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HomeCan High Cholesterol Cause Joint Pain

Can High Cholesterol Cause Joint Pain

The Big Results And Conclusions: Statins Were Not Good Pain Medications

Reversing Joint Pain, Fatigue, High Cholesterol: The Goldberg Clinic
  • No matter what statin was used: Statin use was not associated with a lower risk of worsening pain. In other words, statins were not good pain medications.
  • Atorvastatin use was associated with a reduced risk of developing pain, whilst rosuvastatin leads to a higher risk of developing pain.

From the researchers: The effect of statins use on knee osteoarthritis outcomes remains unclear, although in our study those using statins for over five years and those using atorvastatin reported a significantly lower risk of developing knee pain.

Confusing right?

  • First, the;Atorvastatin user was associated with a reduced risk of developing pain AS COMPARED to which lead to a higher risk of developing pain. So the Atorvastatin produced less knee pain risk, but still a risk.
  • Either way, if you already have knee pain, cholesterol-lowering medicine will not help make it less painful or from it getting worse.

So again, all these research universities and national resources and a long-term study of over 1000 patients came to this conclusion: The effect of statins;use on;knee osteoarthritis outcomes remains unclear.

Abnormal Looking Toenails & Legs

If your legs and feet are not getting adequate blood flow the results may show in your toenails. Signs include thickening toenails or toenails that grow slower than normal.

Your skin may also change in appearance, becoming shiny and tight looking. If when you hold your leg up it appears white, but when you place it down it turns a purple/red color this indicates your body is diluting blood vessels in order to increase blood flow to your feet. Your feet may also turn pale or bluish when you sit for long periods because youre not getting proper blood circulation.

Physical Symptoms That Indicate High Cholesterol Levels:

heart diseases

  • Pain in Hands and Feet:;Accumulation of cholesterol can clog the blood vessels of legs and hands. This build-up of cholesterol can occur continuously and make the hands and feet painful.
  • Frequent tingling:;Interruptions in the blood flow to certain parts of the body makes a tingling sensation in hands and legs. The high cholesterol levels in the blood make the blood flow thick and affect the normal flow of blood in the nerves and cause tingling.
  • Chest Pain in the Left Side:;Chest pain, especially on the left side indicates blockage of blood vessels around the heart and can cause pain. Sometimes, the pain may even spread up to the neck. The high levels of cholesterol in the blood can cause chest pain and can also be a sign of heart attack.
  • A Frequent headache in the back of the head:;The blockage of blood vessels in the area around the head causes a headache in the back of the head. This occurs when the blood vessels are clogged by the cholesterol plaque. If this is left unchecked, the blood vessels can rupture and cause a stroke.

Also Check: How Much Mg Of Cholesterol A Day

Will The Muscle Pain Go Away

Generally, symptoms of SAMS resolve on their own if a person stops taking statins.

However, if they do so without medical supervision, they may develop high levels of cholesterol. This in turn increases risk of serious conditions, including heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

Instead of stopping statins entirely, doctors will first:

  • remove any factors that could be contributing to muscle pain
  • try alternative statins
  • try different dosages

If these measures do not prove effective, a doctor may suggest an alternative to statins. People should not stop or change the dosage of medications unless advised by a healthcare professional.

How Is Hiv Joint Pain Diagnosed

Ldlcholesterolhigh Is Cholesterol Only From Animal ...

See your doctor to diagnose the cause of your problem and get treatment. They may ask you to rate your pain on a scale from one to 10, or to describe how it feels — does it burn, throb, stab, or ache? Let them know if your joint pain:

  • Comes and goes, or is constant
  • Is new or has bothered you for a while
  • If any activities or treatments seem to make it better or worse

Itâs important to make sure an infection other than HIV isnât causing your pain. Because HIV weakens your immune system, your body may not be able to fight off bacterial infections that could cause joint pain and damage.

You may need X-rays, blood tests, or synovial fluid tests to find out whatâs causing your problems.

