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HomeNewsIs 202 Total Cholesterol Bad

Is 202 Total Cholesterol Bad

What Is High Ldl

Cholesterol Good and Bad

Cholesterol itself is a necessary substance in the body. Its manufactured in your liver and it can be present in certain foods, especially meats, eggs, and dairy. LDL is a lipoproteina substance that conveys cholesterol to cells, aiding in maintaining cell structure, and serving as a precursor for substances vital to human function. Everyone has some amount of this lipoprotein, but problems arise when these are elevated.

When there is an excess of LDL, plaques build up in the arteries, causing atherosclerosis and reducing blood flow. When your hearts arteries are affected, insufficient oxygen levels damage cardiac muscles and cause CAD, angina , and even heart attack. Further, arteries in other parts of the body can also be affected, leading to peripheral artery disease and stroke.

What Has The Biggest Impact On Ldl Cholesterol

Contrary to the long-held belief that dietary cholesterol itself is a major cause of high LDL, evidence suggests a weaker link. It’s still a good idea to steer clear of dietary cholesterol, but that intake isn’t the biggest influence. The current understanding is that the specific mix of carbohydrates and fats in your diet is the biggest factor in determining your LDL levels.

Cholesterol And Its Consequences

Without cholesterol, the life of humans and animals would not be possible. It is an essential structural component of cell membranes, and is needed in the process of production of steroid hormones, bile acids, and vitamin D. Moreover, you should notice that in certain clinical situations there are too low levels of cholesterol, but it is not very often. This is so-called hypocholesterolemia. It is usually caused by hyperthyroidism , adrenal insufficiency, liver diseases, depression, cerebral hemorrhage, or cancer. In sporadic cases it is caused by SLOS – a genetic abnormality in the process of synthesis of cholesterol.

On the other hand, high levels of cholesterol, so-called hypercholesterolemia lead to substantial health problems. The most important consequence of high cholesterol is atherosclerosis. It is a disease in which the inside of an artery narrows due to the accumulation of plaque. At first patients usually don’t have any symptoms, but eventually it causes:

  • coronary artery disease
  • stroke

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High Total Cholesterol High Ldl Cholesterol Low Hdl Cholesterol And High Triglycerides

High alert! This is the most dangerous combination of lipid markers. Roughly 32% of Americans have elevated LDL cholesterol, according to the CDC.1 In this ratio, where high LDL is coupled with low HDL, the risk of developing cardiovascular disease is high. It is very important here to bring down LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol to help combat the bad LDL. The ratio of HDL to LDL is very important.

Whatdoes It Mean To Have Total Cholesterol Level Above 240 Mg/dl

ldlcholesterollevels what is the meaning of cholesterol in ...

Having totalcholesterol level above240 mg/dl means you have hyperlipidemia. This is a condition in whichthere are elevated cholesterol levels in the blood.

The excess cholesterollevel is not used by the body, and over time, it builds onto the walls of thearteries causing plaques. These plaques impede the blood to flow normally andoften leading to heart attacks and strokes.

Normally,hyperlipidemia causes no symptoms until it is complicated with coronary heartdisease, stroke or peripheral vascular disease.

Uncommonlyit can manifest itself with yellowish nodules of fat in the skin beneath theeyes, elbow, knees, and tendons. Sometimes, hyperlipidemia affects the internalorgans such as liver and spleen causing them to grow bigger because of the fatbuild up within the cells.

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Lack Of Physical Activity

Certainly related to the above, insufficient physical activity can also drive LDL higher. The good news, however, is that even modest increases in the amount of exercise you get can help a great deal. Ideally, doctors may want you getting up to 90 minutes a day of physical activity however, even 30 to 45 minutes regularly can be helpful.

At bare minimum, the surgeon general recommends that adults get 2.5 hours of moderate exercise every week. This can include:

  • Biking
  • Swimming

A Sign Of Metabolic Syndrome

People with metabolic syndrome are several times more likely to have a heart attack or stroke. The risk of eventually developing diabetes is even greater.

A syndrome is, by definition, a group of signs and symptoms that occur together because of an underlying condition. For metabolic syndrome, that group includes abdominal obesity , high blood pressure, high blood sugar, low HDL cholesterol and, yes, high triglyceride levels.

