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Does Smoking Cause Cholesterol To Rise

Understanding The Risks Of High Cholesterol

HBP 002- Common Causes of High Blood Pressure

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in your body, as well as in some foods. Although cholesterol has a negative reputation, your body actually needs a certain amount of it to work correctly. Unfortunately, many people have too much cholesterol in their blood because of the foods they eat. ;

Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol makes up most of the bodys cholesterol. This bad cholesterol puts you at high risk for heart disease because it slowly collects and hardens in;your arteries to form plaque. This narrows;your arteries, which can lead to a or stroke.

You can lower your LDL cholesterol levels by changing your diet, exercising, and not smoking. Your doctor may also prescribe medication to reduce your cholesterol levels and keep them under control.

Other Ways To Help Lower Your Cholesterol

What can you do to ensure your blood work looks great for your next physical? In addition to quitting smoking, these three key ways can help you cut your bad LDL cholesterol, up your goodHDL cholesterol, and improve your overall health:

  • Get your blood checked

As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reminds us, high cholesterol can be symptomless theres no way to tell how yours measures up. Thats why getting regular blood tests as part of your physicals is important. The test, a lipoprotein profile, measures several kinds of cholesterol and triglycerides. These are the numbers to watch for. Total cholesterol should be less than 200 mg/dL, LDL or bad cholesterol should be less than 100 mg/dL, HDL or good cholesterol should be 40 mg/dL or higher, and triglycerides should be less than 150 mg/dL.

The National Cholesterol Education Program recommends getting your cholesterol checked every five years, unless your doctor advises otherwise.

  • Get your exercise

Regular physical activity can help you;maintain a healthy weight, which is a key part of keeping cholesterol levels in the healthy range. The Surgeon General recommends that healthy adults get two-and-a-half-hours of moderate-intensity exercise every week. Start with a short walk in your neighborhood or around the indoor shopping mall. Before you know it, youll look forward to the activity and make it a daily habit.

  • Eat better

Why Should I Lower My Cholesterol

Evidence strongly indicates that high cholesterol can increase the risk of:

This is because cholesterol can build up in the artery wall, restricting the blood flow to your heart, brain and the rest of your body. It also increases the risk of a;blood clot developing somewhere in your body.

Your risk of;developing coronary heart disease;also rises as your blood’s cholesterol level increases. This can cause;pain in your chest or arm during stress or physical activity;.

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Effects Of Smoking On Your Cardiovascular System

Cigarette smoking is a major preventable cause of premature cardiovascular disease, with the risk particularly high in people with hypertension. Cigarette smoking increases the likelihood of having a heart attack or stroke because it adds to the damage done to the blood vessels by high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.

Chronic smoking also stiffens the arteries making them less flexible as blood passes through them. As a result the heart has to work harder to move blood through the body in cigarette smokers.

Nicotine, the addictive chemical found in combustible cigarettes and other tobacco products, has been found to acutely increase blood pressure through its effects on the sympathetic nervous system. Therefore all people, especially those who already have hypertension, should quit smoking as soon as possible.

Many people, including cigarette smokers, are unaware that they have high blood pressure because the symptoms are nonspecific and therefore can be attributed to many other medical conditions.

What Are The Benefits Of Quitting Smoking

Pin on Cholesterol Reduction Is Possible

The benefits of quitting smoking begin almost the moment you start. Smoking cessation is associated with immediate improvements to health and decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. According to the American Heart Association, smoking cessation reduces the risk of heart disease, the risk of an additional heart attack, and death from heart disease by half. Smoking cessation will also reduce your risk of developing throat and lung cancers, asthma, and COPD.

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It’s Never Too Late To Quit

If you smoke and you’re thinking about quitting, know that it’s never too late to quit. Regardless of your age or how many years you’ve smoked, research has shown that your body will begin the healing process within 20 minutes of your last cigarette.

Within one year of quitting smoking, your risk for coronary artery disease drops to half that of someone who smokes.