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Muscle Pain And Weakness

The most common side effect is muscle pain and weakness, a condition called rhabdomyolysis, most likely due to the depletion of Co-Q10, a nutrient that supports muscle function. Dr. Beatrice Golomb of San Diego, California is currently conducting a series of studies on statin side effects. The industry insists that only 2-3 percent of patients get muscle aches and cramps but in one study, Golomb found that 98 percent of patients taking Lipitor and one-third of the patients taking Mevachor suffered from muscle problems.4 A message board devoted to Lipitor at contained more than 800 posts, many detailing severe side effects. The Lipitor board at contains more than 2,600 posts .

The test for muscle wasting or rhabdomyolysis is elevated levels of a chemical called creatine kinase . But many people experience pain and fatigue even though they have normal CK levels.5

John Altrocchi took Mevacor for three years without side effects; then he developed calf pain so severe he could hardly walk. He also experienced episodes of temporary memory loss.

Active people are much more likely to develop problems from statin use than those who are sedentary. In a study carried out in Austria, only six out of 22 athletes with familial hypercholesterolemia were able to endure statin treatment.9 The others discontinued treatment because of muscle pain.

Why Do High Cholesterol Symptoms Develop

What is lipid homeostasis? Human lipid homeostasis is a stable & balanced fat metabolism in the body.

To maintain healthy cholesterol range body needs to carry out more complex interactions. Any disturbance to this homeostasis leads to various high cholesterol symptoms.

Why cholesterol patients have loose stool?

STOMACH pain, diarrhea, and nausea are all symptoms of gallstones – hard particles formed of cholesterol that develop in the gallbladder also, fat metabolism problems due to digestion, absorption, and or stool consistency disturbance.

Why cholesterol patients have a lack of appetite?

Chronic poor appetite or lack of appetite medically referred to as anorexia. Any persisting lack of appetite should be evaluated. Causes of loss of appetite include pregnancy, metabolic problems, liver disease, hepatitis, hypothyroidism, kidney problem, heart failure, and antibiotic use.

Why cholesterol patients experience chest or stomach distension?

Intestinal inflammation and small bowel bacterial overgrowth may lead to excess intestinal gas. This excess gas leads to chest and stomach distension.

Why cholesterol patients experience pains ?

Intestinal inflammation and small bowel bacterial overgrowth may lead to excess intestinal gas. This gas has the characteristic of moving everywhere and cause pain where it resides; this causes aching pain.

Why high cholesterol causes tiredness or fatigue?

Why high cholesterol have symptoms of eyes?

Why high cholesterol have symptoms on the skin?;

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Do Statin Use In Healthy Individuals Lead To Knee Replacement

In an October 2018 study led by the VA North Texas Health Care System, doctors questioned the use of statin prescriptions as preventative medicine in healthy individuals because

  • Statins are among the most commonly prescribed medications and their use for primary prevention in many otherwise healthy individuals, including those who are physically active, is increasing.
  • There is conflicting evidence regarding the relationship between statin use and musculoskeletal conditions. Given the rising disability associated with musculoskeletal conditions, understanding predisposing factors, including medication-related exposures, deserves further attention.

Medication-related exposures mean that there is a question that the medication is causing joint pain problems.

  • Patients enrolled in a regional military healthcare system between 2003 and 2012 were evaluated in this retrospective cohort study.
  • A propensity score was generated to match statin-users and nonusers using 115 baseline characteristics. Outcomes included ICD-9 diagnoses codes for Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality disease categories of non-traumatic arthropathies, use-related injury, and undergoing rehabilitation. Primary analysis examined the outcomes in statin-users and nonusers after propensity score matching using conditional logistic regression analysis.

What were the findings of this study? Statin use was associated with a significantly increased risk of non-traumatic arthropathies and use-related injury.

