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HomePopularCan High Cholesterol Cause Skin Problems

Can High Cholesterol Cause Skin Problems

How Can I Prevent Diabetes

9 Signs & Symptoms of High Cholesterol YOU MUST NOT IGNORE

The best thing you can do to prevent skin problems is to keep blood sugar levels within the range recommended by your healthcare provider. Proper skin care can lower your chances of getting a skin rash, infection or wound thats difficult to heal.

Take these steps to prevent skin problems:

  • Check your skin daily for signs of rashes, redness, infections or sores.
  • Use warm water and moisturizing soap in the shower.
  • Pat skin dry with a towel , making sure to dry in between fingers, toes and skin folds.
  • Apply fragrance-free moisturizers after showering while skin is still damp and soft. Look for creams and ointments with ceramide to help skin retain moisture.
  • Apply creams containing 10% to 25% urea to cracked, dry heels at bedtime.
  • Prevent dehydration and keep skin hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.
  • Treat cuts and wounds immediately with soap and water. Use antibiotic ointments only if your healthcare provider gives the OK. Bandage the wound daily. Call your provider if you notice signs of redness, pain, drainage or infection.
  • Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air in your home.

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Bloating And Digestive Issues

The main reason for increased;cholesterol levels;is overeating fatty and fried food affects our liver and produces bad cholesterol in the body. If you are facing high cholesterol, then you may feel bloated even after eating significantly less.;

Your stomach makes you feel heaviness and disinterest in appetite. The excess flow of lipid substance directly affects the metabolism and triggers the digestive system in your body, and you feel bloating and heaviness.;

If you are constantly feeling these issues, then you must go for a;lipid profile test.;;

Does Alcohol Cause High Cholesterol

Drinking alcohol and increased cholesterol levels are essentially connected.;According to a Japanese study conducted by the Japans Hyogo College of Medicine, even occasional heavy drinking can significantly boost the levels of blood cholesterol.

The study concluded that both occasional heavy drinkers and;regular heavy drinkers;have higher cholesterol, triglyceride, and overall blood-borne fat-related risks than nondrinkers.

So, does that mean you can drink in moderation? The answer is an emphatic No. Check this out.

Although 30 ml of alcohol consumption increase your HDL, it also simultaneously raises your triglyceride levels, thereby increasing your heart risk.

Again, the American heart association recommends that beginning to drink alcohol can increase the risk of addiction.

Secondly, alcoholism leads to a damaged liver, which then cannot metabolize the saturated fats from the diet and the;cholesterol that the body produces. This leads to cholesterol buildup in the blood.

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The Heart Of The Matter

Cholesterol affects every single cell, organ, and biological process that makes you you. Everyone has it, and everyone needs it but the goal is to have more of the good kind and less of the less-good kind.

High cholesterol usually shows up without warning there arent really any physical symptoms to rely on. If left untreated, high LDL cholesterol can lead to heart disease, stroke, and peripheral artery disease.

Get a regular physical and blood test! Its the only reliable detection method.

High cholesterol is treatable. Its usually managed with medication and lifestyle changes. Theres a lot you can do to help prevent high cholesterol:

  • Stick to a healthy diet.
  • Get regular exercise.

Abnormal Looking Toenails & Legs

9 Symptoms Of High Cholesterol that You Shouldnt Ignore ...

If your legs and feet are not getting adequate blood flow the results may show in your toenails. Signs include thickening toenails or toenails that grow slower than normal.

Your skin may also change in appearance, becoming shiny and tight looking. If when you hold your leg up it appears white, but when you place it down it turns a purple/red color this indicates your body is diluting blood vessels in order to increase blood flow to your feet. Your feet may also turn pale or bluish when you sit for long periods because youre not getting proper blood circulation.

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Cholesterol Buildup In Your Eyes

When your body has too much cholesterol it can show up anywhere with arteries passing through. Your eyes are full of tiny blood vessels where high cholesterol can show up. You may notice a fatty skin deposit in your cornea or yellow fat deposits around your eyelids. Xanthomas are not reserved to your eyes, they may also appear on your elbows, knees or ankles, as well as other parts of your skin.;

Ten Symptoms Of High Cholesterol You Shouldnt Ignore

09 December, 2020

Those who know they have a tendency to suffer symptoms from certain health problems are often concerned about it. Therefore, well focus on these below.

Cholesterol is a waxy substance present in the fats of the blood. Although many only know it for its harmful effects on health, in reality,;its essential for the optimal functioning of our body.;

Cholesterol is necessary for the production of bile, which is;responsible for digesting fat. In addition, its also responsible for the production of some hormones and helpful for your;cardiovascular health.

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How To Lower Cholesterol With Fh

Lifestyle changes alone usually aren’t enough to lower cholesterol for people with FH, which differentiates it from those who have developed high cholesterol without the genetic condition.

