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HomeExclusiveWhat Is Considered High Triglycerides Levels

What Is Considered High Triglycerides Levels

Southern Cross Medical Library

Triglycerides – What are Triglycerides – Triglyceride Levels – High Triglycerides

The purpose of the Southern Cross Medical Library is to provide information of a general nature to help you better understand certain medical conditions. Always seek specific medical advice for treatment appropriate to you. This information is not intended to relate specifically to insurance or healthcare services provided by Southern Cross. For more articles go to the Medical Library index page.

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My Cholesterol Is Normal But My Triglycerides Are High: Why Is That

So both your HDL and LDL levels are where they should be, but your triglycerides are still high why is that?

Triglycerides become elevated due to excess calories that do not get burned off, and in turned get stored in fat cells. Statins are medications that primarily lower LDL cholesterol, but depending on the medication dose, can lower Triglycerides from 20 to 40 percent, Sai Hanumanthu MD, with the TriHealth Heart Institute explains.

There are steps you can take to lower your triglyceride levels while promoting good cardiovascular health, including:

  • Losing 5 to 10 pounds if overweight
  • Avoiding alcohol
  • Avoiding foods high in saturated fats
  • Limiting simple carbs that have high processed sugars .
  • Participating in 30 minutes of exercise per day

All these suggestions and routine follow up with a medical professional will lower you triglyceride level, even despite a low total cholesterol, Dr. Hanumanthu says.

How To Lower High Triglycerides

In addition to the pharmacological treatment determined by the medical staff, there are some alternatives and complementary treatments that can help the patient to regulate the levels of triglycerides in the blood. For this purpose, the following hygienic-dietary measures are recommended:

  • Reduce body weight, seeking the closest approximation to the patientâs ideal weight.
  • Eliminate alcohol consumption completely.
  • Eat a diet low in fats and sugars, increasing the consumption of fiber and nutrients that provide energy to the body.
  • Include a physical exercise routine of at least 30 minutes daily. Preferably, increasing the intensity progressively.
  • It has been shown that these measures and modifications of harmful habits can be even more effective than pharmacological treatment. This is because they consider and modify the environmental conditions or causes to reduce the risk factors presented by the patients.

    The drugs available to lower triglyceride levels are the fibrates: gemfibrozil and fenofibrate. These have omega-3 fatty acids. The variations in the administration of the drug vary depending on age, physical condition, weight, diet, among others, so it is important to consult a physician for treatment.

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    Know Your Triglyceride Numbers

    A blood test called a lipid panel checks both your triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Usually, your doctor will ask that you fast, or not eat or drink anything other than water, for 9-12 hours before the test. Youâll get blood taken from a vein in your arm. Some labs offer non-fasting lipid panels, or they may prick your finger for blood.

    Here are the levels, based on a fastingblood test.

    • Normal: Less than 150 mg/dL
    • Borderline: 150 to 199 mg/dL
    • High: 200 to 499 mg/dL
    • Very High: 500 mg/dL or above

    Anyone over age 20 needs to get regular tests to track their cholesterol and triglyceride levels, according to the American Heart Association.

    How Is It Used

    What are the risks of high triglycerides?

    Blood tests for triglycerides are usually part of a lipid profile that is used to help identify an individualâs risk of developing heart disease and to help make decisions about what treatment may be needed if there is borderline or high risk. As part of a lipid profile, it may be used to monitor people who have risk factors for heart disease, those who have had a heart attack, or those who are being treated for high lipid and/or high triglyceride levels.

    Results of the cholesterol test and other components of the lipid profile are used along with other known risk factors of heart disease to develop a plan of treatment and follow-up. Treatment options may include lifestyle changes, such as diet or exercise programs, or lipid-lowering drugs, such as statins.

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    Is My Cholesterol Ratio Healthy

    There are several types of cholesterol tests, sometimes called a lipid panel. One test measures a personâs total cholesterol level. A healthy total cholesterol is less than 200 mg/dL, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. But if a person has high HDL cholesterol , it can cause elevated cholesterol overall. This is why measuring different types of cholesterol is so important.