Between 5 and 15 years of quitting, your;risk of coronary disease and stroke drops;to that of nonsmokers.

Trying to quit smoking isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. The encouraging news is that according to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , more than three out of every five people who have ever smoked cigarettes in the United States have quit. You can, too.

There are many strategies that may help manage the stress associated with quitting and help you deal with cravings, such as:

  • Getting some exercise
  • Reaching out to your support system
  • Speaking with a counselor or joining a support group

Healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with stress are also good for heart health, so it’s a win-win.

There are also medications that can help you quit. Consult with your healthcare provider about your desire to quit. They can help you find what works best for you.

Effects Of Smoking On Cholesterol Levels

Written byDevon AndrePublished onAugust 29, 2016

Smoking can negatively impact your health in many different ways, including cholesterol. Having high cholesterol levels and smoking can be a dangerous combination for your heart. Your risk of a heart attack and stroke rises significantly if both these factors apply to you.

Smoking damages your arteries and blood vessels, increasing the risk of cholesterol plaque buildup. Furthermore, smoking reduces your HDL cholesterol, which is a good kind. HDL cholesterol is necessary because it absorbs LDL bad cholesterol and carries it back to the liver where it can be flushed from the body.

The risk of heart disease is two to four times higher among smokers, and the risk is higher if you smoke and have already been diagnosed with high cholesterol. Your risk of heart disease rises tenfold if you are a smoker, have high cholesterol, and have a family history of cardiovascular conditions.

The study highlights the importance of smoking cessation as a means of protecting your heart. Although you may have tried to quit in the past, its never too late to try again. There are many different options available to help make your smoking cessation journey a successful one. Speak to your doctor for more information.

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More Research On Cannabinoids And Cholesterol

A 2018 review;for the Journal of the American Heart Association;investigated the role of cannabinoids in cardiovascular disease. The paper primarily focused on delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol , the compound responsible for producing the typical cannabis high.

The authors found conflicting evidence regarding whether THC promotes or inhibits atherosclerosis.

It appears that by stimulating CB1 receptors;in the endocannabinoid system, THC could increase oxidative stress and induce plaque formation. However, by stimulating CB2 receptors, it could reduce inflammation and inhibit LDL activity.

The review also mentions the CARDIA study, a project that followed cannabis users and non-users over 25 years. It found that cannabis users only had an increased risk of atherosclerosis if they smoked tobacco as well. The remaining studies in the review had inconclusive results, demonstrating the complex nature of cannabis chemistry.

Far more research is necessary before we fully understand the complex relationship between cannabis and cholesterol. However, more clear-cut evidence is emerging regarding the non-intoxicating cannabinoid cannabidiol .

Is Smoking Bad For Blood Cholesterol Levels

Effects of Smoking : How Does Smoking Increase Heart Disease?

Smoking is the most important avoidable risk factor, responsible for the death of many people, which not only affects lung integrity but also alters blood cholesterol levels. Smokers are at high risk of certain diseases derived from smoking. According to the World Health Organization , four million tobacco-related deaths occur each year. Chronic bronchitis, emphysema and various types of cancers of the respiratory tract are, as many other diseases caused by tobacco consumption. But how does cigarette affect cholesterol? What is the relationship between smoking and hypercholesterolemia?

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Effects Of Smoking Cessation

Comparisons between abstainers and continuing smokers are summarized in . After one year, CO levels decreased both in abstainers and continued smokers; however, subjects who abstained had significantly greater CO reductions . Compared to continued smokers, abstainers had more weight gain and greater increases in waist circumference , and BMI . Abstainers had significant increases in HDL-C , total HDL particles and large HDL particles compared to those who continued to smoke . Statistically significant differences in other lipid and lipoprotein fractions were not observed.

Percent Change in HDL Parameters at 1-year Compared to Baseline Values

P values compare continued smokers to abstainers.