What Causes Inflammation And How Is It Relevant To Cholesterol

Omega 3 for High Cholesterol, Joint Pain, Inflammation | Doc Cherry

The following factors all raise the level of inflammation in your body:

  • Being overweight
  • Deficiency of omega 3 fats in the diet
  • Lack of fresh vegetables in the diet
  • Food allergy or intolerance
  • Diets high in sugar, alcohol, gluten and omega 6 fats

In most people, the overwhelming cause of excessive inflammation in their body is poor diet choices.

Sugar, flour and vegetable oil high in omega 6 fats all cause wear and tear to your body. Having a fatty liver causes the liver to produce high levels of damaging inflammatory chemicals.

Inflammation damages the lining of your arteries. It actually causes wear and tear to the once smooth inner lining of artery walls. Once youve developed lesions in your arteries, the cholesterol in your bloodstream comes along and tries to repair this damage.

Cholesterol has a vital role in healing and repair of tissues in your body. The problem is, cholesterol can accumulate in your arteries, causing them to narrow and thus restricting blood flow. Cholesterol is not the initiating factor in artery damage; it is only serving a protective and healing role.

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Who Should Take Statins

Estimates are that in addition to the people already taking them, another 15 million to 20 million people should be taking statin drugs based on their risk factors for heart disease. Your doctor can do a simple blood test to determine the amount of cholesterol in your blood. If you have high levels of LDL cholesterol, you have a greater chance of heart disease, especially when there are other factors that increase your risk. Based on your overall risk, your doctor may recommend you take statins to help lower your cholesterol by a certain amount.

However, not all cholesterol is bad. It’s good, for instance, to have high levels of HDL cholesterol. HDL cholesterol prevents plaque buildup in the arteries by transporting the bad cholesterol out of the blood to the liver. From there, it is eliminated from the body.

Cholesterol Drugs Linked To Muscle Joint Problems

But heart benefits of statins outweigh risks, expert says

HealthDay Reporter

MONDAY, June 3 — People taking statin drugs to lower their cholesterol may slightly increase their risk for muscle and joint diseases as well as strains and sprains, a new study suggests.

Statins, such as Zocor and Lipitor, are widely used to reduce cholesterol levels and help prevent heart disease. But they’re also thought to contribute to muscle weakness, muscle cramps and tendon problems.

This new study, based on nearly 14,000 U.S. active-duty soldiers and veterans, confirmed an association between the drugs’ use and musculoskeletal injuries and diseases. But the findings need to be replicated in other types of studies and should not deter people at risk of heart disease from taking the medications, said lead researcher Dr. Ishak Mansi, from the VA North Texas Health Care System in Dallas.

“Do not stop taking statins; these medications have been life-savers for some patients,” Mansi said. “But talk to your doctor about the benefit-risk ratio for you.”

Whether statins should be prescribed universally in people without risk factors for heart disease, as some in the health care field suggest, is another matter, Mansi said.

“The side effects of statins are not totally known yet,” Mansi said. “Advocating widespread use, specifically for primary prevention in otherwise healthy subjects, is unsound.”

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Does Stress Cause High Cholesterol

While stress is not a primary cause of high cholesterol, it may still have an effect on cholesterol levels. A study published in May 2017 in the journal Medicine found that in people who experienced stress due to work or personal conflict, higher stress was a risk factor for high cholesterol. And when you are feeling stressed and pressed for time, you may be less likely to follow heart-healthy lifestyle measures, such as eating a nutritious diet and getting exercise. The 2017 study found that regular physical exercise had a strong protective effect against cholesterol.

How Can I Lower My Cholesterol Level

Statins side effects: Muscle and joint pain could be ...

The first step in reducing your cholesterol is to maintain a healthy, balanced diet. It’s important to keep your diet low in fatty food.

You can swap food containing saturated fat for fruit, vegetables and wholegrain cereals. This will also help;prevent high cholesterol returning.

Other lifestyle changes, such as;taking regular exercise and;giving up smoking, can also make a big difference in helping to lower your cholesterol.

If these measures don’t reduce your cholesterol and you continue to have a high risk of developing heart disease, your GP may prescribe a cholesterol-lowering medication, such as statins.