    A ratio is simply a comparison between two numbers. A cholesterol ratio compares a personâs HDL cholesterol to the total cholesterol in the body, according to the Mayo Clinic.

    How to Calculate Cholesterol Ratio

    This number is found by dividing the total amount of cholesterol by the HDL number. For example, if a person has an overall cholesterol level of 225 mg/dL and an HDL of 80 mg/dL, his or her cholesterol ratio is 2.8-to-1, also written as 2.8:1 or simplified to cholesterol ratio 2.8.

    A healthy cholesterol level is no more than 5:1, according to the University of Rochester Medical Center. But the lower the ratio, the better. A ratio of 3.5:1 or lower is considered very good.

    However, Robert Eckel, MD, professor of medicine, emeritus, at the University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, former president of the American Heart Association and president of the American Diabetes Association, doesnât think cholesterol ratios are the most accurate way to determine a personâs risk for cardiovascular disease.


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    How Can I Lower My Triglycerides Quickly

    Dietary and lifestyle changes may help you lower your triglycerides within a few months. The first step, though, involves finding out why your triglycerides are high. Hypertriglyceridemia has many causes. These include:

    • Dietary factors.
    • Medical conditions.
    • Some medications.

    If you just learned your triglycerides are high, the first thing you should do is talk with your healthcare provider. Your provider will ask you some questions and review your medical history to see what might be causing the spike in your triglyceride level.

    Your provider will then help you come up with a plan for getting your triglycerides back to a healthy level. This plan may involve medication to lower your triglycerides, especially if your numbers are very high. Or, you may need treatment for an underlying condition.

    Your provider will also help you with dietary and lifestyle changes. Its always best to follow the individual plan your provider gives you. But here are some general guidelines that research shows can help you lower your triglycerides.

    Dietary changes to help lower your triglycerides

    There are four main dietary culprits that raise your triglycerides:

    Product labels or packaging will also tell you if an item is fat-free. Its important to reduce your fat intake. But be aware that desserts labeled fat-free usually contain more sugar than full-fat versions and just as many calories. Limit these desserts or find healthier options like fresh fruit or sugar-free popsicles.

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    Dos And Donts In Managing High Triglycerides:

    • DO exercise regularly.
    • DO eat more fruits and vegetables and high-fiber foods such as oat bran. Cook with monounsaturated fatsolive, peanut, and canola oils.
    • DO stop smoking.
    • DO lose weight by changing your diet and doing aerobic exercise, such as walking, jogging, bicycling, or swimming. Exercise at least 30 minutes daily.
    • DONT forget to treat other medical conditions such as diabetes and underactive thyroid.
    • DONT drink more than two alcoholic drinks per day.
    • DONT change your diet or medicines without your doctors approval.

    Risks Related To High Triglycerides

    Managing Triglyceride Levels

    The problems associated with high triglycerides are linked to two major risk factors. Firstly, we have the genetic causes, known as primary hypertriglyceridemias and finally we have the environmental causes or secondary hypertriglyceridemias.

    In the case of genetic causes or genetic risk of high triglycerides, we find some genes that are responsible for the increase of triglycerides in the blood. This implies an alteration in the genes that should naturally generate proteins that destroy triglycerides. That is to say, when alterations occur, our body does not eliminate the excess triglycerides in the blood and this is why it is very high.

    In these cases, the diagnosis is made at an early age, especially in children who have developed inflammation in the pancreas or pancreatitis. In some cases there are very noticeable elevations of triglycerides. These can be as high as 5,000 to 10,000 mg/dL. In these cases, the diagnosis is hyperchylomicronemia syndrome. However, genetic causes alone can usually cause only slight evaluations. Only if they are related to environmental causes, these major alterations are generated.

