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HomeGoodIs Oat Milk Good For Cholesterol

Is Oat Milk Good For Cholesterol

Benefits Of Oat Milk Vs Almond Milk

How to Make Oat Milk | Homemade Oat Milk Recipe

Oat milk vs. almond milk can be tricky because they are both dairy alternatives. Oat milk is plant-based milk, while almond milk is nut-based milk. Both are in the position to become the best alternative to whole milk. However, much like every other food out there, preference still comes into play whether you like oat milk vs. almond milk better.

You’ll Get Good Protein From Drinking Oat Milk Every Day

If you’re a budding bodybuilder, you don’t need to slam cow’s milk all day anymore to get your protein – enter oat milk. While not as high in protein as cow’s milk, oat milk still contains as registered dietitian Lauren Hoover states to Eat This, Not That! “about 4 grams of protein per serving.” We’ve gotta be honest, this isn’t a bad amount for a drink – and it gets even better when Hoover points out that this is “higher than some other popular milk alternatives, including almond milk, cashew milk, and coconut milk.”

It’s important to note that a boost of protein every day isn’t going to necessarily get you ripped, but it will help your body go through a huge amount of necessary functions and keep it ticking along healthily. As MedlinePlus states, we are quite literally made of proteins – they are the “building blocks” of our bodies. Without getting enough protein, the body isn’t able to make new cells or repair damaged ones, and this is vital both while we’re growing as children and teenagers, and in later life to help maintain good health.

The Health Benefits Of Oats:

Oats are brimming with dietary fiber, containing more than any other grain, and bring a whole host of cholesterol lowering properties. Oats contain manganese, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. Additionally, oats are rich in Vitamin E. So how exactly to they contribute to our health?

1. Heart & Cholesterol As mentioned, oats are a significant source of fiber. One such component of the fiber contained in oats is referred to as beta-glucans, which have been proven to lower blood cholesterol.

Also, oats are one of the best sources of compounds called tocotrienols. These are antioxidants which together with tocopherols form vitamin E. The tocotrienols inhibit cholesterol synthesis and have been found to lower blood cholesterol. The accumulation of cholesterol implicates many types of cardiovascular disease.

2. Blood sugar The control of blood glucose and insulin levels is essential in preventing many of the complications associated with diabetes.The beta-glucan levels in oats serve to slow the rise in blood sugar levels following a meal, meaning dramic changes in blood sugar levels are avoided.

3. Anti-cancerOats, like other grains and vegetables, contain phytochemicals that are said to reduce the risk of cancer. Phytoestrogen compounds in oats have been linked to decreased risk of hormone-related cancers such as breast cancer.

4. Blood pressureA daily serving of oats has been said to reduce hypertension and thus reduce the need for medication.

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Soy Milk: No Cholesterol But Could Be Missing Calcium

With 80 calories and only 2 g of fat per 1-cup serving, plain, light soy milk is a great alternative for people who are watching their cholesterol or cannot tolerate the lactose found in dairy milk. Because the source of soy milk is a plant, it has no cholesterol and only negligible amounts of saturated fat. Soy milk also contains 7 g of protein per serving, which is great for a heart-healthy diet. Twenty-five g per day of soy protein, like that found in soy milk and tofu, may also reduce your risk of heart disease, according to the National Institutes of Health. This may be due not just to the protein, but to soy’s high levels of polyunsaturated fats, minerals, vitamins, and fiber, as well as to its low levels of saturated fat. Still, Krivitsky says, its important to read the label to know what you’re getting: Make sure theres no added sugar and that its fortified with calcium.

Goat Milk Is Popular Globally

Vegan Milk Review  Okja Oat Milk  Sprightly

Goat milk is considered an alternative to cow’s milk in the United States, but it’s actually the most widely consumed dairy product across the globe.

Goat milk is not lactose-free, though some people find it easier to digest. It is not a low cholesterol alternative to cow’s milk, however. One cup of goat milk contains 168 calories, 27 mg of cholesterol, and 7 grams of saturated fat.

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Replaces Saturated Fats With Unsaturated Fats

With zero saturated fats and a total of 2.5g of fat per serving this is one super vegan milk product. Every day whole milk contains around 8g of fat and 5g of saturated fat. With minimal fat in each serving it makes oat milk very low calorie and perfect for those watching what they eat for their own training and dietary requirements.

It Might Not Be Suitable For People With Celiac Disease Or Gluten Sensitivities

“Oat milk might not be safe for people needing to live gluten-free for celiac disease depending on if the milk is certified gluten-free or uses purity protocol oats,” notes Tayler Silfverduk, RD, a registered dietitian specializing in helping people with celiac disease. “Additionally, a small subset of people living with celiac disease react to the protein in oats like they do gluten, and can’t tolerate oats at all.”

Alicia Galvin, RD, a Dallas-based resident dietitian to Sovereign Laboratories adds: “Oat milk for some people can be an issue if they are gluten sensitive. Oat is very similar in molecular structure to gluten, so the body can get confused and react to the oats as it would to gluten. If someone is gluten sensitive, oats have a high cross-reactivity rate, so you would want to make sure the oat milk is certified gluten-free.”

