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What Is Ideal Triglyceride Level

How Often Should I Get A Cholesterol Test

Triglycerides – What are Triglycerides – Triglyceride Levels – High Triglycerides

When and how often you should get a cholesterol test depends on your age, risk factors, and family history. The general recommendations are:

For people who are age 19 or younger::

  • The first test should be between ages 9 to 11
  • Children should have the test again every 5 years
  • Some children may have this test starting at age 2 if there is a family history of high blood cholesterol, heart attack, or stroke

For people who are age 20 or older::

  • Younger adults should have the test every 5 years
  • Men ages 45 to 65 and women ages 55 to 65 should have it every 1 to 2 years

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Normal Cholesterol Levels In Adults

You should get your cholesterol levels checked every 5 years after your age is more than 20 years, according to the American Heart Association.

Your doctor will perform the screening test i.e. lipid profile.

Cholesterol levels consist of LDLs, HDLs, and triglycerides.

LDL is bad cholesterol as it blocks our blood vessels and increases your risk for heart disease.

On the other hand, HDL is good cholesterol as it helps to protect you from heart disease.

Thus, the higher your HDL, the better.

Total cholesterol also includes a triglyceride count and these are other types of fat that can build up in the body in the body.

Moreover, doctors consider them building blocks of cholesterol.

High levels of triglycerides and low levels of HDL raise your risk for heart disease.

This is because as you age, cholesterol tends to climb. Furthermore, men are often at a higher risk than women for higher cholesterol.

However, as a woman experiences menopause, their risk for high cholesterol goes up.

For those with high cholesterol and other heart risks, like diabetes, doctors often recommend frequent testing.

What Happens When You Have High Cholesterol

When you eat too many foods that are high in cholesterol, saturated fats, and trans fats, they can increase your risk of developing high cholesterol.

Moreover, living with obesity also increases your risk.

Some of the other lifestyle factors that can contribute to this are inactivity and smoking.

Genetics can also affect your chances of developing high cholesterol. Certain genes that come from your parents instruct your body on how to process cholesterol and fats.

Therefore, if you have high cholesterol then you set also at a greater risk of having it as well.

However, in rare cases, high cholesterol is due to familial hypercholesterolemia that is a genetic disorder preventing your body from removing LDL.

You may also be at a higher risk of developing high cholesterol if you are:

  • living with obesity
  • family history of high cholesterol
  • have diseases like diabetes, kidney disease, or hypothyroidism

It is important to note that individuals of all ages, genders, and ethnicities can have high cholesterol.

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Diet And Lifestyle Changes

A doctor will look at your overall risk of cardiovascular disease and make recommendations to reduce high blood cholesterol as well as managing other risk factors such as high blood pressure, smoking and being overweight.

Reducing high blood cholesterol levels typically involves decreasing the total cholesterol level by decreasing LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides, while maintaining or increasing HDL-cholesterol levels.

  • LDL-cholesterol levels are best decreased by eating less saturated fat
  • Triglyceride levels are best reduced by eating less sugar-containing foods, limiting alcohol intake, and reducing the intake of total fat
  • HDL-cholesterol levels are best increased by exercise, substituting saturated fats with polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fat , and maintaining a healthy weight.

Heart-healthy dietary changes are summarised in our Heart disease diet page.

Other lifestyle changes should include:

  • Exercising regularly
  • Maintaining a healthy body weight
  • Limiting alcohol intake

Heart-healthy exercise suggestions are summarised in our Heart disease exercise page.

Know Your Triglyceride Numbers

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A blood test called a lipid panel checks both your triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Usually, your doctor will ask that you fast, or not eat or drink anything other than water, for 9-12 hours before the test. Youâll get blood taken from a vein in your arm. Some labs offer non-fasting lipid panels, or they may prick your finger for blood.

Here are the levels, based on a fastingblood test.

  • Normal: Less than 150 mg/dL
  • Borderline: 150 to 199 mg/dL
  • High: 200 to 499 mg/dL
  • Very High: 500 mg/dL or above

Anyone over age 20 needs to get regular tests to track their cholesterol and triglyceride levels, according to the American Heart Association.

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When Should You Speak With A Doctor

It is important to note that there are a few symptoms of high cholesterol.

However, emergency symptoms are stroke or a heart attack that may be the only indicator of damage from high cholesterol.

This means that you should make sure that your doctor regularly monitors it.

Moreover, you should get your cholesterol levels checked with a blood test every 4 to 6 years.

Your doctor may also recommend more frequent screening if you live with any of the following:

  • a history of heart condition
  • high blood pressure

What Can You Do At Home To Treat High Triglycerides

The main way to deal with high triglycerides is to eat better and get more exercise. Here are some guidelines to help you manage your level:

Moderate exercise: Try to exercise 5 or more days each week. Lack of movement makes it hard for your body to process blood sugar and triglycerides as it normally does. So itâs important for you to get up and get moving more each day. Skip the escalator or elevator and climb stairs. Get off the bus or subway one stop early and walk. Find activities you enjoy: Walk, swim, or ride a bike. Join a gym. Talk to your doctor before you begin any exercise plan.