* p<0.001; p=0.002

Why Is Smoking Harmful

The smoke from cigarettes contains thousands of chemicals. Some of these can damage your blood vessels and your heart. Smoking doubles your risk of heart attacks and strokes, and recent research shows that smoking just one cigarette a day raises your risk.

Does smoking cause high cholesterol?
  • Smoking makes your LDL cholesterol stickier so it clings to your artery walls and clogs them up.
  • Smoking lowers your levels of HDL cholesterol , which normally takes cholesterol away from the artery walls.
  • Smoking damages the walls of your arteries, and cholesterol collects in the damaged areas.

These changes mean your arteries can get clogged up faster. Smoking also raises your heart rate, makes your blood vessels contract, and makes your blood thicker and less able to carry oxygen. The blood cant flow around your body easily, your heart has to work harder and blood clots can form, leading to heart attacks and strokes.

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How Much And How Often You Drink Matters

Even though beer, liquor, and wine all have different effects on your cholesterol levels, your heart is more affected by the amount and frequency of your drinking than it is by your choice of beverage.

Moderate drinking, which the NIH defines as one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men, is the amount of alcohol considered to have a protective effect on the heart.

Large studies have shown that moderate drinkers were significantly less likely to have a heart attack when compared with people who didnt drink at all. And men who drank every day had a lower risk compared to those who drank once or twice a week.

Research shows that moderate alcohol consumption can raise your good cholesterol levels by increasing the speeds at which proteins are transported through the body.

Drinking more than what is considered moderate, however, has an opposite effect, because it can raise both cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Hereditary Cause Of High Cholesterol

Vitamin D Cholesterol

You can inherit this high cholesterol trait from your parents. Family history will be a giveaway for this familial hypercholesterolemia predisposition.

If one or both of your parents, a brother or a sister has this condition, you too, are likely to develop this disorder and it can further put you at a high risk of premature cardiac complications;if you do take care of it.

Family history is a warning sign and cautions that you are at a greater risk of developing high dangerous cholesterol levels.

People with high cholesterol due to hereditary causes have extremely high cholesterol levels of 300 milligrams per deciliter or higher. Such people may show symptoms such as deposits of cholesterol over their tendons or under their eyelids .

Early diagnosis and management is the key to reducing the risk.

Unfortunately, estimates tell us that 90% of people with familial hypercholesterolemia are undiagnosed and harbor the risk.

Fortunately, the hereditary cause of high cholesterol is rare. Its incidence is not so high; familial hypercholesterolemia occurs in roughly 1 in 500 people worldwide if there is family history from only one parent.

If both the parents have high cholesterol, the chances of their child developing this disorder is about 1:1,000,000

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Does Marijuana Affect Ldl Cholesterol Levels

plawless over a year ago


cholesterolLDL over a year ago

over a year ago

In reply to cholesterolLDL on 2011-04-15 – click to read

over a year ago

In reply to cholesterolLDL on 2011-04-15 – click to read

over a year ago

In reply to cholesterolLDL on 2011-04-15 – click to read

34yearoldmale over a year ago

I am a 34 year old male, a longtime smoker, and my cholesterol has been so high for so long that I now take cholesterol medication. I am active, I eat right , but nothing brings my numbers down aside for medication. This would explain so much…

Guest over a year ago

Im a 23 year old medium/heavy marijuana smoker who eats poorly and doesnt get enough exercise. I had a biometric reading done the other day and i had an HDL reading of 71 and my total cholesterol was only 149. My father in law, who eats mostly bacon, is a very heavy marijuana user and is 52 years old, had similar readings when he was admitted into the hospital for a gall bladder issue. My point is, you cant blame pot, its mostly a genetic issue.

Guest over a year ago

Previous guest gets it mostly right. The only part of marijuana that effects your cholesterol levels is its tendency to drop blood sugars, causing you to get the munchies, which encourages you to eat less healthy food. If you’re not prone to high cholesterol, then you have nothing to worry about in the first place.

