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HomeHighHigh Ldl But Normal Triglycerides

High Ldl But Normal Triglycerides

Low Triglycerides And High Ldl

Cholesterol and Triglycerides

According to the American Heart Association, triglycerides are fats made in the body from other nutrients such as carbohydrates. If you eat calories that are not used immediately, they are converted into triglycerides and transported to fat cells to be stored.

Because LDL comes from two sources — the foods you eat and heredity — it is possible to have low triglycerides along with high LDL by eating a healthy diet while your body produces high levels of LDL. The American Heart Association says about 75 percent of your total cholesterol is manufactured in your liver and other cells.

Why Is There Tg In The Blood

The most common reason for elevated triglycerides is prediabetes. Chronically high insulin stimulates adipokines and hormone-sensitive lipase. This results in the release of too many fatty acids from fat cells. These excess fatty acids take up space in HDL and LDL particles.

TG can also become elevated in several inherited diseases.

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High Cholesterol High Hdl Low Triglycerides

Dr T


There are 2 kinds of LDL cholesterol, A and B, of which B is associated with heart disease.Most labs calculate LDL as follows:

LDL = Total Cholesterol HDL triglycerides/5.

This doesnt explain the difference between LDL A or B .

Studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between a low triglyceride/high HDL level and LDL pattern A .

On the other hand, a high triglyceride/low HDL level is strongly associated with LDL pattern B . Thus high triglycerides are an independent risk factor for heart disease.

From this you can calculate that in your situation a high LDL is mostly Type A , confirmed by a high HDL and low triglyrerides and that therefore there a very low risk of heart disease.

Having high cholesterol may still be healthy if good cholesterol levels, triglycerides, and other markers of cardiovascular health are good. You can calculate this here. People with high good cholesterol levels and low levels of triglycerides may actually be at a lower risk for heart disease than people with normal cholesterol levels who have lower levels of good cholesterol and higher levels of bad cholesterol.

Hope this helps,

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Prevention Of High Cholesterol

Regularly monitoring your cholesterol levels can also help prevent your numbers from getting too high or low. In general, healthy adults should check their cholesterol every four to six years, but your doctor may ask to check your cholesterol more often depending on your age, overall health, and other risk factors. There are other ways to prevent high cholesterol, too

Why Is High Cholesterol A Problem

How To Figure Out Hdl Ldl Ratio / Association of Triglyceride

Too much cholesterol in the bloodstream can harden arteries and promote fatty deposits within these arteries, potentially leading to dangerous blockages and narrowing over time called atherosclerosis.

If the blood vessels leading to your heart become too clogged, blood supply to your heart is reduced, which can lead to symptoms such as angina . If the artery becomes completely blocked, it can lead to a heart attack and stroke, which can be life threatening.

In 2017, the Australian Bureau of Statistics reported 43, 477 deaths in Australia from heart disease. This is approximately 30 per cent of all deaths in Australia, and most deaths are occurring in those aged 65 years and over.

However, heart disease takes years to develop, so you can take steps to reduce your risk.If you discover you have high cholesterol, have family members with high cholesterol, or are not sure if youre at risk, it is advisable you seek your doctors advice.

Other risk factors for heart disease include increased age, ethnicity, family history, inactivity, smoking, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and obesity.If these risk factors are present in your life, its even more important to keep your blood cholesterol levels in check and seek your doctors advice.

can help you begin to assess your risk, but we strongly advise you discuss your risk with your GP as this tool does have limitations it doesnt take your family history into account, for example.

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What Is A Good Tg: Hdl Ratio

A lower TG/HDL is better. In the discussion of science, studies, and treatment, there has been a tendency to go with higher ratios to show the largest impact on CV disease risk and death.

Here are the typical cut points for risk :

  • In US less than 2 is ideal above 4 is too high
  • In Europe less than 0.87 is ideal above 1.74 is too high

What Causes High Triglycerides

There are many factors that can contribute to elevated triglyceride levels. In some cases, the cause can be as simple as a poor diet or unhealthy lifestyle choices. But in other cases, your genes, medical history, and medications can play a part.

To that end, here are some of the most common causes of high triglycerides and normal blood cholesterol levels.

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Find Out Your Heart Age With The Heart Age Tool

Once you have your cholesterol results, you can work out your risk of developing heart disease over the next 10 years with the NHS Heart Age Tool. You will get a more accurate result if you know your blood pressure numbers too.

The heart age tool is designed for people aged 25 to 84. It’s not suitable for you if you already have a cardiovascular disease such as heart attack or stroke, or an inherited high cholesterol condition such as Familial Hypercholesterolaemia . Adults age 40-74 are also invited for NHS Health Checks which includes other simple tests to look at your heart health.

The American Heart Association Recommends

The True Cause of High Triglycerides Dr. Berg

All adults age 20 or older should have their cholesterol checked every four to six years. If certain factors put you at high risk, or if you already have heart disease, your doctor may ask you to check it more often. Work with your doctor to determine your risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke and create a plan to reduce your risk.