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Loaded With Essential Nutrients

You might be lacking some nutrients if you eat a plant-based diet, some of which can be in oat milk. Even those who eat meat, eggs, and dairy somewhat frequently are likely coming up short in B12, a vitamin found in most oat milks. Vitamin A and D are also plentiful. It also contains calcium, fiber, potassium, iron, and phosphorus. Compared to another plant-based alternative like almond milk, oat milk has more fiber and B vitamins that are crucial to our bodys overall healthy function.

It May Lead To A Sugar Spike

Homemade Oat Milk Recipe

“Oat milk may lead to a sugar spike because oats are high in carbohydrates, and when they are in liquid form they are very high in sugars coming from the carbs when broken down in the body,” says Kylie Ivanir, MS, RD, a registered dietitian with Within Nutrition. For example, some oat milk brands may have as much as 13 grams of sugar per servingeven without added sugars. “It is best to choose an option that is unsweetened because it won’t have added sugars and sweeteners added to the product.” And because oats naturally contain sugar, you should check the nutrition facts panel in addition to making sure the label reads “unsweetened.”

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Great Source Of B Vitamins

Oat milk is often fortified with B vitamins like riboflavin and vitamin B12.

B vitamins are essential for optimal health and linked to numerous benefits.

For instance, they may help alleviate stress, combat oxidative damage, and promote healthy hair, nails, and skin especially if youre deficient in this group of vitamins (

8 ).

For example, an older study from 1999 including 66 men with high cholesterol found that drinking 3 cups of oat milk daily for 5 weeks reduced total and LDL cholesterol by 3% and 5%, respectively .

Additionally, a review of 58 studies involving mostly people with high cholesterol demonstrated that getting an average of 3.5 grams of beta glucan daily for 56 weeks reduced LDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein B by 4% and 2%, respectively .

Apolipoprotein B is the main protein found in LDL cholesterol. Its a better indicator of heart disease risk than LDL cholesterol alone (

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Dont believe anything you see on the front of a carton, advises Kimberly Gomer, MS, RD, Director of Nutrition at Pritikin. Whats there is usually hype, not fact.

Instead, turn the product around and look at the Nutrition Facts Label. Optimally, you want to see 0 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fats, and 0 grams of cholesterol.

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Side Effects Of Soy Milk

Nonetheless soy milk claims to produce the above-mentioned health benefits, there are some side effects, too. These include itchy throat and chronic inflammation. It can also block the protein synthesis in the body.

The existence of phytic acid in soybeans can limit the absorption of the much-needed iron, zinc, and magnesium in the body. But a credible and reasonable use of soy milk can bring about satisfying results.

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Storing: How Long Does It Last


It depends on whether you sterilize your equipment and how fresh are the ingredients you used. In general, we have found it lasts about 2-3 days.

We often use oat milk for our morning smoothies or Homemade Granola and overnight oats, so one batch only makes it to the third day. If you are like us, you don’t need to sterilize your ingredients as it reaches the 3rd day without any problem.

If you find that it goes off before expected, easily sterilize your bottles either:

  • Pouring boiling water inside, ensuring the jars are not cold so that they won’t break.
  • Then, put them in the dishwasher.
  • If you have unexpectedly left home or didn’t use your milk soon enough and want to prevent it from going off.

    You can freeze it in ice cube trays and save them to add to your morning smoothies.

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    How Does Oat Milk Compare With Dairy Milk

    Dairy milk and oak milk have different nutritional profiles. For example, dairy milk tends to contain more protein and a wider variety of vitamins and minerals.

    In the U.S., manufacturers add vitamin D to whole milk. Vitamin D helps the body absorb the calcium it needs to build, maintain, and repair bones. In addition, it plays an essential role in:

    • muscle movement
    • the nervous system
    • the immune system

    Lack of vitamin D can result in serious health problems. Children can develop rickets, which means their bones are too soft to support their weight. In adults, it can increase the risk of osteomalacia, or soft bones, and osteoporosis, or fragile bones.

    The reports that 1 cup, or 249 g, of whole milk contains:


    How Can These Oat Recipes For Cholesterol Help Me Reduce Ldl

    As you already know, oats are considered to be a superfood. Anyone can get health benefits from eating them. They are good for the heart, they can regulate our weight, help our digestion, stop constipation in its tracks, etc. The benefits of oats have been known since ancient times and, more recently, endorsed by modern medicine.

    The Mayo Clinic, for example, conducted an interesting study where it explained the wonderful benefits of oats in reducing bad cholesterol. Lets explain them:

    • Oatscontain soluble fiber, which is rich in lipoproteins. These help us reduce the density of LDL .
    • This type of fiber is the same that is found in apples, for example, whose effectiveness for reducing cholesterol is well known.
    • There is another aspect that you should keep in mind: Not all foods that contain oats are going to help you reduce cholesterol. An example? Oatmeal cookies. Instead of helping you, they can harm you because they contain high levels of sugars and saturated fats. Avoid them! Just stick to these and other oat recipes for cholesterol that use oats naturally.