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    Are There Any Symptoms Associated With A High Level Of Triglycerides

    Usually, most people with high triglyceride levels have no symptoms and the only means of discovering a high level is with blood tests. However, in rare cases, a person may have an extremely high level of triglycerides sustained over time and the individual may experience repeated bouts of acute pancreatitis. Some of the signs and symptoms include pain in the upper half of the stomach area that develops suddenly and then gradually gets worse, fever, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes jaundice. A person with severely high levels may also develop lesions on the skin called xanthomas. These typically appear as several small, round, solid, yellow bumps mostly on the back, chest, buttocks, shoulders and thighs.

    Monitor Your Triglyceride Levels With Everlywell

    High-calorie diets, unhealthy lifestyles, and certain medical conditions can often lead to elevated triglyceride levels. However, managing your cholesterol and triglyceride levels is crucial to maintaining your overall health.

    Thatâs why regularly testing your lipid levels is so important. Detecting elevated triglyceride levels allows you to begin making changes to prevent severe health risks.

    But life gets hectic, and sometimes even important things like visiting your healthcare provider can fall by the wayside. Fortunately, thereâs a simple way to stay on top of your health from the comfort of your home.

    Welcome to Everlywell.

    Weâre making it easier than ever to get a handle on your health and gain crucial insight into your lipid and triglyceride levels. The at-home Cholesterol & Lipids Test from Everlywell measures your triglyceride levels, in addition to three types of cholesterol lipids to give you a clear picture of your wellness needs.

    Each test kit contains everything you need to safely and effectively measure your lipid levels, including lancets for collecting a blood sample and a prepaid address label for sending your sample to the lab for testing.

    Whether your healthcare provider has expressed concerns about your triglyceride levels or you’re simply curious to find out where yours stand, the Everlywell at-home Cholesterol Test & Lipids Test can give you the insight you’re looking for.

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    How To Prepare For The Test

    You should not eat for 8 to 12 hours before the test.

    Alcohol and some medicines can interfere with blood test results.

    • Make sure your health care provider knows what medicines you take, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements.
    • Your provider will tell you if you need to stop taking any medicines before you have this test.
    • DO NOT stop or change your medicines without talking to your provider first.

    Key Causes Of High Triglycerides Levels

    Cholesterol Guidelines for All (2019 Carb Guide)  Healthy.Happy.Smart.
    • Being overweight
    • Genetic predisposition
    • Some medications

    Dietary factors were estimated to be associated with a substantial proportion of deaths from heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. These results should help identify priorities, guide public health planning, and inform strategies to alter dietary habits and improve health.

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    Is A Triglyceride Level Of 50 Good

    Normal triglyceride levels are < 150 mg/dL. Triglyceride levels between 150 and 199 mg/dL are borderline high. High triglyceride levels occur at 200499 mg/dL. Anything over 500 mg/dL is considered very high.

    What causes triglycerides to spike?

    Cause. The most common causes of high triglycerides are obesity and poorly controlled diabetes. If you are overweight and are not active, you may have high triglycerides, especially if you eat a lot of carbohydrate or sugary foods or drink a lot of alcohol.

    Are there any health problems caused by high triglycerides?

    So its hard to know for sure which problems are caused by high triglycerides alone. For instance, some people have a genetic condition that seems to cause high triglyceride levels. But they dont have an increased risk of heart disease. Still, there is some evidence that high triglycerides, on their own, increase the risk of disease.

    A Sign Of Metabolic Syndrome

    People with metabolic syndrome are several times more likely to have a heart attack or stroke. The risk of eventually developing diabetes is even greater.

    A syndrome is, by definition, a group of signs and symptoms that occur together because of an underlying condition. For metabolic syndrome, that group includes abdominal obesity , high blood pressure, high blood sugar, low HDL cholesterol and, yes, levels.

    So as doctors have started to take metabolic syndrome more seriously, they’ve also started to pay more attention to triglyceride levels as one of its telltale signs.

    Triglycerides go it alone

    HDL and triglycerides are metabolically connected and are often inversely related: As triglycerides go up, HDL goes down and vice versa. But that isn’t always so. People can have “isolated” high triglycerides without low HDL levels, and research is now showing that high triglycerides are an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, no matter what the HDL is.