Watch your weight: If youâre carrying extra pounds, losing 5% to 10% of your weight can lower triglycerides. People with a healthy weight are more likely to have normal levels. Belly fat is associated with higher numbers.

Eat less bad fat and carbs: Try to lower the saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol in your diet. Cutting back on carbohydrates will help, too. Foods high in saturated fat, such as red meat, boost levels. Butter and cheese contain these same triglyceride-boosting fats. Choose lean meats or protein alternatives, such as chicken and unprocessed turkey, that are lower in saturated fat.

Another healthy option: Make meatless meals. Vegetarian pastas, chilis, and stir-fries are a delicious alternative to meat dishes. Avoid dishes loaded with cream or cheese in favor of recipes that use vegetable or olive oil and feature plenty of vegetables.

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What Are The Normal Triglyceride Levels In The Blood

Adults: 50-150 mg/dlChildren up to 9 years old: 40-75 mg/dlChildren from 10 to 17 years old: 45-90 mg/dl

In the International System of Units , triglycerides in the blood are measured in mmol/L. The normal triglyceride levels in the blood in the SI are:

Adults: 0.56-1.7 mmol/lChildren up to 9 years old: 0.45-0.85 mmol/lChildren from 10 to 17 years old: 0.50-1.02 mmol/l

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Good And Bad Cholesterol

Managing Triglyceride Levels

There’s only one kind of cholesterol but it is carried around the body by different carriers called lipoproteins, notably:

  • Low density lipoprotein
  • High density lipoprotein

In simple terms, cholesterol carried by LDLs is considered bad because when theres too much of it circulating in your blood it contributes to plaque build-up that clogs arteries and makes them less flexible . If you have high blood cholesterol your goal will be to reduce LDL levels in your blood.

On the other hand, cholesterol carried by HDLs is considered good because it carries cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver, where it is broken down and passed from the body. Any lifestyle changes or treatment for high blood cholesterol will aim to ensure HDL levels are increased or maintained at healthy levels.

When blood cholesterol tests are done, the level of triglycerides in your blood is also measured. Triglycerides are the most common type of fat that exists in food and in the body. When calories ingested in a meal are not used immediately by the body, they are converted to triglycerides and are transported to the fat cells to be stored. It is thought that elevated triglyceride levels may increase the risk of developing heart disease, particularly when associated with high LDL-cholesterol levels.

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Cholesterol And Triglyceride Screening

Some health organizations recommend that everyone older than age 20 be checked for high cholesterol.

Some health organizations recommend that everyone age 20 and older be checked for high cholesterol.footnote 1 The Canadian Cardiovascular Society recommends cholesterol tests based on age and risk factors for heart disease. footnote 2

Talk to your doctor about when you should get a cholesterol test.

Normal Cholesterol With High Triglycerides What Is That

When measuring total cholesterol levels, low-density lipoprotein , high-density lipoprotein , and triglycerides are used in the measurement.

For adults, standard cholesterol levels are:

  • Less than 200 mg/dL is desirable
  • Between 200 – 239 mg/dL is considered borderline
  • Over 240 mg/dL is considered high

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/11lower Your Carb Intake

Just like the added sugar, extra carbs in your diet also get converted into triglycerides. Low carb diet has been linked to lower triglyceride levels.

Studies have found that people getting a lower number of calories from carbs had lower triglyceride levels as compared to people who received more calories from carbs.

People who were kept on a low carb diet for one year lost more weight and had lower triglyceride levels as compared to people who had a high carb diet, finds a study.

Are Tg Levels The Best Metric For Cvd Risk

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However, when the investigators modeled this relationship with multivariate analysis including non-HDL-C as an additional variable the statistical significance of the association between serum TGs and CVD risk was abolished . That is to say, differences in nonHDL-C accounted for most of the association between TGs and CVD.

Non-HDL-C is highly correlated with apoB more so than LDL-C, which, when substituted for non-HDL-C in multivariate analysis, resulted in a dampened but still significant association between TGs and CVD risk. Thus, these results suggest that the risk associated with TG levels may be due to elevations apoBcontaining lipoproteins . This is consistent with genetic studies which have shown that the risk associated with elevated TGs can be accounted for through their association with elevations in apoB, in which case, measurement of apoB itself would provide the most accurate information about CVD risk. In other words, when it comes to CVD risk assessment, apoB levels supersede TG levels though TGs should still be measured in order to identify those with very elevated levels, which would signal high risk of pancreatitis. Unfortunately, apoB is often not included in standard lipid panels, and thus, TGs may provide valuable albeit imperfect information on CVD risk in the absence of apoB measurements.

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Follow A Lower Carb Diet

Much like added sugar, extra calories from carbs in your diet are converted into triglycerides and stored in fat cells.

Not surprisingly, low carb diets have been linked to lower blood triglyceride levels .

A review of 12 randomized controlled trials found that people following reduced carb diets typically saw a reduction in triglyceride levels at 6, 12, and 24 months. Across these studies, triglyceride levels decreased the most 6 months after starting a reduced calorie diet .

