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HomeMust ReadHow To Lower Vldl Cholesterol

How To Lower Vldl Cholesterol

Why Are High Vldl Levels Dangerous

What Is VLDL Cholesterol ? – by Dr Sam Robbins

Because VLDL carries triglycerides throughout your bloodstream, high VLDL levels are dangerous to your health. High levels of blood VLDL can injure your arteries by causing plaqueshardened, calcified materialto build up in your blood vessel walls. These plaques stiffen and clog the blood vesselsa condition called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis can cause cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, and heart attack .

Substitute Healthy Oils In Place Of Butter And Margarine

Of course, its not always realistic to avoid fats when youre whipping up a tasty meal.

When you do need to add fat for cooking, baking or pan frying, use healthy oils instead of solid fats like butter, margarine, shortening and lard. Solid fats are high in saturated fats, but oils are high in unsaturated fats, which remember are better for you. The American Heart Association recommends using oils that have less than 4 grams of saturated fat per tablespoon .

Many times, its easy to swap a solid fat to a healthier one. Try using olive oil, sunflower oil or grapeseed oil in place of a solid fat.

For example, if youd rather use olive oil than butter, substitute ¾ the amount of butter in a recipe with olive oil. You might also bring out some new, surprising, subtle flavors, too.

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Understanding The Highs And Lows Of Cholesterol

You know that too much is dangerous. But what is cholesterol, anyway? Where does it come from? And is it all bad?

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is found in every cell in the body. Its either made by the body or absorbed from food. Your body needs cholesterol to make important steroid hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and vitamin D. Its also used to make bile acids in the liver these absorb fat during digestion.

So some cholesterol is necessary but bad cholesterol is something you can do without. Excess bad cholesterol in the bloodstream can deposit into the bodys arteries. These deposits are called plaques and result in atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. This is the major cause of heart attacks, strokes and other vascular problems.

Your total cholesterol level is a measure of the total amount of cholesterol circulating in your bloodstream, which includes several components:

  • LDL cholesterol: LDL stands for low-density lipoprotein. This is known as the bad cholesterol, which directly contributes to plaque buildup in the arteries. Very low density lipoprotein, or VLDL cholesterol, is another type, which is a precursor to LDL.
  • Total cholesterol is VLDL cholesterol plus LDL cholesterol plus HDL cholesterol.
  • HDL cholesterol: HDL stands for high-density lipoprotein. Experts think at optimal levels it might help the body get rid of LDL cholesterol.

And guess what? This buildup can start as early as your 20s.

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Lower Ldl Cholesterol With Medication

“The most important feature that determines our LDL levels is the activity of receptors in the liver that pull LDL particles out of the blood,” says Dr. Lloyd-Jones.

He explains that cholesterol medications enhance the activity of those receptors, so our bodies can get rid of LDL cholesterol much more efficiently. Dr. Ippisch adds that this class of drugs also works to slow down how much cholesterol is being made in our liver.

” look at the overall risk of the patient to determine who might benefit from medication in addition to lifestyle changes to lower their LDL cholesterol,” Dr. Lloyd-Jones says.

Higher-risk individuals can include those who already have cardiovascular disease and those with a genetic predisposition to elevated LDL cholesterol levels. But doctors may also use medication to lower LDL levels in people with health conditions like kidney disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure.

Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that while someone may fall in the average range for LDL cholesterol, a “normal” number might be too high, depending on their additional risk factors. Medication brings it down to lower, safer levels, so there’s no additional fuel for artery-clogging plaque.

Are You Serious About Reducing Cholesterol

Vldl Cholesterol Range

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The Healthy Cholesterol Level For You

It’s important for people to understand that there’s no “normal” LDL cholesterol level. Dr. Lloyd-Jones.

Instead, he says, you should work with your doctor to identify the level that’s most optimal for you and form a plan to get there. That begins with a cholesterol test and a discussion of your risk factors.