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Why Is Tg/hdl Important

TG/HDL is important because it is an important predictor of risk for heart disease. It is also a marker of insulin resistance, and insulin resistance is the major cause of prediabetes, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes.

The Womens Ischemia Syndrome Evaluation study studied 544 women referred for CV disease evaluation . The TG/HDL ranged from 0.3 to 18.4. It was a powerful predictor of all mortality and cardiovascular events.

This chart shows the WISE study range of TG/HDL. Individuals with lower TG/HDL had lower CV disease risk.

My Cholesterol Is Normal But My Triglycerides Are High: Why Is That

So both your HDL and LDL levels are where they should be, but your triglycerides are still high why is that?

Triglycerides become elevated due to excess calories that do not get burned off, and in turned get stored in fat cells. Statins are medications that primarily lower LDL cholesterol, but depending on the medication dose, can lower Triglycerides from 20 to 40 percent, Sai Hanumanthu MD, with the TriHealth Heart Institute explains.

There are steps you can take to lower your triglyceride levels while promoting good cardiovascular health, including:

  • Losing 5 to 10 pounds if overweight
  • Avoiding alcohol
  • Avoiding foods high in saturated fats
  • Limiting simple carbs that have high processed sugars .
  • Participating in 30 minutes of exercise per day

All these suggestions and routine follow up with a medical professional will lower you triglyceride level, even despite a low total cholesterol, Dr. Hanumanthu says.

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The Pros And Cons Of Total Cholesterol Hdl Ldl And Triglyceride Testing

Time to get your cholesterol checked. Okay, but which test should you get? It’s not so simple anymore. Here is a rundown of some of the choices and their pros and cons:

Total cholesterol. This is the simplest and least expensive test. The test doesn’t require any sophisticated lab work, either. The simple, do-it-yourself home cholesterol tests measure total cholesterol.

But total cholesterol includes both “good” high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and the “bad” varieties, chiefly low-density lipoprotein and very-low-density lipoprotein . So, if your total cholesterol is in the desirable category, it’s possible that you may have unhealthy levels of HDL and LDL and VLDL . Think of total cholesterol as a first glimpse, a peek. Doctors are not supposed to make any treatment decisions based on this number alone.

Cholesterol levels can be lowered by stress or infection. An injury, cancer, stroke, or heart attack may have the same effect. So, if your cholesterol levels are unusually high or low, your doctor will probably want to repeat the test some weeks later. Abnormal readings may also lead to tests for other medical problems.

HDL cholesterol. HDL wins its laurels as the “good” cholesterol because it sponges up cholesterol from blood vessel walls and ferries it to the liver for disposal. In contrast, LDL deposits the harmful fat in vessel walls.

An HDL level of 60 or above is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, and below 40 is associated with a higher risk.

How Can You Naturally Lower Tg And Increase Hdl Levels

35 Ways to Lower Cholesterol Naturally

The most effective ways to improve your TG/HDL are:

  • Lose weight. Body fat used to be considered as an inert energy storage tissue. Now we know it is an endocrine tissue that releases chemicals that cause insulin resistance, prediabetes, and CV risk .
  • Eat fewer carbs. Get into a lower carbohydrate diet .
  • Exercise. Exercise increases HDL levels and lowers TG levels .
  • Take niacin. It is one of the few supplements that lowers TG , increases HDL cholesterol levels , and lowers LDL cholesterol levels .
  • Get dietary and supplemental omega-3s .

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How Are Triglyceride Levels Determined

To determine triglyceride levels, one should have fasted for 9 to 14 hours . Abstain from alcohol for 24 hours before the test.

Blood is generally drawn from a vein in the back of your hand or the front of your elbow. One can run this test also on a portable device. For example, as part of a lipid panel, the device takes a tiny blood sample from a finger poke and examines your triglycerides.

Nowadays, a portable device is available to check your triglycerides at home. In addition, one can use a kit to mail the blood sample to a lab to help monitor your triglycerides at home. To know more about home tests/kits, speak with your doctor.

With ageing, high triglyceride levels become more problematic. Your healthcare professional can suggest more frequent testing as the risk increases.

In addition, you might require more frequent testing if you have diabetes, a family history of high cholesterol, or other risk factors for heart disease. Women and men need annual exams from the ages of 55 to 65. Children also require tests for triglycerides and cholesterol. Typically, a child gets checked between the ages of 9 and 11 and again in their early 20s .

Maintain A Healthy Body Weight

Besides heart disease, triglycerides can also lead to other complications, many of which can be prevented with a healthy body mass index . While genetics plays a part in each persons ability to stay at the recommended BMI of 25 or lower, Laffin says that people should be concerned if they reach obesity levels of 30 or higher.

Really high triglyceride levels typically can occur when you’re obese, he says. Thats one of the risk factors, particularly if you have diabetes.

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Cholesterol And Healthy Eating

What we eat has an impact on our cholesterol levels and can help reduce our risk of disease. The Heart Foundation recommends following a heart-healthy eating pattern, which means eating a wide variety of fresh and unprocessed foods and limiting highly processed foods including take away, baked goods, chocolate, chips, lollies and sugary drinks. Not only does this help to maintain a healthy and interesting diet, but it provides essential nutrients to the body.

