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Does High Cholesterol Qualify For Covid Vaccine

Will The Vaccine Cause My Crohn’s Or Colitis To Flare

California to require schoolchildren get COVID vaccine

There is no evidence to suggest that the COVID-19 vaccine would cause a flare-up of your condition. There is also no evidence that the vaccine would stop your medicine from working properly. If you do have a flare-up after receiving the vaccine, this is likely to be a coincidence, as Crohn’s and Colitis flares can happen unexpectedly. It’s common for periods of stress to trigger a flare-up, so this might also be responsible. Tummy pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, fatigue and decreased appetite can all be side effects of the vaccine, so it may be that if you are experiencing these, it is a temporary side effect rather than the start of a Crohn’s or Colitis flare-up.

If you feel you have had a side effect from the COVID-19 vaccine, you can report it via the MHRA Yellow Card reporting site, and speak to your IBD Team.

When weighing up the risk of side effects of the vaccine, it’s also important to also consider the risks of complications from COVID-19 if you were to catch the virus. Complications from the virus can be life-threatening, especially if you are at increased risk, and some people have reported that testing positive for coronavirus has led them to develop a flare-up. It is safer to receive protection from coronavirus rather than risk infection.

What Questions Should People With Diabetes Ask Their Healthcare Teams About The Covid

Gabbay says the first question patients should ask their providers about the COVID-19 vaccine is, When can I get it?

Be proactive in calling your provider to ask for the vaccine, says Gabbay. Check the websites of your state and local health departments to find out about local vaccine distribution. Being patient, persistent, and informed is the best approach, says Gabbay.

Learn more about the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines for people with type 1 and type 2 in Diabetes Daily’s article COVID-19 Vaccine for People With Diabetes: What’s Going On?

Which Is Riskier For People With Heart Conditions: Covid

Theres no question: Having COVID-19 is much riskier than the vaccine, especially for people with an underlying health condition.

The COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. In comparison, having COVID-19 can cause severe illness or death in people with heart problems. For example, you may be more at risk for COVID-19 complications if you have:

  • A heart valve problem
  • Heart failure
  • Atrial fibrillation

Because of this, the CDC has recommended that people with heart conditions should get the vaccine.

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Complications Of High Cholesterol And Covid

When LDL builds up in the blood, it can narrow or clog the arteries, raising your risk of having a:

  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Heart condition

COVID-19 puts the body in a pro-inflammatory state, damaging the heart and lung tissues while also increasing the risk of coagulopathy or blood clots. Those with high cholesterol and COVID-19 are at even higher risk of experiencing a cardiovascular event.

If you are obese or have high cholesterol levels, you may require more rigorous social distancing or shielding from people to avoid COVID-19 infection and subsequent complications.

What About Pregnancy And Fertility

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Workers seeking a medical exemption because they fear that COVID-19 vaccines harm a woman’s pregnancy or fertility won’t pass muster with most employers, Chin-Hung said. “These are myths that have been debunked very conclusively by large studies,” he said.

To be sure, employers may use their own discretion in evaluating workers’ requests for exemption to vaccine mandates.

“From the perspective of how many people genuinely meet CDC criteria for exemption from this vaccine, it is a very small number. But whether that means employers want to strictly enforce to that number is a different question,” Dowdy said.

President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for federal employees, contractors and millions of other workers, announced earlier this month, provides a weekly testing option in lieu of vaccination as an out for workers at companies with more than 100 employees who don’t wish to get the shot even if it would be medically safe for them to roll up their sleeves.

The reasonable accommodation tied to Biden’s rule also streamlines the process of employers granting exemptions to particular workers.

“For an employee who says, ‘My doctor says I have an allergy to a vaccine ingredient,’ there is already a weekly negative COVID test as option for employees working for large business, so that’s a reasonable accommodation to reach,” said Roger Feicht, a labor and employment attorney at Florida law firm Gunster.

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Why Should I Get Vaccinated

Vaccination is highly effective at preventing people from getting COVID-19. If people are vaccinated and still get infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, the vaccine reduces the risk of developing severe disease. It can also help to prevent transmission of the virus to others.

If you are unsure about getting the vaccine speak to your healthcare provider.

Can Your Blood Pressure Meds Affect The Severity Of Covid

The short answer is no. There was some concern early on that certain groups of drugs, ACE inhibitors and ARBs, may increase the risk of COVID-19 infection by increasing the availability of binding sites for the virus. However, randomized trials have concluded that ACE inhibitors and ARBS are safe to use.

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Can I Get The Vaccine If I Have A History Of Allergic Reactions

If you have a history of severe allergies to medicines, foods, insect stings, animals or plants, talk to your healthcare provider about COVID-19 vaccination. Healthcare providers can help you make a decision about whether or not to get the vaccine and what can be done should a serious allergic reaction occur.

At the vaccination site, tell the healthcare provider about your history of allergic reactions. Vaccination sites are prepared for intervening should a rare serious allergic reaction occur.