Your GP will take into account the risk of any side effects from statins. The benefit of lowering your cholesterol must outweigh any risks.

Read more about how high cholesterol is treated

Don’t Miss: What Is A Safe Cholesterol Level

What Causes High Cholesterol If I Eat Healthy Can It Be Genetic

If you eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise but still have high cholesterol, your DNA may be a bigger factor than your lifestyle. About 1 in 250 people in the United States live with familial hypercholesterolemia , a life-threatening inherited disorder that causes high cholesterol.

Unfortunately, 90 percent of people who have it dont know it, according to the FH Foundation, a national nonprofit organization based in Pasadena, California. Screening for high cholesterol is the only way to identify people who have FH. Because of this, all children should have a cholesterol screening once between ages 9 and 11, recommends the American Academy of Pediatrics.

If your LDL is above 100, its already considered high. If its higher than 190, you may have FH, according to leading heart groups, such as the AHA, the American College of Cardiology, and the National Lipid Association. If a parent has FH, their child has a chance of having it, too. Finding out if you have FH and getting treated if you do is vital, because having FH means your risk of heart disease is 20 times higher than that of people who dont have inherited high cholesterol, according to the FH Foundation.

The Missing Link In The Cause Of Arthritis: Cholesterol

Weve all heard that high cholesterol is bad for your heart, but could it be bad for your joints too?

In a world-first study, a research team at The Prince Charles Hospital have discovered a link between high cholesterol levels and joint damage . Until now weve only been aware of certain risk factors for the osteoarthritis, such as age, obesity, injury and overuse, but there was no insight into what was physically happening in our joints to cause them to break down.

This lead to the work Professor Ross Crawford, Professor Yin Xiao, Dr Indira Prasadam and their research team who now believe that metabolic factors in a person could be a contributing factor in osteoarthritis. Through thorough testing of the effects of cholesterol on mice with osteoarthritis, the research team found that cholesterol was responsible for cartilage break down, the main culprit in osteoarthritis.

Testing showed that cholesterol placed oxidative stress on cartilage cells basically, it was suffocating these cells and causing them to die. Over time, as cartilage cells cant repair themselves, this resulted in joint damage.

And while this research has led to the important discovery of contributing factors in osteoarthritis the team also believe it may have found a preventative antioxidants!

The team have already begun working alongside dieticians to educate the public about healthy eating and how to keep cholesterol levels at a manageable level that wont damage joints.

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Can You Treat High Cholesterol

With proper treatment and diet and lifestyle changes you can get your cholesterol back to a healthy level. On the other hand, if high cholesterol remains untreated you could develop coronary artery disease , peripheral arterial disease and/or suffer a heart attack, stroke or transient ischemic attack . There are many secondary issues that can arise from high cholesterol, such as PAD. 20% of people with PAD suffer a nonfatal heart attack within 5 years.

Ten Symptoms Of High Cholesterol You Shouldnt Ignore

Can uric acid & cholesterol levels cause heel pain? – Dr. Mohan M R

09 December, 2020

Those who know they have a tendency to suffer symptoms from certain health problems are often concerned about it. Therefore, well focus on these below.

Cholesterol is a waxy substance present in the fats of the blood. Although many only know it for its harmful effects on health, in reality,;its essential for the optimal functioning of our body.;

Cholesterol is necessary for the production of bile, which is;responsible for digesting fat. In addition, its also responsible for the production of some hormones and helpful for your;cardiovascular health.

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Can High Cholesterol Cause A Stroke

Yes, if you have high cholesterol, youre at risk of stroke due to the excess cholesterol circulating in your blood, according to the AHA.

LDL builds up in your arteries, where it slows or blocks the flow of oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to your body, including your brain. As arteries narrow and stiffen, blood clots may form a blockage, which can cause a stroke if it travels to the brain.

Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States and one of the main causes of disability, according to the American Stroke Association. But it can be mostly preventable; keeping your cholesterol levels down is one way to cut your risk.


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