A heart-healthy eating pattern includes:

  • plenty of vegetables, fruit and wholegrains
  • a variety of healthy protein-rich foods , legumes , nuts and seeds. Smaller amounts of eggs and lean poultry can also be included in a heart-healthy eating pattern. If choosing red meat, make sure it is lean and limit to one to three times a week
  • unflavoured milk, yoghurt and cheese. People with high cholesterol should choose reduced fat varieties
  • healthy fats and oils. Choose nuts, seeds, avocados, olives and their oils for cooking
  • herbs and spices to flavour foods, instead of adding salt.

This way of eating is also naturally high in fibre, which is good news, because a high intake of dietary fibre can also reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Also, be mindful of how much you are eating. Portion sizes have increased over time and many of us are eating more than we need which can increase our cholesterol and risk of heart disease.

Serving size can vary depending on age, gender and specific nutrition needs.

Are Higher Triglycerides Better

What LDL, HDL and triglycerides mean for cholesterol

Studies have consistently linked high triglycerides levels with heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke, especially in people with low levels of good HDL cholesterol and in those with type 2 diabetes. The good news is that theres a lot you can do on your own to lower triglycerides and improve health.

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The Triglyceride/hdl Cholesterol Ratio What Is Ideal

The TG/HDL-C ratio can easily be calculated from the standard lipid profile. Just divide your TG by your HDL-C.

However, when looking at the ideal ratio, you have to check if your lipid values are provided in mg/dl like in the US or mmol/L like in Australia, Canada, and most European countries.

If lipid values are expressed as mg/dl

TG/HDL-C ratio less than 2 is ideal

TG/HDL-C ratio above 4 is too high

TG/HDL-C ratio above 6 is much too high

If you are using mmol/L you have to multiply this ratio by 0.4366 to attain the correct reference values. You can also multiply your ratio by 2.3 and use the reference values above.

If lipid values are expressed as mmol/L

TG/HDL-C ratio less than 0.87 is ideal

TG/HDL-C ratio above 1.74 is too high

TG/HDL-C ratio above 2.62 is much too high

In this article, TG/HDL-C ratio is provided as in the US .

Complications Of High Cholesterol

Since high cholesterol alone typically doesnt cause any symptoms, people only experience complications when their high cholesterol contributes to the development of severe heart disease, often in the form of heart attack or stroke. Over the long term, high cholesterol can cause plaque to form in your arteries, which can then narrow and lead to a cardiovascular emergency.

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Normal Range Of Triglycerides : 0

Ideal values of Triglycerides depending on age :

> 100 years 67.029

If you want your blood test report to be interpreted by Triglycerides specialist, then you can upload your report. Our Triglycerides expert will provide you with the most accurate interpretation of your blood test results and treatment within 12 hours. Upload blood test report now

Lowering Your Triglyceride Levels


Making some simple lifestyle changes can go a long way in helping bring down your triglyceride levels, including:

  • Losing weight. Dropping just five to ten pounds can help lower your triglycerides.
  • Avoiding sugary and refined foods. Stay away from simple carbohydrates, such as sugar and foods made with white flour.
  • Eliminating trans and saturated fats. Trans fats are found in fried foods and commercial baked products like cookies and crackers and saturated fats are found in meats. Instead, choose healthier monounsaturated fats found in plants, such as olive, peanut and canola oils, and fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and mackerel.
  • Limiting alcohol consumption. Alcohol is high in calories and sugar and effects triglycerides. Even small amounts of alcohol can raise triglyceride levels.
  • Maintaining regular exercise. Regular exercise can increase HDL cholesterol levels and lower LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity on most days of the week.

If making some lifestyle adjustments isnt enough to control your triglyceride levels, a medication may be necessary. Talk with your doctor to determine the best course of action for you to ensure a healthy heart.

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Preventive Steps For High Cholesterol And Heart Health

When you have high cholesterol, staying heart-healthy requires more than a regimen of statins. Even if youre on medication, it is absolutely essential to make lifestyle changes: Stop smoking , drink alcohol only in moderation, eat well, build exercise into your life, and get to a healthy weight, Dr. Rocco says. Smoking cessation alone can boost HDL 5 percent, while for every 7 pounds you lose, youll see a 1 mg increase in HDL. Regular moderate-intensity exercise raises HDL as much as 6 percent, he adds.

Contrary to prior nutritional information, there is not a clear link between dietary intake of cholesterol and increased cardiovascular risk the focus is on lowering saturated fat and trans fat in the diet. The new 2015 dietary guidelines by the U.S. government removed the limitation on cholesterol in the diet.

Features of a Mediterranean diet include:

  • Eating primarily plant-based foods
  • Using olive oil in place of butter
  • Enjoying fish and poultry at least twice a week

Adopting this kind of diet, along with exercise, pays off not just in terms of heart disease, but overall, Andersen says. Its really an anti-aging plan.

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