After vaccination everyone will be asked to wait at least 15 minutes at the vaccination site in case a rare serious allergic reaction occurs. If you have a history of severe allergic reactions, you will be asked to wait for 30 minutes after being vaccinated.

Am I More At Risk Of Coronavirus If I Have High Cholesterol

What Impact Are COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates In The Workplace Having?

Having a high cholesterol level does not mean you’re more likely to catch coronavirus , or raise the risk of severe disease if you do catch it but do check our information on who is at risk below.

However, just as catching seasonal flu can impact conditions such as coronary heart disease, coronavirus is likely to have a similar effect. Any virus that enters the body can put excess stress on your body’s systems and organs, and this can cause existing conditions to worsen. This is why taking steps to protect yourself from catching the virus is so important, even if you feel fit and well.

Keep taking your medicines

  • You should continue taking all your medications as prescribed unless your doctor or 111 tell you otherwise.
  • Make sure that you have your usual stock of medications available.There is no current need to order any extra stock.
  • You can also ask your surgery or pharmacy if they offer a delivery service, or if they can suggest a company that can offer this for you.

Most GP services, some hospitals and clinics, and some specialist FH services are unable to operate as normal in order to support the NHS during the coronavirus pandemic. There may, therefore, be delays and cancellations for routine appointments. Where possible, seek information and support online from reputable websites about your health conditions, such as the NHS and health charities.

Read about coronavirus if you have FH

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Can I Have An Antibody Test After My Vaccine

Antibody testingforcoronavirusisnotyetwidely available for free on the NHS.This is because antibodytestscurrently cannotgive a clearindicationof how wellyou areprotected from COVID-19.

Antibodies are proteins made by your body to fight infection.Anantibody test is a blood testthatlooks at antibodies tocoronavirus.The testresultmaytell you yourlevelof antibodies, or just a positive or negative result.

An antibody test can help to see if you have been exposed to the virus before whether that is from infection or a vaccination. However, it cannot tellyouyouroveralllevel of immunity.

This is for a few reasons.

Another issuewith antibody testing isthatit may give people a false sense of securityif their antibodylevelsarehigh. Or on the other hand,the test couldmake people think they are extremely high risk ifthe resultis negative or very low, even if theyactually havea good immune defence.

Therearea few groups that can get antibody tests for free.

  • Those that are taking part in certain COVID-19 studies may be able to have antibody tests.
  • Certain occupations can also make you eligible for antibody testing. Seegovernment advice for more information.

These results will not be able to tell you the likelihood of getting the virus in the future.

What Is The Third Vaccine Dose

The Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunisation has recommended that people aged 12 years and over who were immunosuppressed at the time of their first and second COVID vaccines should receive a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine. The JCVI is an independent committee that advises the government on vaccination schedules and vaccine safety.

For more information about who is eligible for the third vaccine dose see our news article.

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If I Have A Heart Condition Am I More Likely To Have Side Effects From The Vaccine

No. A heart condition does not make side effects any more likely. According to the American Heart Association, the risk of complications from the vaccine is very small, even for people with underlying health conditions.

But know this: Both the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines cause side effects in about 10% to 15% of all people.

An Unrecognized Risk Factor For Covid

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In January 2021, the results of a BMJ study confirmed OSA as an independent risk factor for severe COVID-19 hospitalization. Another study, published in November 2020, found patients with sleep apnea had an increased rate of COVID-related death.

Jody Tate, MD, a board-certified sleep medicine specialist in Oregon, tells Verywell this research highlights the importance of improved efforts to recognize sleep apnea in patients with COVID-19 infection. Untreated obstructive sleep apnea can also increase risk for stroke, heart attacks, hypertension, dementia, and cardiac arrhythmias, she says. These serious diseases also increase a persons risk for worse outcomes if they get COVID-19.

Tate says it’s unclear why exactly OSA is a risk factor for worsening outcomes with COVID-19, but she suspects it is potentially due to the baseline level of inflammation people with OSA have in their bodies.

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Infections At Public Events In Provincetown Mass Spurred The Cdcs New Mask

Several events and public gatherings last month, July 3-17, in Provincetown, Massachusetts attracted thousands of tourists from across the U.S. and also drew the attention of researchers with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

It was the findings of a study of COVID-19 infections from this time period in Provincetown that primarily fueled the CDCs re-evaluation of its mask-wearing guidance for vaccinated people.

Researchers examined the COVID-19 outbreak in Provincetown involving 469 cases, and found that three-quarters of cases occurred in fully vaccinated people. At the time, Massachusetts had a high rate of vaccination, about 69 percent among eligible adults.

Moreover, testing identified the delta variant in 90 percent of specimens from 133 patients, the CDC said. Health experts caution that the more transmissible delta variant, already the dominant strain of the coronavirus in the U.S., can carry much greater viral loads when infecting an individual, compared to the original strain of the virus.

