation and diarrhoea. It helps cleanse the colon and keeps acidity at bay.

    2. It reduces food cravings

    Loaded with nutrients, wheatgrass ensures that your body doesnt crave food items to compensate for lack of vitamins or minerals. A wheatgrass supplement every morning may prevent overeatingthroughout the day.

    3. It helps with weight loss

    4. It helps you detox

    5. It improves immunity

    6. It works against diabetes

    7. It lowers inflammation

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    Are There Any Side Effects

    You should only purchase wheatgrass from a trusted supplier, such as a reputable health store. Talk with an associate to ensure that the plants were grown and cleaned properly. This helps to eliminate the possibility of harmful bacteria and mold.

    When you first start taking wheatgrass, begin with a small dose and gradually increase your intake to meet the recommended dose. This will help to get your body adjust to digesting wheatgrass.

    A typical liquid dose is anywhere from 1 to 4 ounces , or about 2 shots. The usual powdered dose is 3 to 5 grams, or about 1 teaspoon. Drinking an 8 oz. cup of water after taking wheatgrass can help reduce your risk for side effects.

    Possible side effects include:

    • upset stomach
    • fever

    These symptoms typically fade within two weeks, or after your body has adjusted to the wheatgrass.

    Dont take wheatgrass if youre pregnant or breastfeeding. Allergic reactions are possible in some people, especially people who are allergic to wheat or grass. It may also affect you differently if you have a blood disorder, celiac disease, or a gluten intolerance.

    Wheatgrass may be a powerful addition to cancer treatment plans.

    A 2015 review of studies found that wheatgrass has anticancer potential. This could be because wheatgrass kills off certain cells. When used alongside conventional cancer treatment, wheatgrass can boost the immune system and help the body to detox. Larger studies are needed to confirm these findings.

    Four Parts Of A Lipid Panel Test For High Cholesterol

    Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Commonly called bad cholesterol, it increases artery-clogging plaque. Too much plaque causes atherosclerosis. This may lead to stroke or heart attack if a clot forms and blocks a narrow artery. Anything under 129 mg/dL is considered good or near optimal, depending on preexisting health conditions. Between 129 mg/dL and 159 mg/dL is borderline high, and anything above 160 mg/dL is considered high.

    HighDensity Lipoprotein Cholesterol HDL cholesterol helps remove LDL cholesterol from arteries. It takes LDL cholesterol out of the arteries and back to the liver, which breaks it down and disposes of it. A healthy or high level of HDL cholesterol protects the body against heart attacks and strokes, while a low level increases the risk of heart disease. A test result of 60 mg/dLor above is best for HDL cholesterol, and below 40 mg/dL for men and 50 mg/dL for women is considered poor.

    Triglycerides a type of fat, triglycerides store excess energy from the foods you consume. A high triglyceride level in your blood leads to atherosclerosis if left untreated. Smoking, drinking too much alcohol, obesity and lack of exercise contribute to high triglycerides. Diet also makes a difference. Eating 60% or more of your calories from carbohydrates leads to high triglycerides. A result of below 150 mg/dL is considered desirable, 200 to 499 mg/dL is high and 500 mg/dL or above is very high.

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    Summing Up So Should You Consume Wheatgrass Daily

    Consuming wheatgrass daily is an excellent solution to numerous health concerns such as acne, high cholesterol and signs of aging. Wheatgrass has manifold benefits for children and adults alike. However, consuming 30 ml of wheatgrass per day is not to be exceeding. One can consume 60 ml if they are recovering from a significant health condition though. Moreover, do not incorporate wheatgrass into your diet if you have not consulted with an expert beforehand.

    Go Green Today With Wheatgrass

    Organic Burst Wheatgrass Juice with Deliciously Ella

    With a history of use dating back as far as 5,000 years and plenty of ways to consume it, go ahead and add wheatgrass to your list of new health foods to try.

    Wheatgrass may be a bit of an acquired taste, but cant that be said for most healthy foods?

    Its definitely got a grassy taste, depending on how you consume it. But you may also find it to be mildly sweet and easy to drink when juiced. For those who dont want a super grassy taste, you may find our perfectly balanced organic GREEN UP shot is just the right balance of wheatgrass and other healthy ingredients.

    And while wheatgrass is certainly nutrient-dense, its important to maintain a well-balanced diet if youre considering juicing or incorporating wheatgrass into your diet.

    Try it for yourself to see how you feel and if you notice a difference in your health.

    Whats your favorite way to reap wheatgrass health benefits? Let us know in the comments below!

    Interested in wheatgrass health benefits? Try GREEN UP, our organic wheatgrass shot! Its filled to the brim with wheatgrass juice, spirulina, pineapple juice, lemon juice, and ginger juice!

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    Wheatgrass: Hype Or Health Elixir

    Have you ever been tempted to spend money on a hot health trend merely because its everywhere you look and everyone else seems to be jumping on the bandwagon? Yeah, thats hype and the power of marketing.

    The enthusiasm surrounding wheatgrass could be hype or it could be legitimate. It first became popular in the 1930s , so its not like its a new craze.

    But whether or not you need to spend an additional $3 for a shot of it in your smoothie shouldnt be based on how long its been around, how popular it is or how pretty it looks growing in the window of your juice bar.

    Its very likely wheatgrass could provide additional health benefits to your juice or smoothieits loaded with valuable nutrients. But the evidence is lacking, so if you decide to jump on this bandwagon, make sure you do so fully informed about what wheatgrass can and cant do.

    Restores Red Blood Cells And Fights Anemia

    The chlorophyll in plants has a structure similar to hemoglobin in human blood. Human blood has iron at the center of its structure chlorophyll has magnesium at its center. This accounts for its value in transporting oxygen to cells and maintaining their health.

    Chlorophyll replenishes the body’s red blood cells, and its abundance of enzymes cleanse the blood. The magnesium in chlorophyll we ingest through green veggies or wheatgrass helps form red blood cells and increase our energy level. Taking chlorophyllin, a modified type of chlorophyll, may improve quality in life for people with anemia. Many pregnant women take a chlorophyll supplement to combat anemia, build blood cells and prepare for blood loss during childbirth.

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    What Happens When You Drink Wheatgrass Every Day

    If you drink wheatgrass juice daily, you can benefit from the high levels of enzymes present in wheatgrass. You can buy wheatgrass juice online and dilute it in water for daily consumption. Wheatgrass juice contains plenty of vital enzymes like protease, lipase and cytochrome oxidase which is helpful for protein digestion, splitting fats and safeguarding against oxidative stress.

    Further, the enzymes present in wheatgrass juice aid digestion by helping your body in breaking down food and absorbing its nutrients. Consuming wheatgrass juice every day helps with cleaning your intestines due to its quality of detoxing, this leads to less gas, bloating and abdominal discomfort, which are some of the wheatgrass juice benefits related to digestion.

    Wheatgrass juice benefits you by increasing your red blood cells, it helps lower your blood pressure, cleanses your organs and your gastrointestinal tract of any unwanted debris. It can keep your breath fresh and your gums healthy. Wheatgrass juice is excellent for your dental health to prevent and fight gum disease. It also increases energy levels when consumed daily.


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