But Doesnt Coconut Oil Have Medium Chain Triglycerides
This is actually really interesting.
Medium-chain fatty acids are processed by your body differently than long-chain fatty acids – they are rapidly absorbed by the portal circulation rather than being packaged into chylomicrons, which the typical delivery of fat in your intestine. Thus, true medium-chain fatty acids do not appear to have the same LDL cholesterol raising effects as other saturated fatty acids.
Medium-chain fatty acids chemically have 6 to 12 carbon atoms – caproic acid , caprylic acid , capric acid , and lauric acid . Recall that the predominant fatty acid in coconut oil is lauric acid. Lauric acid – while chemically classified as a medium-chain triglyceride – acts in our body much more like a long-chain fatty acid in that the majority gets packaged into chylomicrons and absorbed. Hence, the cholesterol raising effect seen.
It is worth nothing that MCT oil – which is what has been used in much of the prior research demonstrating possible health benefits – typically consists entirely of caprylic acid and capric acid, which are true MCTs. Not lauric acid. As such, none of that data should be extrapolated to coconut oil.
Coconut Oil Increases Good Cholesterol And Lowers Abdominal Obesity
Transporting fresh coconuts to make traditional virgin coconut oil in the Philippines. Photo by Brian Shilhavy
by Dr. Mercola
A study has shown that dietary supplementation with coconut oil may result in a reduction in waist circumference and other benefits.
A randomized, double-blind clinical trial of 40 women divided them into two groups one that received daily dietary supplements of soybean oil and another than received a similar amount of coconut oil . Both groups were instructed to follow a balanced hypocaloric diet and to walk for 50 minutes each day.
According to the study,
only group C exhibited a reduction in Group S presented an increase in total cholesterol, LDL and LDL:HDL ratio, whilst HDL diminished Such alterations were not observed in group C. It appears that dietetic supplementation with coconut oil does not cause dyslipidemia and seems to promote a reduction in abdominal obesity.
Does Coconut Oil Deserve Its Health Halo
Its been known for a long time that coconut oil raises blood levels of artery-damaging LDL cholesterol, one expert said.
Coconut oil continues to be widely touted as a miracle food. Proponents, including a slew of celebrities, claim it promotes weight loss, lowers blood pressure and blood glucose, protects against heart disease, increases energy, reduces inflammation, erases wrinkles and even counters Alzheimers disease. Plus it tastes great, so what could be bad? And if you believe all that, Ill offer to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge.
When I see a product with a long list of things its supposed to fix, I know it cant possibly be true, said Marion Nestle, a New York University specialist on nutrition and food policy. Coconut oil has acquired a healthful aura as a superfood and lots of people believe its true. Theyre guilty of magical thinking and need to stop and think, Theyre trying to sell me something. Nonetheless, a survey conducted in 2016 found that 72 percent of Americans viewed coconut oil as a healthy food.
The time is long overdue to relieve coconut oil of a halo that scientific evidence shows it doesnt deserve and instead give consumers a chance to use the $40 they may spend on a 32-ounce jar of coconut oil to invest in foods that can actually enhance their health.
Nor is coconut oil a diet food. Like other vegetable oils, a tablespoon of coconut oil supplies 117 calories, 15 more than a tablespoon of butter.
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Effects Of Coconut On Cholesterol Level
Considering the fact that coconut contains saturated fats in large amounts, its effect on cholesterol levels is a subject of concern. The following article provides some information on the nutrition facts, and its effect on the overall body cholesterol level.
Considering the fact that coconut contains saturated fats in large amounts, its effect on cholesterol levels is a subject of concern. The following article provides some information on the nutrition facts, and its effect on the overall body cholesterol level.
Despite the name, coconut is not truly a nut. Rather, it is a fruit of the palm. Its scientific name is Cocos nucifera. It is the endosperm of this fruit that is edible. In a tender coconut, the endosperm is the liquid that is widely consumed as coconut water. As the fruit matures, it hardens to a white, solid meat. The fruit is consumed in a number of ways. However, the health-conscious people remain doubtful whether this tropical fruit has negative effects on the heart and cholesterol levels or not.
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What This Means For Us
Essentially, the paper provides a hierarchy of sorts: When it comes to optimizing cholesterol levels, unsaturated fatty acids are top-tier . However, their findings suggest that medium-chain fatty acids are less harmful for cholesterol than longer-chain saturated fatty acids .
âOur findings support MCT oil as a likely healthier choice than coconut oil, which is also commonly consumed by people following a ketogenic diet,â the report continues. At the end of the day, the differences are pretty minimal , but the numbers may sway you into consuming pure, extracted MCT oil rather than relying on the MCTs in coconut oil.
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The Effects Of Vco On Plasma Lipoproteins Levels
This open-label, randomized, controlled, crossover trial among 32 healthy participants assessed the effects of daily VCO consumption on plasma lipoproteins levels compared to control . We found that taking 15mL of VCO twice daily for 8 weeks was associated with a significant increase in HDL-C level compared with taking 2% CMC solution. Nevertheless, we did not find any significant differences in total cholesterol, LDL-C, and triglyceride levels between VCO and the control.
