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HomePopularDoes Flaxseed Oil Raise Your Cholesterol

Does Flaxseed Oil Raise Your Cholesterol

Flaxseed Health Benefits Can Flaxseed Help Your Blood Sugars

Does MCT Oil Raise Your Cholesterol?

I just love flaxseed, and one I supplement with daily. Flaxseed has an amazing amount of benefits to help promote overall health. In saying that, how can one find flaxseed? What actual benefits does organic flaxseed provide? Can it help prevent your blood sugars from spiking? For that and much, much more, continue reading!

Flaxseed oil is an excellent supplement that supports the bodys vital systems. It is rich in the omega-3 essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA. Although omega-3s are crucial to human health, they are not manufactured by the body, so its important to get a steady supply through dietary sources and supplements.

There are two types of essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6. Most Americans get enough omega-6fatty acids from dietary sources such as meat, eggs and dairy. Omega-3s are necessary for growth, heart health and brain function, but many of us do not get enough of them from dietary sources. reports that multiple studies have shown that omega-3 supplements may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.

These supplements have also been studied as a treatment for depression and other mental illnesses, Alzheimers disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, PMS, ADHD, osteoporosis, and even cancer prevention.

Flaxseed And Blood Sugars:

More research certainly needs to be done and I can only speak for myself as a type 1 but one of the main reasons why I love flaxseed oil and I supplement with it is that I always notice that my blood sugars are much more stable and I dont see as many of those major spikes throughout the day, especially with my morning fasting blood sugars.

There are a couple of studies out there that I also found interesting but this one I can definitely relate to. A Canadian study that was published in the British Journal of Nutrition that showed subjects who consumed 50g of flaxseed in meals for four weeks experienced a 27 percent decline in blood sugar levels after eating. You can read that by .

Another 2007 Chinese study showed that consuming a flaxseed, a derived dose of 360 mg lignan for 12 weeks modestly lowered hemoglobin A1C levels in type 2 diabetics. Again, you can read about that by .

Now Im not encouraging you to run out and start sucking down bottles of flaxseed oil, but this could be another tool to add to your arsenal so make it appoint to talk to your doctor if you think this is something that can benefit you. Not only that, you want to make sure it will not interfere with any other medications that you may be taking along with asking them how much you should take starting out.

If you have questions on the ones that I use, feel free to send me a message or post a comment below and we can discuss.

Ratio Of Total To Good Cholesterol

A study published in the “European Journal of Nutrition” in December 2006 found that consuming 30 milliliters per day of hempseed oil for four weeks resulted in a lower ratio of total to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol even though it didn’t alter total cholesterol levels. Lower ratios of total to HDL cholesterol may decrease your risk for heart disease.

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Who May Benefit Most

A meta-analysis reviewing the benefits of flaxseed supplementation published in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” in August 2009 noted that women and people who started out with high cholesterol were more likely to experience benefits from consuming flaxseed. Furthermore, supplements containing the whole flaxseed were more beneficial than those made of just flaxseed oil. The soluble fiber and lignans, which are beneficial plant chemicals, in the flaxseeds are most likely responsible for any cholesterol-lowering benefits. But the majority of studies analyzed found no benefit of taking flaxseeds for lowering triglycerides, although these seeds have the potential to lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.

Mitigation Of The Effects Of High Cholesterol

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High cholesterol levels can sometimes increase platelet aggregation, making blood clots more likely. A diet containing hempseed oil may help mitigate this effect even if it doesn’t lower cholesterol levels, according to an animal study published in the “Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology” in April 2008. This may be due to the gamma linolenic acid hempseed oil contains. GLA is an omega-6 polyunsaturated fat.

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Flaxseed Oil Could Improve Symptoms Of Pediatric Behavioral And Mental Health

As of 2016 it is estimated that around five percent of children in the United States have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD .

Children with this disorder have many struggles in social situations and tend to need help in their education.