And if you learn your number is too high? You have a lot of potential ways to bring it back down again.

What Is Ldl Cholesterol

Where does your blood cholesterol come from? It’s produced by the body’s liver.

Although you can also get cholesterol from animal-based foods, like eggs and meat, dietary cholesterol doesn’t play as big a role in your heart health as once thought. Other food components, like saturated fat, are more likely to cause the liver to produce cholesterol .

Because cholesterol is a “waxy” fat and our blood is mostly water, they don’t mix. So our body shuttles it around with cholesterol-carrying molecules called lipoproteins.

The lipoprotein’s density helps determine the type of cholesterol. Considering fat is less dense than protein, the particles with a lot of fat are considered low-density lipoprotein, or “bad” cholesterol. On the flip side, high-density lipoprotein has more protein than fat and is considered “good” cholesterol.

Once our body extracts what it needs from these moleculeslike energy from triglycerides, another type of fatwhat remains is leftover cholesterol floating around in our blood.

“They’re supposed to be cleared by our liver,” says cardiologist Donald Lloyd-Jones, MD, chair of preventive medicine at Northwestern University and the president of the American Heart Association.

But some of us are less efficient at clearing those particles from the bloodstream, and at higher levels, the LDL particles carrying cholesterol can start getting into our artery walls.

“That’s when they can cause trouble,” says Dr. Lloyd-Jones.

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You Can Begin Lowering Cholesterol Naturally Today

Sound like a lot to take on? Dont be intimidated. Bringing down your high cholesterol doesnt have to mean changing your life completely. Rather, start with changing your mindset. Instead of moving away from things, youre moving toward new habits that will help you create a healthier and more enjoyable future.

Now is always the right time to start taking care of your heart health. If you need a little support, lean on friends and family. And dont forget: Your doctor is always there for you with advice, motivation and encouragement so you can reach your goals and live healthier.

Hdl Cholesterol: ‘good’ Cholesterol

High Cholesterol | HDL | VLDL | LDL | Triglycerides | Treatment| Hindi

Not all cholesterol is bad. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol is considered “good” cholesterol because it actually works to keep the LDL, or “bad” cholesterol from building up in your arteries. The higher the HDL, the better. HDL levels of 60 mg/dL and higher can help reduce your risk for heart disease. Conversely, HDL levels of 40 mg/dL and lower are considered a high risk-factor for developing heart disease.

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Lower Ldl Cholesterol With Diet And Nutrition

According to experts, eating patterns have a big influence on the levels of LDL cholesterol in your body.

Although some people absorb dietary cholesterol into their bodies from food more easily than othersand therefore are more affected by that extra egg yolk in their omeletdoctors say that there are general dietary guidelines that help lower LDL cholesterol.

Eat less saturated fat

“The typical recommendations are to start with decreasing saturated fats,” Dr. Ippisch says. This type of fat is known to raise LDL cholesterol levels and is one of the worst foods for cholesterol.

Limiting saturated fat means making dietary choices like choosing:

  • Lower-fat dairy
  • Seeds, like flax and pumpkin
  • Fish

Eat more fiber

Soluble fiberfound in fruits and veggies, whole grains like oats, and legumesis a heart-healthy choice. According to a 2019 analysis published in The Lancet, a higher intake of dietary fiber is associated with lower levels of total cholesterol.

Why Is Cholesterol Important To Our Bodies

Every cell in the body needs cholesterol, which helps the cell membranes form the layers. These layers protect the contents of the cell by acting as the gatekeeper to what things can enter or leave the cell. It is made by the liver and is also used by the liver to make bile, which helps you digest foods. Cholesterol is also needed to make certain hormones and to produce vitamin D. Your liver makes enough cholesterol to meet your bodys needs for these important functions.