Our findings are in line with the findings that VCO consumption is potentially beneficial for increasing HDL-C levels . Our lipid parameter results are similar to a recent study by Cardoso et al. who evaluated the effect of VCO on lipid profiles and anthropometric parameters among patients with coronary artery disease . Cardoso et al. found that HDL-C levels significantly increased in those consuming VCO 15mL for 3 months, while no significant change occurred in total cholesterol or LDL-C levels . Our results are similar to a randomized crossover study by Voon et al. conducted in Malaysia with 45 healthy participants who consumed diets with 30% of energy from fat and two-thirds of fat from coconut oil, palm oil, or extra virgin olive oil . Compared with consuming extra virgin olive oil, consuming coconut oil significantly increased the HDL-C level by 3.48mg/dL .
Coconut Oil Bad For Ldl Cholesterol
But other long-chain saturated fatty acids, like the ones that make up most of the saturated fat in coconut, palm kernel, and palm oils , do in fact raise LDL cholesterol considerably. These saturated fats are called palmitic, myristic, and lauric acids. They also make up most of the saturated fatty acids in meat, poultry, and dairy fats like milk, butter, and cheese.
Other saturated fats that have little impact on LDL cholesterol levels include medium-chain varieties like caproic, caprylic, and capric acids. A small percentage of the saturated fat in coconut oil, about 10%, is made up of these less harmful saturated fatty acids, but virtually all the rest of coconut oils saturated fat is made up of the long-chain varieties that send LDL soaring.
And coconut oil is full of these artery-busting long-chain varieties by the sheer fact that theres such a huge percentage of saturated fat, 92%, packed into coconut oil to begin with.
Ounce for ounce, coconut oil has more saturated fat than butter, beef tallow, or lard.So coconut oil raises LDL cholesterol as much or more than animal fats, cautions Dr. Kenney.
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Does Coconut Oil Increases Cholesterol Levels
Some of the readers have written to me asking whether coconut oil increase cholesterol levels or not. This is indeed a very important question and needs detail discussion from the basics.
Why this question at first place?
Why this question of coconut oil increasing cholesterol levels arise at the first place? The reason lies in the chemical composition of coconut oil. Coconut oil is one of the most saturated oils available today. With saturation level of more than 90% it is much more than other oils such as palm , soybean , corn , olive , peanut , etc.Saturated fats for long has been associated with various body disorders such as heart diseases, bone issues, cancer etc.
Virgin Coconut Oil: Uses Nutrition And Health Benefits
The coconut tree belongs to the palm tree family , which is botanically a drupe, not a nut. Coconut oil is an edible oil produced from the kernel of mature coconuts and it has gained immense popularity in the recent years for its innumerable health benefits.
Almost over thousands of studies have proven, coconut oil to be one of the healthiest foods. The many uses and healing benefits of coconut oil go beyond peoples expectation, coconut is indeed a true superfood.
The coconut tree is claimed as the lifeline of health due to its versatile benefits and uses. However, choosing the right type of oil from the different types available coconut oil brands can be a bit challenging.
Coconut oils are typically available in two varieties -virgin and refined oil. Virgin Coconut Oil is produced by cold-pressing the liquid from the coconut meat, later extracting the oil from milk and water and has a milky appearance. It is 100% natural, unbleached and cold-pressed. Virgin coconut oil is popular for its pleasant aroma, taste, powerful antioxidants, healthy fatty acids and essential vitamins to name a few.
Virgin coconut oil is produced from the coconut without heat exposure. It is gaining more popularity across the world in comparison with ordinary coconut oil for its indispensable nutrition and benefits.
Though refined coconut oil is less expensive, it is not widely recommended as it loses all its nutrition while processing.
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Does Coconut Oil Raise Ldl Cholesterol
Yes. A recent meta-analysis of 16 well conducted studies found that, compared with nontropical oils, coconut oil significantly increased LDL cholesterol by 10.5 mg/dl when used in cooking. Surprisingly, coconut oil also significantly increased LDL cholesterol compared to palm oil, another tropical oil high in saturated fat.
Only one trial compared coconut oil to butter, and interestingly, coconut oil did better than butter so theres that!
Elevated levels of LDL cholesterol are important because they cause heart disease by delivering cholesterol to the arteries, causing atherosclerosis. Read more about that here.
Does Coconut Oil Cause Heart Disease Stroke
The AHA has advised avoiding coconut oil for years, saying in a 2017 advisory about cardiovascular disease that the oil has no known offsetting favorable effects and could increase risk of heart attack and stroke. It has held the same position on saturated fats for more than 30 years.
Some critics have challenged these longstanding dietary guidelines, questioning recommendations to limit eating saturated fat-rich foods including coconut oil, which also has antioxidant properties and increases HDL cholesterol.
In 2014, the journal Annals of Internal Medicine published controversial research suggesting people who ate an increased amount of saturated fat did not have more heart disease than those who ate less. A 2015 BMJ review reported people who cut saturated fat might fill the void with sugar and empty calories, which could also cause health problems.
Most doctors say for heart health, advocating coconut oil use can be dangerous. When looking for an oil to use in cooking, those with high levels of monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats that lower cholesterol are preferred.