Much research has gone into methods of reducing the symptoms of ADHD, and recent studies have shown promise with natural treatments such as the use of flaxseed oil.

More studies need to be done, but there is promise in using foods and oils high in omega-3 fatty acids to help alleviate some symptoms of ADHD.

The alpha linolenic acid that is part of the omega-3 family is found in flaxseed oil, and this specific omega-3 fatty acid has been tied to improved brain function and development .

In a study, 30 children who had been diagnosed with ADHD were supplemented with flaxseed oil and vitamin C.

At the completion of the study the children had experienced an improvement in their symptoms and were less restless, able to focus better and had more self-control.

The researchers attributed theses changes to the alpha linolenic acid in the flaxseed oil .

In one 16 week study, researchers spent time studying the effects of flaxseed oil on the symptoms of bipolar disorder in children.

The flaxseed oil was found to increase both the DHA and EPA levels in the childrens serum.

KEY POINT: Flaxseed oil has been found to be beneficial in treating some behavioral and mental health disorders in children.

Benefits Of Different Flax Seed Extracts

A 2008 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition investigated the effects of the lignan extract of flaxseed on plasma cholesterol and glucose.

For this study, 55 participants suffering from hypercholesterolemia were recruited. They were randomly given one of placebo, 300 mg or 600 mg dietary flaxseed lignan extract for 8 weeks.

The results of the study showed that both doses of lignan extract reduced total and LDL cholesterol levels. Those receiving the 600 mg dose experienced the cholesterol-lowering benefits of flaxseed lignan as early as week 6. In addition, the higher dose reduced total and LDL cholesterols by over 20%.

Lastly, the results also showed that only the higher dose of lignan extract lowered plasma glucose levels.

This study confirms that the lignan in flaxseed contributes significantly to its cholesterol-lowering property. In addition, flaxseed lignan can also be used to improve blood sugar control at high doses.

A 2006 study published in the journal, Life Sciences, investigated the benefits of an extract of flaxseed rich in alpha-linolenic acid for lowering cholesterol levels.

The researchers gave a group of rats fed with high-fat diets this extract of flaxseed. The result showed that flaxseed ALA can reduce weight gain due to the fatty diet and also lower LDL cholesterol and VLDL cholesterol as well as total plasma cholesterol and free fatty acids.

The study also showed that ALA lowers cholesterol by speeding up lipid metabolism in the liver.

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Flaxseed Oil Can Improve Nerve Damage

There are two main parts to the bodys nervous system the central nervous system which comprises the brain and the spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system which is made of all the nerves connecting the CNS to the rest of the body.

It is usually clear if there is damage to the central nervous system, as this type of damage tends to stem from an injury to the brain or spinal cord.

Less obvious, but just as problematic is damage to the peripheral nervous system.

Peripheral neuropathy can be the result of many things, including :

  • Auto-immune diseases

How To Take It

How to Balance your Cholesterol Naturally – Benefits of Flax seed (linseed) oil for better health

The dose depends on how much fatty acids you get in your diet and which condition you are taking flaxseed oil for.


Talk to your doctor or pediatrician before giving flaxseed oil to a child under 18.


There is no recommended dose for flaxseed oil. The best dose for you depends on a number of factors and should be determined in consultation with your doctor.

Flaxseed oil is often used in a liquid form, which contains approximately 7 grams of ALA per 15 mL , and contains about 130 calories.

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Is Flaxseed Oil Good For Hair

When applied to your hair, any type of plant-based oil may help seal the cuticle, which helps prevent breakage and frizz for optimal growth. Flaxseed oil offers even more specific benefits based on its overall nutritional profile. The following ingredients can offer specific benefits for your hair: Omega-3 fatty acids.

Should People With High Cholesterol Eat Fish And Seafood

For most people, it is beneficial to consume oily fish. The United States Department of Agricultures Dietary Guidelines for Americans 20202025 recommends that most adults eat at least 8 ounces of low-mercury fish and seafood each week.

