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HomeFactsIs Avocado Good For Cholesterol

Is Avocado Good For Cholesterol

Fights Arthritis And Inflammation

What Happens to Your Cholesterol if You Eat Avocado

Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables is an extract made of 1/3 avocado and 2/3 soybean oil. In France, this formulation is used as a prescription treatment for osteoarthritis, sold under the brand name Piascledine. Multiple studies have found it offers significant improvement versus placebo and for patients with arthritis of the knee and hip, it reduced their need for pain relief from NSAIDs such as aspirin.

Even without the addition of soybean, theres research to suggest that the antioxidants in avocado help to offset some inflammatory responses in the body.

Meat creates lipid peroxides when it is cooked. In a study at UCLA, researchers measured the inflammatory markers in people who ate hamburgers with and without the avo slices on top.

There was significant vasoconstriction 2 hours following hamburger ingestion but that didnt happen when the fruit was included. Its believed this was due to the reduced activation of the NF-kappa B inflammatory pathway, thanks to the avocados antioxidant content.

The raw avocado has an ORAC value of 1,922 per 100g, which suggests it has even more antioxidants than kale of the same weight, which has a 1,770 ORAC. The bad news is that the oil of avocado will have very little antioxidants relative to the fresh fruit.

Foods That Lower Cholesterol

A persons diet plays a crucial role in how healthy their cholesterol levels are. Eating foods that keep cholesterol within a healthy range can help prevent health issues, including a heart attack or stroke.

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that travels through the bloodstream as a part of two different lipoproteins: low-density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein .

People sometimes refer to LDL cholesterol as bad cholesterol because it causes fatty deposits to build up in the blood vessels. These deposits can block blood flow and cause heart attacks or strokes.

HDL, or good, cholesterol helps remove cholesterol from the body through the liver. High levels of HDL cholesterol can reduce the risk of heart problems and strokes.

Cooking And Storing Avocados

Avocados are free of cholesterol, sugar, and sodium. As such, you can substitute them for foods that contain higher amounts of saturated fat and calories. Avocados are highly versatile and you can incorporate them into your diet in many ways:

  • Top tacos, fajitas, enchiladas, or burritos with avocado slices or guacamole.
  • Blend avocados into nutrient-packed desserts, smoothies or pasta sauce.
  • Mash avocados into guacamole or other dips.
  • Add sliced avocado to salads, chili or eggs.
  • Stuff avocado halves with tuna, shredded chicken or bean salad.
  • Spread avocado onto toast in place of butter or onto a sandwich instead of mayonnaise.
  • Replace sour cream or mayonnaise with avocado in potato, chicken, egg or tuna salad.

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An Avocado A Day Could Keep Ldl At Bay

In the new study, researchers found that consuming one avocado daily was linked to lower LDL levels.

It’s worth noting that the sample size was small the conclusion was drawn following a randomized, controlled trial of 45 overweight and obese people.

For two weeks, they all followed a similar diet designed to reflect that of the average American.

The participants were then randomly split into three groups for five weeks: A third would eat a low-fat diet, a further third would consume a moderate-fat diet, and the final third would follow a moderate-fat diet which incorporated a daily avocado.

The fat levels of those in the middle third was then compared to the level in the daily avocado group.

The researchers found that not only did those who ate the daily avocado have lower LDL levels than before the study, they also had lower levels than the rest of the participants.

Avocado Is Loaded With Heart


Avocado is a high-fat food.

In fact, 77% of the calories in it are from fat, making it one of the fattiest plant foods in existence.

But they dont just contain any fat. The majority of the fat in avocado is oleic acid a monounsaturated fatty acid that is also the major component of olive oil and believed to be responsible for some of its health benefits.

Oleic acid has been associated with reduced inflammation and shown to have beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer (

A distinction is often made between soluble and insoluble fiber.

Soluble fiber is known for feeding the friendly gut bacteria in your intestine, which are very important for optimal body function .

A 3.5-ounce serving of avocado packs 7 grams of fiber, which is 27% of the RDA.

About 25% of the fiber in avocado is soluble, while 75% is insoluble .


Avocados tend to be rich in fiber about 7% by weight, which is very high compared to most other foods. Fiber may have important benefits for weight loss and metabolic health.

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Can Avocados Lower Cholesterol Then

This is another popular question, and kind of the opposite of what we discussed above. Here people are recognizing the health benefits of avocado, and wanting to know if it can actually help to lower LDL or raise HDL. Lets take a closer look at that

As it turns out, according to WebMd, avocados can actually help lower your cholesterol.

In fact, there was a small study conducted with three different test groups, one on a low fat diet with no avocado, one with a moderate fat diet and no avocado and one with a moderate fat diet with an avocado each day.

Guess which group has the lowest cholesterol levels after five weeks? Yes, youve guessed itgroup number three on the moderate diet with avocado.

Although this study only included 45 individuals, and there could have been other factors at play, its safe to assume that the avocado is good for cholesterol. This is likely due to the fact that it has not only a high concentration of heart-friendly monounsaturated fats, not to be confused with trans fats, but also important compounds called phytosterols, beta-sitosterol in particular.