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Saturated Fat And Cholesterol Support Health
Lets talk about saturated fat and cholesterol because they are actually vital for good health. Did you know that your brain is mostly made of cholesterol and saturated fat? Cholesterol promotes the growth of new brain cells, facilitates communication between neurons, and is a critical component of the myelin sheath, the protective covering of our nerves. It may also protect against Alzheimers disease. A study conducted in New York City including 1,130 elderly people found that higher HDL cholesterol levels were associated with a significant decrease in the risk of Alzheimers, even when adjusting for other factors including vascular disease, age, sex, education level, and genes that predispose to the disease.11 A more recent Mayo Clinic study found that those participants who consumed the most fat were 42 percent less likely to have cognitive impairment.12 And finally, a study published in the medical journal The Lancet measured lipid and serum cholesterol levels in 3,572 men, ages 71-93 years old, and found that those with the lowest cholesterol levels were more likely to die from any cause.13
Half A Truth Is Often A Great Lie: On Coconut Oil And Heart Disease
- Dr. Fabian M. Dayrit
On January 4th, 2021, the New York Times published an article entitled Does Coconut Oil Deserve Its Health Halo?, which challenged the health properties of coconut oil and the claims that it is a miracle food.
While it is wrong to tout coconut oil as a miracle food, it is equally wrong to criticize it based on half-truths.
This article presents the other half of the truth on three issues that were brought up in the article: LDL cholesterol, lauric acid, and the coconut diet.
Half-truth #1: Coconut oil raises artery-damaging LDL cholesterol
There are several half-truths with this statement. While coconut oil tends to raise LDL cholesterol, not all LDL cholesterol is artery damaging. Recent evidence has shown that LDL cholesterol is really made up of particles of many sizes, and coconut oil increases the larger LDL particles, which are not strongly linked to heart disease. So, this accusation against coconut oil is not supported by the latest scientific evidence.
An equally important blood parameter that the article ignored is HDL cholesterol, the so-called good cholesterol. It is well known that coconut oil raises HDL cholesterol and a high HDL cholesterol level is linked to a lower risk for heart disease.
In addition, the article also failed to mention that coconut oil lowers the levels of triglycerides and HbA1c in the blood. A low triglyceride level protects against heart disease and a lower HbA1c is indicates lower risk for diabetes.
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Saturated Fat And Ldl
In its Dietary Fats and Cardiovascular Disease Presidential Advisory, the American Heart Association noted that 72 percent of Americans consider coconut oil to be a healthy food.
But in reviewing more than 100 studies, including data showing that coconut oil increased LDL cholesterol, researchers saw no difference between coconut oil and other saturated fats like butter, fatty meat and palm oil.
Furthermore, the American Heart Association has advised against the use of coconut oil because of its ability to increase LDL cholesterol.
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What About Extra Virgin Or Virgin Coconut Oil
Extra virgin or virgin coconut oil is made by pressing fresh coconut meat. These terms are used interchangeably. It has been suggested that the polyphenols in unrefined coconut oil, like in extra virgin olive oil, may be beneficial for improving inflammation and glucose regulation.
Importantly, unlike extra virgin olive oil, use of these terms is not regulated.
What does the science say? Unfortunately, most studies do not report on the type of oil used. One small trial with virgin coconut oil found it significantly raised LDL cholesterol compared to safflower oil with no changes in body composition. Another trial of virgin coconut oil found no difference compared to extra virgin olive oil on blood lipids, blood pressure, or body composition. Studies demonstrating possible benefit are limited at this time to animal studies. As such, its difficult to draw a firm conclusion from these small studies, but current available evidence does not suggest it is significantly healthier.
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True: It Can Be Used To Treat Yeast Infections
The truth is, coconut oil could be beneficial for the treatment of candida, aka yeast. In fact, research shows coconut oil actively fights species of candida at 100% concentration. Theres even some research showing it can be used to treat vaginal yeast infections, but time will tell if this is really an effective remedy.
Is Coconut Oil Good Or Bad For You
A Harvard professor called coconut oil pure poison. Not everyone takes such a harsh stand.
In an online video that has gone viral, a Harvard professor takes on the popular food coconut oil, calling it pure poison.
Is it really that bad for you?
The lecture, by Karin Michels, a professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, was delivered in German. It was translated by Business Insider Deutschland and called Coconut Oil and Other Nutritional Errors. While not everyone takes such a harsh view against coconut oil, many experts are skeptical about its rising popularity as a purported health food. The New York Times health writer Roni Rabin and food writer Sophie Egan both answered readers questions about the health benefits of coconut oil. Heres what they had to say.
Q. Why is coconut oil suddenly considered healthy after being declared unhealthy for three decades?
A. Coconut oils image has gotten a makeover in recent years, and many natural food stores stock the product. But despite a lot of hype about it, said Dr. Alice H. Lichtenstein, a Tufts University professor of nutrition science and policy who is vice chair of the federal governments dietary guidelines advisory committee, theres virtually no data to support the hype.
There is little research on the health effects in people of coconut oil, Dr. Lichtenstein said, but there appears to be no independent benefit of consuming it.
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