So as doctors have started to take metabolic syndrome more seriously, they’ve also started to pay more attention to triglyceride levels as one of its telltale signs.

Triglycerides go it alone

HDL and triglycerides are metabolically connected and are often inversely related: As triglycerides go up, HDL goes down and vice versa. But that isn’t always so. People can have “isolated” high triglycerides without low HDL levels, and research is now showing that high triglycerides are an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, no matter what the HDL is.

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Is My Cholesterol Ratio Healthy

There are several types of cholesterol tests, sometimes called a lipid panel. One test measures a person’s total cholesterol level. A healthy total cholesterol is less than 200 mg/dL, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. But if a person has high HDL cholesterol , it can cause elevated cholesterol overall. This is why measuring different types of cholesterol is so important.

A ratio is simply a comparison between two numbers. A cholesterol ratio compares a person’s HDL cholesterol to the total cholesterol in the body, according to the Mayo Clinic.

How to Calculate Cholesterol Ratio

This number is found by dividing the total amount of cholesterol by the HDL number. For example, if a person has an overall cholesterol level of 225 mg/dL and an HDL of 80 mg/dL, his or her cholesterol ratio is 2.8-to-1, also written as 2.8:1 or simplified to cholesterol ratio 2.8.

A healthy cholesterol level is no more than 5:1, according to the University of Rochester Medical Center. But the lower the ratio, the better. A ratio of 3.5:1 or lower is considered very good.

However, Robert Eckel, MD, professor of medicine, emeritus, at the University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, former president of the American Heart Association and president of the American Diabetes Association, doesn’t think cholesterol ratios are the most accurate way to determine a person’s risk for cardiovascular disease.


What Is The Risk Level For Totalcholesterol Level Above 240 Mg/dl

How To Naturally Reduce Your Cholesterol | Good and Bad Fats | Cholesterol Testing

Total cholesterol level above 240 mg/dl is considered high, which means thatthere is a significant risk of developing coronary heart artery complicationsor other complications.

But, levels of total cholesterol above 280 mg/dl areconsidered very high, and in such situations the risk of complications multiplies.Immediate measures need to be taken in order to lower the levels ofcholesterol.

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Cholesterol Levels Ldl Hdl Triglyceride Total Cholesterol Vldl Ratio

Keeping your cholesterol levels healthy is a great way to keep your heart healthy and lower your chances of getting heart disease or having a stroke.

Cholesterol can be tricky to understand, though, because not all is bad for you. Some is actually good for you.

The most important thing you can do as a first step is to know your cholesterol numbers by getting your cholesterol tested.

Here are some easy ways for you to understand what the testing involves, how it can help you and ways to improve your health by improving your cholesterol.

All adults age 20 or older should have a fasting lipoprotein profile which measures total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides once every five years. This test is done after a nine- to 12-hour fast without food, liquids or pills. It gives information about total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

1. Total Cholesterol:

Low HDL cholesterol. A major risk factor for heart disease.
60 mg/dL and above High HDL cholesterol. An HDL of 60 mg/dL and above is considered protective against heart disease.

Smoking, being overweight and being sedentary can all result in lower HDL cholesterol. To raise your HDL level, avoid tobacco smoke, maintain a healthy weight and get at least 30-60 minutes of physical activity more days than not.

3. LDL

190 mg/dL and above Very high

4. Triglyceride

Triglyceride Level
500 mg/dL and above Very high


6. Direct LDL Cholesterol

How Total Cholesterol Is Measured

This is done using a blood test called a lipoprotein panel, which also measures your triglycerides. For this test, you provide a blood sample thats taken after youve fasted for 9 to 12 hours before your test.

Your total cholesterol score is calculated using the equation: HDL level + LDL level + 20% of your triglyceride level.

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Why Cholesterol Levels Differ In Men And Women

Healthy cholesterol levels are the same for boys and girls through childhood. But this changes when puberty hits. “Women have higher HDL cholesterol from puberty on. Boys have more testosterone, which lowers HDL,”Robert Eckel, MD, professor of medicine, emeritus, at the University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, former president of the American Heart Association and president of the American Diabetes Association, tells

Essentially, after puberty, women tend to have higher levels of “good” cholesterol than men. “Theoretically, this is why women live longer and tend to have heart attacks later in life ,” Dr. Eckel says.