On average, this gives someone 250 milligrams of DHA and EPA per day, though the exact amount will depend on the type of fish.

However, because some fish and seafood contains dietary cholesterol, people who struggle to control their cholesterol levels may need to be more cautious.

The United Kingdom charity, Heart UK, recommends that people with this concern speak with a dietitian about what is best for them.

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Flaxseed And Flaxseed Oil In The Management Of Hypercholesterolemia

Part I Of A Series On Flaxseed

The popularity of flaxseed stems from the fact that it contains three important constituents that have been implicated in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases ranging from cardiovascular disease to cancer prevention and inflammatory disorders.

The best evidence to date suggests that flaxseed products improve cardiovascular risk factors primarily by modestly improving lipid profiles. Flaxseeds anti-arrhythmic, antiplatelet, antioxidant, and hypoglycemic potential will be covered in a separate article.

Does Flaxseed Oil Make You Poop

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Not only that, but flaxseeds also have natural laxative properties and are an effective treatment for both constipation and diarrhea. A 2015 animal study showed that flaxseed oil increased stool frequency in guinea pigs. It also had an anti-diarrheal effect and was able to reduce diarrhea by up to 84% .

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Flaxseed Consumption Lowers Cholesterol Levels


One of the most healthful additions to a heart healthy diet is ground flaxseeds. This wondrous little seed has played an important part of human history for over 5,000 years. Native to the Mediterranean, flax has been used not only as a food, but also for its fibers, which can be woven into linen cloth. Now most valued for its ability to reduce the risk of breast and prostate cancer, a new study from the Canadian Center for Agri-Food Research highlights another important effect in promoting cardiovascular health.

Background Data:

The major health benefit of flaxseeds has focused on their rich content of oil and the fiber components known as lignans. Flaxseed oil contains nearly twice the level of omega-3 fatty acids as fish oils although it is the smaller-chain alpha-linolenic acid rather than the longer-chain fats like EPA and DHA found in fish oils.

New Data:

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effects of dietary flaxseed on plasma cholesterol in a patient population with clinically significant peripheral artery disease including many who were taking statins to lower LDL cholesterol levels. Patients consumed daily foods that contained either 30 g of milled flaxseed or 30 g of whole wheat for one year. Plasma lipids were measured at 0, 1, 6, and 12 months.


Dr. Michael Murray

The big push conventional medical circles will make this month is encouraging men over the age of 50 years to see a physician for two tests:

On the Dr Oz show

Does Fish Oil Raise Cholesterol

by Health Professional

Katie had an LDL of 87 mg/dl, HDL of 48 mg/dl, triglycerides of 201 mg/dl. By conventional standards, not too bad.

Reading about the heart health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, Katie added fish oil. With the preparation she bought, 4000 mg per day provided 1200 mg the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. Three months later her LDL was 118 mg/dl, HDL 54 mg/dl, triglycerides 92 mg/dl.

In other words, LDL cholesterol increased by 31 mg. What happened?

Several studies have, indeed, confirmed that fish oil raises LDL cholesterol, usually by 5-10 mg/dl. Occasionally, it may be as much as 20 or more milligrams, as in Katie’s case, enough for some people to be scared away from continuing this supplement.

Unfortunately, many physicians often assume that it’s the cholesterol content of fish oil capsules, or some vague, undesirable effect of fish oil. It’s nothing of the kind. And, if you were to rely on basic cholesterol values, it does indeed appear to be the case.

But it’s not.

Another factor: Conventional LDL cholesterol is a calculated value, not measured. The calculation for LDL is thrown off-sometimes considerably-by any reduction in HDL or rise in triglycerides from average values. In Katie’s case, the rise in HDL from 48 to 54 mg/dl along with the reduction in triglycerides from 201 to 92 mg/dl mean that calculated LDL has become more accurate and rises towards the true measured value. The actual rise in true LDL cholesterol may be small to none.