A 2020 review compared low fat and low carb diets. Researchers found that 612 months after starting their relative diets, those on the low carb diet had greater decreases in triglyceride levels than those on a low fat diet .


Following a low carb diet can lead to a significant reduction in blood triglyceride levels, at least in the short term, when compared with a low fat diet.

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Low Levels May Be Associated With Worse Outcomes In Some Conditions

In one study, people with heart failure and lower levels were more likely to die from heart complications. The levels associated with risk were around 120 mg/dL on average, while levels of 130-149 mg/dL were considered protective .

Upon further analysis, the researchers concluded that only women with heart failure and low triglycerides may be at an increased risk of dying. According to them, low triglyceride levels may point to more advanced stages of heart failure .

In another study, people with lung scarring had triglycerides under 57 mg/dL, which was about 60% lower than the values of healthy controls .

Similarly, people with autoimmune disease had 50-70% reduced triglyceride levels compared to healthy people in a different study. Researchers suggested that low triglyceride levels might actually be a marker of autoimmunity and an overactive immune response .

Its important to note here that low triglycerides in all of these cases are not causing any of these conditions. They are the effect of these conditions. For example, in heart failure, low triglycerides may be due to liver damage due to diminished oxygen supply or increased levels of inflammation.

There is no proof that low triglyceride levels are harmful in and of themselves.

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Normal Cholesterol Level Chart For Adults

According to the 2018 guidelines on the management of blood cholesterol in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, JACC, the following are the acceptable, borderline, and high measurements for adults.

Moreover, it is important to note that all these values are in mg-dL i.e. milligrams per deciliter, and are on fasting measurements.

Total cholesterol

Understanding Cholesterol Levels in Men vs. Women

In most cases, guidelines are similar for both men and women over the age of 20, though they may differ when it comes to HDL cholesterol as you can see in the above chart.

Moreover, women should aim for higher levels of HDL cholesterol.

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Differences In Men Vs Women

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Interestingly, the relationship between TG and CVD risk varied significantly between men and women, with a stronger association for women vs. men . In women, the CV-risk rose more gradually with TG levels than in men, yet continued to increase over a much broader TG range, up to 200 mg/dL . Astonishingly, the risk in men appeared to increase steeply with rising TGs well below 100 mg/dL, at which point it began to level off. These remarkable differences strongly signal a need for gender-specific guidelines for what constitutes optimal TG levels.

Figure 3: Association between the average TG level and CVD risk based on sex.

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What Affects My Cholesterol Levels

A variety of things can affect cholesterol levels. These are some things you can do to lower your cholesterol levels:

  • Diet. Saturated fat and cholesterol in the food you eat make your blood cholesterol level rise. Saturated fat is the main problem, but cholesterol in foods also matters. Reducing the amount of saturated fat in your diet helps lower your blood cholesterol level. Foods that have high levels of saturated fats include some meats, dairy products, chocolate, baked goods, and deep-fried and processed foods.
  • Weight. Being overweight is a risk factor for heart disease. It also tends to increase your cholesterol. Losing weight can help lower your LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. It also raises your HDL cholesterol level.
  • Physical Activity. Not being physically active is a risk factor for heart disease. Regular physical activity can help lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol levels. It also helps you lose weight. You should try to be physically active for 30 minutes on most, if not all, days.
  • Smoking.Cigarette smoking lowers your HDL cholesterol. HDL helps to remove bad cholesterol from your arteries. So a lower HDL can contribute to a higher level of bad cholesterol.

Things outside of your control that can also affect cholesterol levels include:

How To Lower Triglycerides Naturally

Triglycerides can be lowered without drugs. For example, they can be lowered naturally through diet changes, decreasing consumption of alcohol or sugary beverages, by increasing physical activity, by losing weight, and other ways. As little as 5% to 10% reduction in body weight may lower triglycerides. The table below summarizes how much benefit different changes can effect.

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How Are Triglycerides Connected To Cholesterol

Cholesterol is another type of fatty substance. It has many uses in your body, including producing hormones, building cells and helping you digest food.

There are good and bad types of cholesterol. ‘Bad’ cholesterol is known as low-density lipoprotein or LDL. It can stick to the sides of your blood vessels and block them. ‘Good’ cholesterol is known as high-density lipoprotein or HDL. It transports the bad cholesterol away from your blood vessels to your liver, which gets rid of it.

If you have a high level of triglycerides together with a high LDL level or a low HDL level, you have a higher risk of fat building up and blocking your blood vessels. This increases your risk of having a heart attack or a stroke.

Which Medicines Can Lower Triglycerides

Triglycerides Levels Chart

For some people, good habits may not be enough. Medication might be needed. The decision for you and your doctor can be complicated because other health conditions are usually involved. Several types of medicine can improve levels. They include:

  • High doses of omega-3s are needed to lower triglycerides and should be taken only under a doctor’s care. Epanova, Lovaza, and Vascepa are prescription forms of omega-3s.

Your doctor may also prescribe a class of drugs called âstatinsâ that lower cholesterol. Examples include: atorvastatin , rosuvastatin , and simvastatin .

You may feel side effects from these drugs. Be sure to talk it over with your doctor or pharmacist.

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