Pregnant women or older women taking hormone-replacement therapy to manage menopausal symptoms tend to have higher average cholesterol, Dr. Eckel says. But this increase is actually caused by HDL, which can be quite high for these groups.

“It’s important to understand that, if HDL is high, it’s distributed in a form of cholesterol that we’re not concerned about,” he says. “In fact, it may be protecting women from the risk of heart attack, stroke or death from cardiovascular disease.”

This is why understanding the difference between HDL and LDL is so important simply having high total cholesterol may not be an issue if it’s caused by elevated levels of good cholesterol.

The American Heart Association Recommends

How To Check Your Cholesterol

All adults age 20 or older should have their cholesterol checked every four to six years. If certain factors put you at high risk, or if you already have heart disease, your doctor may ask you to check it more often. Work with your doctor to determine your risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke and create a plan to reduce your risk.

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What Is Total Cholesterol

Total cholesterol can be determined in two ways. It can either be directly measured in the blood, or more commonly, it can also be calculated. The calculation takes into account the two main forms of cholesterol HDL and LDL as well as a small fraction of triglycerides. Any one of these three components can skew total cholesterol values. Here’s a brief definition of each:

HDL: High density lipoprotein is a protective form of cholesterol that helps to remove harmful particles from circulation before they can cause damage to blood vessels. This process earned it the nickname “good cholesterol.”

LDL: Low density lipoprotein is a potentially dangerous type of cholesterol that can become oxidized , which can lead to the hardening of arteries. If LDL builds up, it can lead to blockages which can cause serious cardiovascular incidents. LDL is therefore aptly referred to as the “bad cholesterol.”

Triglycerides: A form of stored fat that circulates in the bloodstream usually from excess weight, calories, alcohol, lack of exercise, liver damage, or genetics.

High Total Cholesterol Normal Ldl Cholesterol Normal Hdl Cholesterol Very High Triglycerides

Even though triglycerides only contribute a small fraction to the total cholesterol value, very high levels can drastically skew this value and are very dangerous. High levels of triglycerides, especially without high levels of HDL or LDL, may indicate issues in the liver, where triglycerides are made. Testing your liver enzymes can help you identify whether there is in fact a problem levels of these enzymes would be high if this were the case. Elevated triglycerides can be damaging to your cardiovascular system, but can also lead to acute pancreatitis , which requires immediate medical attention.3

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Personal Care Assistant Services

As you age, you are not always able to care for yourself and do all the things you were once able to do on your own. Your diet can sometimes suffer because of this. Centric Healthcare offers Personal Care Assistant services that can help. PCA services are social care programs which assist with non-medical needs of persons who arent getting around as well as they once did and allow them to live in their own home instead of being placed in an institution. PCAs can help you meal plan, grocery shop, prepare your meals and assist you with many other basic activities of daily living.

Whatdoes It Mean To Have Total Cholesterol Level 200

High Cholesterol Levels, Do Genetics And Lifestyle Contribute? – Dr. Lyle

Total cholesterollevel 200-239 mg/dl is classified as borderline cholesterol. This meansthat your cholesterol level is above normal, but not quite in the high rangeyet.

Havingtotal cholesterol level 200-239 mg/dl increases the risk ofcardiovascular events. In calculating the risk of this event, your doctor mustalso consider:

· The levels of LDL or badcholesterol

· The levels of HDL or goodcholesterol

· If having other diseases such asdiabetes, high blood pressure or smoking.

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Cholesterol Chart For Adults

According to the 2018 guidelines on the management of blood cholesterol published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology , these are the acceptable, borderline, and high measurements for adults.

All values are in mg/dL and are based on fasting measurements.

Total cholesterol

Your doctor may recommend a plan of treatment for high cholesterol that includes lifestyle modifications and potentially medication. This will vary based on factors like other medications you may be taking, your age, sex, and general health.

Here are some medications more commonly prescribed for high cholesterol:

Medications can also be used to treat contributing factors to cholesterol like triglycerides. These may be used in addition to some of the medications above.