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    Cholesterol Chart For Adults

    Your doctor may recommend a plan of treatment for high cholesterol that includes lifestyle modifications and potentially medication. This will vary based on factors like other medications you may be taking, your age, sex, and general health.

    Here are some medications more commonly prescribed for high cholesterol:

    • Statins.Statins lower the LDL cholesterol levels by slowing the production of cholesterol by the liver.
    • Bile acid sequestrants.Bile acid sequestrants are substances used in digestion. These resins can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood by binding to bile acids and removing them, forcing the body to break down LDL cholesterol to create bile acids instead.
    • Cholesterol absorption inhibitors.Cholesterol absorption inhibitors can block the absorption of cholesterol from the diet, sometimes in conjunction with statins.
    • Bempedoic acid.Bempedoic acid helps to stop an enzyme in the liver, ATP citrate lyase, from making cholesterol. This drug is often combined with statins for increased benefit for those with familial hypercholesterolemia, an inherited condition that can cause early heart disease.
    • PCSK9 inhibitors. Also used frequently with familial hypercholesterolemia, PCSK9 inhibitors, which are injected drugs, help the liver absorb and remove more LDL cholesterol from the blood.

    Medications can also be used to treat contributing factors to cholesterol like triglycerides. These may be used in addition to some of the medications above.

    What Should My Triglyceride Levels Be

    What natural ways to lower high cholesterol & triglycerides levels? – Ms. Ranjani Raman

    Elevated levels of triglycerides are a risk factor for heart disease. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine:

    • Triglyceride levels should be below 150 mg/dL .
    • Levels between 150 mg/dL and 199 mg/dL are considered borderline high.
    • Levels between 200-499 mg/dL are considered high.
    • Levels above 500 mg/dL are considered extremely high.

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    Inflammation And Autoimmune Diseases

    Changes in your body that result from certain diseases can also have an effect on your triglyceride levels. Your body may produce triglycerides to decrease inflammation and ward off infection. However, this can lead to an overabundance of triglycerides in your body.

    These types of autoimmune conditions include:

    • Rheumatoid arthritis

    Why Is High Cholesterol A Problem

    Too much cholesterol in the bloodstream can harden arteries and promote fatty deposits within these arteries, potentially leading to dangerous blockages and narrowing over time called atherosclerosis.

    If the blood vessels leading to your heart become too clogged, blood supply to your heart is reduced, which can lead to symptoms such as angina . If the artery becomes completely blocked, it can lead to a heart attack and stroke, which can be life threatening.

    In 2017, the Australian Bureau of Statistics reported 43, 477 deaths in Australia from heart disease. This is approximately 30 per cent of all deaths in Australia, and most deaths are occurring in those aged 65 years and over.

    However, heart disease takes years to develop, so you can take steps to reduce your risk.If you discover you have high cholesterol, have family members with high cholesterol, or are not sure if youre at risk, it is advisable you seek your doctors advice.

    Other risk factors for heart disease include increased age, ethnicity, family history, inactivity, smoking, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and obesity.If these risk factors are present in your life, its even more important to keep your blood cholesterol levels in check and seek your doctors advice.

    can help you begin to assess your risk, but we strongly advise you discuss your risk with your GP as this tool does have limitations it doesnt take your family history into account, for example.

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    Prohibited Foods For People At Risk Of High Triglyceride Levels

    In general, the recommended diet to stabilize blood triglyceride levels is low in fat and simple sugars. For this reason it is important to avoid sugary drinks, fructose and desserts. Similarly, it is important to completely eliminate alcohol consumption, since it is responsible for the increased production of triglycerides in the liver.

    Refined flours also contribute to the increase in triglycerides. That is why it is important to eliminate from the diet foods such as white rice, bread and pasta, as well as any other product made from these flours. As a substitute for these foods, it is advisable to consume whole wheat pasta, brown rice and even other grains such as barley, oats, quinoa and other cereals. The diet of the patient with hypertriglyceridemia is based on fiber and whole-grain foods. Of course, it is always accompanied by the consumption of abundant water and physical activity.


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