This one-two punch of monounsaturated fat and beta-sitosterol can help raise HDL and lower LDL, and also reduce the amount of cholesterol absorbed from the food that you eat. Its interesting to note that there are cholesterol medications that do this as well, i.e lower the production of LDL as well as limit the absorption, but the downside is all of the potential side effects that come with it.

Is It Ok To Eat A Whole Avocado A Day

If youre really watching your weight, Cucuzza says, its probably wise to stick to about one-half to one whole avocado per day, assuming you are also eating other sources of healthy fats. Avocados are also a higher FODMAP food, meaning they contain carbohydrates that may not be digested or absorbed well.

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Avocado Is A Good Fat

Avocado can replace calories from added sugars and saturated fat with good fats. You can add it to ice cream, smoothies, and meals providing extra nutrition and the least amount of sugar without sodium or cholesterol.The good fats also help the body to absorb vitamins A, D, K, and E. They contribute 6g of naturally good fat per 50g serving.Eat avocado with foods like sweet potato or carrots, rich in fat-soluble nutrients like alpha and beta carotene. Because they can help the body to absorb the nutrients better.

Avocado Is Incredibly Nutritious

An Avocado A Day Can Help Lower Bad Cholesterol

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This fruit is prized for its high nutrient value and is added to various dishes due to its good flavor and rich texture. It is the main ingredient in guacamole.

These days, the avocado has become an incredibly popular food among health-conscious individuals. Its often referred to as a superfood, which is not surprising given its health properties .

There are many types of avocado that vary in shape and color from pear-shaped to round and green to black. They can also weigh anywhere from 8 ounces to 3 pounds .

The most popular variety is the Hass avocado.

Its often called alligator pear, which is very descriptive, as it tends to be pear-shaped and has green, bumpy skin like an alligator.

The yellow-green flesh inside the fruit is eaten, but the skin and seed are discarded.

Avocados are very nutritious and contain a wide variety of nutrients, including 20 different vitamins and minerals.

Here are some of the most abundant nutrients, in a single 3.5-ounce serving :

  • Vitamin K: 26% of the daily value
  • Folate: 20% of the DV
  • Vitamin C: 17% of the DV
  • Potassium: 14% of the DV
  • Vitamin B5: 14% of the DV
  • Vitamin B6: 13% of the DV
  • Vitamin E: 10% of the DV
  • It also contains small amounts of magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, zinc, phosphorous and vitamins A, B1 , B2 and B3 .

Avocados do not contain any cholesterol or sodium and are low in saturated fat. This is why they are favored by some experts who believe these substances are harmful, which is a debated topic, however.

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Types Of Healthy Fat In Oils

Incorporating a variety of different oils in your diet can help to provide an array of different micronutrients.

Monounsaturated fats contain a single unsaturated carbon bond in the molecule. A good source of vitamin E, monounsaturated fats are found only in plants. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends MUFAs make up 15% to 20% of total daily calories.

Polyunsaturated fats have more than one unsaturated carbon bond in the molecule and are found in plants and fish such as salmon. PUFAs also contain vitamin E and high levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acidsnutrients essential for brain function and cell growth.

Some oils are high in omega-3 fatty acidshealthy fats that help to reduce inflammation and prevent the formation of arterial plaque. Avocado, canola, flaxseed, olive, peanut, sunflower, and walnut oils are all good sources of omega-3.

Does The Avocado Have Any Other Heart Benefits

Absolutely. Note that the avocado contains a lot of fat, but its good fat. Thats important to understand. It contains a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid, found in olive oil as well, which is an excellent anti-inflammatory. Fighting inflammation in your heart or anywhere else in your body is an important component of good health.

Avocados can also lower triglyceride levels, another risk factor for heart disease and stroke along with high cholesterol.

They also contain a host of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help fight off free radicals, precursors to a variety of health conditions. They can help give you a sense of fullness, which minimizes your risk of being overweightthis in turn benefits your heart as it doesnt have to work as hard.

Specific nutrients like potassium and lutein can help stabilize blood pressure, helping you avoid hypertension, another precursor to heart disease.

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What Is An Avocado

Avocado -the superstar of fruits is a fatty, flavorful resource for balanced cholesterol levels in human body. Its a member of the berry family and sometimes referred to as alligator pear and was originated in 5,000-7,000 B.C in South Central Mexico region.

This evergreen tropical tree is native to Central America and widely cultivated elsewhere. It belongs to the flowering plant family of Lauraceae. This pear-shaped fruit has a yellow-green, soft-creamy edible flesh and a rough leathery outer shell. Some varieties of this mild nutty flavored fruit are smooth-skinned.

If you or someone you know, maybe in your family, friends or at your workplace, has high cholesterol levels or rising cholesterol, then avocado is a good low-cholesterol food choice. Most of the fruits contain carbohydrate as primary constituent, but this unique type of fruit is high in healthy fats. The monounsaturated fats present in this super-food keep the cholesterol levels healthy and ultimately reduces the likelihoods of getting heart stroke or any other disease.

What Is Hdl Cholesterol

Avocado  the good fats

High-density lipoprotein is a protective form of cholesterol that carries bad cholesterol away from the arteries and into the liver where it can be broken down and eliminated from the body.