Which Foods Increase Ldl Cholesterol Levels

Your diet plays a massive role in determining your cholesterol levels. Foods high in trans fats, saturated fats, and salts can be especially dangerous. These include:

  • Red meats
  • Donuts, cookies, crackers, and other baked goods
  • Fast foods
  • Chicken with the skin on
  • Cured or processed meats

Many food items you find in the store may have trans and saturated fats and high sodium, so make sure to carefully read the nutrition information before buying.

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What You Can Do

Many of the steps you should take to lower triglycerides are the same ones you should take to protect your heart and health overall.

If you’re overweight, shed a few pounds. Get regular aerobic exercise . Limit the saturated fats in meat and dairy products. Watch your alcohol intake, even moderate drinking ramps up triglyceride levels. And diet? High-carb/low-fat eating will increase your triglycerides and lower your HDL.

If you’re taking a statin to lower your LDL, one side benefit may be reduced triglyceride levels. Depending on the dose, statins can lower triglycerides by 20%40%.

The omega-3 fats in fish and fish oil capsules are another triglyceride-lowering option. For a very high triglyceride level, your doctor can prescribe a high-dose omega-3 medication.

At What Cholesterol Level Is Medication Required

Cholesterol 202

There is so much talk about the dangers of high cholesterol, you may start to think that all cholesterol is bad. In truth, your body needs cholesterol. This waxy fat, or lipid, is necessary for digestion, building cells, making certain hormones, and for ensuring normal organ function. However, as it is with many things that are good for you in the right amount, too much of it can cause serious health problems.

Your liver produces all of the cholesterol your body needs. Your body also absorbs cholesterol directly from certain foods you eat. When you intake some cholesterol from your diet, your body is normally able to adjust the amount produced by your liver to avoid having too much. Eating too many high-cholesterol foods, and having conditions that cause your liver to produce too much can lead to high blood cholesterol levels sometimes known as lipid disorder, hyperlipidemia, or hypercholesterolemia.

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What Foods Cause High Cholesterol

Eating foods high in saturated fats and trans fats can raise your LDL and total cholesterol levels. Saturated fats are found in red meats, full-fat dairy products, and many processed foods. Trans fats are sometimes listed on food labels as partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. Trans fats are so unhealthy that the Food and Drug Administration has actually banned them as of January 1, 2021. Foods that can contribute to high cholesterol include:

  • Fatty beef, lamb, or pork

  • Poultry with skin

  • Butter, cheese, and other dairy products made with whole milk

  • Lard and shortening

  • A diet that helps you lower your cholesterol can include:

  • Plenty of vegetables and fruits

  • Avocados

  • Tree nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pecans

  • Fatty fish like salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel, herring, and sardines

  • High-fiber foods like oatmeal and oat bran

  • Low-fat dairy foods

  • Some foods like margarine, yogurt, and orange juice can have sterols or stanols added to them. These plant-based substances help your body block the absorption of cholesterol from your diet and lower LDL levels.

    How To Calculate Cholesterol Ratios

    There are three indicators that describe your heart disease risk with high accuracy. They are all built as ratios of the aforementioned blood results, and are therefore called cholesterol ratios.

    Are you wondering what a good cholesterol ratio is? You can use this total cholesterol calculator to find the following values:

  • LDL HDL ratio is simply the LDL level divided by the HDL level. LDL HDL ratio is one of the most popular measures of a heart disease risk.
    • ideal: below 2.0
    • good: below 5.0
    • too high: above 5.0
  • Triglyceride HDL ratio can be calculated by dividing your triglyceride level by HDL level. It’s a less popular indicator nevertheless, it is also used to determine heart stroke risks.
  • If you measure the values in mg/dL, the normal range for the triglyceride HDL ratio is:

    • ideal: 2.0 or less
    • high: 4.0 – 6.0
    • too high: 6.0 or above

    For a calculation of this ratio in mmol/L , the normal range of the ratio value is different:

    • ideal: 0.87 or less
    • high: 1.74 – 2.62
    • too high: 2.62 or above

    Check out our cholesterol units calculator to fully understand the conversion between mmol/L and mg/dL units.

  • Total cholesterol HDL ratio is found by dividing the total cholesterol level by the HDL level. Cholesterol HDL ratio is considered the worst of these three indicators – the American Heart Association does not recommend using it for diagnosis. Still, you can look at this number to get a general idea of your health condition.
    • ideal: under 3.5
    • bad: over 5.0

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