And most strikingly, researchers also found no significant difference in the viral load present in the breakthrough infections in fully vaccinated people and the other cases, indicating the viral load of vaccinated and unvaccinated persons infected with COVID-19 is similar.

Vaccines Kidney Disease & Covid

Vaccines are one of the most effective tools to protect your health and prevent disease. Vaccines work with your bodys natural defenses so your body will be ready to fight the virus if you are exposed .

While the effectiveness rates of COVID-19 vaccines are very good, we now know that people who are on immunosuppression medications for the treatment of advanced kidney disease and kidney transplant recipients, may not receive the same level of protection, also known as antibody immunity, from the COVID-19 vaccine as people who are not on immunosuppressive medication.

While more research is needed to learn more about the effectiveness in people with advanced CKD, those on dialysis, and transplant recipients — these vaccines have been demonstrated to be safe in this population.

The National Kidney Foundation urges patients with advanced kidney disease, including transplant and dialysis patients and patients requiring immunosuppression for treatment of advanced kidney disease, to continue masking and practicing social distancing, after being fully vaccinated.

Many experts also think getting a COVID-19 vaccine may help keep you from getting seriously ill if you do get COVID-19. These vaccines cannot give you COVID-19.

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Im Nervous About Vaccines Are The Covid

As a heart patient, you should have no concerns about the speed with which the vaccines were developed. The Pfizer-Biontech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines were tested on a very large number of patients and shown to be safe and effective. Heart disease and stroke medical experts urge the public to get the COVID-19 vaccinations.

When To Get Each Dose

Booster Shots And Vaccine Mandates: The New Plan To Beat Covid-19

Both the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines need 2 separate shots to provide the most protection. The timing between your first and second shot depends on which vaccine you received. You should get your second shot:

  • 3 weeks after your first Pfizer-BioNTech shot
  • 1 month after your Moderna first shot.

You should get your second shot as close to the recommended 3-week or 1-month interval as possible. However, there is no maximum interval between the first and second doses for either vaccine. You should not get the second dose earlier than the recommended interval.

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine requires 1 shot to provide protection from COVID-19.

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Why Is It Important To Get The Vaccine If You Have Diabetes

Its quite clear that people with diabetes do much worse than people without diabetes in terms of their outcomes with COVID, says Dr. Gabbay. Early in the pandemic, a study from the CDC, published in July 2017 in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, found that roughly half of people who died from COVID-19 under age 65 had diabetes.

The protective effects of vaccines are critical for people with diabetes who are at increased risk for severe and deadly infection from COVID-19, says Dr. Gregory. His December 2020 study in Diabetes Care suggested that people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes are 3 times more likely to be hospitalized or experience severe COVID-19 illness compared with people without diabetes.

Two studies from the United Kingdom showed similar risk. An October 2020 study in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology found that people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes were 2 to 3 times more likely to die from COVID-19 in the hospital than people without diabetes. And a December 2020 study in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology found that people with type 1 or type 2 were more likely to die or to be treated in the intensive care unit for COVID-19.

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Tough Task For Employers

Exemptions from vaccine requirements for certain workers have long been guaranteed by law. Today, however, more companies are being tasked with interpreting such requests.

“It’s no different from a process standpoint than it was pre-pandemic. The only real difference is most companies are starting to see a greater number of accommodation requests on the disability side with vaccine policies,” said Michael Schmidt, a labor attorney at Cozen O’Connor in New York.

Employees seeking accommodations should be prepared to document a valid allergy with a note from their health care provider. They would then discuss with their employer if a reasonable accommodation can be made.

An employer can ask a worker for additional information about their claim of being medically ineligible for the vaccine. But requests for medical information must be narrowly tailored to focus on the particular condition or case at hand.

“Just because someone requests a medical accommodation, that does not give employers carte blanche to ask about every condition in an unlimited way,” Schmidt said. “But it may not be so obvious what the connection is and you may be entitled to more information.”

Schmidt said he has engaged with companies that have granted employees accommodations to vaccine mandates on medical grounds. Chin-Hong of UCSF, on the other hand, isn’t aware of any successful challenges to the vaccine mandate within his own institution.

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What Underlying Conditions Qualify You For The Vaccine In Different States

âIndividuals with certain underlying health conditions , such as cancer and diabetes, are at significantly higher risk of dying from COVID-19 than the general public, so many states have priorities for these individuals in their early vaccination efforts,â Richardson says.

In practice, that means that there are uneven standards from state to state â so just because youâre qualified in the state you grew up in doesnât mean youâre definitely qualified in the state you live in now. In other words, if your cousin has hypertension and lives in New York City, they can get vaccinated â but theyâre not eligible yet in California.

Different states are rolling out different standards due to differing viewpoints on resource availability and priorities. Depending on the state, people may be receiving vaccines based on employment status before many who are vulnerable to the virus because of health or living conditions. In Washington state, for example, people who are homeless, living in correctional facilities, or in group homes for people with disabilities wonât be eligible for the vaccine until at least late April, while people who work in correctional facilities are eligible around mid-March.


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