Those with FH typically need medication to lower cholesterol, in addition to adopting recommended lifestyle changes like eating a low-fat diet, quitting smoking, and regular exercise.;

Statins are usually prescribed to lower cholesterol for those with heterozygous FH, as they have been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. People with homozygous FH may need LDL apheresis a dialysis-like procedure that removes cholesterol from the blood and has been found to lower LDL cholesterol by about 70% to 83%.;

Early diagnosis and treatment for FH patients is important. Research has found that childhood intervention can reduce the risk of mortality and coronary artery disease. And when treated, the risk of heart disease and stroke in people with FH can even drop to levels consistent with the general population.;

What Are The Risk Factors For Pad

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An individual is at risk for developing PAD when one or more of these risk factors are present:

  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Age: In the United States, people aged 50 and older have an increased risk for PAD
  • Race: African Americans have a two-fold higher risk of developing PAD compared to other groups
  • History of heart or blood vessel disease: A personal or family history of heart or blood vessel disease may be an indicator for PAD
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol

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Numbness In The Body Parts

If you are constantly experiencing numbness in your body parts, then high cholesterol can be responsible for that. However, other causes can also be responsible for numbness and swelling.;

When bad cholesterol appears high in your body, it affects blood circulation and prevents healthy nutrients from reaching the body. The lack of proper oxygen is also a cause of swelling and unusual numbness.;;;

What Are The Side Effects Of Too Much Collagen

The side effect of collagen is that it can cause skin problems. It can lead to dryness, redness and irritation. , which is a type of skin condition that can be caused by too many collagen in the skin. The side-effects of excess collagen are that they can make the body more sensitive to the sun, and can also cause dry skin and red skin tone. In addition, too little collagen can increase the risk of developing skin cancer.

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Which Foods Increase Ldl Cholesterol Levels

Your diet plays a massive role in determining your cholesterol levels. Foods high in trans fats, saturated fats, and salts can be especially dangerous. These include:

  • Red meats
  • Donuts, cookies, crackers, and other baked goods
  • Fast foods
  • Chicken with the skin on
  • Cured or processed meats

Many food items you find in the store may have trans and saturated fats and high sodium, so make sure to carefully read the nutrition information before buying.

Causes Of High Cholesterol Blood Levels In The Body

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The body gets its cholesterol from two sources:

  • The liver produces 80 percent of the body requirement. In hypercholesterolemia due to hereditary causes, the liver produces more of cholesterol,
  • The balance 20 percent comes from the foods that you eat.

High levels are, therefore, caused either by overproduction by the liver or excess consumption from the high-fat foods that you eat.

Besides these, there are other nondietary causes and risk factors why you can get abnormal levels. They are explained here:

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Gray Blue Or Purple Skin

Gray, blue or purple skin is a sign of blood vessel blockage. Any of the blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the rest of the body arteries, capillaries and veins can become blocked and prevent adequate oxygen from reaching the blood. The lack of oxygen results in gray, purple or blue-colored skin, usually in the fingers or toes. Circulatory issues like blockages may be a sign of heart disease. Without treatment, they can cause permanent tissue damage or death.

Development Of Peripheral Arterial Disease

Your arteries are shaped like hollow tubes. Inside, they are smooth and elastic, allowing blood to flow freely.

Peripheral arterial disease starts when fatty deposits start streaking the blood vessel walls. The fatty matter builds up. This causes slight injury to your blood vessel walls. In an attempt to heal itself, the cells release chemicals that make the walls stickier. Other substances floating through your bloodstream start sticking to the vessel walls, such as inflammatory cells, proteins and calcium. The fat and other substances combine to form a material called plaque or atherosclerosis. The plaque builds up and narrows the artery.

Over time, the inside of the arteries develop plaques of different sizes. Many of the plaque deposits are hard on the outside and soft and mushy on the inside. The hard surface can crack or tear, exposing the soft, fatty inside. When this happens, platelets come to the area, and blood clots form around the plaque. The artery narrows further. Symptoms occur.

The artery may become completely blocked by plaque or a blood clot that lodges in a narrowed artery. If this occurs, the tissue below the blockage is permanently damaged and may die . This most often occurs in the toes and feet.

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Causes Of Eruptive Xanthomatosis

EX is a sign that you have too many fats or lipids in your blood. The extra fats leak out of your blood and collect in your skin.

High fats in your body might be genetic. Being overweight or obese can also cause excess fats in your body and blood.

Several conditions and infections can also lead to more fat in your body. These include:

  • diabetes

Some medications can make your body store more fat, leading to EX. These include:

  • cyclosporine

According to the American Diabetes Association, EX is most common in young men with type 1 diabetes.

Diabetes raises blood sugar levels and stops your body from making or using insulin properly. Insulin is a hormone that turns blood sugar into energy. It also helps your body burn fats instead of storing them. This is why people with diabetes or insulin problems are more likely to have high fat content.

EX bumps usually go away in a few weeks to months. Medical treatment and lifestyle changes can address the underlying cause resulting in high fat levels.