Just The Facts over a year ago

over a year ago

In reply to cholesterolLDL on 2011-04-15 – click to read

over a year ago


Is The Damage Reversible

The bad news is that smoking and high cholesterol can do a lot of damage. The good news is that the moment you stop smoking, your heart condition can improve. Back in 2013, a study was published, revealing the fact that people who stop smoking have a 30 percent good cholesterol level boost in just three weeks.

One year after quitting smoking, the chances of having a heart attack drop by 30 percent. The results in blood pressure and cholesterol improvement are immediate. It can also take anywhere between five and ten years of not smoking for the heart to look almost as it would if you never smoked.

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Medicines To Help You Quit Smoking

  • Bupropion. This is a non-nicotine option to help people stop smoking. It is approved by the;FDA. Offered in pill form to smokers who want to quit, bupropion has been shown to alter mood transmitters in the brain that are linked to addiction.;Bupropion must be prescribed by a healthcare provider and may not be right for everyone. Ask your healthcare;provider for more information.

  • Varenicline. This is also a non-nicotine pill to help you quit smoking. It is approved by the FDA. It targets the nicotine receptors in the brain.;Varenicline attaches to the receptors and blocks nicotine from reaching them. This decreases the desire for nicotine. Varenicline may not be right for everyone.

Does Alcohol Cause High Cholesterol

How to Eat to Raise Your HDL

Drinking alcohol and increased cholesterol levels are essentially connected.;According to a Japanese study conducted by the Japans Hyogo College of Medicine, even occasional heavy drinking can significantly boost the levels of blood cholesterol.

The study concluded that both occasional heavy drinkers and;regular heavy drinkers;have higher cholesterol, triglyceride, and overall blood-borne fat-related risks than nondrinkers.

So, does that mean you can drink in moderation? The answer is an emphatic No. Check this out.

Although 30 ml of alcohol consumption increase your HDL, it also simultaneously raises your triglyceride levels, thereby increasing your heart risk.

Again, the American heart association recommends that beginning to drink alcohol can increase the risk of addiction.

Secondly, alcoholism leads to a damaged liver, which then cannot metabolize the saturated fats from the diet and the;cholesterol that the body produces. This leads to cholesterol buildup in the blood.

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Is It Safe To Take Cbd Oil With High Cholesterol

CBD is non-intoxicating, and most experts consider it to have a good safety profile. Therefore, it should be safe for people with high cholesterol to try.

However, there is a possible complication involving the use of CBD and cholesterol medication. CBD inhibits the activity of several liver enzymes. They include those responsible for metabolizing the cholesterol drugs simvastatin and atorvastatin.

Therefore, taking CBD oil with cholesterol medication could potentially produce adverse effects. Anyone considering doing so should consult a physician for further advice.

Smoking And Cardiovascular Disease

The American Heart Association says diseases caused by smoking kill more than 440,000 people in the U.S. each year. Most new smokers are children and teens. Smokers have higher risk for lung disease. This includes lung cancer and emphysema. They also have increased risk for heart disease and stroke.

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What Should My Cholesterol Levels Be

Blood cholesterol is measured in units called millimoles per litre of blood, often shortened to mmol/L.

As a general guide, total cholesterol levels should be:

  • 5mmol/L or less for healthy adults
  • 4mmol/L or less for those at high risk

As a general guide, LDL levels should be:

  • 3mmol/L or less for healthy adults
  • 2mmol/L or less for those at high risk

An ideal level of HDL is above 1mmol/L. A lower level of HDL can increase your risk of heart disease.

Your ratio of total cholesterol to HDL may also be calculated. This is your total cholesterol level divided by your HDL level. Generally, this ratio should be below four, as a higher ratio increases your risk of heart disease.

Cholesterol is only one risk factor. The level at which specific treatment is required will depend on whether other risk factors, such as smoking and high blood pressure, are also present.


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