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Why High Cholesterol Matters

High cholesterol puts you at risk for heart disease and stroke, leading causes of death in the U.S. High levels of LDL cholesterol can contribute to plaque buildup on the walls of the arteries, narrowing the arteries and restricting blood flow. If some of this plaque breaks off and gets stuck in a narrowed artery, it can block the artery and cut off blood supply to the heart or brain, resulting in heart attack or stroke.

What Is The Best Drink To Lower Cholesterol

#highcholesterolmedication how to reduce ldl and vldl ...

Best drinks to improve cholesterol Green tea. Green tea contains catechins and other antioxidant compounds that seem to help lower bad LDL and total cholesterol levels. Soy milk. Soy is low in saturated fat. Oat drinks. Tomato juice. Berry smoothies. Drinks containing sterols and stanols. Cocoa drinks. Plant milk smoothies.

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Substitute Soy For Dairy

  • 04COMING SOON1Consuming 25 grams of soy a day reduces LDL cholesterol 5-6%. This is a relatively modest effect, so if you don’t like the taste of soy, don’t worry about it! But if you switch to soy milk and your morning coffee, you’ll get the added bonus of reducing your cholesterol, even if it’s only a little. Rememberâevery little bit helps.XTrustworthy SourceHarvard Medical SchoolHarvard Medical School’s Educational Site for the PublicGo to source
  • Substituting tofu for ground meat in casseroles and other dishes also helps lower your LDL cholesterol. Once you get all the sauce and other ingredients in there, you might not even notice the difference.
  • How To Lower Vldl Cholesterol Levels

    You can take steps to lower the level of VLDL cholesterol in your blood.

    1. You should discuss the need for medication with your doctor. You can work with your doctor to decide if medication is needed or if your level of bad cholesterol can be lowered with lifestyle changes.

    2. If you are overweight, lose the excess weight. You can significantly lower LDL, VLDL, and triglycerides by losing weight.

    3. You should cut back on your consumption of saturated fats. Saturated fats are mainly from animal sources but can also be found in certain plant oils .

    4. You should also reduce your intake of trans fats or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils that are often found in cookies, crackers, cakes, French fries, and baked goods.

    5. You can lower your VLDL cholesterol level by exercising most days for approximately 30 minutes.

    6. If you have elevated VLDL and triglyceride levels, the American Heart Association suggests that you should avoid alcohol.

    The above list shares just a few of the ways you can take control of your health and lower your VLDL cholesterol level. For more tips on how to lower your cholesterol naturally, download this free report: Cholesterol Lowering Secrets.

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    Follow A Primarily Plant

    Diets that are based mainly on plant foods have consistently shown promise in improving cholesterol levels. Research published in Nutrition Reviews conducted a meta-analysis of numerous studies to assess the connection between plant-based diets and blood lipid profiles. Results revealed that consuming a plant-based diet was associated with lower levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol.

    Of course, eating a plant-based diet doesnt mean you should never, ever eat animal products. Strive to eat occasional servings of high-quality meats like fatty fish and chicken breast. In terms of dairy products, nonfat, low-sodium, and low-sugar cheese, yogurt, and whey protein are good options.

    Work In Some More Movement To Your Daily Tasks

    Lower Cholesterol – The Difference Between VLDL and LDL

    Do you need to start running every day? Do you need to join a gym or buy a bunch of home fitness equipment? If you want to, go ahead! But there are many other choices, and finding a routine that works for you is whats most important.

    Ideally, you want to aim for at least 2.5 hours of moderate physical activity every week. You can break that up however you like. You might focus on doing something every day, or you could dedicate yourself to just a few days per week. The key is to just get started.

    For example, do you usually take the elevator? Take the stairs instead. Do you walk your dog every day? Go a little farther than usual, or walk at a faster pace. Need to go shopping? Park farther away than you normally do. Catching up on your favorite TV series? Try stretching, dumbbells or kettlebells while youre watching rather than just sitting on the couch. Also look for chances to bring motion into your daily life, such as walking while you talk on the phone.