Procedures To Reduce Cholesterol

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Medical procedures that lower cholesterol levels are reserved for people with very high levels of LDL cholesterol that do not respond to diet and lipid-lowering drugs. Such people include those with familial hypercholesterolemia. LDL apheresis is the most commonly done procedure. LDL apheresis is a non-surgical procedure where blood is drawn from the person and the LDL component is separated from the rest of the blood in a special machine. The blood is then returned to the person.

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Lower Leg And Feet Swelling

Heart disease can cause excess fluid build-up in the legs and feet, which causes them to swell. Swelling due to fluid build-up is called edema. Rapid lower extremity swelling with no visible or known injury could be a sign of a serious conditions like a blood clot or abnormal heart function and should be treated immediately by a doctor.

S To Lower Cholesterol And Risks Of Related Diseases

A few simple changes can lower your cholesterol and cut your risk for conditions linked to high cholesterol.

  • Ask for expert advice on lifestyle changes. Your doctor can help you come up with a plan for healthy eating and exercise.
  • Give your diet a makeover. Go for foods like oatmeal, walnuts, tuna, salmon, sardines, and tofu. Stay away from things that are high in trans and saturated fats and simple sugars.
  • No smoking. It lowers your âgoodâ cholesterol. If you quit, youâll have more of it. There are lots of other benefits for your whole body.
  • Get moving! Even modest amounts of exercise, like half an hour a day of brisk walking, help you control weight. Itâs also good for other things that put you at risk for heart disease, like diabetes and high blood pressure. Exercise can lower your triglyceride levels and raise your âgoodâ cholesterol. Both are good for your heart.
  • Take your medications. Your doctor may prescribe medicines to help lower your cholesterol. Take them as directed. Questions? Ask your doctor or pharmacist.
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    Red Or Purple Fingernail Streaks

    Red or purple dots of blood under the fingernails are usually caused by a fingernail injury or abrasion. But if they appear without a known injury, they may be signs of heart disease or a heart infection called infective endocarditis. When fingernail streaks are a symptom of a heart condition, theyre usually accompanied by other symptoms like a fever, weak heartbeat or irregular heartbeat.

    How To Prevent Or Treat Medication

    9 Symptoms Of High Cholesterol that You Shouldnt Ignore!

    Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate! says Dr. Evans. Drink a lot of water, avoid caffeine, and minimize alcohol, both of which are dehydrating. She also recommends that patients take flaxseed oil tablets and eat at a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids for dry skin treatment.

    Dr. Uddoh agrees that hydration is important. Patients should increase water intake until their urine runs clear.

    So, whats the best moisturizer for dry skin? The dosage form often makes a difference. Dr. Uddoh recommends using Eucerin or Aquaphor moisturizing lotion for dry skin. These are best applied on damp skin right after a shower to help lock in moisture. Lotions are ideal for daytime use since they dont tend to leave an unpleasant, greasy film after applied. Ointments may be considered for nighttime use as they generally have a thick consistency that is not easily rubbed off with clothing or water and can provide a sustained effect.;

    In the case of Retin-A, Dr. Evans says that the dosing schedule can be altered to help ease side effects like dry skin. Retin-A can be used on a less frequent basis at the start of treatment with frequency of application increased over time as the skin tolerates it better, she suggests. She also says that patients who experience skin irritation from Retin-A might consider using an over-the-counter treatment called retinol, but the results will be minimal.

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    Lack Of Physical Activity

    Certainly related to the above, insufficient physical activity can also drive LDL higher. The good news, however, is that even modest increases in the amount of exercise you get can help a great deal. Ideally, doctors may want you getting up to 90 minutes a day of physical activity; however, even 30 to 45 minutes regularly can be helpful.

    At bare minimum, the surgeon general recommends that adults get 2.5 hours of moderate exercise every week. This can include:

    • Biking
    • Swimming;;;

    A Gray Blue Or Purple Lacy Skin Pattern

    Gray, blue or purple skin that appears in a web or lace-like pattern on the skin may be a sign of blocked arteries caused by high cholesterol. When cholesterol levels are too high, fatty deposits begin to build up in the arteries and prevent proper blood flow. While this doesnt necessarily indicate heart disease, high cholesterol does increase the risk of developing heart disease or a heart attack.

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    Who Should Be Tested

    Your GP may recommend that you have your blood cholesterol levels tested if you:

    • have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease, stroke or mini-stroke , or peripheral arterial disease
    • are over the age of 40;;people over 40 should have their estimate of CVD risk reviewed regularly
    • have a family history of early cardiovascular disease; for example, if your father or brother developed heart disease or had a heart attack or stroke before the age of 55, or if your mother or sister had these conditions before the age of 65
    • have a close family member who has a cholesterol-related condition, such as familial hypercholesterolaemia
    • are overweight or obese
    • have high blood pressure or diabetes
    • have another medical condition, such as kidney disease, an underactive thyroid, or an inflamed pancreas ; these conditions can cause increased levels of cholesterol or triglycerides


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