When your HDL is high60 milligrams per deciliter or higheryour risk of heart attack or heart disease is lower. When your HDL is lowfor women less than 50 mg/dl, for men less than 40 mg/dlyour chances of having a heart attack or heart disease are increased.

Here are several types of foods you should consider eating more often to raise your HDL and lower your LDL.

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Why The Confusion Over Avocado Cholesterol

Much of the confusion over cholesterol in avocados stems from the fact that avocados are very high in fat content, and many people mistakenly think that avocados are therefore unhealthy or will somehow make them fat. While its true that avocado is high in calories, because fat contains more than double the amount of calories per gram than both protein and carbohydrates, the fact is the fat found in avocados is very good for you.

A healthy diet includes about 30% of its daily calories from fat sources, preferably from plant-based that which comes from vegetable oils and fresh fruit and vegetables. The unhealthy fat sources which also increase bad cholesterol levels, come from animal fats and those are the type that should be avoided in a healthy diet.

Vegetable fats are liquid at room temperature, whereas animal fats are solid at room temperature and a diet high in animal fats and cholesterol can lead to an increased risk of hardening and blockages of the arteries.

Avocados Do Not Contain Cholesterol

The most important thing that you need to know about avocados is that they do not contain any cholesterol at all. Thats right, zilch, zero cholesterol. All cholesterol comes from food derived from animal sources and none from plant sources.

No plant-based food contains cholesterol, and that means that you may eat as much fruit and vegetables, including avocado, as you like and it will not increase your cholesterol levels, at least your bad cholesterol levels.

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Avocados Are Loaded With Powerful Antioxidants That Can Protect Your Eyes

Not only do avocados increase antioxidant absorption from other foods, they are also high in antioxidants themselves.

This includes the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which are incredibly important for eye health (

Therefore, eating avocados should benefit your eye health over the long term.


Avocados are high in antioxidants, including lutein and zeaxanthin. These nutrients are very important for eye health and lower your risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.

Myth #: Drugs Are The Only Way To Get A Good Cholesterol Balance

Avocados Reduce Bad Cholesterol, Triglycerides, & Heart Disease (IMPORTANT) – Dr Alan Mandell, DC

Don’t start or stop any medications without talking with your doctor.

And while drugs can certainly lower the bad LDL cholesterol they don’t seem to be able to raise the good HDL cholesterol all that well.

Guess what does?

Nutrition and exercise.

One of the most impactful ways to lower your cholesterol with diet is to eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Every day.

According to this research, five servings a day appears to slightly lower your risk of heart attack and stroke. BUT pump it up to 10 servings a day, and you may lower your risk of cardiovascular disease by 28% and your risk of premature death by 31%. Simply extraordinary.

And don’t worry, the recipe below should help you add at least another salad to your day.

You can also exercise, strive for a healthy weight, stop smoking, and eat better quality fats. That means nuts and seeds, fatty fish, avocados and olive oil. Ditch those over-processed hydrogenated trans fats.

The science of cholesterol and heart health is complicated and we’re learning more every day. You may not need to be as afraid of it as you are. And there is a lot you can do from a nutrition and lifestyle perspective to improve your cholesterol level.

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Eating Avocados Can Lower Cholesterol And Triglyceride Levels

Heart disease is the most common cause of death in the world (

  • Reduce total cholesterol levels significantly.
  • Reduce blood triglycerides by up to 20%.
  • Lower LDL cholesterol by up to 22%.
  • Increase HDL cholesterol by up to 11%.

One of the studies found that including avocado in a low-fat, vegetarian diet significantly improved the cholesterol profile .

Though their results are impressive, its important to note that all of the human studies were small and short-term, including only 1337 people with a duration of 14 weeks.


Numerous studies have shown that eating avocado can improve heart disease risk factors like total, bad LDL and good HDL cholesterol, as well as blood triglycerides.

Potential Risks Of Avocado Oil

Avocado oil is largely safe to consume, but you should consult with your doctor before making any major dietary changes. As a high-fat food, it should be eaten in limited amounts. In addition, you might want to avoid avocado oil if you are concerned about any of the following:

Avocado Allergies

If youre allergic to avocados, you will be allergic to avocado oil. People who also have either birch pollen or latex allergies are more likely to be allergic to avocados. Consult with a doctor before consuming avocado oil if you have either of these conditions.

Medication Interference

Avoid avocado oil if youre taking Warfarin . Avocados have been proven to decrease the effectiveness of Warfarin, increasing the risk of blood clotting.

Clinical, Cosmetic, and Investigational Dermatology: Overall skin tone and skin-lightening-improving effects with oral supplementation of lutein and zeaxanthin isomers: a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.

Clinical Rheumatology: Avocado-soybean unsaponifiables for osteoarthritis – a systematic review.

Clinics in Dermatology: Pigments in avocado tissue and oil.

Disease Markers: Avocado oil supplementation modifies cardiovascular risk profile markers in a rat model of sucrose-induced metabolic changes.

Molecules: Avocado Oil: Characteristics, Properties, and Applications.


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