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    How Nutritious Is Soy

    For the most part, you can dig in to your stir-fried tofu and sip that soy latte without a worry. Soy is an excellent source of plant-based protein and fiber. Its low in saturated fat and can provide a more economical way to eat a balanced diet, says Amy K. Fischer, RDN, a registered dietitian with the Good Housekeeping Institute. Its a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids, and is a rich source of B vitamins, fiber, potassium and magnesium, among others.

    Soybeans provide a slew of vitamins and minerals crucial for reducing risk of chronic disease and fiber that helps you fill up and feel satisfied, adds Jaclyn London, MS, RD, CDN.

    Heres the facts for four of the most popular ways to eat soy:

    • Tofu: A half-cup of raw, firm tofu has 94 calories, a little over 10g protein, 5g of fat and 227 mg of calcium.
    • Tempeh: A half-cup has about 110 calories, about 15 g protein and 9g of fat, depending on brand.
    • Soy milk: One cup has 110 calories, 8g protein and hardly any fat .
    • Miso: A paste made from fermented soybeans, miso has about 33 calories, 2.2g protein and just 1g of fat.

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    Drinks Containing Sterols And Stanols

    HOW TO MAKE OAT MILK | oatmeal pulp chocolate chip cookie recipe

    Sterols and stanols are plant chemicals similar in shape and size to cholesterol that block the absorption of some cholesterol.

    However, vegetables and nuts contain low levels of sterols and stanols that cannot lower cholesterol.

    Companies are adding these chemicals to several foods and drinks, which may include fortified plant-based spreads, yogurt drinks, milk, and fruit juices.

    The FDA states that most people should try to consume 1.3 g or more of sterols and 3.4 g of stanols per day.

    People should try to consume these sterols and stanols with a meal.

    Also Check: What Do Cholesterol Numbers Mean

    Drinking Oat Milk Every Day Could Help Your Food Move Through A Little Easier

    If you find that you’re having a little trouble when you go to the bathroom, a daily glass of oat milk could be just the ticket. Oat milk is an excellent source of fiber, particularly for a drink. The Cleveland Clinic notes that you’ll typically consume around 2 to 3 grams of fiber per serving. As functional medicine dietitian Jorden Edinger told the Clinic, this fiber content compares favorably to other milk alternatives it’s “a bit more than most almond milks but less than a bowl of oatmeal.”

    That fiber can do wonders for your digestive system. According to WebMD, the fiber in our diet interacts with our food and stool, helping our bodies slow digestion, absorb nutrients, and add bulk to the stool. This helps stool move through the digestive system faster and with more ease, reducing the likelihood of constipation. As UCSF Health explains, adults should be looking to get around 25 to 30 grams of fiber from their diets daily, but most Americans average out at about 15 grams a day. So, if you’re looking to increase your fiber content and ease your life in the bathroom, oat milk could be a good way to go.

    What Are Oat Milks Disadvantages

    Image by Canva Photos

    We know there are several benefits to choosing oat milk, but now look at some of the disadvantages of oat milk over alternative options. Oat milk disadvantages will largely depend on your unique dietary needs and preferences. Still, they are essential to keep in mind when determining if oat milk is right for you.

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    What Type Of Milk Is Best For Me

    Perhaps the most important basic fact you should know is that whole milk, which is cow’s milk from which no fat has been removed, has more calories, fat, and cholesterol than any other form of milk. Other important factors to consider include:

    • Periods of growth and development have specific nutritional requirements. Pregnant women, children over age 2 years, and teenagers need the protein, calcium, and vitamin D that are abundant in dairy milk.
    • People who need to limit their cholesterol intake , should consider fat-free cow’s milk or other, nondairy, forms of milk.

    So how do you decide which form of milk to use? You should consider their different nutrition profiles, suitability based on your dietary needs and/or allergy concerns, , and health benefits.

    The information here can help you make your choice. If the taste is important to you, you can try them all as you decide.

    Reduce Cholesterol With Daily Oatmeal

    The Original Oat Milk

    Since 1997, oatmeal has been given the status of a qualified health claim by the FDA. Health claims on food labels are claims by manufacturers of food products that their food will reduce the risk of developing a disease or condition. This oatmeal health claim has allowed advertisers to mention it as a heart friendly ingredient on any products that contains oatmeal. There are very few foods that have approved health claims.

    Since the 97 ruling, oatmeal has been further reviewed, and Dr. James W. Anderson, professor of medicine and clinical nutrition at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, has said that during the past 15 years, since the original studies showing the positive correlation between oatmeal ingestion and cholesterol reduction that Whole-grain products like oatmeal are among some of the best foods one can eat to improve cholesterol levels, in addition to other lifestyle choices.

    Recently this July, in an article by Swedish researchers Dr Kristina E. Andersson and Per Hellstrand, the researchers found that oats not only reduce LDL or bad cholesterol, but they also have a positive impact in easing inflammation which can be caused by high cholesterol.

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