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Flaxseed Oil Is Useful In Managing Eczema

People who suffer with eczema experience a medical condition where areas of their skin becomes inflamed and rough sometimes developing itchy, painful blisters.

Occasionally this is a reaction to something external, but often eczema has no apparent cause.

Eczema can be painful, but it is almost always uncomfortable .

Studies show that low levels of key nutrients directly contribute to some of these symptoms, like dry itchy skin.

A deficiency in alpha linolenic acid resulted in patients having poor skin health, but this was helped by treatment with ALA-rich foods.

In all of the test subjects a two to four week treatment regimen of an increase in omega-3 acids normalized the health of their skin .

Adding flaxseed oil to your diet can increase your levels of ALA, thus improving your skin health.

The fatty acids found in flaxseed oil work to decrease inflammation in your skin and help to promote the regeneration of skin cells .

To reduce the areas of skin covered in rashes as well as to heal wounds caused by scratching and irritated skin, flaxseed products have proven effective in both animal and human studies.

The flaxseed products work to heal and remodel skin cells .

This is thought to be the result of flaxseed oil lowering the levels of saturated fatty acid found in skin cells .

Though both groups of women saw improvement in the moisture and softness of their skin, only the group being supplemented with flaxseed oil had long term benefits in the health of their skin.

Dietary Sources Of Flax

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Flaxseed is sold in bulk, and in powder and oil forms. The oil is best used in salad dressings and blended into smoothies. The oil also can be used to sauté foods briefly at medium heat however, it degrades at high temperatures. The oil becomes rancid quickly when exposed to heat, light, and oxygen, and should be stored in an opaque bottle and refrigerated after opening.

Whole flaxseed can be used in a variety of foods when crunchiness or a nutty flavor is desired. In addition to baking whole flaxseed in breads, muffins, pancakes, waffles, or bagels, it can be sprinkled onto cereal, yogurt, or salads. Grinding seeds in a coffee grinder allows the user to mix it into juices or low-fat milk. Whole flaxseed can be stored for up to one year in a dry place. Ground flaxseed can be stored in the refrigerator for approximately three months when frozen, ground flaxseed can be preserved for six months or longer.

Both flaxseed powder and oil also are sold as dietary supplements. The oil frequently is sold in either capsule form or as a liquid .

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Blood Collection And Analytic Methods

Blood samples were collected into 6 mL lavender-top EDTA glass tubes . The tubes were inverted 10 times and then centrifuged at 600 × g for 10 min. Three mL of plasma was pipetted into a transfer tube and stored in a 70°C freezer until the end of the study, when all samples were analyzed at the same time. Plasma lipids were measured utilizing nonequilibrium density gradient ultracentrifugation to separate lipoproteins ultracentrifugal separation was followed by enzymatic determination of cholesterol in all lipoprotein fractions with 400 sequential spectrophotometric measurements per sample. The final stage of analysis employs proprietary deconvolution software to determine subfractions of HDL, LDL, intermediate density lipoprotein and VLDL. All lipid testing was performed at Atherotech, a CDC National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute standardized cholesterol testing laboratory, and the methodology was previously described .

There’s No Mercury To Worry About And Flaxseed Oil Does Contain Omega

Troll the medical literature, and you’ll come up with study after study showing that fish and fish oil are good for us, especially for our hearts but maybe also for our moods and immune systems. Various epidemiologic investigations have found that people who eat fish regularly are less likely to have heart attacks, suffer strokes, or die from sudden cardiac arrest. The definition of “regularly” varies, but it usually means at least a couple of times a week, although eating fish even once a month has been shown to make a difference.

Fish, and especially fish oil, have also been the subject of dozens of randomized clinical trials, most involving people with existing heart conditions. In large amounts , fish oil has been shown to nudge various cardiac risk factors in the right direction.

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