    If youre feeling good, work up to more intense physical activity, like lap swimming, jogging or hot yoga. Dont overexert yourself, but remember that regular and consistent exercise has benefits beyond managing your cholesterol. It also helps reduce blood pressure and builds your overall physical, mental and emotional well-being.

    Even if you just go a little farther or a little faster than you usually do, that extra activity will be a big step in the right direction for your health.

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    Do Bananas Lower Triglycerides

    The researchers also say that people with high triglycerides should focus on eating more vegetables fruits that are lower in fructose such as cantaloupe, grapefruit, strawberries, bananas, peaches high-fiber whole grains and especially omega-3 fatty acids, which are found primarily in fatty fish such as salmon, Apr 18, 2011

    Ldl Cholesterol: ‘bad’ Cholesterol

    Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, often referred to as “bad” cholesterol, is the type that tends to deposit on the walls of the arteries. White blood cells combine with the LDL cholesterol, forming artery-narrowing plaque, which restricts blood flow. The optimal level of LDL cholesterol for most people is 100 mg/dL or lower. If you have heart disease, you may need to strive for LDL levels of 70 mg/dL or lower.

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    How Do Triglycerides Get Into The Blood

    When we eat foods containing triglycerides, such as meat, dairy products, cooking oils and fats, they are absorbed by our intestines and packaged into parcels of fats and protein called chylomicrons . These carry the triglycerides in the blood stream to our tissues to be used for energy straight away, or stored for later.

    The body also makes its own supply of triglycerides in the liver. This form is carried in a different type of lipoprotein known as VLDL cholesterol.

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    Eat To Lower Your Cholesterol

    Cholesterollevels What Is Normal Vldl Cholesterol Levels ...
    Cholesterol isnt all bad news. Follow these tips to lower your cholesterol, the natural way.

    Chances are, youve heard a thing or two about cholesterol. Having high blood cholesterol is a risk factor for developing heart disease.

    But did you know that you can reduce your cholesterol level by making smart food choices? Its true!

    Cholesterol clarified

    Before we get to the details, lets be clear on what were talking about. For years, cholesterol has had a bad rep that it doesnt really deserve. The truth is, we need cholesterol to function. Your body makes most of the cholesterol it needs. The rest comes from foods you eat.

    Heres the important thing: Dietary cholesterol found in meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products has less impact on increasing your blood cholesterol level. Foods that contain lots of saturated fat are the true culprits.

    Now heres how to make nutritious choices to lower your blood cholesterol.

    Keep eating simple

    In the last 20 years, the rules on healthy eating have shifted. Super restrictive diets arent sustainable or the healthiest choice. Rather than zeroing in on a single nutrient, nutrition research shows the quality of your diet matters more. A diet filled with the right portions of whole, unprocessed foods can help decrease heart disease and stroke. What does that look like? For a healthy, balanced eating plan:

    Cook at home
    Choose more fibre

    Each of these options will provide you with two grams:

    • ½ ripe avocado

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    Do High Triglyceride Levels Cause Atherosclerosis

    Whether elevated triglyceride levels in the blood lead to atherosclerosis and heart attacks is controversial. While abnormally high triglyceride levels may be a risk factor for atherosclerosis, it is difficult to conclusively prove that elevated triglyceride by itself can cause atherosclerosis. Elevated triglyceride levels are often associated with other conditions that increase the risk of atherosclerosis including obesity low levels of HDL cholesterol insulin resistance poorly-controlled diabetes and small, dense LDL cholesterol particles.

    What Are Triglycerides And Vldl

    Triglyceride is a fatty substance that is composed of three fatty acids. Like cholesterol, triglyceride in the blood comes either from the diet or the liver. In addition, like cholesterol, triglyceride cannot dissolve and circulate in the blood without combining with a lipoprotein.

    The liver removes triglyceride from the blood and it synthesizes and packages triglyceride into VLDL particles and releases them back into the blood circulation.

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